Read Twin Pleasures Online

Authors: Suzanne Thomas

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Twin Pleasures (16 page)

BOOK: Twin Pleasures
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“What dangers? I think it was just a hit-and-run and we will never know. So in essence, you will be here permanently if that is the case,” she grumbled.

“Miss McCarty, I think you are going to have to face the fact that Donavan and Chase have come to appreciate the position they are in and the downfalls of being there. You are very important to them, and they will do anything it takes to protect you.”

She didn’t comment on that startling insight. She pulled up to the barn and got out. He came around the side and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m going for a ride,” she said in answer to that questioning eyebrow. “I need to limber up my leg. I will stay in the training ring, and no, the boys don’t know I’m here."

She turned quickly away before his disapproving expression could change her mind. She was sick and tired of everybody treating her like a delicate flower. She had been working her entire life, and the lack of activity drove her crazy. She probably should wait a couple more weeks for her leg to completely heal but couldn’t stand the thought. Her night activity, with the loving attention the boys showered upon her, helped a little, even though they continually immobilized her body so she couldn't hurt herself.

This morning, for the first time since the accident, they kept the binds off, and she took full advantage of the freedom. Remembering the outcome had her body tingling all over as she walked through the barn doors. Her cheeks felt inflamed from recalling the inhibition she’d demonstrated. Her demands and her actions as she went about displaying her newfound freedom shocked her. This was why she was here today. She had to get away from the heated smiles and the little smirks that had her wanting to hit them. It was their fault to begin with. If they hadn’t kept her confined she wouldn’t have been so frustrated.

All the cowboys were out working the horses, so she walked out the back and headed for Mac. She had her argument all ready in case he put up a fuss. She watched the different training sessions in their different stages and couldn’t wait to get back to it. She put a big smile on her face and waved to Mac to get his attention. She could get more with sugar than with sour apples, as her grandma always said.

“Hi, I need to work my leg a little, and I hope I can use one of the horses. I can’t do any cutting, but I can do some conditioning. Not too long, I promise.” The words tumbled out before he could get a greeting or a refusal in. She smiled wide as he frowned down at her from his perch.

“Juniper over there is just starting. Take it slow, Ms. Liana. I don’t want Donavan and Chase to blame me if anything happens to you,” Mac said.

She left before he had second thoughts. She approached Juniper and let him get to know her smell. She kept a lookout for the boys as she tightened the saddle and mounted. She relaxed deep into the saddle and only felt a slight twinge in her leg, nothing she couldn’t handle. She was a good fifteen minutes into her ride when she looked up and saw two identical looks of fury standing on the top rail of the enclosure.

“Oh, brother,” she mumbled under her breath. She felt like a teenager having been caught hot-rodding down the street.

She trotted Juniper over to them and just sat there staring into their stormy eyes. She could see Mac head into the barn.
This was going to be bad, she thought. Chase, her calm, cool cowboy, had his hands clenched so tight on top of the rail, they turned white. She did a sideways glance to Donavan and wasn’t surprised by the matching posture.

“Kitten, I am going to count to five, and by the time I’m finished, you better be off that horse,” Donavan said through clenched teeth.

She didn’t hesitate a second before dismounting. Her leg, when it hit the ground, sent a spasm of pain shooting up. She turned to hide her discomfort and knew from the colorful curse that she'd failed.

Chase lifted her up into his arms. She sheepishly stared up at him as he carried her out of the ring. He didn’t release her until he arrived at the Jeep, and only then did he set her down. She calmly sat down in the passenger seat. The calmness belied the rising turmoil that boiled inside from their continued silence. She knew when she got home there was going to be hell to pay. She peeked over at him beneath her eyelashes to see if he was still visibly upset.

Donavan loomed over the backseat, creating an ominous shadow.

“Look, boys. I’m a big girl and can judge what’s best for me.” A twin set of growls rumbled out of their mouths at this self-proclamation.

“Kitten, it would be in your best interest to not say one more word.” Chase gritted his teeth.

“If Giovanni hadn’t called, we would still be looking for you in the house,” Donavan said.

She felt ashamed at having caused them so much turmoil. She still had trouble with the dynamics of this relationship. She’d been on her own for such a long time. She wanted to have that same independence but knew with these two dominant men it would be next to impossible. Every minute with them brought her such a sense of peace and a sort of homecoming that the thought of leaving left her caused an ache in her heart.

She looked deep into her soul and discovered that her love for them overshadowed the need for freedom.

* * * *

Chase clenched his hands on the wheel and glanced sideways to the woman that had turned his world upside down. The memory of her bloody and hurt on the roadside brought him nightmares all too often. His frantic searching of the house when they couldn’t find her transported him to that same nightmarish feeling. He looked up, caught his brother’s eye, and saw the same angry relief shining out.

She would understand after tonight how important she was to them. First, she was going to get the spanking of her life. His palms itched to heat up that misbehaving backside. When he finished, they were going to demonstrate their love for her.

He stopped the Jeep and hopped out, coming around to the other side quickly. He opened the door and saw Donavan's hand restraining her. That she tried to get out with her hurt leg brought his anger boiling up.

He reached in and pulled her into his arms. She squirmed a little, and he tightened his hold as he took her up the stairs to their bedroom. He heard Donavan close the door behind them. He placed her on her feet and stripped her fast. She struggled a little, but with Donavan’s help, everything came off.

“Chase, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you guys would find out,” she gasped out.

The first smack landed hard and made her squeal.

“So, you were trying to hide the fact that you snuck out of the house.” Chase’s comment was accompanied by another smack. This one landed on the opposite cheek.

“No! Ouch! No! Ouch! Yes, yes,” she cried out when multiple smacks landed.

He looked at the reddened bottom and stroked along both flaming cheeks. He dipped his finger between her legs to feel her desire seeping out, soaking his fingers.

“Oh ho, Donavan, our kitten likes to get her bum spanked. She is drenching my fingers. Why don’t you get the plug and the lube so we can start re-stretching this ass,” he said with the palm of his hand holding her down as she started to try to get up. “No, Kitten, you stay right where you are.”

* * * *

Liana couldn’t believe the fire radiating off her bottom and out of her pussy. She could feel the heated palm stroke over the entire surface of her butt, stimulating the bruised exterior. She trembled when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Donavan return with the two items in his hands. She didn’t think that she was going to be able to handle much more.

When a cool finger fluttered over the puckered opening, she squirmed and tried to evade the digit. Strong hands held her still, and the relentless finger probed deep into her back channel. She screamed when an unexpected palm descended. Her ass clenched the finger in a frightening grip that brought prickles of pleasure mixed with pain. She reached a hand back to try to ward off another blow, but one of them caught the hand in an iron grip and held it behind her back.

The feel of the plug burrowing deep inside her forced her to relax the tense muscles that seem to clench with each smack. The tremors started deep in her stomach and traveled out to encompass her entire body at the forgotten feeling of having something in her ass. Her treacherous body opened to the demanding, final push of the plug. Her head dropped down to rest her heated face against Chase’s rough jeans.

She lifted her butt to the next smack, rocking and undulating to each descending connection. The growing explosions starting from her pussy transcended reality. Never had these feelings of exhilaration and yearning ever gone hand in hand. She felt the killing of all her inhibitions and the excitement of the total control they had over her body. Her body lost touch with reality for a second when everything splintered internally. Both channels compressed together, one over the plug and the other against emptiness. Her pussy rippled and tightened dejectedly on nothingness.

Her cries filled the room as her orgasm spread throughout her body. She collapsed onto Chase’s knees, feeling each ripple travel out of her pussy.

“Oh, yeah, our kitten loves a good spanking,” Donavan said as he knelt at her head.

She turned toward him and just stared into his eyes. She saw him in a haze and knew her eyes were probably glassed over. When another tremor trickled out, she couldn’t stop the mewling sound that escaped out of her mouth.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she mumbled to them.

“Oh, Kitten. We know you’re sorry, but that's not going to stop your punishment,” Chase said before he lifted her off his lap and placed her in the center of the bed.

She watched as they both, calmly, started taking their clothes off. Her ass felt on fire as it rubbed against the sheets, and the plug pushed deeper into her. Their eyes tracked each squirm of her body, making her feel like a specimen under a microscope. She tensed as Donavan made his way up the middle of the bed to settle just at the bottom of her feet. He placed a hand on each ankle and slowly pulled her legs apart. He first traced the scar on her leg before moving up to tower over her. She sighed in relief as the empty void in her pussy filled to bursting with his throbbing erection.

She didn’t have time to savor the feeling. He rolled, and she suddenly found herself looking down on him. The dipping of the bed signaled the arrival of Chase and the knowledge that what she experienced over Chase’s lap would be nothing compared to what they had in store.

The smack, when it landed, really didn’t surprise her, but the sudden removal of the plug had her gasping in dismay at the emptiness it caused. Her body rode the shaft embedded into her with a will solely dependent on the hand that decorated her bottom. Each connection resulted in her lifting her ass to chase the hand that burned a new meaning of pleasure.

The spanking had stopped but not the need to relieve the increased throbbing that tried to escape. She couldn’t stop her ride if she wanted to. She chased the need rising inside her, and the hands that clamped onto her hips only slowed her a little. Her control had snapped, and she didn’t hear anything being said.

When the weight of Chase’s body settled on top of her, the solidity of the mass anchored her more firmly than the hands did. She could hear her own sobs echo throughout the room. The feel of him tunneling steadily into the vacated opening sent sharp fissions of pleasure deep into her body. When they started moving in tandem, all she could do was hold on for the ride. They wouldn’t let her move, and the pressure became almost unbearable from the overstuffed feeling between her legs.

Her cries and whimpers escalated with each plunge and pull of the battling cocks inside her. Her world disintegrated into a maelstrom of forgotten ecstasy.

When consciousness returned, she found herself sandwiched between both men, on her side. Donavan’s hand stroked up and down her arm as it lay over his chest. Chase cuddled along her back and traced a path down her leg, lightly tickling over the surface.

“Kitten, you scared us by disappearing like that. We respect your need for independence, but please understand that we love you, and if anything should happen to you... Well, we won’t go there,” Donavan whispered against her hair.

“I am sorry. I was feeling so closed in and just wanted to get away for awhile. I did let Giovanni come with me, though. Do I get any points for that?” she asked, half in contriteness and half in jest.

BOOK: Twin Pleasures
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