Read Until There Was You Online

Authors: Stacey Harrison

Tags: #romance, #love, #pain, #abuse, #escape, #him

Until There Was You (2 page)

BOOK: Until There Was You
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He pushes me forward towards the
man but I cling onto his shirt causes us both to stumble. To passer
by I probably look drunk, I wish I was. I have never been drunk but
when Mike is drunk he seems so at peace, so numb, at least for a
little while. What I wouldn't give for that right now.

'Please don't make me do this,
please!' I am hoping the man will see I don't want to do this and
change his mind. How can anybody want someone who is this

'Stop making a fucking scene and
get in the car!' He glowers at me, making a scene my arse the man
doesn't seem to care that I don't want him. The people passing by
barely spare me a glance.

'Please...' I am losing the will
to live, fighting a losing battle but I can't just give up. In the
blink of an eye something connects with the side of my face with
such brutal force my legs buckle from underneath me and my body
meets the ground, my head making a sickening crack as it connects
with the pavement only to bouce back up like a rubber ball. It
begins to pound and everything goes fuzzy. The blackness begging
for me to give into it, but I can't.

I heard somebody speak but
couldn't make out the words over the loud ringing in my ears.
Before I can pull myself together, I am being dragged up by a hand
gripping my arm painfully tight. I can't even struggle, my body
still recovering from the last blow. A small whimper escapes my
lips from the punishing grip as I am being dragged to the car. Game
Over. I Lost.

'The lady said no.' I hear a
deep, masculine voice call out. His voice penetrates my fuzzy mind
and it takes me a second to realise he means me.

'Lady, ha mind your own fucking
business mate.' Mike remarks turning away from the newest voice in
this nightmare. He doesn't sound cruel though, somehow he sounds...

'I paid for this whore, she is
mine, far and square. You can have her when i am done though, if
she is up for it.' Creepy Dude says still squeezing my arm no
matter how hard I wriggle. I want to see him, the man that owns
that voice. At least once I need to see him. Finally maneuvering my
body around enough to catch a glimpse of him I am well and truly
caught of guard.

The man before us is beautiful.
Rich dark hair, cut into a messy style like the men in the
magazines. His face is far more beautiful than anyone I have ever
seen though, he has a strong jaw, a small but just perfect nose and
the most amazing pair of steel grey eyes. They look at you like
they could see straight through to your soul. He is around 6 foot
with the body of a god even in his black suit pants, I can tell he
is toned. I couldn't help myself as I stood staring into his
beautiful eyes and notice they held anger and contempt. However
what has me shocked is the fact that it isn't directed at me, he is
staring boldly at creepy dude before he looks deep in thought.

'How much?' He asks in a stern,
clipped tone. What is he doing? How could he? My mind is screaming
at him, he can't do this! He isn't supposed to be like them.

'Whats it to you?' Mike snaps at
him. He looks torn between frustrated and curious, from experience
I know this is not a good combination for him.

'Whatever he is paying you, I
will double it.' He demands, his eyes never leaving me yet not
meeting mine as I gasp in shock and maybe a little outrage. Why
would a man this beautiful, this perfect want to pay have for sex?
Why would he even want to pay for sex with someone like me?

'No way man! I already paid for
the whore, take your fucking money an go find your own!' Creepy
Dude argues not happy at all. He starts to tug on my arm again
reminding me that he still has me in his clutches.

'£500?' Mike taunts, eyeing Mr
Beautiful doubtfully not really believing that he is serious. Even
I don't understand what is happening and honestly I can't say I
care anymore. My head is throbbing and my body aches all over as
the cold still assaults all of my senses.

Mr Beautiful clenches his jaw
tight and his eyes are stormy as he reaches in his jacket for his
wallet I can only assume, until he grates out one word that seals
my fate, 'Done', he hands Mike the money and doesn't spare him
another glance as his strong hand encases my small one, pulling me
out of Creepy Dudes grip until I am stood behind him. Creepy Dude
starts to argue with Mike but I can't hear what's being said as I
follow distractedly behind him, being ushered into a really nice
car. The warmth wraps around me like a comfort blanket and I relax
into the leather seat, allowing myself one small moment to gather
my bearings.


Chapter Three


I am stunned, I am sat in the
back of my car with a god damn hooker! I have absolutely no idea
why I just did that. I just paid £500 for a hooker...Me! I have
never paid for sex before in my life, not that I have any intention
of having sex with this girl but damn I must be out of my fucking

I take a glance at the tiny
blonde next to me, she is cowering against the door, trying to
maintain as much distance as possible between us. Her body is
curled up tight making her appear impossible small and vulnerable.
I take the time to check her out and notice in the flashes of light
from the street lights we pass that she is covered in bruises, some
newer, some older. Jesus Christ.

There is blood matted in her
hair and on her face no doubt from her hitting the floor. Trying to
calm myself I take a tissue from the compartment between our seats
and attempt to clean her up. She whimpers and flinches away from
me, squeezing herself impossibly tighter into a ball and I feel a
wave of guilt, she has been through hell and I take her by

'I just want to clean your cut,
I need to see how bad it is.' I explain softly, talking to her like
a small child. I have no idea how old she is, I can only pray she
is legal or else I just put myself in a very stupid situation.

'Ohh... Sorry. Ermm... Thank
you.' She mumbles so quietly I almost miss it. She lifts her head
and for the first time I get to really see her face. I am met with
the prettiest, saddest blue eyes I have ever seen looking up at me,
clouded with so much fear and confusion I feel sick.

'I am not going to hurt you, so
you can relax you're safe.' I say trying to put her at ease, I
should of told her this before I took her but I wasn't think
clearly. Obviously I have a hooker in my car! The disbelief that
flashes through her beautiful eyes tell me all I need to know when
she doesn't speak, just continues to stare at her entwined

'Have you been doing this long?'
I question and for some unknown reason the thought of her answer
fills me with an unwelcome sense of dread. She doesn't answer and
turns back to the window.

'How old are you?' I wonder
aloud. She doesn't respond and I don't know why it bothers me but
it does. I want her to speak, I want to hear her voice again. I
think she owes my answers at least. God man get your shit together
she's a hooker! I scream to myself internally.

'Its rude to ignore someone when
they are talking to you.' I state a little harsher than I intend to
as the whole damn days irritation takes it toll. But still nothing
so I let out a petulant huff and turn to my sulking face towards my

'It's also rude to ask a woman
her age.' Comes her weak response. At first, I am taken aback by
her sarcastic response but so pleasantly surprised by it, that I
find myself smiling, women rarely make me smile, out of bed

'Touche.' I smirk and she smiles
the most amazing smile back at me that makes her look so innocent.
'Dude she's a hooker' I remind myself.

'I thought maybe we could get to
know each other' I say looking directing into her eyes and to her
credit she doesn't shy away or back down.

'Why? We are never going to see
each other again after tonight.' She says in a sad whisper. I am
surprised and confused that it saddens me also.

We pull up out my house and she
gasps in awe and surprise or maybe just plain shock, I think. Dem
hops out and opens my door then quickly opens hers. She gets out
slowing yet with such amazing grace, her big blue eyes never
leaving the large house and mine never leaving her. She is still
stood completely still as I make my way around the front of the car
and towards her. When I reach her I hold out my hand and capture
her's, she flinches and stumbles back in surprise by our

'I told you I wasn't going to
hurt you. I meant it.' I assure her, smiling softly at her.

'Sorry...' She whispers and
hangs her head as she follows my lead into the black and white
marble hallway, through to the bight white living room. I take my
jacket off, slinging it on the back of the black and grey leather
corner sofa, in the middle of the room.

'Would you like a drink?' I
offer manners winning over the uneasiness I feel. It's a very
unusual emotion for me one I am not sure how to deal with.

She just shrugs wrapping her
arms around her nearly naked body nervously. It's only in this
light I can really see her body, past all the bruises. My god is
she sexy. Beautiful pert breasts - not to big, not to small - like
they would fit in my hand perfectly. Her beautiful hourglass
figure, supported by long slim legs. I also notice how thin she is
and it angers me. How could anyone do something so repulsive to
such a beautiful girl. I snap out of my thoughts when I realize she
is staring at me, most probably because I am staring at her.

'I am going to have a glass of
wine, would you like one?'

She nods shyly and I make my way
into the kitchen and pour two glasses of Merlot. When I come back
she is still stood perfectly still where I left her.

'Take a seat....' I realize I
don't know her name, what an idiot.

'Lexi.' The beauty opposite me
says softly. 'My name is Alexis but you can call me Lexi.' A small
smile ghosted across her lip, I smile back as I pass her a glass
and she takes a sip.

'Liam.' I respond as I hold my
hand out to shake hers, she looks at it in surprise but obliges and
I mentally curse myself. Who shakes hands with a hooker?

'Why did you buy me?' She blurts
out. 'Forgive my rudeness but you don't look like the type of man
that has to pay for know...' She blushes and I wonder
just how innocent is this girl? She is a hooker for Christs sake
and she can't say sex! I am completely dumbfounded.

'If I answer your questions,
will you answer mine?' I bargain, needing answers to some of the
question raging in my mind.

'I will try.' She mumbles with
her head down again.

'You didn't look like you wanted
to go with that man and he didn't look like the friendliest.' I
answer her with a shrug feigning disinterest. The truth is I didn't
want that scumbag to have her, I couldn't let him hurt her but I
wisely hold my tongue.

'And why should you care?' She
looks so cute with her eyebrow raised.

'Tut, Tut Lexi. My turn. How old
are you?' I ask smiling back at her, I can't help it though, her
smile is so infectious.

'I am 18.' She states proudly -
in the way only an eighteen year old can about their age - and I
can't help but feel pleased and disappointed in equal measure. On
one hand she is legal, yet on the other there is a five year age
gap. I mentally scold myself for even thinking of her sexually, I
have to stop these dangerous thoughts.

'To answer your question, I care
because I couldn't let that creep force you to go with him. Do God
only knows what to you with or without your consent. Plus that
other prick hit you.' My fists are clenched as I look at the gash
on her forehead and the purple bruising already forming on the side
of her beautiful face.

'Who were they?' I ask taking a
sip of my wine to try and hide the tightness of my voice and sound
calm but fail miserably. She looks away reluctant to answer.

'It doesn't matter.' She says
shaking her head slowly, I am angered by her blatant dismissal but
don't say anything. Why should she tell me, she doesn't know

'Are we going to have sex?' She
blushes bright red, I can't help but find it sweet. Woah thats new,
I usually avoid blushing innocent girls, they scream clingy. All
the anger I was feeling evaporates at her bold question.

'Do you want to?' I tease not
able to help myself, she's just so innocent. Panic that flashes
through her eyes and I instantly regretting my stupid comment.
Stupid Liam.

'If you want paid
for it, I guess.' She stutters, her calm and happy happy mood gone,
replaced by fear and resignation.

'Relax Lexi, I was teasing. I
never paid to have sex with you, I am happy talking to you. Just
talking.' I say calmly and clearly.

'Really.' she seems shocked and
maybe a little skeptical.

'Really, if you don't mind me
asking how many times have you done this?' I am curious as to how a
hooker can be afraid of sex. I mean I am not bad looking, I usually
have women falling at my feet. Something out her sends off warning
signals all over my body.

'This is my first time, I didn't
want to do it but Mike... He made me. As you saw...' Her honesty
shocks me and I am happier than I should be with her answer.

'Is Mike your boyfriend?' I hate
myself for asking but it came out before I can stop it. Why must I
set myself up for torture?

She snorts loudly and shakes her
head, looking down at her now half empty wine glass then taking a
sip and I do the same.

'No Mike is my........well Mike
he is my Step-Father.' She twists her fingers in her lap and
doesn't meet my eyes as I try to comprehend her words.

The stem of my glass snaps when
my grip tightens as rage engulfs me like wild fire. I have never
felt anything like it before, I try to catch it but fail and it
spills all over the white fur fug but I can't bring myself to care.
My gaze locked on the girl on my sofa frozen in panic, her body
shaking in fear, of what? Then it hits me like a bucket of, she is scared of me.

BOOK: Until There Was You
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