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Authors: Kate Douglas

Unleashed (2 page)

BOOK: Unleashed
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Chapter 2


“We just saw a little white dog. Is that him?” Addie went for the “this is business and I’m listening” pose, and hoped it would give Locan a chance to get his act together. He was still blocking her thoughts, but she wanted to warn him. Pele struck her as the type of female, goddess or otherwise, who would gain strength from any show of weakness. “You’re absolutely certain Poki conjured the creature?”

“Well, I can’t really ask him, but who else? Demons generally don’t just appear out of nowhere on my island.” She shot a quick glance at Locan and then shrugged. “So, yes. I am certain. But you have not seen the beast. I have it chained and I want you to make it go away. Come.”

She waved a hand, Addie blinked, and when she opened her eyes they stood inside a beautiful room that looked as if the tropical jungle of the islands had been brought inside. Birds called from within thick green foliage, and tall ferns stretched high overhead, almost blocking the smooth, shiny black obsidian walls. A deep throaty roar filled her head, and after a moment Addie decided it must be the sound of waves crashing on a nearby beach. She looked up, expecting to see blue sky, but the ceiling was rounded and the same shiny black as the walls. The room, if that’s what this was, seemed to go on forever.

Jett leaned close and whispered in her ear, “I think we’re in a lava tube that once flowed into the ocean. The beach could be miles away, but the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks echoes inside the tube and travels along the walls.”

Addie nodded and squeezed his hand. Locan had turned her loose the moment they’d arrived and stood off by himself. So far, Pele hadn’t said anything about what a jerk he’d been, but he wasn’t doing anything to get back on her good side, either. Addie knew he had a moody side, but an apology to the goddess wouldn’t have been out of line. Maybe he was waiting until he had a moment alone with Pele.

She sighed. It would certainly be nice if he’d let them know what was going on, unless he’d forgotten they were a team.
We’re a team, Locan. What’s going on?

Nothing. Still blocked. She glared at the back of his head. They needed to talk, but for some reason he was still shutting her out. She really wanted to walk across the room and get in his face, but now was not the time, not when the goddess was gesturing for them to follow her. After walking a short distance, Addie realized that the sound she heard, the noise she’d associated with heavy surf breaking on the shore, wasn’t entirely that at all. No, she definitely heard growling. Loud growling . . . and when Pele led them into a smaller room, the source of the sound was more than obvious.

“Oh, crap,” Locan said. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the huge beast tethered to an iron ring set into the stone wall. “Poki conjured a hellhound.”

The beast lunged at the end of its chain, straining toward them, all sharp white fangs and slobbery drool, with thick muscular legs and feet the size of dinner plates. It was bigger than a pony Addie remembered riding at the county fair—at least five feet tall at the shoulder with rippling muscle shimmering beneath a short black coat. It looked like a cross between a pit bull and a Rottweiler, though either of those dogs would look like tiny pups in comparison.

Addie stopped dead in her tracks and stared at it, mesmerized. She’d always loved dogs, the bigger the better, but she could never keep one in her small apartment. A cave, now . . . that was something else altogether, and this had to be the most beautiful beast she’d ever seen. Then she looked closer. “Oh, you poor thing,” she whispered. He was chained so close to the wall, he couldn’t get to the bowl of water set just out of reach.

Slowly, Addie walked toward the animal, holding her hand out as she’d been taught to do around strange dogs. The hellhound stopped lunging, but it still strained against the chain holding it. Yellow eyes shimmering with red sparks narrowed with distrust. His black rubbery lips curled over canines almost as long as Addie’s short sword.

And probably every bit as sharp. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but helping this absolutely gorgeous creature. She stopped just out of reach and held her hand steady, prepared to snatch it back should the animal snap. Instead, the great beast leaned close and sniffed. “I bet you’re thirsty, you poor baby,” she crooned. The hound tilted its head and watched her as she leaned over, grabbed the heavy bucket of water and shoved it within reach. He plunged his big head into the bucket, lapping up water as if he’d not had any for days.

Furious, Addie turned around to read the riot act to Pele, and almost lost it. The three of them stood there, staring at her like she was some kind of idiot. “What?”

Jett scratched his head. “Uh, do you think it’s safe to turn your back on him? He is a hellhound, you know. They’re not particularly friendly.”

Addie glanced over her shoulder. The beast sat on his haunches. His big head was level with hers, water dripped off his jowls, his tongue lolled from the side of his mouth, and he looked like a rather large, curious dog. She stepped closer and scratched between his ears. He groaned, leaned against her hand, and almost knocked her over. She chose to ignore Jett’s concerns. “Pele, if Poki wanted to find you a mate, why did he conjure a hellhound? I would think he’d go for a more suitable creature. Are you sure Poki’s the one who called the beast?”

“The question is, why did he conjure a hellhound at all.” Pele glanced at the little dog sitting beside her. “I think he’s sorry now, aren’t you, Poki?” The dog flopped to his belly, rolled over and whined. “But what do we do with that creature? He doesn’t belong here. I had to spell him into the collar and leash. He’s disgusting. I want him gone.”

Addie actually thought he was beautiful, but Pele’s dislike and maybe even her fear of the animal was obvious. She’d been afraid to place the water any closer. “Has he been fed?”

The goddess shook her head. “No. He’s only been here a couple of hours.” She already sounded bored with the situation. “I will see that meat is brought.”

Addie glanced at Jett and Locan. “Well, we can take him now and be out of your way.”

The goddess smiled, but it wasn’t an expression that gave any comfort to Addie, and from the look on Locan’s face, he wasn’t reassured, either. “No,” Pele said. “I think not. It is tradition when one visits the goddess Pele to bring a gift.” She glanced from Addie to Jett. Her gaze settled on Locan. “I’ll take him.”


* * *


Locan hoped he hadn’t heard what he thought he’d heard, but when he caught the look the goddess sent his way, a shaft of pure fire went straight to his cock. He really didn’t want this. Granted, he’d absolutely loved his time in her bed, had fantasized about her for eons, but he was with Jett and Addie now, and it didn’t feel right.

Who the hell was he kidding? The memory felt better than right, and if his pants were any lighter material than demonhide, he’d probably have burst through the front just from thinking of what Pele was like without that shimmery sarong thing she was wearing. All that long hair wrapped around his fist as he held her in place and plunged deep and hard, her body all soft and welcoming, her lips . . . oh, man. He really needed to think of something else.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen.” Addie looked both angry and confused by Pele’s comment, which was just as well, because Locan really didn’t want to stay. Did he? He glanced up and caught Pele’s sly grin, felt the power streaming from her body. What the hell was she up to now? Jett nudged his arm and glared at him. Locan shook his head. What was Jett trying to tell him? He was so used to slipping in and out of his partners’ minds that it was scary, standing so close and not being able to communicate.

“Fine, then.” Jett gave him a dirty look and then smiled at Addie. “Actually, we can’t give Locan to her permanently, Addie, but there’s no reason he can’t stay for the night. That appears to be what he wants, anyway.”

Locan grabbed Jett’s arm and stared at him.
What the hell are you doing?
No answer. Shit. Still blocked. “Jett, I don’t know if we have time for me to stay the night,” he said. Didn’t Jett hear the desperation in his voice? “I mean, we can get called out at any moment, and that hellhound has to go back.”

Jett pulled his arm free of Locan’s grasp and stepped out of reach. He shook his head, frowned at Locan and then glanced in Addie’s direction. Then he bowed his head to Pele. “We can return the hellhound later, if it’s all right with you, my lady.”

Speechless, Locan tried to catch Addie’s attention, but she was focused on the damned hound, and Jett was obviously pissed off about something. Frantic, he forced himself to face the goddess. She was beautiful. She was sex incarnate, but she wasn’t Addie. She wasn’t Jett, and this didn’t feel right at all.

Pele’s smile always seemed to hide as much as she shared, and this time was no different. “I’ll take him,” she said. “And . . .” She sauntered up close to Jett and ran her fingernails down his dark chest. Locan groaned, imagining those same sharp nails scoring his skin, but Jett’s hand wrapped around hers and he held her still.

“I will stay in Addie’s bed, if you please. Locan, however . . .” Jett turned and stared steadily at Locan. He was really angry. That was obvious, but his control was just as strong as Locan’s. “He’s yours,” Jett said. His dark glance lit briefly on Locan before returning to Pele. “For one night. One night only.”

Crap. Locan bowed his head to Pele, but her eyes flashed fire as she glared at Jett. The sense of her power grew until the hairs on his arms stood up. A shiver raced along his spine, almost as if his body was trying to tell him to get the hell out of here, now. Locan needed to diffuse this little scene, and fast. It was obvious Pele didn’t deal well with having her desires thwarted in any manner whatsoever, and he really didn’t want her taking her temper out on Jett or Addie. If only he knew what Jett was up to.

He sure hoped Addie and Jett had a good reason for blocking. As powerful as Pele was, it was probably to keep the goddess out of their heads, which meant he was entirely on his own. He glanced at his partners—his lovers—and hoped they’d understand. “Whatever the lady wishes,” he said. He managed to keep his voice steady, but inside he was screaming.

Why in the hell didn’t Addie or Jett intervene? Did they think he wanted Pele? Locan glanced down, realized his erection was clearly visible straining against his white leather pants. No wonder Jett looked pissed. It might even explain why Addie kept her focus on the damned beast, as if she wanted no part of a power play with the goddess, no part of a lover who preferred another woman.

Almost as if she’d heard his thoughts, Addie raised her head and stared at him. “It’s your decision, Locan. Whatever you choose.”

Crap. She sounded just as PO’d as Jett.

Her dark gaze never wavered. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll have Jett. Azrael, too.”

A band seemed to tighten around his chest. Locan took a couple of deep breaths, forcing his lungs to expand. Damn, he wanted Jett. And Addie. He was so screwed. Would they ever forgive him? Would he ever forgive himself—he wanted the goddess, but he wanted Jett and Addie to tell him no, that he couldn’t go with her.

Man up, Locan. They’re not your parents.

He glanced at the goddess, who looked much too smug, as if she knew exactly how he felt and didn’t care a bit. She had to know he wanted her. No way could he disguise a hard-on like he’d had since he first saw her, but he felt as if she was somehow playing him.

He finally managed to suck in enough air to keep from getting light-headed, but he knew there was no way out. For one night, he’d be fine. And at least Pele wouldn’t have to worry about him turning into a demon in mid-fuck. He turned to Addie, remembering how she’d taken Jett as a demon to save his soul, and his heart ached. Didn’t she realize he needed her now?

Something clicked in his head. What the hell had Addie just said? Something about the stupid hellhound? “Azrael?” He frowned at Addie and the beast. “You’re calling him the angel of death? Not a very comforting name to give any living thing.” He tried to work up more anger than he actually felt. “You should never name a dog you can’t keep.”

Addie shook her head. “Actually, I do plan to keep him, and he told me his name. His mental voice isn’t real clear, but it’s not like yours is any better, Locan.”

That didn’t make sense. He wasn’t blocking Addie. She was blocking him. Wasn’t she? He shot a quick look at Jett, who glared back at him and then turned away.

But Addie was still talking about the stupid mutt. “He says his name’s Azrael but I can call him Az. He’s really quite intelligent.” She frowned at Locan. Challenged him. “I fully intend to keep him. At least, if we don’t find his real master.”

Then Addie turned her back on Locan, almost as if she was using the beast as an excuse not to look him in the eye.

He glanced at Jett, but his lover folded his arms across his chest and stared right back at him, as if it were no big deal that Pele was taking him for the night. Locan heard Addie crooning sweet nothings to her frickin’ hellhound and it all felt totally surreal, as if he stood outside a really bad play. A tragedy. Definitely a tragedy, except he had the starring role.

And what the hell was going on in Pele’s head? She ignored Addie and Jett and the beast that had started this whole mess, and studied Locan like he belonged on her dinner plate. Her tongue slipped out from between her full lips and he could have sworn he felt it circle his nuts. His dick strained against his tight demonhide pants. The goddess was getting impatient, but Locan had a really bad feeling about this, without knowing exactly why.

Jett and Addie were angry, but he was the one who should be pissed. They hadn’t asked him to stay. Jett had practically offered him up on a serving plate. And what of Pele? He’d expected her to be furious with him. Her reputation was legendary, but she didn’t appear to be angry or even holding a grudge. Hell, she wanted him in her bed. So why did he have that prickly feeling that made the hairs raise on the back of his neck? And why did every instinct he had tell him to get the hell out of here, now, or he was going to regret it?

BOOK: Unleashed
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