Read Unmasking the Wolf Online

Authors: Christy Gissendaner

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Unmasking the Wolf (16 page)

BOOK: Unmasking the Wolf
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“That’s all?” He didn’t seem to believe her. He kissed her softly. “You seemed serious there for a moment.”

She put a hand to his cheek, the slight stubble scraping her palm as she stroked him. “I was thinking of how lucky I was to find you.”

A soft chuckle came from him. “Literally ran right into me.”

“Did you have to bring that up?”

He lowered his head and nuzzled her neck. “It was perfect. I knew you were the one.”

“Poor you.” She moved her hands to his hips and gripped. “No more talking.”

He moved again, slowly dragging his cock in and out of her willing body. She held on as he rode her. Not quite hard, but firm enough to say he was in control. Arching her hips, she took him deeper until it felt like he was touching the very center of her.

“Luke!” He touched a spot inside her that seemed to set off a series of vibrations.

“Ah, you like that.”

He sought the spot again and again until her vision blurred around the edges. She closed her eyes and gave over to the sensations shuddering throughout her body. The climax hit her hard. She screamed his name as she came, her limbs feeling as if they were weightless as blood pounded through her core.

Luke growled, his hips jackknifing until he shouted her name as well. He held her still as he poured himself inside her. She didn’t expect it, the shock of his teeth biting into her shoulder made her cry out. The slight pinch of pain cut through the haze of her sexual fog. He’d marked her. She’d done it to him, even before she’d known he was a wolf. Now that he’d returned the favor, they truly were mated.

Sated, she fell against the bed, her arms splaying to the sides. Luke collapsed beside her. He put an arm beneath her shoulder and tugged her closer. She turned toward him, their arms wrapping around each other, as they both struggled to regain control.

He waited until she was halfway sane before he spoke. “You’re mine.”

She lifted her hand and touched his. He grasped it, linking their fingers together. She stared at him, studied the promise in his eyes.

“Yes, yours.”




Chapter Fourteen

Roused from a pleasant dream, Luke opened his eyes and searched for the incessant ringing in his ears. It was dark in the bedroom, but a glow came from Gina’s phone.

Careful not to wake her, he leaned over her body and grabbed the cell.
. He growled. “This had better be good.”

“What are you doing answering Gina’s phone?”

Luke lay back on the bed. It was too early in the morning for Dominic’s overprotective cousin routine. “She’s asleep. Want me to wake her?”

“Shit, man. You’d better. She’s going to want to hear what I have to say.”

Luke didn’t like the sound of that. “What’s going on?”

“Just wake her.”

Luke gently shook her shoulder. “Gina, baby. Wake up.”

He ignored the choking sounds Dominic made. Gina stirred and turned her head to look at him. “What is it?”

He held out the phone to her. “Your cousin wants to talk to you.”

“Dominic?” She scrubbed at her sleepy eyes before grabbing the phone. “Hey.”

Luke couldn’t hear what Dominic said, but it clearly startled Gina. Her eyes widened and she sat up. “Here? In Boston?”

“What’s going on?” he whispered to her.

She shot him a panicked look, and then went back to listening whatever Dominic was telling her. “No, I understand. You did what you had to. Thanks for letting me know.”

She got off the phone and jumped out of bed. “Where are my clothes?”

“Hey, slow down. Tell me what’s going on.”

“My father’s coming.” Gina pushed her tangled hair away from her face. “I have to get dressed.”

“You mean he’s coming here?”

“Yes!” Gina bent down and grabbed her nightgown. “Shit, I can’t wear this. Where is my bag?”

He calmly pointed to the suitcase propped near the bathroom door. “You can unpack you know.”

She ran to the bag, unzipped it, and plundered through it. Within moments, she was dressed in an overly large sweatshirt and baggy jeans. He lifted an eyebrow. “Are those even your clothes?”

She glanced down at them and grimaced. “I suspect Dominic purposely packed my comfort clothing, more for relaxation than style.”

“You’re gorgeous no matter what.” He got to his feet and approached her.

She watched his nude body advancing on her and held out a hand. “No. You have to get dressed. My father is probably going to want to talk to you. Oh, lord. What are we going to tell him?”

He fetched his boxers and slid them on. “How about the truth?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. He’d never believe that.” Gina grabbed a brush and tried to untangle her curls. She gave up and pulled her hair into a sloppy ponytail. “Tell me honestly. Do I look like I’ve had sex?”

“Honestly?” Her panic was slightly amusing. “Yeah, you do.”

She tugged at the neckline of the sweatshirt and craned to see her bite mark. “Is it covered?”

He came forward and took her in his arms. “Relax, Gina. Just breathe. Everything is going to be okay.”

“Easy for you to say. You don’t know my father.”

“He can’t be that bad.”

Luke knew Tony Moretti had raised Gina and Dominic with a firm hand, but from what he could gather, it was done out of love for them. He wished he’d had a father like that, someone actually concerned with his life. Instead, he’d been given aunts and uncles who hadn’t cared less what happened to him or Laura.

The doorbell rang. Gina jumped at the sound. “He’s here.”

“Come on. Let’s go let him in.”

She tugged on his arm. “Stay here. He’s going to want to talk to me alone first. And for the love of God, get dressed!”

It went against the grain, but he allowed her to slip out of the room alone. He got dressed and wondered how long he was supposed to wait. Damned if he would wait in the room like a recalcitrant schoolboy.

He walked down the hall and stood at the edge of the living room, quietly studying the couple standing near the foyer. Gina had obviously taken after her mom. Her father was a big, hulking giant of a man. He had to be at least six feet, six inches tall. His hair was black as pitch, with a tiny streak of white at the temples. A hooded nose and broad forehead lent him a menacing visage, bringing to mind thoughts of ancient knights. Tony Moretti would look at home manning a Viking warship or leading a group of men into battle. He was the perfect alpha, his presence commanding and intense.

He noticed Luke and his dark gaze turned from his daughter. His expression hardened. It was firm when he’d been looking at Gina, but it was nothing like the look Luke got. Now he completely understood Gina and Dominic’s intimidation. But he wasn’t under this man’s control. Luke was his own wolf, ruled by no pack or alpha.

Drawing to his full height, he strode forward and stuck out his hand. “Luke Mason. You must be Tony.”

The alpha stared at his hand, but didn’t accept. Piercing gray eyes lifted to Luke’s face. When he spoke, his voice sounded like rumbling rocks. “I’ve come to take my daughter home.”

Luke suspected as much. He lowered his hand. “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.”

A black eyebrow lifted incredulously. “You going to stop me?”

“No.” Luke shook his head and pointed to Gina. “She is.”

Gina’s face was a mask of panic. Her eyes widened when her father turned back to her.

“Is this true,

“Umm,” Gina glanced at him for assistance.

She was weakening. Luke stepped closer, praying she would find the strength to stand up to her father. She’d done it once. She could do it again. “Tell him, Gina.”

“Tell me what?
.” Tony’s large hands curled with frustration.

Luke took Gina’s hand and gently squeezed it. “You can do it.”

Gina gave him a grateful look. Tony noticed their tender exchange. His eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Your cousin came home for a few days. He wouldn’t tell me what was going on. Where have you been and why are you here with this guy?”

“It’s hard to explain,” Gina stammered out.

“Try,” Tony ordered. He crossed his arms over his massive chest and waited.

When it became apparent Gina wouldn’t speak, Luke did. “She’s been with me. We’re mated.”

“Luke!” Gina cried out.

“The hell you say!” Tony shouted at the same time. He pointed a finger at Luke. “I won’t have my daughter mated to you. You’re not worthy of her.”

“Papa.” Gina covered her face with a hand. “You don’t even know him.”

Tony sniffed the air as if the smell in the room offended him. “He’s weak. He’s not like us,

Gina dropped her hands and moved away from Luke, advancing on her father. “He doesn’t have to be like us. You don’t know him. Don’t talk about him like he’s a lesser wolf.”

Tony snorted. “But he is.”

Gina growled with frustration. Her body was visibly tense, the way she held herself and the glowing eyes letting the men in the room know she was close to shifting. “Luke is a wonderful man. He’s done things you can’t imagine. Stop being a snob, papa.”

Tony’s expression softened. The effect of the change in demeanor was amazing. At once, he appeared approachable. The love for his daughter was evident. Luke wondered why Gina couldn’t see it. “Do you love him?”

Gina glanced at Luke. Her cheeks pinkened before she tore her gaze away. “Yes.”

Luke’s heart swelled. He wished they were alone, so he could share his feelings with her. This wasn’t how he imagined this moment, facing down an irate father and defending their relationship. Normal humans had it so easy. “I won’t hurt her, sir.”

The alpha snapped back in place. Tony gave him a withering glare. “My daughter has made her choice. It doesn’t mean I have to be happy with it. You haven’t proven yourself to me yet.”

“Fair enough.” Luke lifted his hand again.

This time Tony took it and gave it a firm shake.


Gina sat on the edge of the bed and watched Luke’s reflection in the mirror as he got dressed for a meeting. “I’m sorry about this morning.”

He turned and walked over to kiss her. “Stop apologizing. It was nothing.”

“I don’t think you’re less of a wolf than I am.” Gina nibbled on her bottom lip.

“I know that.” He gave her another kiss, this one long and lingering. He pulled back and stared at her. “I love you.”

Butterflies took up flight in her belly. “Say what?”

He took her face between his hands. “The only thing I’m sorry about is your father forcing you to say it first.”

She recalled the fear at revealing her feelings for Luke that morning. “It’s true. I do love you.”

“I know.” Luke’s expression softened. “I wish I could stay here with you.”

“Me too.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her check to his belly. “But you need to go.”

“I know.” He ruffled her hair. “We need to see if Meredith is trustworthy.”

In the excitement of the morning, she’d nearly forgotten about L-12 and the vampires they’d encountered. It was easy to lose track of important things when she was with Luke. He made her want to crawl into bed with him and stay naked for the rest of her life and forget the outside world existed. “Be careful.”

“I will,” Luke promised. “I need to go pick up Dominic.”

She stood so she could give him a full hug. His arms wrapped tight around her and they clung to each other. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

Gina released him and stepped away. “I’ll be right here waiting.”

Luke hesitated. “I’d feel better if you let your father come stay with you.”

Her father was still in Boston. He was staying at Dominic’s for a few days, to see if she was truly happy with Luke or so he claimed. He could spare himself the waste of time. There was no place she’d rather be than with her mate. “I promise I’ll call him at the slightest hint of trouble.”

Luke nodded at her. “I’ll see you soon.”

After he’d gone, she wandered the condo. It was amazing how different his home was from hers back in Clinton. The condo was filled with masculine, expensive furniture. Bold prints and colors decorated the room. It was nothing like the hand-me-down furniture and hodgepodge knick-knacks her mother had collected. Here, everything matched and appeared brand new. At home, the furniture was well-worn and scuffed. The elegance of Luke’s home was pleasing, yet nostalgia hit her. She missed Clinton.

BOOK: Unmasking the Wolf
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