Read Under the Magnolia Online

Authors: Moira Rogers

Under the Magnolia (7 page)

BOOK: Under the Magnolia
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His grin was wicked. "You
rattle my concentration just by

"Oh yeah?" It wasn't
difficult to believe him, not when she was snuggled up against him
and could feel the hard proof of his arousal. "Well, if it's
going to be a
scientific experiment, I'll have to rattle you a lot. There might be
lingerie involved."

"A real scientific experiment,
hmm? We won't be able to establish a control when you're around,
that's for sure." His low, dulcet tone gave the words a double
meaning, and she fought a shiver.

"And here I thought control was
your thing." She traced her finger along the shell of his ear,
barely touching him.

"Under the right circumstances,
but not always." He turned his head quickly and nipped at her
finger with a laugh. "Now, knock it off. I meant what I said
about flowers and music and all that stuff."

"Mmm." Her finger skated
along his lip, light and teasing. "Maybe I'm experimenting
already. How's your telekinesis doing?"

Wes arched an eyebrow at her, and
she felt a light, almost tickling touch along her lower back. "How
do you think?"

Addie's mouth fell open. She could
still feel his hands on her hips, but the soft stroking caress that
was working its way up her back felt so real she had to resist the
urge to look over her shoulder to make sure no one else was there.
Somehow she hadn't quite considered the implications of going to bed
with a telekinetic as creative as Wes.

Oh, this could be good. This
could be really,

He grinned, and she had to wonder
for a moment if he could read her mind, as well. "Wondering what
else I can do?" he asked before bending his head and tracing his
tongue up her throat.

"Maybe a little." She
barely noticed when he sat up, bringing her with him as if it was
effortless. They ended up in much the same position they'd been in
earlier, with Wes leaning back against the couch and her straddling
his lap. She felt that maddening caress continue up her back even as
his tongue found the base of her throat. Addie moaned and tilted her
head back. "Maybe a

"If you're not going to let me
be a gentleman, you might as well find out," he murmured against
her skin. The soft strokes on her back lengthened until the imaginary
caress drifted from her shoulders down to her ass. "But I feel
like I should warn you...."

"Warn me?" It was hard to
concentrate on anything when she felt his hands on her skin even
though she was still wearing that damn robe.

"Mmm." He raised his mouth
to her ear. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time."

Addie groaned and dropped her hands
to the belt of her robe. "How long?"

"I didn't ask you out in high
school for the hell of it," he whispered, staring into her eyes
as he moved one of his hands from her hip to slide up her leg, under
the robe.

"Oh." She tugged the knot
free and watched his face as she slowly parted the robe. "Now I
have to wonder if I'll live up to it."

His gaze dropped to the smooth, pale
skin she revealed. "I don't think you have to worry about that,
Addie Jo." He pressed his mouth to her collarbone as his hand
reached the juncture of her thighs. "It's just that I want to do
all kinds of dirty things to you, given that I've had fifteen years
to think about it."

She squeezed her eyes shut as his
fingers stroked against her, finding her clitoris and teasing at it
with a barely there touch. Heavy pleasure flooded her, made her feel
hot and desperate as she moaned and slid her fingers up into his

Kissing him was suddenly the most
important thing in the world. She dragged his head back and sought
his lips blindly with her own, begging entrance to his mouth by
sliding her tongue over his lower lip.

His lips parted under hers as he
twisted, turning them both so that she landed on the couch and he hit
his knees beside it. He pulled at the white terrycloth, shoving it
down her arms, then reached up and covered her breasts with his hands
as he deepened the kiss.

She tried to move her hands back to
his head, but she was still tangled up in the robe, which was pinned
under the weight of her body. Addie groaned against his mouth,
unashamed to admit to herself that there was something sinfully
perfect about being at his mercy.

And he seemed determined to keep her
that way—or to keep her too distracted to care. Heat shot
through her as he rolled one tight nipple between his thumb and
finger, and he swallowed her desperate moan when he did it again. His
tongue stroked against hers in a sensual mimicry of sex, plunging
into her mouth as if he meant to conquer it.

His mouth drifted lower, blazing a
hot path between her breasts to her belly. His hands dropped back to
her hips as he dragged her to the edge of the couch, but the feeling
of him toying with her nipples didn't fade. If anything, the
sensations increased, sharpened, as he kissed past her belly. His
hands gripped her thighs, pulling them farther apart as tongue
circled her clit.

"Wes!" His name ripped
free of her as she threw her head back and squirmed under the
onslaught of sensation. She'd lost the ability to think, lost the
ability to
as his tongue stroked dizzying circles and his ghostly touches
tormented her breasts. She tried to wiggle free of the robe, but his
hands tightened on her thighs, holding her still so she had no choice
except to wallow in the feelings.

And wallow she did. Her body climbed
toward orgasm so fast she was breathless with the speed of it, unable
to comprehend how it could possibly get better. Then one of his hands
moved, his fingers slipping inside her, and heat raced through her as
her body started to shake. "Wes…Wes, God, baby—"

He raised his head, his thumb moving
to take the place of his tongue as he rocked his hand against her and
watched her face. "Come on, Addie...." His tongue traced
another hot path back up to her breast, and he closed his mouth
around her nipple.

She couldn't deny him anything, not
now, when she was balanced on the edge of release and wound so tight
she knew that there was no stopping it. And in truth she didn't want
to, not with him staring up at her with that desperate look on his
face, as if seeing her come would be the hottest thing he had ever

Addie let her head fall back against
the couch as she let go, and orgasm slammed into her with all the
force of the raging storm outside. She might have screamed, but she
couldn't be sure. Pleasure crested inside her and rolled outwards in
wild, uncontrollable waves that made her entire body shake and her
toes curl.

He coaxed her through the waves,
stroking into her with his fingers and rubbing her clit, dragging it
out until she had to whimper in protest at the stimulation.

He tugged his hand away and kissed
her shoulder. "Sleep?" His voice was as tight as his
shoulders. "It's late."

She squirmed the rest of the way out
of her robe before sliding off the couch to straddle his lap. Her
fingers still shook, but she managed to find the hem of his shirt and
drag it upwards. "Trying to be a gentleman is one thing, Wes,
but now you're just talking crazy."

He kissed her, his tongue sweeping
the inside of her mouth. Then he pulled away and let her coax his
shirt off. "I tried. Lord knows, I tried."

"Should have known better,"
she whispered as she threw his shirt to the floor. Her hands fell
back to his shoulders, and she stroked down his chest before bending
her mouth to kiss his shoulder. "Can't stop me when I set my
mind to something."

"Obviously not." He lifted
her and set her back on the couch. Then he stood and reached for his
pants, freezing when he had them undone. "Shit, Addie. I don't
have any condoms."

Addie reached out and grabbed his
pants, tugging them down. "You worried about getting me
pregnant, or something else?"

His eyebrows shot up again. "I
to worry about anything else, or I wouldn't be about to have sex with

She laughed and slid her hands back
up his legs before wrapping her fingers around his cock. She stroked
him once slowly, still staring up at him. "Then you don't have
to worry at all."

He groaned low in his throat and
dropped to the couch beside her, pulling her back into his lap.
"You're on something?"

"Other than you?" She
traced her lips down the line of his jaw until she found his ear,
then bit it softly. "I'm on birth control, Wes. It's fine."

He kissed her again, hard, then
maneuvered until his cock prodded her entrance, pressing inside. He
groaned her name, his hands shaking on her hips. "Jesus, Addie.

She rocked her hips, taking him
deeper each time until her body was pressed against his. Her fingers
curled around the back of the couch as she sucked in a breath then
dropped her forehead until it rested against his. "How's your
control feeling now, honey?"

"What control?" He ground
a curse between his teeth and thrust up against her. "Your
experiment is either a smashing success or a horrible failure,
because I don't think I could do a damn thing right now except fuck

The coarse language, so unlike Wes'
usual easy-going nature, was hot enough to curl her toes again.
"Good." She braced herself against the couch with one hand
on either side of his shoulders. "You keep telling me how much
you want to fuck me, and I'll..." She raised her hips a little
and then slammed them back down with a groan. "Do this."

"Fuck—" His hands
wrapped around the back of her shoulders, cupping them and dragging
her down into his next thrust. "You can't tell how much I want
this? How badly I want to feel you come again?"

She dragged one hand down his chest
and slipped it between their bodies until she could brush her fingers
over her clitoris. Fire shot through her, and she threw back her head
with a groan. "That shouldn't…take long…."

He grinned again before pleasure
twisted his features, and she felt the touch of his telekinesis
again, phantom fingers on hers, urging her on as he braced his feet
on the floor and plunged up into her even harder. "Now…"

This time she did scream, his name
flying out of her as she hung on the edge of release for an endless
moment. When she fell there was nothing but grinding, panting
pleasure, and she rode out her orgasm, her lips blindly seeking his.

With blood pounding in her ears, she
felt rather than heard him cry out, a hoarse, wordless sound of
pleasure muffled against her mouth. He arched into her and shuddered,
his hands scrambling over her skin, drawing her closer.

"Wes!" This time his name
was a helpless moan as she rocked with the aftermath of her orgasm,
the slight movement of her hips drawing another soft swell of
pleasure from somewhere deep inside her.

It took several long moments for his
hips to still, moments he spent whispering into her neck, stroking
her skin. "I'm usually a lot smoother than that, you know."

She couldn't help the exhausted
laughter that escaped her as she slumped against his chest,
thoroughly sated. "God, help me."

"I'm not kidding," he
panted. "I can bring it. You just wait and see."

"Mmm. I'm not doubting you,
Wes." How could she, when their hasty, frantic groping had
already been more satisfying than any sex she could remember. She was
exhausted, wrung dry from the stress of the day and the force of
their passion. She could fall asleep like this, cradled against his
chest with his hand sliding up and down her back.

And if a tiny little voice in her
head nagged that it hadn't been the sex of her vision...
time for that later. Dirty old break room couches don't really
encourage romantic lovemaking.

She barely noticed when Wes shifted
them, finding a comfortable position half propped up against the arm
of the couch with her body cradled against him. She closed her eyes
and made a soft, contented noise as she curled against his chest,
snuggling under the blanket he dragged over both of them. Held in his
arms and wrapped in linens smelling of expensive fabric softener and
something vaguely floral, she drifted toward sleep.

It would have been perfect if only
she could have banished the terrifying possibility that she'd
destroyed any chance of having that sweet, emotionally charged sex by
moving too fast.

BOOK: Under the Magnolia
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