Unjustly Destroyed (Incapable Part Two) (7 page)

BOOK: Unjustly Destroyed (Incapable Part Two)
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Chapter Five


Her lavender scent hit me before she did. I knew she thought I was asleep. I had to force myself not to break the damn door down and wrap her in my arms. To look her in the eyes and make damn sure she understood that we do not sleep apart if we're under the same roof. I don't care how pissed we are at each other. Orgasm denial was her punishment for keeping so many things from me. Things she didn't think I would find out. She'd been a busy bee these past few weeks.


"I think you both have come a long way, Grayson. Give yourself some credit. It wasn't that long ago you were in here sweating bullets about losing her. And now you're practically inseparable. How about that?"

I smiled. That damn Dr. Klein. "How about that indeed." I looked over his shoulder at the bookcase, at the half finished boat. "I thought you two would've finished that by now?" He turned and looked at the model and shrugged.

"Me too. I haven't seen Emmalin this week." I froze at his words.

"She hasn't been coming here?"

He looked at me and shrugged on his sweater. "No. I assumed that was her decision. Tell her I would like to finish that boat, though, and it would be good to see her. I was hoping we would get it done this week. Give her my thoughts?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I’ll do that.”

I headed home, confused. Emmalin didn’t go see Dr. Klein this week. She urged me to see him by herself, and I agreed, yet obviously she didn’t go. Then what the fuck was doing this whole time? I got home just after nine, and she was already in bed. She’d been sleeping more lately. I watched her for a little bit before climbing in next to her. After a while, I began fingering the scarf and gently pulled on the knot, freeing it. I froze. The marks on her neck. I slowly sat up to get a better look. I lightly traced the marks with my hand. These marks weren’t faded like the rest. These marks were new. I fucking swear I could feel my blood boiling. I looked down at her, sleeping peacefully, yet she still had a troubled look on her face. I got off the bed, heading to my office and picked up my phone. 

“I want you here now!” I paced the office, willing myself not to punch a hole in the wall. Ten minutes later, the door buzzed. I waited as Heather and Hawkins made their way up, followed by Benny. 

“Report from this week.”

Hawkins stepped forward. “Nothing out of the ordinary. Ms. Ross was taken Monday afternoon to Lincoln Park during the luncheon hour. She sat at the park bench for a few minutes, then walked around a bit, before stopping at a nearby fountain.”

“She was acting a bit odd beforehand, sir.” Heather stepped forward.

I looked at Heather. “In what way?” 

“I had to stop her from leaving the building. It seemed as if she was trying to be evasive. I called out to her several times, and she just kept going. After I ensured her that either myself or Hawkins had to be present at all times, she looked to be ill, as if she would’ve passed out. I said I would call you, and she said not to concern you.”

I looked to Benny. “From now on, you should always concern me, about anything concerning her; I don’t care what it is. If she breaks her fucking heel, I want to know about it. Her safety comes first.” They both nodded. 

“What about her appointment that night?”

“Sir, we secured the building before entry. Alistair waited with her in the lobby while I checked each floor. The only person in the building was Dr. Klein.” I ran my hand through my hair. This didn’t add up. Where the fuck did those marks come from? Could she have just not gone in?  

Benny spoke up. “What’s going on, Grayson?”

I took several deep breaths, trying to control my rage. “Dr. Klein says he hasn’t seen her since the last time I was with her. Get Jack here now. I need to know if he’s found anything.” Benny nodded, taking out his phone. I was just about to dismiss Heather and Hawkins when I stopped. “Wait, you said she went to the park during lunch?”

“Yes, sir.”

“By herself?”

“Yes, sir.”

I nodded.

I took out my phone, dialing Tyler’s number. After three rings, he finally picked up. 

“You have impeccable timing, Mandrake.” I rolled my eyes.

“Did you see Emmalin the day she got back to work, when we returned from Florida?”


He didn’t say anything after that. “And?”

“And what?”

This is where I had to remind myself that I couldn’t strangle the fucker. “And what happened?”

“Nothing, I was seeing how she was doing after being attacked. Asked her to lunch, she said she was having lunch with you, and that was that.”

“Around what time was that?”

“Fuck, Grayson, I barely remember what I wore the day before.” He paused. “I guess about noon. Why?”

I sighed. “I’ll call you back later.” I hung up before he could finish talking. I sat at my desk staring at the clock, listening to the ticking noise it made. All I wanted to do was take that fucking clock and throw it out the damn window.

“Did anyone approach her at the park?” Hawkins pulled out the pictures that were taken. Emmalin on the bench. Emmalin at the fountain. Emmalin talking to…Dale. The fuck? I looked up at Hawkins. “This guy here. He approached her?”

Heather stepped forward.

“He looked to be talking to her as she stood near the fountain. She started to look uncomfortable, and I approached as he started to stand closer. She appeared to be under stress as she kept backing away. I found it my duty to intervene at that point.”

I could feel the blood boiling in my veins. Tick. Tick. Tick. I finally looked up at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Jack. 

“Do you have anything for me?” He sighed, taking the chair in front of me. “I wish I did, Grayson. So far we haven’t gotten anything.” I looked back at the clock. 

“She knows something. I know she does.”

Jack leaned back in his chair. “Do you want me to talk to her? I have ways of making people talk. You know that.” 

“And I’ll fucking kill you.” I reached for the pictures from the park. “Add these to your collection. Maybe you can find something.” He stood up and headed for the door. After he left, I downed a bourbon or four. Enough to get my mind buzzing. Emmalin was still sleep as I got into bed and pulled her close to me. Yet she’s never seemed so far from me. 


I changed and got to work. I knew she had a morning meeting, so I wanted to be the first person she saw when she walked into her office. I sat at her desk, making myself comfortable, and thought about last night. She begged. She cried, and I still denied her.

My movements caused her computer screen to go out of sleep mode. I watched as it came into view. I wasn't snooping, but I sure as hell was curious as to what I was looking at.

She had the documents pulled up for her trust fund, and a request for transfer.
What the fuck?
She never wanted that money. She said it was blood money. Now, all of a sudden she's showing interest in it? I clicked through the paperwork. The only thing missing was her signature. I checked the date on the email. It was sent over a week ago, and if I know Emmalin, she's been hesitating over that signature line. I heard her footsteps and minimized the screen. She walked in, and her eyes grew wide upon seeing me; her feet faltered.

She took a deep breath. "I wasn't expecting you."

I nodded. "I know." I watched as she slowly closed the door behind her, and set the folders down on the desk. She bit her bottom lip nervously, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I sighed, then stood up and walked toward her, pulling her to me. I leaned down to her ear, and said lowly, "I don't care how pissed you are at me. Fight me, yell at me, I don't care. But if we're in the same house, we're in the same bed. Understand?" She tried removing herself from my hold, but I held her tighter. “I said, do you understand?” I lifted her chin so she had to look at me. Her expression was blank, but her eyes were teary. She quickly blinked them away.

She took a deep breath. “Yeah. I get it.” She looked back down to her hands.

Her voice was monotonous. I noticed the silk scarf around her neck, and my blood boiled. But that would have to wait. “I have a bunch of meetings today, so I won’t see you again until later tonight. I’ll be home late.”

She shut her eyes and nodded before turning and walking to her desk. I stared at her a moment before leaving.


I sat at my desk, staring at the screen, when my thoughts were interrupted by a half-assed knock.

“Well, shit. By the look on your face, I would say someone died.” Chace smiled before sitting in the chair in front of me. Then he sobered up. “Oh shit, did someone die?”

I shook my head. “Not yet. Something is going on with Emmalin. I think she was attacked again.”

Chace sat up higher in his chair. “You haven’t killed the son of a bitch yet? What the fuck, man?”

I rubbed my hair. “That’s the thing. She hasn’t said anything. Not a fucking word. Almost as if she’s hiding it from me. That’s what I don’t understand. I think we’re fighting.” I leaned back in my chair and stared at the ceiling.

“What’s going through your head, Grayson?”

I sighed. A minute went by before I answered him. “Doing some really fucked up shit to her that’ll push her over the edge. Shit that may cause me to lose her for good. But I’m ticking so fucking bad, and she’s the only drug that can cure me.”

My phone dinged. I looked at it.

Unknown: My husband died; the least you could do is pay me your respect. I’m at the wine bar around the corner. You can spare twenty minutes.


I frowned and looked at Chace. “Something’s come up. We’ll talk later.”

Ten minutes later, I was at the wine bar. Ashley was sitting in a corner. If there was an award for grieving widow, she sure as fuck played the part. She would take home the fucking Academy Award. She was dressed in all black, with the biggest black hat, huge dark black glasses, and cherry red lips. She tilted her head up slightly for the cheek kiss when I approached. I briefly hesitated, but gave in.

“Mrs. Stewart. I’m sorry for your loss.”

She nodded as I sat and wiped the tears that weren’t there.

“It was sudden, but as you know, he was up there in age.”

He was fucking seventy.
I nodded. “Yes. We’re sorry he’s gone. He was a very good businessman.” I watched as she dabbed again at the fake tears, and I tried to refrain from rolling my eyes. “What can I do for you, Ashley?” Her eyes snapped up to mine.

“His will was read.”


Her eyes grew wide. “I’m not in it.” She looked around quickly, as if someone else might’ve heard her. “He left his money to charity and to his damn kids, but none of it to me; where it should’ve went to, to begin with.”

I leaned back in my chair. “What does this have to do with me? This isn’t my problem. He probably knew you were fucking around on him. It was pretty obvious, Ashley, you didn’t exactly hide it.”

She scowled. “I’m broke, Grayson. I have nothing. What am I supposed to do now? That money was mine, and there’s nothing I can do. I’ve tried everything, but the judge won’t overturn it. I’m fucked.”

I got up. This visit was done. I paid my respects. “Get a job.” With those final words, I turned and left.



Chapter Six



“I’ve missed this place.” I looked around Tea Lites and noted the small changes that weren’t there before I left. Gwen rolled her eyes.

“No you don’t. You work for a billionaire. And you’re dating him. This is small bananas.”

“Oh, come on. This place has its perks.” I held up my teacup that said ‘Crazy Bitch’ on it, and held up my pinky finger. Her eyes widened.

“You stole the cup I wanted!” We both started giggling. Gwen cleared her throat.

“Does she want to sit with us?” I turned and looked at the direction she was pointing.

“No, Heather is supposed to be invisible. At least, that’s what Grayson tells me.” I sighed, adding more creamer to my tea. Gwen nodded.

“That had to be scary for you. I can’t even imagine. How’s Grayson handling it?”

I finished stirring my tea. “How are things with you and Caleb? Did that ever become a thing?” She grimaced.

“Not really. We had a few dates, but they were more awkward than anything else. He finally said it would be best to remain friends, and I agreed. He quit a few weeks ago.”

I sputtered on my tea. “He quit?”

Gwen nodded. “Yeah. He bartends on the weekends at some nightclub and works at a law firm.”

“Wow. Good for him.”

Gwen shrugged. “Besides, I don’t think he ever really got over you. You were, as they say ‘the one that got away’.” She held up air quotes.

“Well, I disagree. We weren’t ever anything, so it doesn’t even matter. Besides, we’re going to find you someone wonderful. Anyone would be crazy not to see how amazing you are, Gwen.” She gave me a small smile.

“I should get back to work. It was really good to see you, Emmalin. I’ve missed you.” I watched her head to the back room, and I sat a little bit longer.

I wasn’t sure what time exactly Grayson was going to be home. Things with him were so strained right now, and I knew it was because of me. I sighed, laying a tip down on the table and gathering my things. Heather met me at the door.

“Any other stops, Ms. Ross?”

“I think I would like to stay at my apartment tonight, Heather. It’s closer.” Heather narrowed her eyes at me.

“Are you sure, Ms. Ross?”



She nodded. “Of course.”


I was just nodding off when my phone dinged. I sat up, a little confused at my surroundings, before realizing I was back at my apartment. I reached over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I had a missed call and several text messages from Grayson.

Grayson: Why aren’t you here?

Grayson: Why didn’t you come home?


Shit. I didn’t text him to let him know I was staying here.

Me: I’m fine. I was tired and my apartment was closest.

I watched the bubbles on the screen, showing he was typing something.

Grayson: I didn’t like spending last night without you, and now you’re making me do it again? We can talk about the other night.

Me: This isn’t about the other night. I deserved that. I’ll be home before you wake. I promise.

I watched the bubbles again. I rubbed my eyes, and finally looked at the time and saw it was just past 10.

Grayson: Why do I feel like you’re keeping something from me? What aren’t you telling me?

I shut my eyes. I hated that even from afar he could see right through me. I replied with the only truth I could.

Me: I love you

A minute went by before my phone dinged.

Grayson: Prove it. Come home


I laid there for about twenty minutes. What am I doing? Pushing away the only man that's ever cared about me? I'm such a bitch. I got up and got dressed quickly. I didn't know if Heather was still outside, and I knew Grayson would kill me for being out late and taking a cab, but I didn't care. I had to get home. This wasn't my home anymore. I didn't need it. I needed him.

I didn't want to wait for the elevator, and was heading for the stairwell when I heard it ding. I instinctively followed the sound of the ding, and out walked Grayson. He was still wearing his suit, and his hair was all spikey looking, like he ran his hands through it a million times. Did he still want me like I wanted him? He looked my way, and I swear it was like the very first time he looked at me. That raw spark was still there. He arched a brow. I dropped my bag and ran to him, clinging to him tightly. He lifted me up effortlessly. I didn't even need to ask him what he was doing here. I already knew.

"I was coming home. I swear," I said between him kissing me.

He pulled back slightly and gave me a sly grin. "I know. I was coming to get you.”


We laid in bed, wrapped around each other tightly. Grayson stroked my hair softly. “You want to tell me what that was all about?” He spoke low, almost in a whisper.

I cleared my throat. “I don’t need that apartment anymore.” I felt him nod above me.

“Are you sure?”

I let out a deep breath. “Yeah. My home is with you, Grayson. If you still want me.” The last part came out shakier than I thought.

He pulled me tighter. “Why wouldn’t I? You and me, remember? We wouldn’t be normal if we didn’t fight, or get frustrated with each other. Of course, I prefer dealing with my frustration differently than most people.” He reached down and plucked my nipple.

I groaned. My thoughts went back to the other night, how he primed me up several times, and no matter what, I still never got my release. My body was tense and on edge, and just him touching me set fire through my veins. Before I could squirm away, he kissed me hard, and nibbled my bottom lip before trailing down my body.

My eyes started to tear up, and I jerked the moment his mouth found my clit. I wanted to come so bad, but if this was going to be like the other night, then I needed to stop. I couldn’t do that anymore. My tears were flowing faster. “Grayson.” It came out as a whisper, and I barely even heard myself. He inserted two fingers, and I moaned louder. “Grayson, stop,” I whispered louder.

But he didn’t stop. He kept going, building my orgasm up. And I knew he would stop right before I fell over. I gripped the sheets so tightly, I was amazed they didn’t rip. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. “Attic!” Grayson stilled and rolled up on his knees; he looked at me frantically as I lay there crying.

“Emmalin, did I? Baby, what is it?” He scooped me up in his arms, and I just blubbered like a fool on his shoulder. He looked at me, wiping my tears away. “Hey. Talk to me. Did I hurt you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t want to hold them back. I can’t. Don’t make me do it. Please.”

He gripped me to him tightly, and sighed. “No, Emmalin. There won’t be any orgasm denial.” He kissed the top of my head.

“I didn’t want to safeword you, but I couldn’t go through that again.”

“Baby, I’m glad you did. Sometimes I push you too far, and I need to control that better.”

We sat there, him holding me tightly, before he looked at me and smiled. “I still want to finish what I started, if you’ll let me?”

“Just make love to me,” I whispered against his lips. I watched as his face softened, and he smiled before kissing me hard.


I sat at the kitchen bar, stirring creamer into my second cup of coffee. Grayson hadn’t come down yet. I looked into my cup. This coffee wasn’t working to wake me up. I’ve been so tired lately, I seriously thought about adding a nap into my routine just to get through the day. To be a kid again. Then again, we know how my childhood turned out. My phone dinged, and I immediately tensed, hesitating before looking at it. I let out a breath, seeing it was just Isabella.

Isabella: Girls’ night tonight? A group of us are heading out. I feel like dancing!

I smiled. I didn’t get to see her much with our work schedules, and with her traveling all the time.

Me: Put me as a maybe!

Grayson finally walked into the kitchen. “What are you smiling at?”

I looked up at him as I sat my phone down. “Isabella. She wants to go out tonight.”

Grayson frowned. “No. It’s too risky.” He sat down next to me.

“Grayson, you can’t keep me on lockdown. It’s just a few hours.” He sipped his coffee as he looked over his phone. I sighed because that was his way of not talking about it and ignoring my requests. I was just about to get up when he spoke again.

“When did you stop seeing Dr. Klein?”

I froze and slowly turned toward him. His gaze was hard and speculating. I cleared my throat. “I go twice a week.”

He shook his head. “We both know that’s not true. So how about you tell me what the hell is going on.”

I didn’t know what he wanted me to say. I couldn’t tell him about Carson right now. Before I could come up with what was probably my millionth lie, he spoke again.

“I know more than you think, Emmalin. Just like you told Tyler you were having lunch with me, and you told me you were having lunch with Tyler, but you went to the park instead. Is that what happened, Emmalin?”

I nervously swallowed.

“And when were you going to tell me about Dale? I told you, I didn’t want you anywhere near him.”

“I didn’t know he would be at the park, Grayson.”

He took a step closer. “What did he say to you? He clearly made you upset. So upset you got sick.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? You don’t know, or you won’t say? Which is it?”

“He was just saying stuff. About…” I took a deep breath. “Him and I together, and being crude, and I stopped the conversation before it could go any further, Grayson, I swear. Why are you blaming me for him showing up? I was minding my own business!” I felt myself getting louder and defensive, and he was perfectly calm.

“Because I don’t like these newfound lies you’re spewing out all of a sudden. You lied about having lunch with Tyler. You’re evading security; you didn’t see Dr. Klein. Where the hell did you go if you didn’t see Dr. Klein?”

I looked around the kitchen nervously. I didn’t have an answer so I just kept quiet. My body tensed, and I turned to face him. His gaze was focused on me. “What do you think my withholding your orgasms were about? Why did I do that?”

I swallowed hard and focused on his chest. I couldn’t let him see the guilt in my eyes. He sighed. “Is it someone else?”

My head snapped up. “No, of course not! “

He was quiet a moment as he took a step forward, not saying anything. “Your bruises should be gone by now, right?”

I stilled, and finally looked his way. I lightly felt the scarf around my neck. “I think so.”

He nodded as he reached for the scarf around my neck, and my hand shot up. “It goes with the outfit, Grayson.”

“Hmm, let’s see then.” He untied the scarf, letting it fall to the floor. He grabbed me by the shoulders, taking me to the mirror on the opposite wall. My breathing was heavy. We both stood there, not saying anything, just staring at the mirror. “Is there a reason why these marks look fresh?” I started to tremble.

“They’re the same marks from the attack,” I whispered.

He shook his head. “You forget; I was a bit of a sadist before I met you.” He tilted my head. “I know old markings from new. And these are new. You mind explaining how the fuck they got there?” I couldn’t say anything. His grip on me tightened. “You’re not going in today. I’ve suspended your privileges.”

I looked at him, wide-eyed, in the mirror and turned around. “You can’t do that!”

“I can’t? It’s done. What’s your next move?”

I glared at him in shock before taking a step back. “So you’re firing me?”

He ran his hand through his hair. “I’m not firing you, Emmalin, but you’re suspended for the rest of the week.” He stepped closer and lifted my chin so I had to look at him. “Did someone else do this?” My eyes welled with tears. He grabbed the nape of my neck, moving us closer together. “I need to protect you, but you’re making it very hard for me.”

“What if you’re the one who needs to be protected, Grayson,” I whispered.

His hand stilled. I could feel the anger rolling off him. He took a step back. “Why the fuck won’t you talk, Emmalin?” I jumped at his sudden outburst. “What do I need to do? What, Emmalin? Tell me, what the fuck is going on!”

“Grayson, I need just a little bit more time. Please? Can you give me that? Then I swear I’ll tell you everything.” He stood there studying me, while I basically pleaded with him. He shook his head.

“No. I’m not going to play your games anymore, Emmalin, especially if your life is in danger.” He gently stroked my neck. “Someone did this to you. So now we play the games my way.” He walked past me and out of the kitchen.

BOOK: Unjustly Destroyed (Incapable Part Two)
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