Unbreak Her Heart: A Billionaire BWWM Love Story (6 page)

BOOK: Unbreak Her Heart: A Billionaire BWWM Love Story
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They drove together with their hands interlocked, enjoying one another’s company. When they arrived and the valet took their car, Aliyah stood in awe in front of the grand building. The large doors were arched and opened into a huge lobby that seemed all glass and steel. She began to rethink her feelings about modern art in this building. The way the art and the building itself worked together made her enjoy the look. Brad watched her take it all in and felt that he was seeing the place for the first time through her eyes.

They had plenty of time to find their seats. The ushers were helpful, but Brad knew the place well and guided her expertly to their seats. They sat together and he watched her sparkly eyes. She was as excited as a child and couldn’t wait for the play to begin.

She was also excited to feel the warmth of his arm against hers as they sat next to each other. Her good fortune almost overwhelmed her. Not only did she have a second chance at life with her successful heart surgery, but now she was enjoying so many things in the world and doing it with this extremely handsome man. Her heart welled as the orchestra began to play and the curtains rose.

The entire play thrilled and stirred Aliyah. The props seemed to emerge from nowhere, sometimes huge and almost terrifying, sometimes small and artful. The show was a musical and the singing reached her heart and made her feel the depths of the feelings of the playwright. The age old themes of love and loss were brought to new life by the people on the stage, the elaborate sets, and the talented orchestra. The lighting itself was a masterpiece and perfectly set off every scene. She could find no flaw and the story took her in until she almost forgot where she was. Brad sat next to her and also enjoyed the show, but even more, he enjoyed watching her respond to it so deeply.

When the show was over, Brad looked at Aliyah and a crazy idea started to form in his head. “Aliyah, is there any way you could get another day off?”

“I have a few more days saved up and they told me that they don’t really need me until later because one of the girls is trying to pick up extra hours. Why?” Aliyah asked in a hopeful voice.

“I don’t want this to end yet, and love, I have a great idea, but I’m not telling you. You aren’t afraid to fly, are you?” Brad’s eyebrow rose as he looked intently at her, hoping that she would make a good companion in his jet.

“I’m not afraid, but I’ve never done it.” They laughed and Brad immediately got on the phone, as late as it was, to set up the plans. He used code words to keep Aliyah from knowing where they would end up.


The next day was a dream for them both. They woke up to the sound of the birds on the country estate. As much as Aliyah hated the idea of leaving the big, cozy fireplace and the kitchen where they flirted and ate just enough to give them the energy for more love, she was so excited by the prospect of travel that she almost tingled. Her stomach felt as if it were full of butterflies and her heart pounded in a healthy and happy way.

Brad couldn’t wait to show Aliyah the huge, famous theatre that had housed so many famous productions. They packed swiftly and headed for the small, local airport. Someone had been hard at work bringing the jet in the night and making sure that it was ready to go. It was all so new for Aliyah. She couldn’t imagine picking up a phone and summoning so many nice things and having so many people take care of her every need and desire.

They walked to the jet and climbed up the steps into it. The plush sofa in the jet was the perfect place to cuddle throughout the flight. The two looked out the window and Aliyah nestled into Brad’s arms. The flight itself was uneventful, with little turbulence and no problems along the way. They landed easily and found their way to a waiting limousine. Once again, Aliyah was shocked with the luxury of it all, but still she knew that her true joy was from the man at her side. His warmth, kindness, and attention to her was the real gift. She had been with men before who could make any situation a trial. Even if they had been born into all of the money in the world, they would have made her unhappy with their selfishness and ability to make those around them unhappy. This man was nice to look at on the outside but also nice to know on the inside. His conversation was stimulating and she felt like a queen when she was with him.

The limousine took them to a beautiful, old restaurant before the show. Aliyah played with Brad throughout the meal, trying to get him to tell her where they were going. She didn’t really care as long as she was with him, but she had fun teasing him and trying to get him to give something away. He pretended to have spilled a hint and then tell her that he hadn’t given anything away. At one point he said, “Oh, fine then. I’ll tell you. We’re going to a chicken farm.”

Aliyah looked at him blankly for a moment and then said, “Hey! That sounds fun! I hope it isn’t one of the mean ones that shove the chickens in little boxes, but free range chickens must be cute! What time are we going?”

Her genuine interest in so many things made him throw his head back and laugh. “Oh, love. You’re adorable. Of course I’m not taking you to a chicken farm tonight. You’re definitely not dressed for it.” He chuckled again. “Love, if you want, I will buy you your own chickens.” He loved her open and positive attitude, but he wasn’t sure how she would raise chickens at her apartment. A slight shadow crossed his face when he thought of taking her back to her tiny apartment and leaving her there. They were saved from this slight downturn by the arrival of the next course, and they ate well.

After dinner, the couple was delivered to a large, old, and very ornate building. The historic building caused Aliyah to crane her neck to look at the many details of stone and brick on the front of the building. The large, wooden doors opened into a lobby that seemed to call out to the visitors and ask them to consider art and music and love.

The vaulted ceilings were painted with angels and clouds, flowers and trees. Floral arrangements were displayed throughout the large hall and people flocked like brightly plumed birds. It was a place for a display and the women were on display with their dresses and hats as their calling cards. Aliyah wasn’t aware of the fact that she was the most striking woman in the room. Her dress was simpler than those of most of the women and her makeup was not overdone. Some of the women looked like they were planning on going on stage with the caked makeup and clumped eyelashes that they thought were glamorous. Aliyah, on the other hand, was radiant with her wonder of the place and her feelings for Brad. He took her arm and guided her through the hall. He was proud to be with this beautiful woman who was enjoying these things that he could bring into her life.

They were seated in the velvety theatre chairs that were reminiscent of yesteryear, but were really recently remodeled to give the theatre-goers more comfort and to provide the best seating possible. The high ceilings, ornate balcony, amazing stage, and details everywhere were enough entertainment for Aliyah. The lights went down and her eager hands reached for his. Her eyes shone as the show began and took her into a story that was not as beautiful as her own, but had her reveling in the joy of it all.

Once the show was over, the young couple walked arm in arm back to the limousine. Aliyah was too excited to go back to the hotel for the night. She felt like a teenager who had just experienced a first of some sort and she was giddy with the excitement. “Oh, Brad. Can we do something else? I’m so happy. Let’s go somewhere else, too!” She almost bounced in her seat. She had no idea how enticing she was and he looked at her fondly.

“I have another idea and I think you’re going to like it. Love, do you like to dance?” Brad’s eyes sparkled at her as he asked.

“I don’t even have to answer that stupid question. Let’s go!” Aliyah was laughing as she sassed him with her response.

They pulled up to a club with lights all over the front. The line stretched almost around the building and the bouncers were intimidating. Brad walked past the line with confidence. He approached the bouncers and they looked at him skeptically. “So you think you’re on this list, buddy?” They said this with mocking grins and sarcasm.

“Oh, it’s okay guys. I’m sure I’m not on the list because Gavin wasn’t expecting me.” Brad took out his phone and dialed a number. “Hey. I’m trying to come and see you. Will ya call off your guard dogs out here? ...Okay. We’ll hang tight.” Brad winked at Aliyah. Within moments the cell phone of the head bouncer rang.

“Yes. Yes, sir. No, sir. Yes, sir.” This was all they heard from the bouncer’s side of the conversation. The bouncer respectfully nodded to Brad and admitted him to the club with this message. “Mr. Gavin said that you should tell the girl at reception to show you to him in the back room and I’m to tell you to have a… uh… pleasant evening.” His eyes never met Brad’s eyes and his moment of power dwindled to nothing.

Aliyah had brightened her lipstick and teased her hair a bit. Without a wrap, her dress that had fit in so well at the theatre took on a trendier look for the club. Every man in the club watched her with desire as she walked with Brad to the back room. Their path led past a huge dance floor and Aliyah wanted to get out on it but she knew that they would first need to say their hellos to the man who had granted admittance to this fashionable night spot.

The back room was dimly lit and furnished with tables and chairs but there were sofas around the edge of the room. A portly man was half reclined on one of the sofas with a small dog cuddled up next to him. “You remember Fluffy, don’t you?” Gavin said.

“Of course I do!” Brad scratched Fluffy behind the ears. “How are you doing, old man?” Gavin was obviously close to Brad’s age, but his girth lent him the look of an older man.

“I can’t complain.” Gavin smiled at his friends. He was an attractive man with big, brown eyes. His dark brown hair and smooth white skin had allowed him to attract many lovely ladies even though he was anything but fit. “I got bored spending the family fortune and decided to open this place. I thought you’d never come and see it. I know you’ve got… ahhh… a lot of… responsibility and stuff. Oh, never mind. Let’s not talk about any of
. Who is this young lady?” Gavin’s face looked surprised and a bit confused. Brad shifted uncomfortably and shuffled one foot. His eyes met Gavin’s in a knowing glance that neither man wanted to hold. They both looked down and wracked their minds for a way to change the subject.

Gavin’s hesitation and emphasis on words was lost on Aliyah, who was looking around at wonder. This was the most exclusive club she had ever been to. The walls almost looked like they were made of some kind of metallic Play-Doh. She didn’t want to speculate why. The furniture was trendy and seemed to be chosen more for looks than comfort, except for the back room where Gavin liked to sprawl out with Fluffy and reign as king of his domain until he got bored with it and hired someone to manage it while he moved on to other interests.

Aliyah and Brad had a nice time talking with Gavin. During their stay in the back room they met two NBA players, four NFL players, an actor who had just come home from shooting in Paris, most of the members of Brad’s favorite band, and, oddly, a man who was trying to invent a new kind of table that could be hidden under the floor with the push of a button. Aliyah tried not to laugh when he was introduced because she knew that Gavin considered him to be one of the most important people in the room and she wanted to be polite to this kind man who was obviously a good friend of Brad’s. After a round of drinks and a polite amount of conversation, one of the football players asked Aliyah to dance. She was relieved to find that Brad wasn’t a jealous man. She raised one eyebrow and looked at him. She didn’t feel that Brad owned her, but she did want to be respectful of the man who brought her here. Brad winked at her and joked with the football player who was twice the size of Brad in spite of Brad’s height of six foot three inches and broad chest and shoulders. “Just watch yourself with my girl, buddy. I’d hate to have to settle this outside.” The player laughed and slapped Brad playfully on the back.

Aliyah thought to herself that Brad was a real man whose self-esteem didn’t rely on posturing or acting a fool around other men. This was a man who could hold his own, but could also recognize the strengths of others and laugh at himself. She had a feeling that a friendship would be sealed and that they would be attending plenty of football games together in the future to watch their new friends.

On the way to the dance floor, their new friend said, “I don’t know if you caught my name. I’m Leo.”

Those were all the words that were said before they were on the dance floor. Aliyah was very glad that Leo didn’t try anything. They both knew how to dance but Aliyah was, by far, the better dancer. She had always joked that football players made terrible dancers, but Leo could hold his own if he kept it simple, and Aliyah was soon in her zone. She felt the music move her and the beat pounded through her body. Leo was simply a side note to what she was doing and feeling. She did tone down any moves that might lead him on or encourage him to get too close and he kept his distance. As the music rose and they started to feel the thumping all the way to their toes, Aliyah was glad to see Brad coming onto the dance floor.

He cut in and Leo obligingly moved aside and let Brad move in. Brad and Aliyah began to move together as if they were alone. The heat between them coupled with the music and bystanders either had to stare or look away because their passion was contagious. Aliyah was surprised at what a good dancer Brad was. She thought that his other qualities were already almost too much of a good thing. Their bodies moved together and they began to sweat on the dance floor. Aliyah had never had such a great time dancing, and that was saying something.

BOOK: Unbreak Her Heart: A Billionaire BWWM Love Story
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