Uninhibited in Apple Trail, Arkansas - Volume 2 (7 page)

BOOK: Uninhibited in Apple Trail, Arkansas - Volume 2
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Chapter Nine

Mike climbed down from his truck at his house and waited at the front as Tiffany met him there. Her hand naturally fell into his. So in sync. So comfortable. So right. He had to straighten out this idea of hers that they couldn’t be together. It was going to be hard. People were going to talk, but as long as they kept on like they were, and Tiffany kept her head above trouble, he knew without a doubt they’d be fine.

All these years he’d focused on her trouble, he never realized the beautiful, strong, caring woman beneath the surface. People would eventually see that part of her too.

She smiled up at him. “I think I have dirt in places I didn’t know dirt could be.”

He laughed. “Do we need to hose you down out back?”

“That’s a great idea. Cold water from hose will feel good right about now too.”

“I was only teasing.”

She shook her head. “I want to. The cold water will feel good and I don’t want to track mud through your house.”

He nodded and dropped her hand to dig out his keys. She started around the back of the house, but he called out to her. “Hey, Tiffany?”

She glanced up.

“I’m not sure what that whole dirt throwing fight was about, but thanks. Watkins later told me he didn’t understand why it started, but that was the first time he’d seen Mary Sue laugh like that in a long while.”

She smiled. “She’s pregnant with their fourth child. She likely doesn’t have a lot of silly fun. And it all began in good fun and ended that way.”

He still didn’t understand, but nodded anyway. “I’ll grab some towels.”

He hurried through his house to the bathroom for towels. He grabbed them, but turned back real quick for shampoo and wash stuff to help clean the dirt from her. She was right about dirt being in places she didn’t realize. On the drive home, he’d noticed it stuck to the inside of her ear and mixed with sweat under her eyes. He stopped at the backdoor to open the curtains.

The heavy navy curtains, meant for blocking out the sun revealed Tiffany, completely naked and holding the water hose overhead and rinsing out her hair. Everything in his hands tumbled to the floor while he was lost in the curves of her lean body. Her breasts lifted up and out with her arms overhead. The feline curve of her trim back. Tight ass and that dimple. His cock thickened. Breath was lost from his chest. She turned under the water hose stream and eyes locked on him.

Yes, it was technically still during the day so yes, he was still technically in charge, but he remained rooted to his spot. He wanted this, was ready for the next step, but he wasn’t sure if she was.

She lowered the water hose and released the handle on the nozzle, cutting off the water. Her gaze shifted and then met his. She yelled through the glass. “Is that soap?”

All he could do was nod. And focus on not drooling.

She looked around again and then met his gaze once more. “I can’t wash and hold the water hose all at the same time. Not enough arms.” She stared at her feet and twiddled her hands. “Can you help?”

He grabbed the door, but stopped. “Is this just helping you bathe or an invitation for more.”

She licked her lips. “I was hoping an invitation for more. I think.”

He didn’t open the door, but continued yelling through the glass. He had to know before going outside. “You think or you know?”

“Will you strip down, too?”

He nodded. “Planning on it.”

She smiled and blinked, water dripped from the tip of her nose. “Then more. For sure more.”

“What changed your mind?”

She smiled. “Mary Sue. She asked me to help her plant flowers.” She shrugged. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe people can see me differently.”

He didn’t wait for her to change her mind. He slid the door open, grabbed stuff off the floor and stepped outside. To temptation. To excitement. To what he’d been craving. He tossed the towels aside and dropped the bottles at her feet. Her naked feet.

Wet hands flattened on his chest. She balled his shirt, lifting it. He raised his arms for her and she ripped the thin cotton off and tossed it in a pile with hers.

She pressed a kiss to the center of his chest. “It’s just occurred to me that you’ve seen me naked twice now, and I’ve never seen you.”

“Not my fault.”

She stuck her tongue out and popped the fly of his jeans. “Lost time and all that.”

He shoved his jeans and underwear down and threw those aside as well just as she turned the water back on. A cold blast coated his hot skin and he turned as directed, spinning in a circle until facing her. He’d been good so far, but no more. Taking her hips in his hands, he pulled her into him.

She laughed. “That wasn’t much of a look.”

“Stay with me tonight.” He pulled strings of wet hair away from her neck. “We’re off tomorrow and I don’t want to go anywhere. I don’t want to get dressed if I can avoid it.”

She licked her lips.

“I’ll even bargain and bring you breakfast in bed. You name it, I’ll fix it.”

“All right.”

He nodded. “Good. Turn around. I’m ready to get you washed and in my bed.”

“We have all night to get there.”

He picked up the water hose. “But I’ve wanted you there all week. I’m tired of waiting. You wash, I’ll spray.”

He turned the hose on and her laughter sang out as she turned and bent, putting her naked ass against his lap, driving his hard cock against that damn dimple. His stomach clenched. Need peeked through his blood higher than it’d ever been before. He tightened his hold on the water hose. “I’m not touching you until we’re in my room.”

And that was the wrong thing to say. The wrong damn thing to say by the arch of her brow and her tongue stroking over her smirking lips. “That a promise, Chief?”

He swallowed. “Man of my word.”

And with that, she turned her back on him again and washed shampoo into her hair. And washed. And scrubbed. And kept her hands to herself while his cock was aching, clenched in pain for her to do something. Touch as she’d hinted.

She tilted her head back, forcing her back to arch and ass to come close to him. To come so close again. All he needed to do was thrust his hips half an inch and feel a bit of sweet relief against her slick skin, but he held true to his word and didn’t budge.

She finger combed through her long hair under the stream. “What are you thinking about?”


She straightened and looked over her shoulder, confusion marred her face. “Nothing?”

He couldn’t look at her. He looked at the water hose he held over her head. He wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off if he looked. “Nothing. I’m thinking of nothing. If I think of something, it’s going to be of you and I’ll have to touch.”

“I see your point. Do you want to know what I’m thinking about?”

He should say no. To get through this no touching moment, he should say no. But like always he was an idiot around this woman. “Yes.”

“I’m wondering what your cock on my lips would feel like. How long I could take you with my mouth before you gave up and touched.”

“You could al—” his voice hitched and he cleared out the clog. “You could always find out.”

The corner of her lips tipped up. “I could. Are you still thinking of nothing?”

“God no.”

“Tell me what you’re thinking.”

He glanced at her, but then immediately back up and tried focusing on this one brick on the wall. “Of you on your knees in front of me.”

“Like this?”

He was forced to pull his gaze from the wall to look down and see she’d thrown one of the folded towels on the concrete patio and was kneeling on it in front of him. She was standing up on her knees. Her face up turned to him, her little nose and succulent lips a lick away from the head of his cock. “Yes.”

Still she didn’t move. “Anything else?”

“Are you done showering yet?”

“Nope. I still need to condition my hair. Is that what you’re thinking about now? Me finishing my shower?”

“No. I’m thinking of you opening your mouth and licking my cock.”

And she did it. Her smooth tongue stroked over his sensitive tip, lapping up the bead of liquid that had began to escape in desperate pleading for more. He saw stars. He was pretty sure it was stars. Or he blacked out. He was fighting for balance and voice, because God he needed to find his voice to keep talking or else she might stop. “I’m thinking of your lips parting and you taking me in and sucking.”

And she did.

The heat of her mouth surrounded him and he dropped his head back, staring at the porch roof, but not hardly having clear enough vision to actually see it. She took him no further, and he forced his hips still, trying to maintain no touching, not forcing. He pulled a breath out the pit of his stomach and forced a single word. “Deeper.”

The ceiling above him was gone. There was just her before him, her mouth surrounding him in wet sucking heat, pulling him in deeper. His short nails were cutting into his palms and he put his hands at his back and wrapped the garden hose best he could around his wrists to keep his hands to himself.

She pulled off him, slowly, continually sucking as she released his cock from her mouth. “Mike?”

He looked down to find her staring up at him. She held his gaze and leaned forward, drawing him in her mouth, making him watch as his shaft pressed between her stretched lips. Her fingers lifted and wrapped the length that didn’t fit in her mouth and she took him. Pulled him deep and didn’t let go. One hand assisted, the other she curved around his ass and dug her nails in, arching him to her.

“Oh, God. Just like that, honey. Just like that.” He couldn’t stop. He didn’t want her to stop. He wanted her to finish. To give him sweet relief so that when he stretched her across his bed, he could take his time. She encouraged his hips to thrust and he did as she wanted but all too soon she released his ass and cupped his sac.

A tingling, shattering explosion was building and she sat back, releasing him. Air rushed from him. Her breath was heavy. Her tits lifted with her panting as she sat on her heels and opened her thighs. “Still no touching?”

He shook his head, trying to clear out the temporary blindness from the orgasm he was robbed from. Hell, he’d been right there. He twisted his arms around the tight hose, jerking it harder on his wrists to keep him from jerking her against him and bending her over the nearest—fuck, any damn thing he could.

Her knees spread and her hand, flat on her belly, slid downward. Her finger passed through her curls.

.” His breath was gone. Her name barely a whisper out his mouth.

She stopped. The tips of her nails hovered over her slick opening she was showing him. The opening that would be his tonight. And tomorrow. And for as damn well long as he could hold on to her. “What?”

He couldn’t answer. Her fingers were there, parting her swollen pink flesh. His cock was achy and heavy and his balls were beginning to clench in serious pain.

Her lips tipped up at his lack of response and her hand moved lower. Her fingers curled inward and the tips nudged against her flesh, pulling a shuddering breath out of her mouth. Her head tipped back, eyes soften and skin glowed as she stroked and dipped her fingers. His balls were drawn tight. His knees weak watching her before him.

,” he managed to squeeze out again.

She lifted a second hand and cupped her breast. “Yes, Mike.”

And his voice was gone again. Her fingers pinched the tip of her rosy nipple and pulled at it. “You know what I’m thinking?”

He didn’t answer. Couldn’t. His tongue was too thick.

“Of your mouth here. Your teeth taking me rough and your tongue soothing off the burn.” Her breath increased. “Of the shadow of your beard scuffing against my skin. The sweat of your body mixing on mine. Your thick, heavy cock that was just filling my mouth, driving between my legs.”

The water hose dropped. That was it. Vow broken. He couldn’t take it. No man could. He lifted her from the floor. Her legs wound around his hips. Her wet opening rubbed against his cock and he carried her inside. Her mouth closed over his shoulder, licking up and lightly nipping at his neck and higher to his ear. He didn’t care. He was running butt ass naked through his house, down the hall and to his room where he’d been wanting to see her for so long.

He put her on the bed, her head on his pillows and hair fell out to the side like he imagined it would. He reached in the nightstand for a condom and covered himself. The latex was tight and just the movement of him rolling it down nearly did him in. Then he looked at her. Found her legs open and waiting. Her fingers back over her slit. Hand back on her nipple and head tilting back.

He covered his body over hers, pulling her hands off and pinning them to the mattress.
His. For the night, to touch and please.

She bent her legs up on either side of his hips. “About damn time you let go of that perfect control of yours.”

Chapter Ten

Tiffany had done it. She’d finally done it. She’d pushed Mike Gable beyond his grasp of control.

He growled in her ear and thrust, filling her in one long, hard entrance. She angled her hips up and took his fast, pounding strokes. Her hands were trapped in his. His fingers squeezed so tightly on hers she couldn’t grab him back. Couldn’t force him to give her more.

His chest was heavy on hers. His forehead buried in the pillow at her neck. She opened her thighs to bring him closer and whispered in his ear. “More. Harder.”

He stilled.

“I want to be sore in the morning.” And God, she would be. It had been months and months since the last time she was with anyone. But he didn’t know that. And she wanted him so out of control, so far beyond his limits that he would never hold back here. Not in this.

He could have all the control and calm mind he wanted, but not here. He forced her hands over her head and held them together in a single grasp of his. He lifted her ass and thrust. Over and over, his hips slammed to her. Thrust after thrust.

She couldn’t keep up with his movement. Her legs were giving out and desire was building until she was nothing but a ball of aching need ready to burst. He bent and sucked her nipple in his mouth, took her more and she screamed out his name, giving into her orgasm and falling numb onto the bed as he stiffened and groaned, collapsing on top of her. His arms fell from holding her. Her wrists loosened and shoulders were sore from the position.

His hard breathing filled her ear, chest pressed on hers as he struggled for air. She mustered what she could, flattening her foot to the mattress and pushing to roll him to his back. He didn’t budge.

“Sorry.” He gasped for air. “Second.”

She softened under him. And quit trying to move him. She wouldn’t tell him she was fine, but that it sounded like he needed on his back for more air. The hot breath escaping his mouth fanned over her shoulder and chest. She wrapped her arms around his head and combed her nails through his hair and just lay there, soaking it in.

The feel of his hot body covering her. Mike, too boneless to move and heart pounding on hers. She pulled it all in, afraid this moment might shatter and be gone. He rolled to his side, pulling her with him and jerking the top blanket around them.

He kept her close to his side and kissed her forehead. “Thank you.”

She smiled. “Thank
. You did all the work there.”

A chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Actually, I don’t think I did.” His hand slid down her back. “You’re the only woman who ever pushes me so far.”

“You need the pushing.”

“I do.” He stilled. His body softened. Breath deepened. “Will again.”

She glanced up and saw his eyes closed, lips parting as sleep took him under. She stretched and kissed him.

She’d done a very stupid thing this week.

She’d gone and fallen in love with him.

Maybe always had to some degree, but had never allowed herself to feel it. And she prayed and hoped she’d be able to keep him.

BOOK: Uninhibited in Apple Trail, Arkansas - Volume 2
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