Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Club Esoteria 9

Two Sirs for Sasha

Sasha McCoy is caught posting a sign in the men’s room at Club Esoteria. She is hoping to meet a Dom who could help her heal from past abuse from her ex-husband and father. The last thing she expects is to be claimed by Gavin Wellings 
 Peyton Davenport.

Gavin and Peyton are best friends, business partners, and Dominants. They are looking for a submissive woman able to share their passion and enthusiasm for the D/s lifestyle. Finding a female submissive in the men’s room posting an advertisement that begins "Dom Wanted," they think they might have found the woman of their dreams.

Will Sasha be able to pass their tests? Will she submit her happiness to them? Can they keep their pace slow and easy as they teach her how to be 

BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
26,009 words



Club Esoteria 9






Cooper McKenzie










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour




Copyright © 2012 by Cooper McKenzie

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-918-0


First E-book Publication: November 2012


Cover design by Harris Channing

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Two Sirs for Sasha
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To all those who asked, begged, and demanded another visit to Club Esoteria.


Club Esoteria 9



Copyright © 2012






Chapter 1


“What the hell are
doing in

Sasha McCoy gasped and froze. The deep-as-a-well-in-the-desert voice did not belong to her uncle, who was supposed to be guarding the door. Needing a moment to think, she finished smoothing the tape to the wall just above and between the restroom’s two urinals.

Knowing she could no longer ignore him, she turned only her head and upper body toward the door behind her. A big, hot, sexy-looking man who radiated power with each breath stood just inside the doorway. He stared at her as if she was a visitor from another planet and not just a woman in the men’s room.

He was big, tanned, gorgeous, and looked like he worked hard for all the rippling muscles his bare chest under the open black leather vest showed off. Sasha swallowed hard, but did not have a plausible explanation for him.

Antony was supposed to keep everyone out until she had posted her signs and slipped out the back door. After all, that was what half uncles were for, wasn’t it? To keep her out of trouble such as this while helping her fulfill her deepest desires, no matter how crazy the rest of the family thought she was?

“Well? Look me in the eye as you answer me, girl,” the man demanded, growing impatient at her extended silence.

Sasha’s gaze rose to meet eyes the color of blue ice as her pussy clenched at his authoritative tone. A shiver raced through her before she looked at the rest of his face. His jet-black hair was cut short and neatly styled, accentuating the strong lines of his face. Her pussy wept as she realized this was exactly the kind of man she was looking for.

“Um, well, you see,” she stammered.

Her brain went blank instead of coming up with an excuse that would not have him rolling on the floor with laughter right before he had her thrown her out of the club. If that happened, Jenna might be so upset she could give Club Esoteria’s business to another catering company. Then she would have to face her father, who would be more upset over the lost contract than her being caught in the men’s room posting a “Dom Wanted” sign.

With an impatient huff, her inquisitor stalked toward her. Blinking, her gaze dropped to his bare chest. If only she had the guts to reach out and touch the tanned flesh. But she knew that was the last thing a submissive looking for a Dominant to take her under command should do. Such a bold move might get her strung up and spanked by anyone with a yen to do so.

The man moved so close his cologne wrapped around her, causing her nipples to leap to attention as well. She lifted her gaze back to his face. He stared down at her with a blank, unreadable expression. He stopped with only inches between them. He held her gaze for another few long seconds before reaching over her shoulder to pull down the sign she had just taped there.

As he read it, the backbone she thought had been ground into dust by her ex-husband snapped back into place. “Where is Antony? Why didn’t he stop you from coming in here?”

“Silence,” the man growled. His dark-as-a-moonless-night voice flowed through her, melting her momentarily willfulness like ice in the heat of a North Carolina summer.

Sasha snapped her jaw shut in response to his order as the clenching between her legs squeezed even tighter. Arousal like nothing she had ever felt before rolled through her. No one had ever brought her to this level of sexual hunger with just a few words.

He read her lengthy notice, and then, without a word, folded it and slid it into the back pocket of his jeans. Though Sasha could not imagine what he was planning to do with it, she was fairly certain she did not want to hang around to find out.

As if reading her mind, the big man wrapped the fingers of one large hand around her upper arm, stopping her before she could make good on the thought of escape.

“Let me go,” she said, trying to tug her arm from her grip.

Instead of releasing her, the man turned to the closest urinal. Using his free hand, he opened his jeans and pulled his cock out. Apparently he did not care that she was standing right beside him. Turning her head in embarrassment, she slammed her eyes closed, wishing she had thought through her decision to advertise for a Dom for another twenty-four hours before acting on it.

When he finished, the man released her arm in order to do up the fastenings of his jeans. She immediately took a step toward the door.

“One more step and I’m going to strip you naked, paint you purple, and tie you to the St. Andrew’s Cross next to the bar with a sign that offers your ass to anyone who wants to take a swing at it.”

She froze midstep and turned to stare at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me,” he said with a look that made her will to argue melt and her legs go weak.

He stepped around her to the sinks along the far wall where he took his time thoroughly washing and drying his hands. Then he turned to her. Planting his feet shoulder-width apart and setting his hands on his hips, he stared at her. His imposing pose had Sasha trembling and wondering what was going to happen next.

The hard look on his face and the air of total control that whirled around him like a tornado held her frozen in place. She knew instinctively that he would do it. He was a Dom and in charge and would do exactly what he had threatened just to prove that to her.

Suddenly self-conscious and scared to death, Sasha dropped her gaze to the floor and then went further and bent her head forward far enough she was staring at the toes of her own sneakers. She noticed jelly smeared across the left one and made a face. So much for making a good impression on the members of Club Esoteria.

Maybe she should give up on her search for something more in her life and just be content with living in the closet-size apartment above her family’s bakery. She could focus on growing the catering side of the business. There, at least, she understood the rules. At the shop her father was in charge and his word was law.

It was the rest of her life where the trouble lay.

All at once, tears filled her eyes and she began to cry, mourning the life she wanted but had no clue how to go about building for herself.

“Look at me, girl,” the man ordered. His voice was full of power, yet somehow gentler than before as if he understood her suddenly overwrought emotions.

She shook her head, afraid to look at him for fear of breaking down completely. Maybe if she continued to stare at the floor and pretended she was invisible, he would give up and leave her alone. Then she could pick up the shards of her shattered pride before slipping out the back door to her truck.

She would even promise to never again set foot in the club’s main room if that was what he wanted. She could deliver the food trays to the kitchen and let someone else take over from there.

BOOK: Two Sirs for Sasha [Club Esoteria 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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