Turned and Taken (Packed 1 & 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Turned and Taken (Packed 1 & 2)
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Chapter 7


Saki awoke as the heat of the afternoon sun warmed her skin. She was hot and uncomfortable and opened her eyes to find herself aglow in direct sunlight.

She didn’t know where she was. Nothing was familiar, and she couldn’t remember how she’d gotten here. Looking down, she found herself naked in a mixture of sand and dirt. She felt inexplicably relieved at the sight of her arms and legs.

The confusion began to clear as she found another body lying near her. Although the boy was looking away, she recognized him. He had a long, lean torso with built arms and legs. Slowly getting up, she looked down at him; his naked dick was cupped in the fold between his hip and thigh, impressive in its size.

She had never seen a naked dick in person before. She couldn’t stop staring at it. It almost looked like it was wearing a helmet with a mound of flesh below its ridge. It was thicker than she imagined one to be, and it was slightly darker than the hairless skin of the familiar boy.

As Saki stared at it, it seemed to move and grow. Saki darted her eyes to his face. He was still looking away. She could still get away with seeing whatever she could see. By the time that she had turned her attention back towards his slithering snake, it was considerably bigger. It now stretched out almost to the edge of his far hip. It was now lighter in color and much thicker.

As it slowly lifted away from his leg, it pulled back in line with his belly button. It now increased in size with jerks like a ticking clock. When the massive instrument lay perpendicular on his hairless flesh, it lifted off his body with a gentle curve.

He was now fully erect. Although a few nights ago she had lost her virginity to Dax, this was the first erect dick that she had ever seen. She could feel the folds between her legs swell as she lapped up the image.

It became harder for Saki to breathe. She imagined touching him, touching it. For a brief moment, she imagined what it would have been like to have him inside of her instead of Dax.

The boy’s legs shifted, sending Saki‘s attention to his face. Lane stared up at her. Looking at him, she remembered how he had come to her house and abducted her. He and his friends had brought her to this island and what had occurred afterwards was unbelievable.

Putting it all together, she looked down at her naked hairless body. She couldn’t believe any of it. In what felt like a dream, she had transformed into a wolf. As unbelievable as it was, here she was in the middle of the bush, waking up naked with a boy.

When Saki looked at the boy again, it dawned on her that she was completely naked. He had caught her staring at him, and now, he was exploring her. She threw her arms up to cover her breasts and hairless crotch but knew she could do nothing about the full, roundness of the rest of her body. Lane didn’t seem to share her discomfort, as he continued to stare without hiding his hard cock.

“What are you doing? Look away,” Saki pleaded.

“You were staring at me, so I thought it only fair to stare back at you,” Lane offered confidently.

“Well, don’t.”

Saki looked around for something to cover herself. Within arm’s reach was a fallen palm frond. She grabbed it and held it in front of her body.

“What did you do to me? I remember something, but it can’t be real.”

“What I did was save you. You would have shifted in your house, and there’s no telling what she would have done to your family.”

“No, none of that could have been real. Tell me what you did to me,” Saki commanded.

“It wasn’t me. You were with Dax recently, right? Maybe he scratched or bit you? The next day you felt like you were sick; you couldn’t get out of bed or something?”

Saki stared at the boy with the erection in silence. That had been exactly what had happened. Dax had scratched her that night. None of it could be true, however. How could it be?

“He was going to leave you there to slaughter your family. I saved you from yourself.”

Saki didn’t want to admit to anything. Her admission would make it true. But at the same time, she had questions. “Then, what am I?”


Saki thought more about what had happened. “No, I’m an animal.”

“You are now stronger, faster, and more powerful than anything you were before.”

Saki sifted through her thoughts. “Why did he do this to me?”

“He was building his pack.”

In a flash, a memory from the night before came rushing back to her. It was of the wolves staring at a shifting Dax. “I saw him last night. He was a wolf, but then he was human again.”

“He has the power of the alpha. When an alpha builds his pack to 50, he gets a power that none of us will get. He can transform at will. We think that you may have been his 50th. He bit you in order to become that.”

“You mean some type of werewolf?”

“We prefer the term ‘Lycan.’ We are all Lycan, even you. But he’s now something more. He has the power of an alpha, and he’s now very dangerous.”

None of this seemed believable to Saki. If she didn’t remember so much of it, she could say he was crazy and had kidnapped her. But too much of it felt true. As much as she wanted to deny it, something inside of her screamed to run free through the trees. A part of her that wanted to be a wolf, and that part seemed to be clawing its way out of her. Her mind felt cloudy thinking about it all.

“I think I’m hungry. Do you have anything to eat?” Saki asked, again turning her attention to the boy with the erection.

“We’re always hungry after a shift. It takes a lot out of you. We have food back on the boat. I’ll take you.”

Saki watched as Lane got up. His body was beautiful and lean. Other than his head, he did not have a hair on him. His butt was firm and narrow, and his large manhood was still fully erect.

Lane made no effort to cover himself. Hungry and still confused, she acknowledged ho herself how drawn she was to Lane. She wanted him to take her, and her desire was adding to her tension.

“Shouldn’t you cover yourself?” Saki asked, trying her best to look away.

“Even if I did, it would still be there. It’s the wolf. It likes your scent.”

Saki liked what she heard. Getting up, she allowed the palm frond to show a little of her breast. Her nipples were erect, and she wanted him to see that her wolf liked his scent, too. Saki waited for him to make a move. He stepped past her, leading her through the woods. Saki stared at his naked, round ass and followed. He was beautiful, and she wanted him.


When Saki pushed through the last of the brush and stepped onto the soft sand, she found the other four members of Lane‘s pack. They were also naked and made no effort to cover themselves. Two of the guys were desperately scanning the open horizon, and the third guy was engaged in a heated discussion with Torque . She didn’t see a boat.

“Where is it?” Lane yelled.

Torque  left her conversation and joined Lane. “We don’t know. When we came, it was gone.”

“Did Scully anchor it?” Lane asked with building concern.

The boy who was talking to Torque  looked up at the sky and walked away in defeat. Torque  replied, “He doesn’t know. He can’t remember. We arrived so late. He thought so, but he was already shifting by the time we landed. Maybe if we hadn’t stopped for her, this wouldn’t have happened,” Torque  said looking at Saki.

“You know this wasn’t her fault.” Lane looked past Torque  at the open shoreline. Saki stood next to him.

“Could we have arrived on a different part of the beach?” Saki asked, caught in the fear of the moment.

“Really?” Torque  asked with resentment.

“Cool it, Torque .” Lane briefly turned to Saki. “No. This is where we always land. If it’s not here, then it’s gone,” Lane said.

“Then how do we get back?”

Lane didn’t reply.

Lane walked to the center of the beach and called the searching boys. With Saki joining them, the others gathered around. Even now, Lane was still erect. As she explored the other boys’ bodies, she noticed each of their pricks becoming hard, too. None of them made an attempt to hide it. Torque  noticed and snorted in derision.

“Everyone, this is Saki. She is one of us now.”

The other boys stared at her without saying a word. Standing naked, she knew she should feel embarrassed, but she didn’t. She liked the effect she had on them, and she wondered what would come of it.

“The first thing that we have to do is search for food,” Lane continued. “After that, we’ll figure something out. Let’s go.”

As the other boys walked off, Torque  remained. “Lane, do you want to go with me?” She asked almost sheepishly.

“No, I should probably show Saki the ropes,” he said, thinking nothing more about it. “Come with me,” he said, leading Saki toward the line of brush.

It had been a long time since she had seen the fruit trees of the Bahamas, but she recognized the first one she saw. It was a coco plum bush in full bloom. The cotton-candy flavored purple berry was the best thing she had ever tasted. She didn’t remembered it tasting this good. She popped a few more into her mouth before continuing.

“Torque  doesn’t like me,” Saki said, feeling the sugar reach her brain.

“Torque  doesn’t like anybody,” Lane replied.

“She likes you.”

“That’s because she’s a member of my pack.”

“I think it’s more than that.”

Saki put the palm frond between her legs so that she could use both hands to pick the coco plums. Each one she put into her mouth tasted better than the last. The flavors washed over her tongue, sending sparks into her brain. She had never tasted flavors so intensely before.

“There is a sugar apple tree over there. I’m going to check to see if there are any left.”

Saki didn’t answer. Filling her mouth with one after the other, she could barely hear what Lane had said. Instead, she worked from bush to bush eventually setting the palm frond aside and moving onto the sea grape bush.

The sea grapes were a delightful mixture of sweet and tart, similar to what she remembered but with many more underlying flavors. They even smelled richer.

As her hunger slowly subsided, she took a deep breath, refreshing her senses. She could smell everything. The air was a complex mixture of her mother’s kitchen, broken down to the component ingredients. With another deep breath, she caught one of her favorite smells. She didn’t quite identify what it was, as I was slightly different, but she knew she loved whatever it was. After filling her hand with sea grapes, she followed the scent.

The scent stretched out before her like colored ribbons dancing around one another. She closed her eyes and moved her nose through the air, stopping when the ribbon was at its brightest. Opening her eyes and following it, it took her deeper into the trees to a pile of weathered rocks. Whatever it was lay underneath these stones and smelled fantastic. Circling them, she found a small gap between the large stones and the dirt.

Saki got onto her knees and inhaled deeply in front of the hole. It reminded her of her favorites times growing up. It reminded her of before her father had left, when they were all still a family.

Trying to figure out how to get at it, she pushed the pocked gray limestone. It was big enough that she shouldn’t have been able to move it, but it shifted. She was amazed. It hadn’t even taken that much pressure. She was considerably stronger than she had been. Removing the top stone, she widened the gap and released the scent.

Saki stared into the hole. Something large moved inside. Before now, she would have jumped and screamed, but now she just stared intently. Attributing it to her hunger, she pressed on, removing dirt from the entrance.

Two small eyes stared back at her from the hole. She knew what it was. Sticking her hand in the hole, it snapped at her. She didn’t retreat. Though it pricked her palm as she clutched it, she pulled it out and flipped it over in her hand.

Saki had never held a live crab in her hands before. She could barely stand to be in the same room as them. They always seemed like giant spiders with their long legs and black eyes. But now it was different. Its smell reminded her of her mother’s crab and rice. Staring at the orange shell, she imagined how good the fresh crab meat would taste.

Remembering how her mother had prepared crabs for dinner, she gripped the round, hard shell covering its head and ripped it off. The long, thin legs continued to move frantically, searching for a way to escape, while the oversized right claw pinched uselessly into air. Grasping the crab’s limbs with both hands, she turned it around and cracked the limbs off.

They freed themselves with a snap. The remaining digits wiggled like stumpy toes, barely projecting out of the beige shell. Inhaling the innards of the crab, which her mother always added to rice as it cooked, she closed her eyes and put it in her mouth.

When she bit into the hard shell, her mouth was filled with a salty, sweet flavor. It was everything she thought it would be and more. Biting off the back quadrant of the crab, she chewed it, allowing her saliva to mix in with the meat. She couldn’t swallow the shells, but she could suck on them until she removed every flavorful morsel.

Squeezing everything from the first bite that she could, she prepared to spit out the shells when she heard someone approach from behind. Opening her eyes, she spun around and saw him. Lane was holding a handful of greenish-gray sugar apples, and he stared at Saki, his mouth hanging open. Saki stared back, realizing what she had done. Spitting out the shells, she held the remains of it up, showing it to Lane.

“Crab?” she offered bashfully.



Chapter 8


Lane helped Saki remove the large stone, uncovering six healthy, red crabs, which they gathered. They found the rest of the pack, set up a fire, and roasted them on sticks. They were even better cooked. Mixed with the meat of the sugar apple, it was most satisfying meal she had ever had.

Having long discarded the palm frond, she stretched her naked body out in front of the fire. She was aware that the boys were examining every inch of her while fondling their erect cocks, but she didn’t mind. In fact, the thought brought a smile to her face.

“I was thinking,” Saki began. “What if the boat didn’t float away? What if someone took it?”

“Who would take it?” Torque  replied. “There are only wolves on this island. If there were anyone else, we would have smelled them.”

“Dax wasn’t a wolf. I mean, he was a wolf, and then he wasn’t a wolf.”

“He could have taken it,” Lane said from across the fire.

Saki perched herself on her elbow turning to face Lane. “And if he took it, we could take it back.”

“We don’t even know if he’s still on the island. He could have taken it and gone home,” Torque  suggested.

Saki looked over at the only other female in their pack. She was petite. Her teacup breasts were firm, and her toned body would be the envy of a woman at any age.

Torque ’s richly tanned body made her look Puerto Rican or Mexican, but being in the Bahamas, she had to be a multigenerational mix of black and white. By any standard, she was pretty. Yet here, Saki was the one that all of the boys couldn’t take their eyes off of. Saki reveled in that notion.

“But what if he hasn’t gone home?” Lane suggested. “What if he’s holding it, waiting for us to come and get it?”

“Then it would be a trap,” Torque  pointed out. “But we don’t even know if he’s here.”

Lane was about to speak when a howl silenced him. The entire pack turned toward the sound. Saki sat up and allowed the call to reverberate through her being. It awakened something in her. It sent her heart racing.

“It’s him,” Saki said reverently.

“How do you know?” Torque  challenged.

“Dax turned her,” Lane acknowledged.

“What if I go to him?” Saki suggested. “And then you could…”

“No!” Lane rebuked angrily.

Saki‘s body tingled as the howl began again. “No, I could go to him and…”

“No!” Lane spit again.

Saki smiled, turning toward Lane. He was jealous, and it made her feel good. She felt her body heat up as a warm sensation gathered in her loins. Staring at beautiful Lane with his massive, rigid cock, Saki gave him a look that left no question about what she wanted. She called to him with her eyes and even she could smell what she was emitting. She felt like pure sex. Having excited the boys before when she was covered, she knew that not even Lane could resist her now.

Saki‘s eyes slowly descended toward Lane‘s thick cock. As soon as she did, it seemed to flick uncontrollably. Saki watched as a drop of fluid gathered at the top of it, then dripped down the side of his manhood. She could smell it from where she was and wanted desperately to taste it. She couldn’t understand why he didn’t just take her. It was maddening to her that he didn’t try.

Saki turned when she heard the one they referred to as Scully move.

“Well, if you aren’t going to do anything, I will,” the dark chocolate, built boy said.

Saki prepared herself for his touch. Scully wasn’t Lane, or even Dax, but she needed to be touched and he would do. Saki shifted her body toward him as Lane‘s voice boomed from across the fire.

“No! It’s her wolf. It’s not her. Anything she does now, she’ll regret later. You know it,” Lane barked at the dark Lycan.

Scully sat back down, yielding to Lane. Saki, disappointed, gave Scully a come hither look, teasing him. Scully looked up at Lane challengingly, and Lane growled viciously back. Yielding, Scully turned when Torque ‘s naked body pressed against his arm.

“I won’t regret it,” she said sliding her small hand up the inside of his thigh.

Scully took a deep breath, feeling his heart race, and then in one move, grabbed her arm, pushed her to the ground, and rolled on top of her. Scully looked Torque  in the eyes, giving her a feral growl. When she growled back, he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her hard.

Saki watched Scully thrust his tongue into Torque ‘s mouth. She had never seen such a passionate kiss before. As he moved his hand to her breast, Saki lifted her hand to hers.

She watched every move as Scully first ground his hard cock against her swollen labia and then pushed her knees into the air, positioning himself to penetrate her. Breathing hard, Saki moved her free hand to the folds between her legs. She had never seen sex close-up before. She wanted to be Torque . Slipping the tip of her finger into her wet vagina, streaks of pleasure shot through her body.

Scully‘s cock pushed into Torque ‘s bald pussy, forcing her chest into the air. Torque  moaned with unadulterated pleasure. As his thrusts grew in intensity, so did the way that she thrashed her body from side to side.

Saki, pressing harder on her swollen clit, looked around at the other boys in desperation for relief. Lane was staring at the two, stunned. He slowly glided his palm up and down his long cock, and with him still not coming to her rescue, she looked at the other two boys.

Saki knew that the small white-skinned boy would never challenge Lane. But the other one, the milk chocolate one, if she could get his attention, perhaps he would take on Lane.

“Hey,” she said in a whisper staring straight at him.

Holding his cock in his hand, he looked up at her and swallowed. He wanted Saki desperately; she could tell. When moved toward her, Saki thought that she would find her release.

“Ben! Hey!” Lane barked at the boy, slowing him down but not stopping him.

Saki didn’t want to take her eyes off of him in fear that he would lose his courage and back away. But she heard Lane moving. When he growled, Ben’s attention clearly shifted from her to the two fucking on the soft ground in front of the fire. Slowly, he got onto the ground next to the two. Saki watched as he slid his body next to theirs and cupped Torque ‘s breast while staring into Scully‘s eyes.

Continuing to fuck, Torque  looked like an animal. Scully, with his focus on Ben, grabbed his neck and growled inches from his face. Ben didn’t retreat. Instead, he held his position, massaging Torque ‘s breast.

Scully scanned Ben‘s face for any challenge to his authority. He found none. Shifting his expression from defense to dominance, he roughly rubbed Ben‘s jaw. Ben gave no resistance. So, smiling, Scully leaned down, pried Ben‘s mouth open, and kissed him.

Saki watched in shock. Her breathed more deeply, applying harder pressure to her clit. She made one more hopeful look back at Lane, only to see him get up and walk away. With him gone, she looked at the other boy, but he made no attempt to do anything other than vigorously stroke his cock.

Knowing that any release she received would be on her own, she pinched her nipple between her fingertips while almost forcing her clit back into her body. She strummed her bean quickly, causing her legs to stretch.

When Saki saw Scully pull himself out of Torque  to let Ben inside, she thought that she would lose it. Ben slipped himself into the girl’s soft flesh with a moan. While Ben pulled out and thrust back in twice, Scully moved behind Ben and put his hand on the smaller boy’s shoulders. Scully pushed is hard cock into Ben’s ass, whipping Ben’s head back.

Torque  screamed as the pressure of the two boys slammed inside of her. Ben moaned as his cock lubricated Torque ’s inside, and Scully‘s cock tore into his ass. Scully, leaning forward so his cheek touched the hairless boy’s neck, screamed as an orgasm tore through him, filling his submissive friend.

The orgasms came rapidly after that. First, the boy jacking off by himself released staccato grunts. Then Torque  threw her arms back, digging into the dirt as she screamed with pleasure.

Ben, unable to hold on any longer, pulled his body closer to Torque ’s and moaned his release. Saki, feeling the tingle shoot up her thigh to her pussy, curled her toes, locked her jaw open, and grabbed her breast. Her manic strumming shot electricity through her loins, causing her body to flinch and jump with pleasure.

“Ahhh!” Saki screamed before pushing through and feeling her toes curl again. “Ohhh, yeaaah!” She yelled, unaware of anyone else in the universe but herself.

As Saki‘s eyes closed, her mind drifted until she blacked out. Her body collapsed onto the ground in relief.



BOOK: Turned and Taken (Packed 1 & 2)
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