Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2)
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“With the cane, between my legs?” Anna tried to struggle out of the straps, but Caden had tied her with evil knots that tightened when she pulled against them and she couldn’t do anything to alleviate her exposed position. If she rolled off the table, she’d just end up writhing on the dirty floor.

“Are you questioning me, Anna?”

Her helplessness combined with her desire to get this phase of her punishment over with led her to bite her tongue on a snotty retort.

“No, Sir. Please do what you think best for me.”

“I will.”

Thwack. The crop slapped upward, into her slippery softness. He brought it up again and again. The first couple of strokes directed shots of pure pain into her brain, but after the third, either he hit her less hard or her mind had converted the strokes to something else.

Like he was loving her with his blows rather than hurting her.

She moaned with the final three strikes and her throbbing core opened and closed like a mouth seeking for more of a sweet that someone had just taken away.

“Now, five with the cane.”

“Yes, Sir,” she moaned. The cane’s wooden tip would hurt worse than the crop. But, Anna had achieved a new state of being, where his masterful strikes expressed his caring for her. If he didn’t have feelings for her, he would send her away. One rational quarter of her mind railed at this idea. He tortured her, beat her, and she accepted his discipline as her lot. But, the remaining quarters of her psyche listed all the things she liked about her job, about her life and about Caden; the way his firm discipline had started turning her on. Her dissatisfaction with the way that he expressed himself twanged alone, a single off-key viola in a forty-piece orchestra playing the song of Anna and Caden Morning.

He rubbed the tip of the cane between her legs and poked the hard apex into the moist heart of her. The sexy beast was controlling her now, and Anna pushed back against him, oohing.

Caden stepped back, preparing for another strike. She held her breath, but in a moment of insanity, she pushed her bum up further, making his target easier and more exposed.

A whistle that sounded to Anna like a jet landing announced the coming of the strike, and she jumped upward. The plastic table creaked and cracked as she pulled on the straps. She thrashed and wailed in agony, no thought now of what some office drone working late down the hall might think. Usually, she spent her ordinary days in a blur, worrying about other people and her next latte. Now, Anna’s world shrank and focused. Nothing mattered but her skin, her genitals, and what Caden was doing to them.

He didn’t wait for her to count, but landed the next strikes in rapid succession. If not for the strap’s firm embrace she would have ripped herself loose and run screaming naked through the halls like a madwoman. She blessed Caden for thinking of her and binding her so that she could not disobey him and break free. She blessed him for helping her keep her job and learning to obey.

Possessed by passion, Caden struck her again and again, the torment of the strikes turned to bliss, surpassing the sensation she had felt when he struck her with his crop. Like a heretic on a cross being allowed to atone for all the mistakes she’d made, Anna writhed in a spirit world where pain and pleasure merged into a rainbow cloud of ecstasy.

“That’s five.” He replaced the hard cane with his flesh. Anna bucked back against Caden’s thrusts. He drove two fingers into her with his right hand, he reached up and squeezed her nipples with his left. Anna’s sensitive flesh oozed between Caden’s fingers and she thrust back against him, riding his hand and crying out in mindless lust.

Lost, she stuck out her tongue and licked at the sticky spill from the table. The old sugar and soda tasted like an expensive confection.

I’m so far gone I’m converting every sensation into bliss.

She exploded again then, bright flashing sparks crashing through her vision as the rough table under her lips, the biting straps binding her wrists, her sore muscles trembling into spasm, the fingers savaging her tender nubs and thrusting into her womanhood combined into one hot and delicious cocktail. Anna slurped until everything went cloudy and she spiraled back down to the table and her well-dressed boss with his hand now resting on her inflamed behind.

One oxygen molecule at a time, she fought for air, her heart pounding like it would burst free from her chest.

“Take this,” she heard his angelic voice and worked to focus her eyes on what he held in front of her. A bottle of water. If he untied her first, drinking would be easier, but she’d turned her will over to him and just opened her mouth.

“That’s right, just suck up what I give you.” Taking the cap off, Caden held the bottle into her mouth. She slurped with greed, the cool water tasting like the best wine she’d ever consumed.

Working her lips and tongue rapidly, Anna couldn’t catch all the fluid and some dribbled out of her mouth, forming a pool around her face, soaking her hair.

Anna drooled on the break table, naked and shaking, with her boss standing there in his pin-striped trousers, making her drink.

“Bit sloppy, aren’t you?” He laughed down at her, and although humiliation flooded through her, another part giggled along with him.

“Swallow Anna, we aren’t done yet.”

“Haven’t you punished me enough?”

He took the bottle away. Like a lizard her tongue flickered after it.

“Not by a long shot. You stole from the company. Thousands of dollars. A few minor beatings you seem to enjoy will not atone for that.”

You enjoyed them, too
. She noticed the front of this pants once again tented outward.

Catching her stare, he smirked.

“You think because you’re done, we’re done? You learned that you like a bit of discipline from your boss. You reached a new level of ecstasy that you’ve never been to before. You think you might like to try being whipped again, maybe tomorrow after a hot bath and a good night’s sleep.”

Anna started. She had been thinking that. Could he read her mind?

“You signed a contract with Darco. You signed a contract with me. You betrayed us and now we have certain expectations that you need to fulfill in order to regain our trust.”

Fire blazed in his gaze, like a volcano lurking beneath that Caribbean blue. She did sign a contract. An employment contract, but he kept acting like the piece of paper meant more than an agreement covering recompense for hours worked.

“You see a light in my eyes now, Anna. That’s all that’s left of my mother. Her name was Aurora.”

He stared at her. “You took a course on mythology.”

Anna couldn’t remember having met any Aurora in her mythology class, but the name struck a familiar chord. She should remember, and probably would, if she wasn’t lying half in pain and half in euphoria on a plastic break table with her manager’s boss holding a rod over her.




From her splayed out position on the table, Anna looked up at Caden Morning.

His hands explored the hollows of her back.

“Despite some disturbing decisions you’ve made, you have, overall, been obedient and responsive to disciplinary action, so I’ll put some more aloe on your punished areas before we continue.”

Ann’s skin tingled where his fingers walked.

“Then, I’m going to whip you more, but first, I need to get comfortable.”

Caden Morning moved his fingers to the ivory buttons of his shirt.

The lotion again. Anna craved its soothing effect after the whipping he had given her. Something about the cool gel going on and his firm hands rubbing the moisture in. Like chocolate fudge on ice cream, the heat made the coolness better.

Caden undid his last button, and shrugged out of his fine cotton dress-shirt. With precise movements, he folded the garment and set it on the back of a chair. She gazed at the way his undershirt strained to contain his athletic shoulders and pectoral muscles, appearing to be painted on rather than composed of mere cotton. His abs showed powerful bulges under the tight material, but they grew more spectacular as he put one hand over his shoulder and yanked off the undershirt.

With her head sideways on the table, she gasped at the chest he revealed. Rock-hard. Sculpted. Well-tanned.

Despite the humility of her position and the lingering pain from his previous exertions, Caden Morning’s hills and valleys mesmerized her as her eyes flowed down like water off a bold desert butte from his solid pectoral muscles, into the shallow canyon between then, and then over the ridges of his abs. She enjoyed the trip and on finishing, started again.

“Are you having a good time, Anna?”

“Yes. I mean, I’d rather you let me up, but,” She pointed at his naked chest with her chin. “The view’s way better now.”

Caden pushed a lock of hair from his eyes.

“For the next phase of your punishment I need to go to the store room to get some supplies.” He sidled up next to her, brushing her soft thigh with his fingers.

“First, I have a promise to keep.” Caden reached into his bag and pulled out a golden tube of lotion. “Infinity cream. This starts out as a soothing lotion, and then turns into a lubricating oil.”

He squeezed some into his hands and rubbed his palms together, warming the lotion. Caden started at her feet, rubbing the cream in. He worked each toe in turn, and then pushed his thumbs deep into her insteps, finding pain she didn’t know she had and driving it out. Wetness stroked her cheek.

I’m drooling.

Next, he moved to her calves, first her right, then her left. He dug into her muscles, worn from a day spent walking in her strappy heels. From his hands warm tingles rippled up her spine. They checked in with her pussy on the way and moisture also dripped to the table from the delta between her legs.

At last, he reached her whipped thighs, and now his touch grew light, just his fingertips brushing the lotion over her welts like a painter working his craft. With strokes now light and soft like butterfly kisses he continued to her abused ass.

Anna realized she was holding her breath, and she released the withheld air with a moan that rose from the pit of her stomach and resonated on the table top as she exhaled. Caden ran his fingers over her swollen pussy lips and Anna pushed back against him.

“Not now, sweet. There will be time for that later.”

Leaving her gasping and panting, Caden moved his lotion coated fingers up the widespread crack of her posterior and massaged the ring of muscle around her opening. Anna tried to push back toward him but the cage formed by Caden’s nylon straps and her own arms held her tight.

“I’m tempted to cut you free and take you right now, Miss Anna Whitehorse.”

“Yes Caden, please.”

Caden slapped her now well lubricated entrance.

“We have more work to do before we can relax.”

Anna rocked her head against the plastic table, rubbing her cheek in her own drool, her hole gaping for what she wanted.

What did someone do to him to make him such a frustrating man?




Caden Morning pulled one end of his special knot and freed Anna’s wrists. He helped her sit up on the table. Anna winced as her punished bottom rested on the uneven surface. Holding her shoulders he faced her. His fingers sparked like points of fire on her skin.

Anna reached out for his forehead. “You have a fever.”

“It’s my nature. I heat up when I become aroused,” he said, catching her hand. “No tenderness, Anna. Not to me, not now. I have a whole phase of your punishment to complete.”

He’s aroused. By me. By what I can endure. By what I enjoy.

Pulling her wrist from his grasp, she slapped his cheek, leaving a white hand print. “How can you be so formal, Caden? You know this is about more than the company. You’re hard as stone,” She moved her shin against his crotch, feeling his solid cock barely contained by the zipper of his fine trousers.

She put her hand flat on his chest.

“Again. Hot. Panting. For me.”

Anna stroked his cheek.

“Let’s stop this punishment game. You’re doing this instead of Tolling because you want me.” Anna lay back on the table and put her hands above her head. “You want me, then take me.” She smiled her seductive smile, her tongue touching the corner of her lip.

The sharp cinnamon cologne coming off him, mixed with undertones of his sweat, filled Anna’s nose. Like baking Snickerdoodle cookies, her favorite kind.

Caden Morning looked at her for a long moment, and something besides anger flashed in his eyes. But then he shook his head, his hair glinting like moonlight off a tempestuous sea.

“I can see what you are trying to do, Anna. You’re better at distracting me than I expected you to be.”

He lifted up the crop and ran the tip down the front of her leg, leaving a trail of soft heat.

“I’m going to give you another chance to make your choice. I’ll go to the other room. I’m going to get a ladder, which I’ll tie you to and complete your punishment. Your papers are over there.” He pointed with the tip of the crop to his leather case. “You can quit, sign the papers, and walk out of here to whatever waits for you next.”

BOOK: Twisted Souls (The Alpha Boss Book 2)
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