Read Unexpected Mr. Right Online

Authors: Kelley Nyrae

Unexpected Mr. Right (7 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Mr. Right
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Nico's eyes diverted away from hers looking at the brown umbrella over their small, round table. Cars raced by, horns blared, people walked the streets. She watched him look everywhere except at her. “You won't, will you?” he finally asked. “Fall for me I mean. You want a future and I want a good time. Our ideas of a relationship are completely different. I don't want our friendship to give you false hopes."

In the beginning she fear that herself. That was part of the reason she avoided him, denied him for so long. Now, she really just enjoyed spending time with him. Enjoyed having him as a friend. And she wanted to know that she could relax a little bit, have some fun without worrying if this man happened to be the one. With Nico, she didn't have that stress. She knew from the start they weren't meant for one another.

"Relax, Romeo. You have nothing to worry about. I know where you and I stand."

He looked relieved as sexy a little smile stretched across his face. “Good. Now how about we run to the store and pick up a few things. I'm going to give you your first cooking lesson."

Tabby beamed. She couldn't wait.

* * * *

"Where are we headed?” she asked as they climbed back into a cab a little while later.

"Valentino's to pick up a few groceries.” They sat quietly as the driver brought them to the store. He couldn't help but think about the conversation at the coffee shop. When she again brought up the fact that she didn't want her friends to know about their friendship he'd been angry, but then he realized she was right. Just like Luciano, they'd all make their assumptions, getting on his back for doing something that he didn't plan to do. He wouldn't hurt her, couldn't hurt her. She knew the score.

She wanted it this way just as much as he did. Maybe more, he thought. Nico fidgeted in his seat trying to ignore the gnawing irritation in his gut. She didn't want the whole friend's thing more than him. Couldn't. He never wanted more than friends and this wasn't any different.

A few minutes later they pulled in front of Valentino's. Nico asked the driver to wait before opening the door for them to get out. “This is your first lesson,” he said as they walked into the store. “Always buy your ingredients for Italian food at an Italian market."

She didn't look too convinced when she asked, “Things are so different here than at a regular store?"

"Oh yeah.” He smiled. With that she shrugged and turned to scope out the isles with him.

"So what are we making?” She asked.

"I was thinking something simple for your first lesson. Something everyone likes."

"And that is?” she prompted.


"I have the number for Domino's on my fridge at home."

He liked this light-hearted, playful side of her but still to compare homemade to take out was blasphemy. “I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, Slugger."

"Oh you take your pizza making very seriously.” She rubbed her hands together as if plotting something. “Now I know how to get to you. I've heard the saying the way to a man's heart is through his stomach but with you it's a way to put a dent in you ego."

"Takes more than that to dent steel.” Nico knew the line skated the edge of corny but that made it all the more fun. He added a wink and a smile to keep her on the edge. Every time he did that, heat spread to her cheeks. He liked to see that curious, sexy blush on her face.

"Okay I'm not going to justify that comment with a reply. Can we just get what we need before I'm unable to hold in my laughter and make a scene in this store?"

Nico let her off the hook by grabbing her hand to lead her through the store getting freshly grated mozzarella, parmigiano, and romano, fresh basil, tomatoes, and other seasonings. They went to the meat department and he had Italian sausage ground for them. “Do you have a pizza pan?"

"Puhleez. I told you, I do Dominos."

Nico grabbed one then told her, “This is for you. I expect you to use it after today."

"I will,” she promised then assured him she had everything else they needed for dinner. Nico paid and they were on their way. He couldn't wait to show her what he could do in the kitchen. Feeding her at Luciano's and actually showing her the craft he loved were two totally different things. Sharing his love of cooking made him happy. A good meal could heal a lot of things. He just hoped she liked it. Thinking of Tabby working with him in the kitchen was a damn sexy thing. Kitchen tables were good for more than just eating on.

* * * *

When they arrived at her apartment, Charming greeted them at the door. He immediately purred and rubbed his head against Nico's leg.

"I didn't know you had a cat. She must have been hiding the other day."

"Charming isn't a big people person. He usually hides out when people are over. I'm surprised he's giving you love right now. Do you like cats?"

"I love cats, Slugger.” He kneeled down on her white carpet stroking Charming. “I've always been a kitty cat kind of man."

She had a feeling they weren't talking about the feline variety anymore. Leave it to Nico to find a way to make everything sexual. “Well, this one's a boy. He doesn't swing that way and I didn't think you did either."

He laughed heartily, stood up and walked into her kitchen. Tabby found herself following. “I don't. I go for tall, leggy, smooth, coco skinned, beauties who lately, have a habit of shooting me down."

"Maybe you're losing your touch?” Yeah right.

"It's not the ninth inning yet, Slugger. I still have time."

"You're right. The games over."


"Friends,” she reminded him.

"With benefits?"

"You're not that lucky, big guy. Try again."

"I'm starting to see that. Just wanted to make sure you didn't suddenly realize a night of sweaty, no-strings-attached sex was on the menu."

"Nope, I'm sticking to pizza."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Five

Nico started off by teaching her how to make the dough. To her surprise he didn't measure a thing. Really she shouldn't be shocked. Cooking was not only what he did for a living but obviously something he loved as well. He moved so comfortably in her kitchen. Even though he'd never cooked in it she could tell he was a professional in his natural habitat.

They put the dough aside to let it rise. He told her it would only take about three hours and while it did its thing they'd make the sauce. Nico poured chopped tomatoes in a bowl and added a little tomato paste.

Finally grabbed her measuring spoons he glanced up. “I'm going to show you how I like it. When you do it on your own you'll learn to mix, add, take away different seasonings to your taste. Right now we'll just use the Valenti special."

He measured out red wine, basil, garlic, salt, pepper and added them to the bowel with the tomatoes. Tabby watched, taking mental notes and hoping like hell she could remember.

"Wash your hands,” he told her. Tabby did and met him back at the counter.

"I want you to mix it together."

Tabby reached to pull a mixing spoon when Nico's hand suddenly grabbed hers. She felt a tingle shoot up her arm.

"No. Mix it with your hands. You need to mash the tomatoes really good."

He pulled away. Ignoring the dancing flutter in her belly she eased her hands into the bowl and began to crush the tomatoes, mixing the seasonings together. As the juices sloshed through her fingers she looked over at Nico. He watched her intently, like he was a doctor teaching her how to perform a surgery rather than a chef teaching her how to make pizza. But the fact that he took his job serious and really, truly enjoyed what he did make her respect for him grow.

A second later he eased his hands in the bowl with hers. She hated to admit it but the tingle returned with his touch. This time it settled a little south of the twitter in her stomach.

"That's it. Really get in there and smash them,” he told her.

Their hands touched, swam together in the mixture getting it just right. He didn't talk anymore, just watched her, their hands drenched in tomato sauce, pureeing what was in the bowl. “I think that's good enough,” she said breaking the moment. His eyes diverted from hers to the bowl.

"Yeah, that was a little too much to tell you the truth.” He raised his finger to her mouth. “Taste?"

She didn't know why she did it. Knew it was stupid but she opened her mouth and drew his finger inside. The sauce tasted good but the man tasted even better. Quickly she pushed his finger out with her tongue. “Tastes good.” Tabby walked over to the sink and started to wash her hands. She wanted, no needed to get a little bit of space between them.

She ran her hands under the warm water watching the red sauce drip from her fingers and down the drain. Nico stood behind her at the counter still by the bowl. She didn't have to turn around to know he watched her. She felt his eyes on her back. They'd shared a weird moment just now. A moment that felt more than friendly.

"So we can kickback and let the dough rise. Then we'll finish."

The light tone in his voice made it easier for her to turn and look at him. “Alright.” Tabby moved aside to let him wash his hands. She dried hers then passed to towel to him. After his hands were dried they both walked into her living room. Their footsteps the only sound in the room. “When did you know you wanted to be a chef?” she asked sitting on the couch. The question popped into her head as she tried to think of something to say to break their silence. He joined her on the couch a second later.

"Cooking has always been a big part of my family. My mom cooked everyday. On Sundays we'd go to Luciano's or they'd come to our house and we always had homemade sauce. They were always really great times, good family and good food. Luciano and I would hang out, torture my little sisters, talk about girls, you know, the normal boy thing."

Her heart lurched with his words, with the look of happiness on his face when he talked about his family. God she wanted that, brothers and sisters, cousins, anyone she could be close with, who would love her and have time for her. People who would want to be with her, not leave her at home with a nanny while they ran around town.

Trying not to show her emotions she looked at Nico and waited for him to continue.

"One day Mama asked for my help. She wasn't feeling well, the girls were all gone, Dad was working in the backyard. It was an instantaneous connection for me. It's hard to explain but it felt right. I liked mixing different spices together, creating a meal from different ingredients. When the family sat down to eat it felt good that I was the one who'd fed them. I brought the family together to share a meal, to talk, just to be with each other.” He ran a hand though his short hair, dark mussing it even worse. “Sounds crazy doesn't it, Slugger?"

She could hardly speak. Her words were trapped in her throat. They fought to bust free from their cage but were unable. Feeling tears begin to prick her eyes, Tabby cleared her throat when what she really wanted to do is clear her mind. “Not at all. I think you're very lucky, Nico.” She didn't want him to know how much his words affected her. How something so simple sounded so perfect and loving.


"Your family. Their closeness, love for each other. It's wonderful you could give them what they need and they could do the same for you.” She obviously couldn't give her parents what they needed. She was the third wheel in a perfect, fairytale happy couple.

"They didn't need that from me but I liked giving it to them. All we really needed was each other.” He had no idea how lonely, how worthless those words made her feel. She never had that. Before she met Bri and Kaylee no one ever needed her.

"You're lucky all the same,” she tried to sound nonchalant. Nico grabbed her face, turning her to look him in the eyes. She did. They watched each other. It was like he tried to look into her soul, like he wanted to read her. She feared what he would say next. What he might ask her. No way could she tell him how she felt, why she wanted that unconditional love so much. She couldn't let him know she'd never had it.

To her surprise he said, “Why don't we turn on some music and get back in that kitchen. You're lesson isn't done yet, Slugger."

He'd just let her off the hook. She knew it to the bottom of her soul. Like she already didn't like him too much, her trust for him started to grow, even if just a little bit.

* * * *

Nico held himself back from asking Tabby the questions he really wanted to. He almost failed but when he looked her in her eyes, saw a sadness he'd never witness in her before, he changed the subject. She didn't want to talk about it. Her eyes told him that loud and clear. He wanted the happiness back in her gaze. So he decided to do what he did best, lighten the mood, have fun, make her smile. Smiling women were his specialty.

Walking over to her stereo he said, “Tell me you have some good music choices in your collection. I'm not in the mood for sappy love songs."

She stood up and smiled. His heart beat wildly. Damn he loved that gorgeous smile. He'd do anything to keep it on her face. He like making women happy, making them smile. Nico was a guaranteed good time. That's what he'd been told and it was okay with him. He liked being the one people turned to for fun. Nothing serious, just a good time.

For some reason it felt a little better than it usually did. He knew it had to be because she was becoming such a good friend, almost like family. Though her and Kaylee weren't blood, they were family and in a short time Kaylee would be related to him so it would make sense his feeling extended toward Tabby.

Keep telling yourself that, man.

"Yeah, put on some Marley,” she told him.

Good choice. He liked Bob Marley. Nico found the CD and put it in her player. As the Reggae beat started to drift from the speakers he grabbed for her hand.

"Show me some of your moves, Slugger.” To his surprise, he didn't have to ask twice. Tabby started to sway her hips to the upbeat tempo.

He stood still watching her. Damn the woman was beautiful. And she knew how to move her body. A hard-on started in his pants. He wanted her now even more than before. There was something about her he couldn't shake. The more he got to know her the more his attraction for her grew. If only she'd realize how much fun they could have together. Inside the bedroom. The look on her face told him she knew the kind of fun they had outside.

BOOK: Unexpected Mr. Right
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