Read Two Knights of Indulgence Online

Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley

Two Knights of Indulgence (19 page)

BOOK: Two Knights of Indulgence
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“How long had it been for you?”

“A few years.”

“I was told more like a decade.”

Matthias felt heat flood his face.
“Once you’ve had one woman, you’ve had them

“Am I just another woman, like all the rest?”
Her eyes clouded over as she looked at him.

He took a deep sigh to control the tremor in his
“No, you’re not like any woman
I’ve ever known, and I doubt I’ll know one like you again.”

his words
apparently enough to appease her.
Matthias leaned in and took control of her mouth once more.
He felt her hand on his zipper, lowering it
to release his burgeoning cock.
she’d freed him from its confines, she held the heavy weight in her hand,
kneading his sac with the other.
pulled him closer, rubbing the head of his shaft against her heat, their juices
spreading together along her slit.

“Do you have protection close at hand?”

“I’m immortal. We don’t suffer diseases.
Plus as you seem to already know, I’ve been
quite celibate for some time.”

“What about pregnancy?”

The thought made him freeze.
He didn’t think any of them could get a woman
pregnant as none of them had in seven hundred years.
The thought of her full, rounded belly filled
with his seed nearly had him coming in her hand.
“We’ve never had children.”

It seemed good enough for her as she took several
inches of him into her, before gathering his ass and pulling him closer.
He growled at the contact, her heated flesh
branding him.
She’d led enough and he
surged forward, showing his dominance over her body.
When he was fully seated, she moaned deeply
and began to move her hips.

“Not yet.”

“I have to move, Matthias.”

He was teetering on the edge.
“Not yet.”

She mewed, rolling her hips, trying to make him
He gathered an ankle in each of his
hands and pushed her legs back, making her hips come off the seat.
She could no longer move and was forced into
He would move when he was
ready and not a moment before.

He looked down to where they were joined, the base of
his cock glistening with her cream, and nearly came once more.
The twisting blonde hairs at her entrance
were coated with drops of her dew.
was the most erotic sight he thought he’d ever seen. He closed his eyes and
counted to ten to come back from the brink.

Matthias began to move within her once he’d gotten
control, her cries of satisfaction following soon after.
Even with her legs raised, she managed to
push against him, making the friction of their joining stronger.
His gaze was stuck on their joined bodies, the
slick thrust and parry of their motions.
Her greedy pussy held on tight, not allowing him to pull from her body
before he plunged back inside.

He leaned in and captured a pert nipple peeking from
between her raised legs.
As he bit the
tip, Britt arched her back, taking him even deeper into her cunt.
He bit again on the upswing, pounding her to
the core.
She came with a violent shout,
her cream easing around his shaft as she cried, a bolt of lust-filled energy
striking through him.

Matthias was already on the edge, and that was enough
to push him over.
He growled as he
unloaded himself in her depths, his hot cum lining her womb as it jettisoned
from him.
Gathering her into his arms,
he then twisted into the seat, holding her to his chest as he took great gulps
of air.
His heart beat a cacophony in
his ears as he tried to settle himself.

As their breathing and hearts settled, he rubbed her
cooling body, luxuriating in the feel of her creamy skin.
She was the antithesis of him, her softness
an elixir for his roughness.
“I suppose
we put that all to rest.”

“Put all of what to rest?”
Her voice was still breathy as she snuggled
against him.

“You chose me.”

That quieted her for a moment.
“Chose you? What the hell are you talking

Matthias remembered her soft words to Nicolas when
she’d awakened after their ménage.
had welcomed Nicolas into her bed, effectively turning her back on him.
“It was either me or him.”
Matthias hooked a thumb toward the
“You can’t have it both ways.”

Britt lifted her head to look at him, her gaze
capturing his.
“And why can’t I?”

Matthias’ mouth gaped as he let her question sink
His lips began to move, but he
couldn’t seem to get any words to pass out of them for a few moments.
“We shared you once because we had to.
We can’t
sharing you.”

“Why not?”

Why couldn’t they?
“It just isn’t the way of the world.”

“I know there hasn’t been much time, but I can
honestly say I care for you both.
much too early to determine forever, but for now, I want to see where this
goes, with
of you.
You’ve shared me once and the world didn’t
grind to a halt, so I don’t see why we can’t continue to do the same.”

“He wasn’t included just now.”

“Only because he’s piloting the

Matthias was floored by her laissez-faire attitude.
“Meaning you would have had Nicolas join us if he hadn’t been?”

There was no hesitation in her response.

Matthias pushed her off his lap and rose, pulling his
clothes back on.
It had been a mistake
to abandon his restraint.
He should have
stood firm.
Now he had lost his control
and his pride.

Britt pulled the sweater over her head once he turned
back to look at her.
“Obviously, you
don’t see it my way.”

“Men share whores, not the women they want to hold on
As soon as the words left his
mouth, he inwardly cringed.
already shared her once, and he’d just branded her with a scarlet letter.

Ire filled her gaze, her face reddening.
“Did you honestly just call me a whore?”

Baby blue light began to swirl in the depths of her
eyes the angrier she got.
He stepped
back as he considered his plan.
wouldn’t harm her if it was time to meet his maker, but he wouldn’t rush into
death’s bosom, either.
Her eyes grew
large when she noted his reticence.

“Why are you backing away?”

He didn’t want to scare her, but honesty was the best
“Your eyes.”

Britt moved to the first shiny surface she could reach
and gazed at herself.
Her inward cry
made him want to draw her into his arms and comfort her, but he knew she
wouldn’t allow it.

“Why are they lit up?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m not a killer.
I wouldn’t have hurt you.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

She dropped onto the sofa, defeated.
“I’ve done nothing but save your asses, yet
you’re ready to duck and cover.
It seems
if my power wanted to end you, it would have done so by now.
Although, right about now,
you may be pushing your luck.”

He wasn’t so sure.
His ticket could still be getting ready to be

She glared at him a moment before the fire left her
“Don’t tell me you don’t feel the
connection we share.
You’re willing to
walk away from that?”

“I don’t want to, but you’ve given me little choice.”

“I have that same connection with Nicolas.
Granted, my connection to you is stronger.”

Matthias still wasn’t appeased, but her admission that their connection
was the stronger of the two was a fine stroke to his ego.

“Yes, stronger, but his is there nonetheless.
Yet you want me to sever it just for your own
masculine pride.”


“Don’t lie, that’s all it is.
It’s easier to label me a whore than to admit
you don’t want to share or be one-upped by your friend.
I thought you were stronger than that.
I thought you were a bigger man than
Now I see you aren’t any different
than any of the other assholes out there.
You’re a chauvinist through and through.”

Her words struck him like thrusts from a sword, mostly
because they were completely true.
felt shame sweep through him.

“Maybe I was wrong to think this could work.
I just want to go home and back to my old

Matthias sat down beside her and gathered her hand in
She quickly yanked it back,
crossing her hands over her chest.
“Matthias, I don’t belong here.
You’ve got to take me home.
been caught up in this nightmare too long already.
I thought for a moment that this could be my
destiny, but I see now that I don’t belong here.”

“We’re going to help you through this.”

“Help me?
life went to hell when I met you and Nicolas.
I just want to go back and forget all of this happened.”

He voiced the words he wasn’t sure she was ready to
“There is no going back.”


“After all you’ve seen and done, your old life doesn’t
exist anymore.
Not for
you, anyway.”

“Nicolas told me I would go home.
In about two weeks, he told me.”

“That was before we—” Matthias stopped, unsure if he
should proceed without Nicolas there to mediate.

“Before what?
Before I murdered a handful
of people?”

“You didn’t murder anyone.”

“Don’t sugarcoat things.
You look at me like I’m a murderer, like I’m
about to add you to the body count.”
shivered after she spoke the words, sadness creeping into the furrows of her

“Those men were evil.
And they would have done unspeakable things to you if you hadn’t acted
as you did.
It was self-defense.
It wasn’t murder.”

“I know it wasn’t murder, intellectually I know it,
but the way you two keep handling me with kid gloves makes me
It makes me second guess
all the explanations I’ve given myself as to why those men out there deserved
to meet their maker.
And then you sit
here trying to soothe me, using my own lines on me, acting as if you didn’t
look at me with fear in your eyes.”

“I don’t fear you.”

“You’re a fucking liar.”

She was right, of course, but he still didn’t care for
her course language or her anger.
had just brought down six men without blinking an eye or breaking a sweat.
He’d never met anyone as powerful as she was,
save Gaia, and he treated the goddess with kid gloves, too.
“I’d be insane not to consider your power.”

“I told you I—” She stopped mid-sentence and blew out
a long breath as she closed her eyes briefly.
“This has become too complicated.
Before you two showed up, I worked hard to save lives.
I have a gift for the good of mankind, and
I’ve done everything I can to ensure I could do the most good.
My life has been turned upside down.
I’ve been attacked, nearly died, killed.
What’s next?
Do I descend into evil myself?
don’t know if I like the path I’m on.”

BOOK: Two Knights of Indulgence
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