Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas Book 1)
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Well?” I ask her.

Tess is looking in the mirror that’s hanging on the back of the bathroom door in our room. She’s staring at the tattoo I put on her hip. I’m nervous. Fuck, I don’t do nerves. This is the first time a tattoo has really mattered to me. I want Tess to like it, and the fact that I’m sweating it out makes me feel like my balls are in a fucking clamp. Hell, next thing she’ll be leading me around by my dick and patting me on the head saying, good boy.


“You’ll wear it and like it. Too fucking late now,” I tell her, turning away to pack my tools up. It doesn’t matter if she likes it or not. It’s me; I’m on her now and by God it’s just the first time too. I’ll have my name all over that fucking body before I’m done.

“Will you shut up? You’re ruining my moment.”

“Your moment?”

“Yes, I have a kickass tattoo on my hip. It’s a tattoo made by my man, and I like seeing his name on my body. So, I’m looking in the mirror, enjoying the way it looks and the way it makes me feel, and you’re ruining it with your grizzly bear, alpha male, growly shit,” she huffs.

I slide my arms around her and pull her into me. I kiss her forehead and tuck her head under my neck. “How does it make you feel?” I ask, closing my eyes and enjoying the feel of her in my arms.


“Kitten, you are always sexy.”

“It’s an eagle’s wing,” she whispers, and I can be completely stupid about most things, but I hear the happiness in her words.

“Yeah,” I tell her, my voice suddenly tight.

“Why is your name woven in an eagle’s wing, Max?” she asks.

I think about not telling her. I don’t have the greatest of luck with women. I wouldn’t give you a damn penny for the women that have walked in and out of my life. Marcum is right though. Tess is different. There’s not a woman I’ve ever met who would go through the fires of hell like she has, and all for a fucker like me. I’ve given her nothing unless you count orgasms. Still, here she is; proud to wear my name on that fucking delicious skin of hers. Here she is; still willing to go away with me, even with all the shit that has happened in the last few days. Fuck. Who am I kidding? I kidnapped her. I held her hostage and forced her to go with me since day one, and she’s still here. I may not understand what is between Tess and myself, but I do know it’s something worth embracing. It’s worth sticking your neck out for. So I give it to her.

“An eagle can’t fly without its wing, Tess.”

She pulls away, and those green eyes shine with moisture. I catch a lone tear that slides from her face with my thumb.

“I make you fly, Max?”

That softly spoken question sounds so innocent, so hopeful. Does she even recognize that if I give her what she’s searching for, it is like giving her the power to destroy me?

“You make me soar, Tess. You make me soar.”

More tears fall, but she’s smiling and through her choked laughter she still finds a way to give me hell. “You sound almost like it hurt to admit that, Max.”

“Stop mocking me, before I paddle that ass,” I warn her while turning away to finish cleaning my stuff.

My back is turned, so I don’t see what she’s doing. When her voice drags out long and in a pouty tone, I turn around. I am not prepared for what my eyes see.


She’s lying on the bed, still completely naked. She’s on her stomach and has her ass curved out waiting for me. My dick instantly begs for her attention. What was it I said about her leading me by my cock? It’s probably too late, but what a fucking way to go.

“If I come over there, Tess, I’m fucking that ass, not just paddling it.”

“You’ve been preparing me, Max. If you say I’m ready. I’m ready. I told you; everything is yours.”

I don’t know if there are better words in the dictionary than that. She’s mine.

“Are you sure you’re up to this, Kitten?” I ask, giving her time to back out. I’m trying to remember what we’ve been through. I need her, but I’m not putting my demands before her needs. Tess is the first woman to really mean anything to me.

Her full lips curve in a smile that holds secrets as old as time.

“The question, Max, is if you’re up to it,” she replies with just a touch of sass in her voice. Her eyes lock on my crotch, so her meaning is clear. My dick is straining against my jeans, and my woman is looking at me full of hunger. There’s not a man I know who can turn down that combination.

I step away from my equipment and undo my pants, watching her the entire time. My dick springs out, hard and stiff and leaning towards her because the fucker knows; that way lies paradise. The room is silent, so hearing Tess’s breath roughen makes me smile. I love that I get to her as much as she does me. Fuck, if I had met her years ago, my life would have been so different.

I finish undressing, doing it slowly, so she can watch it all. I stroke my cock, firmly a few times, loving the way she bites on her bottom lip.

“You need something, Kitten?” I ask, letting my fingers play with the pre-cum I’ve pumped from my cock.

I catch the pearl, glistening stream on the pad of my index finger and pull the strand from my cock, using my thumb to gather up more. I move my hand to my pecs, finding my nipple and rubbing the liquid on it. I close my eyes, imagining that it’s her tongue on me. The vision is so perfect; I can’t wait. I walk to her, and she’s sitting up watching everything I do. I grab her by the back of the neck pulling her to me.

“Suck,” I hiss.

Her greedy little tongue darts over my nipple, lapping at it before sucking hard with a moan, tasting me and wanting more. She is…goddamn…she’s perfect.

“More,” she whispers when she breaks away.

Using my hold on her neck, I push her down to my cock. Tess doesn’t even blink; her tongue laps against the head of my cock like a hungry kitten discovering warm milk. She cleans my head while seeking more and I’ve never seen anything so fucking sexy. She opens her mouth and sucks just my head inside, letting her tongue continue to tease. Just as I’m getting used to that feeling, she sucks more of me inside. I watch as her lips slide down my shaft. I groan at the feel of her throat relaxing against my cock. I slip further into the wet warmth of her mouth. My hands tangle in her hair by reflex, pressing my advantage and pushing; hungry for more of her brand of pleasure.

I step in again, forcing her to shift the angle she has when sucking me. She can’t take me in as deep this way, but it doesn’t matter. I get what I want. My hand cracks down on that little round ass, connecting with a loud sound of flesh meeting flesh. She stiffens underneath my hand, but she doesn’t stop sucking. I spank her again and again. I know instinctively now, how to land my slaps to get the most excitement out of her. I watch her ass shudder as it turns a glowing red, an outline of my hand can be seen and then slowly fade. I rub against her ass, soothing and petting it, while at the same time imagining it covered in my cum. My balls tighten with need, and I know it’s time for me to change this around before my fun ends too soon.

I have to force myself to lift her off my shaft. It’s not easy, her greedy mouth is heaven, but it’s not what I want. She releases me with a whimper.

“I wasn’t finished,” she pouts. Fucking perfect.

“I told you what would happen if I came over here, and it doesn’t end with you sucking my dick, Kitten.”

Her tongue moves along her bottom lip, whether from need or nerves, I’m not sure. I go to the nightstand drawer where I stashed things earlier. I’m glad now that I had stored them in the backpack we took with us when we went on the run. I want everything I do with Tess to be new and different. She deserves that. I take out the tube of warming gel and the little vibrating egg. I handle them in such a way that Tess can’t see them, even if she is straining over her back, trying to look at what I’m doing.

“Don’t be nervous. You’re going to like this, I promise.”

“I trust you,” she says, ending on an intake of breath as my fingers slide down the division of her ass and further into her pussy.

“You’re wet as hell, Kitten,” I all but moan, unable to stop my fingers from pushing into her. She immediately thrusts back against me, searching for more.

I reach over to the small egg, palming it in my hand and letting my body heat warm it. Another time I’ll insert it ice-cold into her, but right now, this is all about bringing her to her limits, quickly. All the while I’m finger fucking her hard with two of my fingers. She’s panting and doing her best to ride them. I could make her come like this. I’m not ready for her to come though. I have plans.

I take my fingers out of her greedy little pussy. She rumbles, unhappy. I spank her again, twice in quick succession, and she whimpers, her ass thrusting up and seeking out more. That’s when I insert the egg, seating it inside of her and smiling at how her muscles ripple around my fingers. She’s so fucking primed and ready. I withdraw my fingers, leaving the egg inside, and cup her warm pussy with my hand. I use my other hand to turn on the remote; setting the egg to vibrate on slow speed.

Her quiet moan of need is the first signal that the small vibrator is working its magic. Then the liquid heat and the way she clenches against the palm of my hand tells me even more.

“Max…” she groans, her body thrusting back and forth, riding and thrusting, searching for more.

My hand wraps in her hair, and I pull her head back with a harsh grip. “Who do you belong to, Tess? Who owns this body?” I bark at her; my voice is strained full of need.

Her legs tremor, she hums the word yes and I know she had her first minor orgasm. While that is what I want, I can’t allow her to ignore me. I turn the vibrator off.

“Max!” she cries, her voice desperate. My other hand still has a tight hold on her hair, and I let go; opting to wrap my hand around the back of her neck, pulling her head back. I love feeling her neck under my touch. Her soft, to my rough; and the feel of her pulse against my hand makes me feel powerful; like I could conquer the world. My head bends down to her sweet little ear, and I growl into it.

“Who the fuck do you belong to, Tess?”

“You, Max. Always you,” she cries and hearing the words, I turn the vibrator back on, this time a notch higher. Her breathing harshens and her body twists, trying to ride the vibrations. I let go and she settles back on her hands and knees. I place a gentle kiss on the small of her back. While she seeks her next climax, I go back to the lube.

“Are you getting ready to come, Kitten? Are you enjoying your toy?”

“Yessss…..” she sobs.

“Enjoy it. Because I’m back here getting my cock ready and I’m going to fuck your ass hard, in a minute, and you’ll be so fucking full you won’t know what to do—except come. Oh, Kitten, you’re going to come so fucking hard.”


While I’ve been talking to her, I’ve wrapped my dick in the lube, putting it on thick. I want to make sure this is as easy as I can make it for her. I don’t want her to fear what we do. I want her to need it, because once I claim this ass, I know I’m going to want it more and more. Once my dick is ready, I take two fingers and dip them in the lube. I use one hand to pull her ass; exposing that small little rosy opening.

“Jesus you’re going to squeeze the hell out of my cock, sweetheart.” I barely have my two fingers into the first joint when she goes off and her second full climax claims her. Her head goes down, unintentionally sticking her ass up higher. As her orgasm flows through her, I thrust the fingers all the way in. “Tess…” I hiss as the fingers pop through the tight ring of muscles. Jesus. I move my fingers in her ass, scissoring them back and forth, stretching her with the help of the lube and preparing her.

BOOK: Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas Book 1)
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