Trusting Hearts (The Heart Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Trusting Hearts (The Heart Series)
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Chapter Four


A week had gone by and all was quiet. Rachel hadn’t heard from Vinnie since the day in her office. He had never gone this long without talking to her. She was guessing he was back with Clara or just really pissed off. Vinnie should have received the divorce papers by now. She would find out today when she met up with Carson at the diner in an hour. Ever since their conversation about timing, Colin had even backed away from contacting her as much as he did. Rachel was starting to feel lonely. She would actually be seeing Vinnie tonight at the field for the boys’ baseball game. He’s the coach, so he would have to be dead to miss it. Because it rained all last week, both of their games were canceled. This game was probably going to be interesting.

Carson said he would meet Rachel at the Continental to discuss the next steps in the process. As she walked up to the restaurant, Carson was leaning his back against the window, briefcase in hand, and smiling. Rachel always thought Carson looked like Mark Walhberg. She had a thing for celebrities. She read trashy magazines and compared everyone she came in contact with to a celebrity. Gia gets mad when Rachel does this. Rachel always says that Gia resembles Megan Fox. When she tells Gia, she says, “No I don’t.” When someone else tells her, she says, “You really think so?”

Carson walked toward Rachel and hugged her.

,Rach,” he said as he kissed her on the cheek.

“Hi, Carsy… I hope you have good news.”

“Let’s go inside and get settled.”

He placed his hand on her back and guided her into the restaurant. The diner was a little crowded because it was lunchtime. Rachel ordered a diet
and cheese steak eggrolls. She absolutely loved them and talked Carson into getting them as well.

“So, what’s going on?” She asked with a concerned look on her face.

“Vinnie received the divorce papers on Tuesday. He called me and said that he was shocked when he found out I was representing you. I told him Gia asked me to while she was on maternity leave. He promised me that he will never divorce you. He had other stuff to say, too.”

“Like what?” Rachel asked curiously.

“He said that I have always loved you and that I wanted to take you from him for revenge. He also said that the only reason I’m handling your case is to spend time with you.”

“Is he crazy? Does he not think that the reason I want to divorce him is because of what he did and that I called you?”

“We know this. He’s upset, but…”

“But… what?”

“He’s right.”

“Who… Vinnie?”


“About what?”

“I’ve been thinking a lot this past week. Maria doesn’t want to get married. You and Vinnie are done. I think its fate. Everything happens for a reason. I think I could never really settle because I never got over you. I have loved you since we were kids. I know this complicates things. You will probably need a new lawyer.”

“Carsy, I’m speechless. I wasn’t expecting that. I assumed you’ve been over what happened.”

Carson leaned across the table and grabbed Rachel’s hand.

“I want to make you happy. I want to treat you how you should be treated, make love to you day and night. I know this all sounds so crazy, but I realized this after I saw you last Monday. I had to wait to see you again until I figured out my feelings. Then, I received the call from Vinnie.”

“Carsy, I don’t know what to say? I don’t think I could do this to Maria and Vinnie would go ballistic.”

“Rach, I don’t care. I’m tired of living for everyone else. I let him win before. You belong with me. We had a great love.”

“I know, Carsy. I loved you very much.”

“Can we at least try?”

“Let me at least think about it. I have a lot going on,” Rachel pleaded.

“Okay. Even though Maria doesn’t want to get married, I don’t think I could have married her. Get him to sign the papers.”

The declaration came as a surprise to Rachel. She always had a feeling that Carson still loved her, but she

really knew how he felt. She always saw him looking at her at family parties, but she never really gave it much thought.

“That’s easier said than done. I haven’t even talked to Vinnie since last week when he said he was done with me. I’ll see him tonight at the boy’s baseball game.”

Carson has a pained look on his face. He was expecting Rachel to say how she really felt about him but he didn’t want to push her too hard. He was just going to be straight up with her.

“Will you go out with me on Saturday night?”

Carson was afraid of what her response was going to be.

“I don’t think that will go over so well. Weren’t you the one who said I shouldn’t date or talk to anyone or did you say that for your own purposes?”

“Well, I usually have to ask that question and when you said you were talking to that guy, I felt jealous. I want you back and all to myself. I don’t want to share you with Vinnie or anyone else.”

“Carsy, it was a very long time ago. I’m a different person now. I have kids and a demanding job. Back then, I was just a teenager with no responsibilities,” Rachel said, trying to explain her current situation.

“I know you and I want you for you, not for who you were back then or who you are right now.”

“I’ll let you know tomorrow. I need time to think about all of this,” Rachel promised.

“Rach, can I ask you a question? Do you still love Vinnie?”

“Of course I do. He is the father of my children. I told him that as well. Anything else other than him being Jay and Jeff’s father, I don’t know about anymore. I’m confused.”

“Well, think about what I said and call me. I’m heading back to the office,” Carson asked, as he got up out of his seat to pay the check.



Chapter Five


Rachel always loved the smell of fresh cut grass. Living in the city she rarely got the chance to experience it. She always looked forward to visiting the ballpark to watch her future baseball stars and enjoy the fresh air. The boys loved baseball so much that Vinnie decided to get them season tickets to the Phillies. Rachel knew he was a great father; he was just a horrible husband. She made her way towards the boys on the field. The game didn’t start yet, and they were just warming up. Rachel made sure she went home and changed first. Jay and Jeff hated when she went to their game in her business suits and heels. They thought she looked snotty and professional. They wanted her to dress like the other mothers. To make them happy she threw on a pair of black tights, a Chase Utley t-shirt and her Nikes.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?” Rachel called out to them.

“Hi Mom,” Jay and Jeff said in unison.

“Did you see Dad?” Jeffrey asked.

“Not yet.”

“He’s over there,” Jason pointed out.

Rachel looked over and saw that Vinnie was talking with one of the mothers. They exchanged looks. Her’s was more like, “I know what you’re up to.” Vinnie’s look was more like, “You’re crazy.”

“Mom, are you with us?” Jason was now yelling.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Did you remember my cleats?”

“Yes. Here they go.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Vinnie started to walk toward Rachel and the boys. He had this coolness about him like John Travolta in Grease. All the mothers were staring at him; they might as well have had their tongues hanging out of their mouths.

“Doesn’t your mother look beautiful?” Vinnie asked his sons.

“Yes she does.”

“Okay. Get out on the field and practice,” Vinnie said addressing Jay and Jeff. Then he turned to Rachel.

“I saw you looking at me.”

“Yeah, because Jeff asked if I saw you.”

“It was more than that.”

“Yeah, whatever. Did you get her number?” Rachel asked sarcastically.

“You think I want everyone and they want me. Contrary to your beliefs, I only want you but I’m not begging anymore.”

“Then sign the divorce papers.”

“No! I know that you don’t want to divorce me.”

“Get over yourself. These women here might throw themselves at you, but I’m not.”

“Wait for me after the game. I want to talk to you.”

“Fine. I’ll be on the bleachers,” Rachel said wondering what in the world he wanted now.

The game was very exciting. Rachel screamed and jumped up and down when Jason hit a home run. Jason and Jeffrey are fraternal twins. They are completely opposite in every aspect. Jason is athletic and a ladies’ man like Vinnie. Jeffrey is more like Rachel. He says what’s on his mind but he’s actually more reserved. They both share the love of baseball but Jason is more into it. Jeffrey feels like he is forced to play and would rather stay home and play video games all day.

As the game came to an end, Rachel waited on the sidelines for Vinnie and the boys. While Vinnie was gathering all the equipment, the boys asked if they could go get ice cream with their cousin Matthew, Vinnie’s sister Nancy’s son.

“If it’s okay with Aunt Nancy, you can go,” Rachel replied.

Nancy approached Rachel as she was speaking to Jay and Jeff. She hadn’t really seen Nancy since the separation. They were really close before but it was just a tough situation to be in.

“Hi Nancy, how are you?”

“Good. How are you? You look good.”

“Thanks. You do, too,” Rachel said being sincere.

“Is it okay for the boys to come to the ice cream parlor?” Nancy asked.

“Sure, as long as their homework is done.”

“We did it,” they confirmed rolling their eyes.

After Vinnie brought all the equipment to the car, he went back to the field. Everyone was now gone.

“Wanna make out under the bleachers?” he asked.

“Are you crazy?”

“It didn’t bother you before.”

“Yeah, back when we were teenagers! Come on Vin, what do you want?”

“There’s a couple things. First, Jason wants to join the traveling baseball team.”

“He didn’t mention it to me,” Rachel said with hurt in her voice.

“He told me and I told him that I have to think about it. He wants me to talk to you about it.”

“I don’t know if I have the time for that with work and everything else going on,” Rachel said warily.

“I told Jay that.”

“You would have to take on this responsibility.”

“Normally I would, but for the first time in his life, I’m going to tell him no.”

“I’m not even going to ask why. I don’t even want to know.”

“I want you to know. It’s important.”

“Okay. What is it?

”Vinnie looked very serious, which was unusual for him. “

My mom is sick. I’ve been taking her back and forth to the hospital all week. They think it’s her heart. She swears she has cancer, but the doctors said that she doesn’t.”

Rachel felt bad for him. He was very close with his parents. She reached over and put her hand on Vinnie’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry to hear
Vin… I love your mom as if she was my own mother.”

“She loves you, too. She wants you to come over on Sunday for dinner. She wants to see you.”

“Vin, I can’t do that. It will be awkward for me.”

“Just think about it,” Vinnie pleaded.

“Okay,” Rachel agreed as she turned to walk toward her car.

“Rach, come here.”

“Yeah, Vin?”

As Rachel turned to answer him, he kissed her passionately. It was as if he may have a heart buried inside of him, after all. His kiss rendered her speechless.

“I told Carson I will never divorce you and I meant it. You are mine.” Vinnie said as he turned and walked away leaving Rachel with her chin on the ground.

Chapter Six


Rachel’s phone rang at 4 A.M. on Tuesday morning. She was in a dead sleep. She couldn’t think for the life of her why her phone would ring that early. Then it hit her. Gia was probably in labor. Rachel popped up out of bed and answered the phone groggily.

“Rach…. It’s Brad. Gia’s in labor. Her water broke forty-five minutes ago. I tried calling your cell but there was no answer. I didn’t want to call the house and wake the boys but I had no choice. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Don’t apologize.”

“She kept saying she wished you were here, so I decided to call you.”

“I’m glad you did. Let me call Vinnie and see if he can come over. I’ll call you back.”

Rachel is always put in unfortunate situations. Once she made this call to Vinnie, he would think she needed him. He answered right away.

“Rach, are you and the boys okay?”

“Yeah, Vin. Gia’s in labor and I need to go to the hospital. Can you come here and drive the boys to school in the morning?”

“I’ll do anything for you.”

“Okay. Be here in a half hour.”

Rachel called Brad back to let him know she would be there in about an hour. She got dressed quickly and went downstairs to wait for Vinnie. When he knocked on the door she let him in and told him to be quiet since the boys were still sleeping. Somehow he managed to look hot at four-thirty in the morning.

“I bought you coffee...”

“Thanks, Vin, and thanks for coming on such short notice.”

“You’re welcome,” he said as he winked at her.

Vinnie sat down on the couch and made himself comfortable. He put his feet up on the coffee table and turned the television on to Sports Center. Rachel couldn’t believe she had to endure this for a favor.

“Okay, I’ve got to leave.”

“Bye, babes.”

Rachel rolled her eyes and walked out the door. Whatever games he was trying to play on her were not going to work.



Brad met Rachel in the lobby when she arrived at the hospital.

“She was in a lot of pain. They gave her the epidural, but she is not even close to delivering yet. She was just trying to sleep when I left the room,” Brad said filling Rachel in on Gia’s status. “I told her you were here and she wants to see you right away. Your Mom and Dad are here also.”

“I figured they would have come. That’s why I called Vinnie.”

Brad and Rachel talked on the way to the maternity floor.

“Gia told me you filed for divorce.”

“Uh huh, but he won’t sign the damn papers. He doesn’t want a divorce and has been too nice to me lately.”

“Just be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

“Thanks, Brad. I know what he’s capable of.”

The elevator dinged and they exited. The waiting room was on the left and Rachel stopped to see her parents before going to Gia’s room. She kissed them and somehow she knew they were going to be starting with her at any minute.

“Are the boys at home by themselves?” Donato asked raising his eyebrow.

“Yeah, Dad. I left them alone.” Rachel said sarcastically. “Vinnie is at the house with them. He’s going to take them to school.”

“Why do you let that loser around your kids?”

“Because he’s their father. Were you going to come at 4 A.M. and stay up to drive them to school?”

Donato rolled his eyes at Rachel and threw his arm up.

“He hurt you, so he hurt me.”

“I’m over it so you need to be, too. End of story. If he does what he’s supposed to do, you hate him. If he does something wrong, you hate him. I can’t win.”

“Are you really over the situation, honey?” Carlotta asked butting in the middle of Rachel’s rant.

“I really can’t deal with this right now. I’m going to see Gia.”

“Rachel, you’re always running,” they both said as she stormed out of the waiting room.

Rachel was not in the mood to listen to what she should and should not do when it came to her life from her parents. They needed to understand that she is an adult and can make her own decisions.




Rachel knocked lightly on Gia’s door and entered the room. Gia actually looked good for someone in labor.

“I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I wouldn’t miss my nephew coming into the world for anything. You could have probably waited to come but I’m glad Brad called you. He’s a nervous wreck. Mommy and Daddy are driving me crazy. I needed you.”

“At least they don’t hate your husband. You have that going for you. I’ll always be here for you.”

“Is Vin with the boys? Are you doing okay? I mean with the divorce and everything,” Gia asked.

“Yeah. I haven’t told Mommy or Daddy yet. They make me crazy.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know.”

“Are you having second thoughts?”

“No, but they are religious. It’s against the church.”

“As much as they hate Vinnie, I think they will be okay with it. Plus, in the church’s eyes, Vinnie committed a sin. He broke one of the Ten Commandments.”

“Very true. So… How are you feeling?” Rachel asked, changing the subject because she was tired of talking about it.

“I’m okay now that I have the epidural. I don’t think you need to wait around. I’ll be okay. I can have Brad text you “It’s time” when I’m ready to go to the delivery room. It’s probably going to be a while. I know you have a lot to do.”

“Are you sure? I want to be here for you.”

“I told Brad not to call you and bother you.”

“You are not a bother to me. I love you.”

“I love you too. Oh… There’s something I wanted to tell you.”

“What?” Rachel could only imagine what was going to come out of Gia’s mouth.

“Guess who’s coming into town?”


“Colin. Dr. Hill. He’s coming for a medical conference for a week. I’m not sure of the exact date. Brad was talking to him about some business stuff. I think he’s going to call you,” Gia squealed sounding hopeful.

“Oh dear God, that makes three.”


“Nothing. Whatever happened with Maria and Carson?”

“She’s still at her Mom’s as far as I know. Why?”

“Just asking. I haven’t talked to you in a while. Why don’t you get some rest and I’ll come back later. I’m gonna go into the office for a bit. Just ignore Mommy and Daddy and worry about yourself and your family.”

“I know. I learned from watching you.”

“My life’s a mess. Don’t follow my lead,” Rachel said giving Gia a look of warning.

“You did nothing wrong. Remember that.”

Rachel just wanted to go home and go back to bed and forget about her worries for a day. Now her issue was that she had only been here for an hour and Vinnie was still at her house. She was not in the mood for him. Rachel ran into Brad on the way out. He was on his way back to the room.

“You’re leaving so soon?”

“Yeah, I’m going home and then to the office. You have to text me the secret code when she’s ready.”

“Okay,” He laughed. “Thanks for everything.”

“No problem… Anytime. Can you do me one favor?”

“Anything for you.”

“Tell my parents that I left. I don’t feel like dealing with them right now. It’s too early.”

“You got it.”



Rachel crept into the house. She didn’t want to wake the boys up. She was planning on sneaking into her bedroom and going back to sleep for an hour or so. When she entered, Vinnie was sound asleep on the couch. She didn’t want to wake him, so she just put the throw blanket over him and headed up the steps.

“Hey, you’re back already,” Vinnie whispered.

“Yeah, it’s going to be a while.”

I’m going to lay down for a little bit and then get dressed for work. I can take them to school. I know you have work. I feel bad.”

“Don’t worry about it,” He said blowing it off.

“How’s your Mom?”

“She’s okay. You should reconsider Sunday’s invite.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Can I come up and cuddle with you?”

“Are you nuts, Vin?”

“I miss you so much.”

“Jay and Jeff will be up in an hour.”

“Well at least you’re considering it.”

Rachel walked back down the steps and sat on the sectional. She needed to let him truly know how she felt. She was tired of the back and forth with him.

“Vin, you don’t understand. I can’t go through the hurt again. I’m finally healing. You just don’t understand what I went through. I trusted you. You betrayed me.”

“I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

“Well it did. I need to go on and so do you. I think it’s best if you go.”

“I’ll never go on. You’re my wife. We’ll figure it out.” Vinnie kissed her cheek and walked out the door.

Rachel blew out a breath. Everything was a complicated mess. The problem was that she loved Vinnie, whether she liked it or not. She always would, but he hurt her too many times. People could change for the better but actions speak louder than words. She was also so conflicted about Carson as well. On one hand it was not right, but on the other he was her first love. A girl never forgets her first love. Maybe he could be the key to her forever happiness. Colin would be a fresh start for her. It could be something new for her to forget all the pain that she endured over the years. Maybe that is what she needed or maybe she just needed to be by herself. One thing was for sure, she really needed to start to make some hard decisions.




Later than day while at work Rachel received a call from Brad telling her to get to the hospital. The baby would be arriving soon. Rachel rushed out of work and drove to the hospital. She couldn’t wait for the baby to make his presence into the world. Rachel called Vinnie to make sure he was taking the boys to baseball practice. She also asked him to stay with them until she got home from the hospital. He agreed and cut their call short. After going through security, she made her way to the maternity floor and sat in the waiting room with her Dad. Her Mom was in the delivery room with Brad and Gia. Brad’s parents were on their way over. It took them longer to get there since they lived further away from the city.

“You okay, baby girl?” Donato asked Rachel as she sat there staring into space.

“I’ve had better days.”

“Hang in there. It will be okay. It will work out the way it’s supposed to.”

“I hope so.”

About an hour later, Brad came out into the waiting room and said that the baby was born. He was seven pounds, five ounces. They named him Bradley Roberts, IV. They were going to let everyone back to see him two at a time. Donato went back first since Carlotta was already back there. When they came out, Brad’s parents

back next. Rachel had went back by herself. When she walked into the room, Gia was holding the baby. He was absolutely beautiful and perfect.

“Oh My God, I love him,” Rachel said as tears welled in her eyes.

“Isn’t he great? I can look at him all day,” Gia said.

“It’s such an amazing feeling,” Rachel gushed.

“Do you want to hold him?”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course. He has to get to know his crazy Aunt Rachel.”

Rachel washed and sanitized her hands. She sat in the chair with the baby. At that moment, nothing else mattered. There was no anger and no drama. He was such a blessing in their lives.

“I’ll babysit whenever you want me to.”

“I’ll remember you said that,” Gia replied.

“I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you. You’ll find happiness, Rach. I just know it.”

“All I need is my kids and family, as crazy as you all are. Everything else is a bonus.”

Rachel sat with Gia for a while bonding over the baby. They had a connection that would never be broken. When she arrived home from the hospital, Vinnie left right away, barely saying goodbye.

Very interesting… Oh, well.

She went on with her life and cooked dinner for the boys.

BOOK: Trusting Hearts (The Heart Series)
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