Twice Upon a Time (A Danby Family Novella) (7 page)

BOOK: Twice Upon a Time (A Danby Family Novella)
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His lips captured hers, his kiss as gentle and coaxing as it had been on their wedding night. Breathing deeply, she savored the scent of his cologne, an exotic and understated fragrance with a hint of spice running through it that warmed her insides. She wiggled closer and opened her mouth on a sigh when he hauled her onto his lap. Their tongues brushed together, stirring her desire even more. Winding her arms around his neck, she hugged him tighter, flattening her breasts against his hard chest.

With a soft groan, Julian eased her away, breaking their kiss. “We’ve just turned onto the drive.”

“Oh!” She scrambled off his lap and smoothed a hand over her hair, her face flushing with heat.

When she reached for her bonnet, Julian held out his hand. “May I offer my assistance?”

She handed it to him and allowed him to secure the hat in place. He kissed her once more. “Until later,” he whispered as the carriage rolled to a stop.

A ridiculous smile spread across her face as she contemplated what the promise of later meant. On their wedding night, Felicity had begun to babble about procreation and anatomy to fight against a fit of nerves. Julian had listened with patience and then suggested she allow him to provide a demonstration to compliment her lecture. She had to admit a demonstration was exactly what had been lacking.

The carriage door opened and a liveried servant lowered the steps. Julian climbed out first then offered his hand to her. Felicity held tightly to him as she joined him on the drive, her breath catching as she took her first glimpse of Danby Castle. Torchlight flickered in the frigid breeze and golden light danced across the stone façade. Fat snowflakes fell from the twilight sky, some catching in her lashes before melting.

When Lord Keswick’s carriage rolled to a stop in the drive, Lord Penlow and his traveling party clambered out. The baron laughed at something the earl whispered in his ear before they walked toward the castle doors, both men beaming at one another.

Lady Penlow wandered over to Felicity and Julian, a contented smile on her face. When she caught Felicity looking at her, she raised her book. “I finished two hours ago. I hear His Grace has an excellent library. Do you think the duke will mind if I browse through his collection, Mr. Beckford?”

Julian offered his free arm to Lady Penlow as she reached his side then escorted her and Felicity up the stairs. “I’m certain you are welcome to browse as long as you like.”

“Lord Penlow says there is to be a Yule Ball this evening. Do you think it would be too ill-mannered of me to steal away to my chambers early?”

Julian chuckled. “I believe there will be so many kin underfoot it is unlikely anyone shall notice, my lady.”

Felicity held tighter to her husband as they passed through the entrance. The castle was alive with servants buzzing about. Cheerful voices rose in celebration, and the lively sound of a violin carried on the air.

“What is going on?” Julian asked the butler. “Surely the ball hasn’t begun already.”

“No, sir. Lady Isabel was married today, which has everyone in high spirits.”

Julian drew back. “Cousin Izzie is old enough to marry?”

“Quite so, sir. Now, if you will follow me, Mr. and Mrs. Beckford. I am under strict orders to deliver you to His Grace the moment you arrive.”

That sounded dire, indeed. Felicity’s legs quivered as she said goodbye to Lady Penlow and followed the straight-backed servant with her husband by her side.

“You have nothing to fear,” Julian reassured her as they passed into a darkened corridor that could as easily lead to a dungeon as any place.

“How did he know we are married?”

“I wrote to Grandfather before we left for Gretna Green. I required his assistance with an important matter.”

She didn’t have time to question him further before they arrived at a set of double doors.
The butler knocked lightly and was bid to enter. The door swung open with a faint creak, and bright light spilled into the corridor.

“Come,” Julian murmured. “Grandfather will be anxious to meet you.” He escorted her inside with his hand on the small of her back. His firm touch and unshakable confidence lent her the strength she required to approach one of the most powerful men in England.

The duke sat behind a substantial desk made of dark wood, but he rose as she and Julian entered his domain. Her gaze darted around the room, noting paintings of the hunt, rich leather chairs, and wall coverings tinted by cigar smoke. She imagined many important conversations and life-altering decisions had been made in the room, and she wondered what pronouncement His Grace would make about her marriage. He couldn’t force them to dissolve their union, could he?

As Danby rounded the desk, the warmth of Julian’s touch faded as he moved forward to greet his grandfather.

“Julian, you are home at last.”

Felicity gasped when the duke threw his arms around her husband, and she took a step forward, thinking His Grace meant to wrestle him to the floor. Not that she worried for Julian, necessarily, but Danby was much spryer than she had imagined.

Julian’s laughter eased her concern. When he too wrapped his arms around his grandfather and pounded his back as Danby was doing to him, Felicity looked away. She had never seen men embrace one another, and it felt a little too personal to witness.

The men’s hug was brief, and Julian stepped aside to allow the duke to view her. His dark eyes fixed on her, his expression like stone.

“Your Grace, I would like to present my wife, Mrs. Julian Beckford. Felicity, this is my grandfather, Duke of Danby.”

She knew enough to curtsey in the presence of a duke and did so with her eyes downcast.

“Milne, you may see to your next duty post haste,” Danby said.

“Yes, Your Grace.”

Felicity watched the butler disappear through the doorway and wished she could follow.

“Mrs. Beckford, please come forward.”

She turned back toward the duke, her knees knocking together, and took a tentative step. Julian smiled reassuringly at his grandfather’s side.

“You are the young woman who cared for my daughter in her illness?”

“Yes.” She cleared her throat. “Yes, Your Grace.”

The duke held his hand out to her, urging her to approach. “Alice was a sweet child who lost none of her kindness even as a grown woman. It was a shame she was taken from us before her time.”

Felicity nodded and placed her hand in the duke’s. The threat of tears made it too difficult to speak.

Danby lifted her hand to his lips to place a respectful kiss on her gloved knuckles. “I think you share a kindred spirit with my Alice. Tenderness flows through your veins.”

“Thank you, Your Grace.” She lifted her gaze to his and her heart paused a moment in response to the brilliant twinkle in his eyes.

A smile softened his dignified face. “You are the perfect match for my grandson. There will be no more wandering from home for Julian now that he has a beautiful wife to provide him with a houseful of issue. Do you think you are expecting already?”

“Grandfather!” Julian came to her rescue. “There are some things even a duke must not ask.”

“I am a grandfather. I may ask anything I like.”

Julian tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow. “And as a husband, I can forbid her to answer.”

Felicity’s spine stiffened. “Forbid me?” She vividly recalled their vows and never once did she consent to allowing her husband to forbid her from anything.

Julian and Danby chuckled.

“Ah, so she is a spirited one,” the duke said. “Just as you promised.”

Julian winked at her. “As you said, she is a perfect match for me.” His compliment and loving gaze smoothed her ruffled feathers.

“I suppose I must summon Leander next,” the duke said. “Has he truly taken a wife?”

“He has, Grandfather. A kind young woman with a voracious appetite for reading. She wishes to explore the Danby library.”

The duke sighed. “Perhaps I should be content with the fact Leander is married. There will be plenty of time to badger him about an heir.”

“He will be thrilled to hear it, Grandfather.”

A knock at the door interrupted their meeting.

“Enter,” the duke called.

Felicity turned in time to see the butler was back.

“Your Grace, your honored guests.” He moved aside to allow two finely attired ladies to cross the threshold.

Her eyes widened. “Mama! Meri!”

Hurrying to hug one another, they all three spoke in excited half-sentences.

“How did you—?”

“His Grace sent a carriage.”

“I didn’t expect—”

“And there is a ball.” Meredith bounced on her toes, sending her chestnut curls into a lively spring.

Felicity looked over her shoulder at her husband. “Did you arrange for Mother and Meri to come to Danby Castle?”

“I did.” Julian joined their little group and put his arm around her. “You are pleased by your Christmas present, aren’t you?”

Tears blurred her vision and no matter how inappropriate, she couldn’t help but to reach out and caress his jaw. “I love it, Julian. Even if we share a hundred Christmases, this one will always be the best.”

He smiled and eased her a little closer to place a kiss on her cheek. “I shall take that as a challenge, sweetheart.”

The End

About the Author

Don’t let bestselling regency romance author Samantha Grace’s sweet smile fool you. She has a wicked sense of humor, and she’s not above embarrassing her characters for a good laugh. Samantha writes what she enjoys reading: romantic comedies about family, friendship, and flawed characters who learn how to love deeply. Part-time hospice social worker,
moonlighting author, and pilates nut, she enjoys a happy and hectic life with her real life hero and two kids in the Midwest. To learn more about Samantha’s stories, visit

Other Books by Samantha Grace

Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel
(Beau Monde Bachelor #1)

Debonair bachelor Lord Andrew Forest lives for pleasure and offers no apologies. But he receives a dose of his own medicine when his family’s houseguest beds him, then disappears without a by-your-leave. He’d like to teach the little vixen a thing or two about how to love a man…if he can find her…

After the dashing man of her dreams is revealed as a lying scoundrel, heiress Lana Hillary is ready to seek a match with a respectable gentleman—if only they weren’t so dreadfully boring. Unable to rein in her bold nature for long, Lana flirts with trouble and finds herself entangled with exactly the type of man she’s vowed to avoid.

Lady Amelia's Mess and a Half
(Beau Monde Bachelor #2)


When she returns to town a widow—pursued by an infamous rake, Jake’s debauched brother, and just maybe Jake himself—Lady Amelia will have a mess and a half on her hands.

Miss Lavigne’s Little White Lie
(Beau Monde Bachelor #3)

Spirited and determined to protect her young brother at any cost, Lisette Lavigne is desperate to flee New Orleans. There’s only one ship sailing to England, though, and the rakish Captain Daniel Hillary will only allow Lisette’s family aboard for a very steep price…

Daniel prides himself on running a tight ship, and he knows a lady will be nothing but trouble
on a long voyage. Yet he can’t help but break his own ironclad rules when Lisette persuades him that being gentlemanly just this once is his wisest course of action…

Lady Vivian Defies a Duke
(Beau Monde Bachelor #4)

Lady Vivian Worth knows perfectly well how to behave like a lady. But observing proper manners when there’s no one around to impress is just silly. Why shouldn’t she strip down to her chemise for a swim? When her betrothed arrives to finally meet her, Vivi will act every inch the lady—demure, polite, compliant. Everything her brother promised the man. But until then, she’s going to enjoy her freedom…

Luke Forest, the newly named Duke of Foxhaven, wants nothing to do with his inheritance—or the bride who comes with it. He wants adventure and excitement, like the enchanting water nymph he’s just stumbled across. When he discovers the skinny-dipping minx is his intended, he reconsiders his plan to find Lady Vivian another husband. Because the idea of this vivacious woman in the arms of another man might be enough to drive him insane—or to the altar.


One Rogue Too Many
(Rival Rogues #1)

From the betting book at Brooks Gentleman’s Club:

Wager: £2,000 that Lord Ellis will throw the first punch when he discovers Lord Thorne is wooing a certain duke’s sister.



Lady Gabrielle is thrilled when she learns Anthony Keaton, Earl of Ellis, wants to ask for her hand in marriage. She’s not so pleased when he then leaves the country and four months pass without a word. Clearly, the scoundrel has changed his mind and is too cowardly to tell her. There’s nothing to do but go back on the marriage mart…


When Anthony returns to Town and finds his ultimate rival has set sights on Gabby, his continual battle of one-upmanship with Sebastian Thorne ceases to be a game. Anthony is determined to win back the woman who holds his heart--but he’s not expecting Gabby herself to up the stakes…

BOOK: Twice Upon a Time (A Danby Family Novella)
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