Read Trouble at the Treble T Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Trouble at the Treble T (2 page)

BOOK: Trouble at the Treble T
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By the time the song ended, Cade was sure he could fuck her in five seconds flat. When the next song kicked in, another Thompson Square favourite,
If It takes All Night,
Cade took that as his cue. He slid his hands caressingly over Shannon’s, then put about an inch of space between them and took her hand.

“Come on, sugar. How about a sleepover at the Treble T?”

She winked at him. “I thought you’d never ask.”

One good thing about Shannon. She’d done the sleepover thing before and knew the ropes. Not to mention the fact that she was hot as a pistol and game for anything.

“Did you ride over in that funky Jeep of yours?” he asked when they reached the table.

“Uh-huh. You might not like it, but it gets me where I want to go.”

“Give Mark your keys,” he told her. “You’ll ride in the truck with Justin and me.”

“Hey!” Mark objected. “How come I have to ride solo?”

“Your turn to draw the short straw, bro.”

He pulled some cash out of his pocket and dropped it on the table. The brothers might own the honky tonk and get their drinks for free, but they always tipped the waitress. They knew how hard she worked, especially on a Friday night.

Cade waited until Shannon dug her keys out of her pocket and handed them to Mark. “Take good care of it, big boy.”

He laughed. “Anything I could do to that hunk of junk would only be an improvement. Why don’t you get yourself something new?”

She grinned at him. “Sentimental value. That old Jeep has seen a lot of things in its time.”

“Well, let’s get going,” Cade urged. “There’s a lot
want to see.”

He guided Shannon towards the door, his brothers behind him. He glanced over towards the bar, planning to let Marti know they were leaving, but her eyes were already on them. And if he didn’t know better, he’d think that was jealousy smouldering in them.

Interesting. And intriguing.

Maybe tomorrow he’d find time to swing by here and spend a little time chatting with Miss Marti Jensen. Get the lay of the land.

So to speak.

The difference in noise level when they walked out of Treble Shooters was so noticeable that for a moment Cade wondered if he’d gone deaf.

“I’ve never figured out why it’s necessary to crank the jukebox up so loud,” he grumbled, fishing for his keys.

“Cranky, cranky,” Justin teased. “First sign of advancing age.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s just get going.”

“I’m right behind you,” Mark called, heading for Shannon’s ride. “Don’t get started without me.”

“Wouldn’t think of it,” she giggled.

Cade climbed into the driver’s seat while Justin hoisted Shannon into his lap in the passenger’s seat.

“Don’t wiggle too much, honey,” Justin told her in a low voice, “and we don’t need to worry about seat belts.”

“What are you doing?” she giggled.

“Just checkin’ to see how ready you are to play.”

As Cade pulled out on to the highway he glanced sideways and saw Justin’s hands against Shannon’s tummy, his fingers busy with her zipper. Suddenly an image of Marti slammed into him. Marti sitting on Justin’s lap. Marti with her legs draped on either side of his. Marti moaning low in her throat.

Heat blasted into his groin and stabbed his balls.

Shit, shit, shit!

What the hell was he doing, thinking about that? His brothers were right. Marti Jensen had to be off limits.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Shannon move slightly as Justin worked his hands inside her panties.

“Hey, Cade,” he said, “she’s waxed that sweet little pussy. It’s all bare.”

“Yeah?” He gripped the steering wheel as lust shot through him. “Tell me about it.”

“It’s like pure satin,” his brother said. “So soft and smooth. And oh, lordy, she’s already slick and wet. I can feel that cream on those pussy lips just making my finger slide over her skin.”

“She hot inside?” Cade asked, wondering why he was torturing himself and forcing himself not to break the speed limit to get to the ranch. Again, the image of Marti splashed itself on his brain, and he wondered if she trimmed or waxed her cunt. What it would feel like to slide his fingers over it.

Stop it!

“Let’s see.” Justin’s breathing was getting choppy. “Kinda tight quarters here but oh, yeah, I can get two fingers inside her. And damn, that little cunt’s just burning up.”

“You guys drive me crazy,” Shannon groaned, her voice unsteady.

Cade sensed her trying to move against his brother’s touch.

“Just hold still, honey,” Justin told her.

“Oh, God,” she cried. “Oh, oh, oh.”

“Tell me what you’re doing,” Cade demanded, gritting his teeth. They’d all discovered early on that half the fun of sharing a woman was describing what each of them did to her.

“I found that hot little clit and she nearly jumped off my lap. Shannon, baby, if you hold real still I’ll get you off. Would you like that?”

“Yesss,” she cried. “Please.”

“Don’t even want to wait until we get to the ranch?” he teased.

“No, no, no.”

From the corner of his eye Cade saw her toss her head back and forth.

“Kinda tight quarters here, sweet thing, but I think we can make it work. You just hold on here.”

“What are you doing?” Cade asked again, his fingers so tight on the steering wheel he wondered why he didn’t leave dents.

“I’m pushing her jeans and panties down enough so I can get at her with both hands. Ah, okay, there we go. Now I’ve got two fingers inside her again and I’m workin’ on that swollen little clit. Like that, Shannon? Like me to finger fuck you and play with your little button here?”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Cade glanced sideways briefly and saw Shannon leaning back against his brother, her arms straight down at her side.

“Eyes straight ahead, bro,” Justin reminded him. “I’ll give you a blow by blow.”

“Well, get on with it.”

“Okay, then. I’ve got three fingers inside her now and the little pussy is still just as tight. I’m rubbing her clit, pinching it and stroking it and she’s hot as a pistol. Oh, shit, I can feel more cream inside her. You close, honey? Yeah, I think you are.”

“Get her off now,” Cade ordered. “And Shannon, you scream your pleasure.”

“Here we go,” Justin said. “Feel my fingers moving faster, honey? Oh, shit, Cade, I feel those cunt walls quivering now. She’s tensing up.”

“You still working on her clit?” Cade asked.

“Damn straight.”

“Keep rubbing on it.”

“Oh, yeah, Oh, yeah. Bet on it.” He paused. “Here she goes. Okay, okay, here it comes. Here it comes. Oh, shit, yes. God, she’s about to break off my fingers she’s clamped down so tight around them. Cade, she’s coming like crazy.”

And Shannon’s scream of satisfaction echoed loudly in the cab as she jerked in Justin’s grip, the sound stretching out until it surrounded them. Cade had to move one hand from the steering wheel and clamp it over his cock, which was straining painfully at his fly. He ground his teeth together to hang on to his control. He was eternally grateful the ranch was in sight.

“Lick my fingers, Shannon,” he heard Justin murmur in a low voice. “See how good you taste.”

And then he was through the gate, down the long drive and pulling up in the gravel parking area. Mark slammed into the spot next to him two seconds later.

“I hope y’all didn’t use it up on the way here,” he grumbled as he stomped towards them.

“Hell,” Cade said, “we’re just getting started.”

Justin led Shannon into the house, his brothers hot on his heels. He’d refused to allow her to zip up her jeans, only letting her pull them up past her hips so she could walk. When she was standing in the middle of the great room, he knelt to remove her boots, lifting one foot at a time and pressing down on the heel to ease them off her feet. She stood there silent, shaking slightly with need. He could smell her arousal, a musky scent so strong he was sure it permeated the room.

Once the boots were gone, he rose and tugged at her T-shirt.

Although it wasn’t really cold, Cade lit the fire that had been laid in the fireplace. He always thought there was something so sensual about having sex by firelight. Mark flipped on the switch for the CD player that always had a stack of disks in it. The mellow sounds of Reba McEntire floated out into the dimly lit room, singing
It Gonna Be My Turn

Cade came up behind Shannon and put his hands on her shoulders.

“We’re all gonna get a turn, right, sweet cheeks?”

“You bet.” The sound came out on a choppy breath.

“Then let’s get you naked.”

He eased her T-shirt over her head. Only a flimsy concoction of satin and lace restrained her full breasts. He flipped the catch open and then the bra was gone and her breasts were resting in his large palms.

He looked at each of his brothers who gave slight nods. It was understood that Cade, as the eldest, would always take the lead. Everyone got his turn. Everyone got to fulfil his special desires. But Cade was the one who set the tone.

“Justin, you got a taste already,” he said. “Mark gets to move up in line.”

Justin stepped back but not far away, his eyes watching avidly as his brother came to stand in front of Shannon, rest his hands on her hips and bend his head to capture one nipple in his mouth.

“Ohhhh.” The soft sound whispered from Shannon’s lips.

“Feel good, baby?” Cade nuzzled her neck and licked the spot behind her ear then nibbled at the lobe.

“Real good,” she murmured.

Mark took her other nipple in his fingers and tugged and pulled while his mouth sucked until the tip was pebbled and stiff.

“We need to get the rest of her clothes off,” Justin reminded them.

“Well, go ahead and finish what you started in the truck,” Cade told him.

Justin knelt beside the woman, being careful not to get in Mark’s way, and pushed both jeans and panties down until they were around her ankles. Again he lifted first one foot and then the other until he could toss the garments aside.

“Tell us how wet she is,” Cade said, kneading Shannon’s breasts while Mark worked her nipples.

Glancing down he watched Justin slide one hand up the inside of Shannon’s legs until he reached her pussy. When he slipped two fingers inside Cade saws his eyes light up.

“Still wet and ready,” Justin said.

“I get the next taste,” Mark said, lifting his head from her breasts.

“Let’s get to it,” Cade growled.

He stooped, lifted Shannon in his arms and carried her to the big, wide couch against one wall. He set her on her feet only long enough to strip off his own clothes before lying down and placing her on top of him, her back to his front. Shannon sighed with anticipation. She’d played with the Thompson brothers before and knew exactly what was coming.

Cade arranged her legs so one was resting along the back of the couch and the other was draped over his, leaving her wide open to his brothers. Mark, now also naked, knelt at the edge of the couch, spread the lips of her cunt with his fingers and took a moment just to look.

“Damn, that’s pretty,” he murmured.

In the next instant he bent his head and licked a long stroke with his tongue the length of her slit. She shuddered at his touch, her bare buttocks flexing against Cade. His cock jumped in response.

I should have pushed my cock inside her ass first.

No. That’s for later. She’ll be damn ready by then.

Justin knelt at the foot of the couch, situating himself so he had a good view and wrapping his fingers gently around the ankle of Shannon’s leg that was against the couch.

“Man, she’s juicy.” His voice was harsh with need.

“Tell me what she looks like,” Cade ordered, cupping Shannon’s breasts and squeezing her nipples.

“Pink and wet,” Justin said. “Just like she felt. Those pussy lips are sure swollen. And Mark’s just lapping it up.”

“How many fingers can she take right now?”

Mark lifted his head. “Let’s check and see.”

Justin moved her leg across his brother’s thigh to open her up more. Against his body, Cade felt Shannon move slightly—wriggling her fine ass against his hungry cock—and he swallowed a groan.

Mark slid two fingers inside Shannon’s tight cunt, added a third and then a fourth.

“Four,” he said in a hoarse voice. “She’s got four inside her.”

Cade shifted both himself and Shannon so he could reach down to find the bare lips of her cunt and spread them wide.

“Lick her clit and finger fuck her,” he ordered his brother in a tight voice.

Mark bent to his task, Shannon whimpering and trying to move in Cade’s tight grasp as Mark’s tongue flicked rapidly over her clit and his fingers moved in and out of her. Cade felt her body tense on top of his, her cries increasing. She tried to thrust her hips but Cade was holding her too tightly.

And then he felt it, the convulsive tremors that shook her body as her orgasm swept over her. Mark continued to ply her clit and move his fingers in and out of her grasping pussy even as she tried desperately to squeeze her legs together. Justin gripped her ankle and bent to look over Mark’s shoulder so he could get the best view.

At last her body stilled, her breathing sharp and uneven. Little cries still burst from her as Mark lapped at the last of her cream. He slid his fingers from her, the skin shiny with her juices, and painted her breasts and her navel. Then he brought them to his mouth and deliberately licked each one.

“Feelin’ good?” Cade breathed in her ear.

“Yes.” She was still struggling to even out her breathing but her voice held a note of satisfaction.

Mark sat down on the floor, cross-legged, and Justin lounged at the end of the couch. Both had greedy looks on their faces. The music changed and Kenny Chesney’s
Live a Little
floated out into the air.

“That’s our theme song, sugar,” Cade murmured in her ear. “Live a little, live a lot. You ready to do some livin’?”

“Uh-huh.” She let out a long sigh. “But I want to know which one of you’s going to fuck me first?”

Cade laughed, a sound rumbling up from deep in his chest. “Why, all of us, sweet thing. You know that.”

BOOK: Trouble at the Treble T
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