Read Two Mates for a Magistrate Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #Gay

Two Mates for a Magistrate

BOOK: Two Mates for a Magistrate
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Spirit Wolves 3

Two Mates for a Magistrate

For many centuries, Magistrate Wolfram Rozenstadt shouldered the burden of leadership alone, his only support his best friend, Klaus. But the pain of his people and the loss of lives strains his mind and soul until he is almost lost in his nightmares.

Unexpectedly, a vision leads him to his two mates, Dietrich and Fritz, giving him hope.

Dietrich is a witch, having learned from a very young age to loathe the part of him that is a beast. But upon meeting Fritz, his control fails, and he is on the verge of becoming a monster. All the while, Fritz tries to grasp how in the world a relationship which seemed to show such promise turned into an episode of The Twilight Zone.

Wolfram comes to their aid, but an enemy is lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. And this time, The Magistrate's power might not be enough to defeat the evil watching them.

Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves

27,771 words



Spirit Wolves 3

Scarlet Hyacinth



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove


Copyright © 2011 by Scarlet Hyacinth

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-652-1

First E-book Publication: July 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Two Mates for a Magistrate
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Spirit Wolves 3


Copyright © 2011


Trier, Germany, 1581

Torches burned outside the small cottage, casting eerie rays through the night. In the dimly lit room, Dietrich stared at the approaching crowd in concern.

His mother, Aarika, pulled him away from his observation point.

“Don’t stand there, child,” she said. “It’s dangerous.”

As if to confirm her words, a huge stone crashed through the window, right where Dietrich had been a second before. A voice reached his ears. “Witch!” Hundreds echoed it, screaming the same word that sealed their fate. “Witch!”

Dietrich stole a look at the stone and fumed. What did the townsfolk have against him and his mother? Dietrich had never done anything to them, and his mother always helped them with herbal remedies.

But a lone woman with her child always drew attention, especially when her cattle never ceased to give the best milk and when her trees bore the most bountiful fruit. In Dietrich’s opinion, he and his mother kept a low profile. Clearly, their efforts didn’t suffice.

Two Mates for a Magistrate


Dietrich tried to summon the beast living inside him, but he found in dismay that it didn’t work. His mother caressed his hair, shushing him. “Don’t do such things. The animal within you will only destroy you.”

“But, Mother…”

Aarika shook her head. “No one must know about your wolf, Dietrich. You will be hunted down and killed, by things far more dangerous than humans, monsters with no remorse.”

Outside, the sound of the crowd grew closer. Dietrich sensed Aarika’s alarm and was not surprised when she went on to say, “You must take the passage from the cellar that leads into the field. You can find your way over the river from there. I will stall them.”

Dietrich gritted his teeth in impotent anger. “I can’t just leave you.”

“You can and you will. We don’t have any other choice.”

Bangs began to sound at the door and a torch flew inside the house through the shattered window. It landed on the desk, and the papers Aarika kept there went up in flames. Smoke invaded the room, choking Dietrich.

Aarika forcibly directed him toward the cellar and pushed him inside. She was far stronger than she looked, not in body, but in mind.

Dietrich had no choice but to go, and when he recovered from her thrall, he was already inside the dark, damp basement. He reached toward the hatch that led back into the room, and recoiled when he found a shielding spell around it.

Above him, he heard their front door burst open. Screams filled their little cottage, Aarika doing her best with the spells she had at her disposal. He couldn’t leave her, not like this.

He felt the moment when Aarika lost the battle and surrendered to unconsciousness. He’d always shared a strong spiritual connection with her, something that allowed him to control the wolf within him.

At his young age, he couldn’t have morphed in his animal form. This was the only time he’d ever wanted to do so, ever since he’d been a

Scarlet Hyacinth

wild-eyed toddler and seen his father shift. But his father Joseph left them, never to return. He’d gone on a simple trading journey and intended to provide them with some goods for the winter. But something—or someone—kept Joseph from coming back. In his heart, Dietrich understood the creatures his mother always referred to must have attacked him, attracted by his father’s power.

For this reason, Dietrich hated his legacy. He knew the beast inside eventually caused his father’s doom. Aarika never actually confirmed Joseph's demise, but Dietrich could hear her cry at night, mourning her dead husband. Every day, she insisted that he avoid using his incipient abilities, no matter what. It was a useless curse, and it could only lead to death.

He slipped outside of the cellar through the side door that led into the field. Outside, he saw humans crowding around their house. A few of them carried his mother. She looked so still, so pale.

Everything inside Dietrich screamed to rush forward, to snatch them from their grip.

But the humans didn’t make discriminations. Even if their anger specifically targeted women, the children born by the accused weren’t spared either. Dietrich needed to be patient if he was going to save Aarika.

Slowly, he slipped through the darkness, following the humans as they progressed toward the town hall. A stake was already placed in the city center, in preparation of the events to come. Fair trials didn’t exist for witches. The result always ended up the same.

If only they’d found a way to leave Trier before this happened.

But his mother never really believed she would be targeted. They always minded their own business and never said a bad word to anyone. It didn’t occur to them the hatred would spill into their homes, regardless. They’d been so very wrong.

The humans took Aarika to the prisons. Dietrich snuck through the shadows, biting his lip as he realized guards surrounded the entire
Two Mates for a Magistrate


area. Dare he risk entry? Yes, he dared. There was little time. In the morning, the stake would burn, and his mother with it.

Dietrich considered retracing his steps and jumping over the wall, but in the end, it wasn’t necessary. A moment of inattention from the guards gave him the opportunity to slip past them and into the courtyard. The cells were at the second floor, and he needed to dodge through an entire building full of humans. He doubted all of them would be as absentminded.

He went around the structure and caught sight of his mother at the barred window of a cell. He desperately scanned the darkness for any way to reach her. There were no convenient ladders or anything like that. He didn’t have time to go back to look for one.

Taking a deep breath, Dietrich began to scale the wall using just his fingers and feet. It wasn’t a very easy way to go up a building, but thankfully, the low height of the structure and his inherited abilities helped. At last, he clung to the edge of his mother’s window.

“Dietrich…” she whispered, “what are you doing?”

“I am going to save you, Mother,” Dietrich replied. He examined her for injuries and noted a head wound. Someone must have struck her and knocked her unconscious. Anger coursed through him, and focused everything inside him, his every emotion, struggling to turn it into physical strength. He tamed the beast within him, borrowing its power. Once he thought he was ready, he clung to the bars of the window and pulled as hard as he could.

At first, he thought the bars would not yield, but time or human negligence must have corroded them. Dietrich managed to remove them from the window, creating a small gap through which his mother could escape.

BOOK: Two Mates for a Magistrate
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