Tyler, Lynn - For Her Honor [For Her] (Siren Publishing Classic) (19 page)

BOOK: Tyler, Lynn - For Her Honor [For Her] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Will blinked the memory from his eyes and looked down at the cool blonde beauty tugging on his arm. He let himself be led off, still mulling over what this new revelation might mean.


Robbie stood at the window, staring out at the beautiful early summer day. He couldn’t remember a time when he had felt so content with his life.

His wife had been nothing like he’d expected, but he found himself enjoying life with her more each day. She had risen to the challenge of being the keep’s mistress and taken on the role of the laird’s wife spectacularly, taking everything in hand quietly so as not to step on toes.

Last night had been the most wonderful night, and he thought back to it fondly.

Seeing her cuddle that precious, squalling infant close to her heart before handing the bundle of baby over to the grateful father had made Robbie’s heart clench. He ached to give her one of her own. One of their own.

He thought back to how she had danced with his brother while he drank with his men. He thought about how much more alive everything and everyone seemed to be when she was around. Mostly, he remembered how she had laughed and thrown her arms around him, letting him kiss her in front of all his people. How she had whispered in his ear about making babies as he carried her up the stairs to his chamber.

Her gown had ended up crumpled on the floor, tangling with his own clothes. She had responded to his loving with enthusiasm and fire, gasping his name when he had driven her over the edge.

Jocelyn stirred in the bed behind him, and he smiled when she padded over to him and wrapped her arms around him, bringing the linen sheet around them both and resting her cheek against his bare back.

“Good morning,” she said in that husky, I-have-been-well-loved voice he loved so much.

He felt a spurt of male pride with the knowledge it had been his lovemaking that had caused that catch in her throat.

His smile widened as he twisted at the waist and wrapped his arm around her. Pulling her close to his side, he pointed out the window. “It is a lovely day,” he whispered in her ear. “Do you want to go exploring with me?”

“What?” she said teasingly. “And miss all the excitement here?” She stood on her toes and pulled him down so she could kiss his chin. “Yes, Robert. I want to do some exploring with you.” She nibbled lightly, seductively at the corner of his mouth.

His body reacted instantly, and he turned to face her, letting her feel his erection against her stomach. Reaching around to loosen the sheet, he groaned in frustration when he heard the knock on the door.

He cursed viciously and, taking care to wrap the linen securely around her, he tore himself away from her and strode to the chamber door. He wrenched it open, his body tight and his cock huge and hard with desire and on display for the whole keep to see. “What?” he roared.

Will didn’t say anything. He simply handed his older brother a tray of food and backed away from the door, a grin tugging on his lips the whole time.

Muttering obscenities under his breath, Robbie kicked the door shut and turned to see Jocelyn frantically trying to smother her giggles behind her hand. “Are you laughing at me?” he asked, though he couldn’t keep his own grin from his face.

“Nay, my laird. I am laughing with you,” she managed to choke out between peals of laughter.

He dropped the tray on the table next to the bed and pounced on her, drawing a squeal from her throat. Yanking on the linen, he sent it flying and watched it land in a heap. Grabbing her waist, he brought her up against him and kissed her until her giggles turned to moans.

Robbie lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. His eyes nearly crossed when she locked her legs around his hips and ground herself against him. The tip of his cock rubbed against her wet folds, and he almost cried with relief when he realized she was ready for him.

He sat on the bed and held her in his lap, maneuvering her until she sank down onto him. She whimpered sweetly into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, waiting expectantly. He realized with a start that, despite her passionate response to him, she was still rather innocent and she didn’t know what to do.

Slowly, without words, he showed her how to move on him. She picked up the rhythm quickly and was soon riding him in abandon.

Robbie marveled at the sight his small wife made as she moved above him, rocking her whole body back and forth. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and he was amazed that she was his.

His eyes nearly rolled back in his head as she added a little swivel to her hips on every down stroke. She was tightening her inner muscles every time she dropped down on him and releasing them as she pulled back. It was like fucking a fist, only better. Oh, God, was it better.

His balls pulled tight against his body and he fought the rising need to explode, instead reaching between their bodies to glide his finger over her extended clitoris. He watched with no small amount of pride as she threw her head back and clenched around him, coming apart in his arms with quiet gasps and whispery breaths.

Finally letting himself go, he felt his seed travel up his cock and into his wife’s willing body.

Robbie swung their legs onto the bed and held her on top of him so her full body rested against his own. He stroked his hands down her back, soothing her as they both caught their breath. He sighed with satisfaction. He loved having her rest atop him.

Jocelyn curled her hand under her chin and snuggled into him, almost purring with fulfillment. They stayed that way for quite some time until his belly started to rumble.

He helped her roll off him and reached for the tray. “Shall we see what Will brought for us?” he asked, removing the warming cloth from the tray.

The room was filled with the tantalizing scents of thick porridge swimming with melted butter and honey, soft while bread still hot from the oven, freshly ripened fruit, and sweet goat’s milk.

Piling pillows behind them, Robbie pulled her so she sat between his legs. “A beautiful wife in my arms, a meal fit for a king. The good Lord must be pleased with something I did,” he said before taking a big bite of bread.

Jocelyn relaxed against him and craned her neck so she could kiss his jaw. “I could say the same,” she said.

He laughed and was once again struck by how happy he was. If only he could figure out who was raiding his stock and crops, life would be perfect.
Be careful, lad,
a small voice niggled at the back of his mind.
Happiness has never lasted for you. What chance do you have at a perfect life with a loving wife?

The thought sobered him a little, and he pushed his trencher aside.

“Are you all right?” Jocelyn asked him, obviously noticing the tension that had suddenly gripped his body.

“Aye,” he said as he pulled away from her. He stood up and secured his kilt around his waist. “You had better get dressed, loving, or we will not be exploring anything other than each other.”

“Would that be such a bad thing?” she asked seductively, standing before him in all of her nude glory.

“Sweet Heaven, Jocelyn,” he groaned. “You have drained me of my seed for the time being. You must give me some time to recover.”

“All right,” she, pushing out her lip in a pout. Then she smiled at him wickedly and trailed her fingers lightly over his arm. “Will our walk to the woods give you enough time to recover?”

He helped her dress, glad she didn’t want a lady’s maid. He absolutely loved lacing up her gowns and helping her fuss with her hair. It just gave him another excuse to get his hands on her.

He kissed her neck and savored the shiver that ran down her body. “Aye, I believe so,” he said, answering her question. “There is a beautiful little spot by a waterfall that would be the perfect place for you to have your wicked way with me.”

He held her hand as they descended the steps to the dining hall. If he could have avoided the crowd, he would have. But this was the only way out unless they wanted to break their legs jumping from the window in their bedchamber.

He felt heat rush up his neck to redden his cheekbones as the men and women gathered below began to whistle and applaud. “She looks well loved!” Jamie shouted, his voice ringing out over the noise.

“Well loved and well pleased,” Colin added, grinning like a fool.

“Oh dear,” Jocelyn said, clearly trying to keep a straight face.

Robbie grinned despite his blush and let Jocelyn lead him through the masses, ignoring the more ribald comments. “Do you not all have work to see to?” he called over his shoulder.

“Aye, Robert,” Will answered in a loud, carrying voice. “But we have been waiting to see when you would emerge with your bride.”

“And I have won the wager,” Colin hooted gleefully.

Jocelyn stopped at the doorway and promptly buried her face in Robbie’s shirt, her entire body shaking with laughter.

He grinned and hurried her through the doors, closing out the sounds of his people’s cheering and delighted laughter.

* * * *

Jocelyn sighed happily and gazed at her sleeping husband in the afternoon sun. She had exhausted him with her demands and had come to realize how much she enjoyed his body. True to his word, he had brought her to his private spot by the waterfall and had loved her through the morning.

As angry as she had been at her father for forcing this union, she had to admit Robbie was certainly the type of man she would have chosen for herself. Strong enough to lead his people but willing to let her into his own personal tragedy.

She still didn’t understand why he simply hadn’t corrected people about the truth behind Eileen’s death but guessed it had something to do with his pride. She could understand that. She had, after all, tried to run off to a nunnery rather than suffer the humiliation of being nothing more than a pawn in the politics of marriage.

She shook her head and shifted so that she lay on her back, her head cushioned on his arm. She thought back to the events of the day before, the thrill of holding a new life in her arms, and the emotions she had seen flare in Robbie’s dark eyes. She smoothed her hand over her belly. Had Robbie planted a child in her last night?

“I hope so, too, imp,” he said in a husky voice.

She met his eyes, wondering how long he had been awake. She sat up and wrapped her arms around her legs. They had been married only a few days and already he seemed to know what she was thinking. Perhaps that was a good sign?

Jocelyn stared at him contemplatively as he stretched. He grinned when he caught her watching him and stood, walking toward the waterfall.

Stepping under the rush, he let the water cascade over his body, his head tilted so the water swept his hair away from his face. Her breath caught at the sight. She had never before thought a man could be beautiful, but her husband’s naked form had proved her wrong.

She joined him under the spray, rinsing off the perspiration and evidence of their lovemaking. Letting him draw her back to land, she helped him wrap his plaid around his waist.

She lingered for a few moments over his abdomen, tracing the deep muscles that lay over his stomach. Nuzzling into his chest, she allowed herself to wallow in his arms.

Her heart filled with emotion, one she had always associated with love. Surely, she couldn’t fall in love with someone after only a few days. But she had a sinking feeling it was indeed possible to fall in love so quickly. So much for protecting her heart.

Jocelyn gripped him harder and hid her face in his chest, wishing she could hide from the world.

He pulled away and dropped her dress over her head. “Come, imp,” he said, his voice still rough from his recently spent passion. “We should be on our way back. The walls of the outer bailey need to be repaired, and I fear our men will not begin work in our absence.”

Her mind raced when she realized his use of the word
, as if they were one now and he was acknowledging it.

They walked hand in hand in companionable silence, stopping occasionally so she could inspect something in more detail.

“Look, Robbie,” she squealed in delight. “Look at all the herbs! Oh, I must take some back to start in the garden.”

She babbled on about the different herbs and plants, their various uses, and about how she would stock her apothecary until she caught Robbie’s amused glance. “Oh, I am sorry,” she said, although she didn’t really mean it. “I am not used to asking for permission.”

“That is all right, imp,” he said. “Though I do not understand why you would want to have the responsibility of being a healer when I would hire someone to do it for you.” She started back to the keep quietly. How could she make Robbie see she could be useful as more than just the keep’s mistress? The only thing that stopped her temper from flaring was the fact that he had a genuine look of confusion on his face.

Robbie obviously noticed her change of attitude. “What is wrong, imp?”

“I am perfectly capable of acting as the healer here,” she said reasonably.

Robbie gazed at her in confusion. “Why would you want to?” he asked.

Irritation rushed through her, quickly replacing the pleasure of the afternoon. “Because it is something I am good at and enjoy,” she said, biting out the words.

BOOK: Tyler, Lynn - For Her Honor [For Her] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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