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Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #Book/Menage

Triple Stud (4 page)

BOOK: Triple Stud
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Her tongue tangled with Hayden’s, making some attempt at meeting the fury of his invasion. But she was too swept up in the heat his sudden onslaught ignited to make even a semi-decent attempt. She felt herself being walked forward, pushed from behind, pulled from the front. Then Hayden broke the kiss, hauled her off her feet, and tossed her onto the bed.

She hadn’t stopped bouncing before all three guys had scrambled on board. Troy was the first to reach her. On all fours, he crawled over her. His eyes shown with desire. Desire for her.

Have you ever been fucked in the ass, Jecelyn?” He reached down, teasing her anus with a finger. She shivered, feeling his gaze sweep up and down her body.

No. Never. But I’ve taken a dildo. I’ve practiced.”

A tube of lubricant bounced on the bed. “Test her.” That was Hayden’s voice.

Sergio sat on one side, lifting a leg. Hayden took the other, spreading her wide.

Her pussy spasmed.

While Troy spread some gel on her puckered hole, Hayden clamped his mouth over a nipple, teasing the tip to an aching point with his tongue. Sergio did the same with the other one.

She’d asked for hard and fast, and she was going to get it. “Ohhhhh,” she heard herself say. Her spine arched up, pushing her tits into their faces.

One finger breached her hole. “Feels tight,” Troy said, sounding as breathless as she felt. “Very.” He added a second finger, gently stretching her.

She was on fire.

Her pussy clamped around aching emptiness. Her anus gripped his invading digits. “Ohmygod,” she mumbled.

Open baby. I’m going to try three.” Troy added some more lube then slid three fingers into her ass. She bucked, planting her feet on the mattress and thrusting her hips high in the air. “It’s going to be tough, but I think we can do it.”

I want two. At once. Can I?” she said.

We’ll try. But we’ll stop if it hurts too much,” Hayden said.


Hayden stopped tormenting her nipple and rolled onto his back. “Give me her ass.”

Sergio pulled her up onto her knees, holding her with strong but gentle hands. He helped her straddle Hayden’s erection while Troy slicked her up with lube.

She took a deep breath, let it out and slowly lowered herself onto Hayden’s cock.

The burning was fierce. For one second. Two.

Breathe. Relax. Open.

The tight ring opened and the head of Hayden’s cock slid inside.

Oh yes. Oh, God yes.

This was what she’d been waiting for. This was what she’d been longing for.

A tremble quaked up her body.

Are you okay?” Sergio whispered in her ear.

Yes. Better than okay,” she answered, shuddering as a second wave of pleasure slammed through her.

Oh, yes,” Hayden said on a low groan that rumbled through her system. “Oh, fuck yes. Troy. You’d better get in that pussy quick. I’m not going to last long.”

Gently, Sergio helped her ease back until she was semi-reclined, legs spread open while Troy stripped off his clothes. He straddled Hayden’s legs and entered her in one long, swift stroke.

The air left her lungs.

Her body tensed then relaxed.

So full. Perfectly full. Deliciously full.

Then they started moving. Hayden rocked his hips, and his cock eased in deep then withdrew, not quite leaving her completely. Troy’s thrusts were perfectly timed with Hayden’s. And Sergio’s hands worked her nipples into hard, aching peaks.

With each thrust her body grew hotter, tighter. Adding to her torment, Troy reached between her legs and stroked her clit with the pad of his thumb.

Come for us baby,” Hayden said. “I want to feel your tight little ass clamp around my cock.”

Come now,” Troy said, slamming into her roughly. “Come right now.”

Her spine cramped.

Her toes curled.

Stars exploded behind her eyelids.

She came.

And what an orgasm it was. A whole body, electrical-currents-zapping-from-head-to-toe, once-in-a-lifetime orgasm that made her scream.

Her ass and pussy spasmed around two huge, hard cocks. The bliss went on. And on. And on. It was ecstasy and agony both, and she didn’t want it to end.

Come now,” she shouted as yet another orgasm surged through her body. “Both of you. Come right the fuck now.”

Two deep male voices echoed in the room, a primitive song of pure carnal pleasure. They pounded into her now, their possession fierce, merciless, exactly what she needed.

But all too soon, their movement slowed. Her own body softened. The mind-blowing waves of sensation easing to pleasant little tingles and zaps.

Oh, yes. Now that’s the way to play Triple Stud,” she murmured as Sergio helped her off Hayden’s softening cock. She lay back, resting on top of Hayden, Sergio’s and Troy’s sexy male bodies pressed against her on either side. “That was one hell of a game,” she said as she fought to catch her breath. “Ready to play again?”

All three men groaned. “We fold,” they said in unison.

* * * * *



Jan smoothed her hair back into her Monday-through-Friday tidy bun just like she did every Monday morning. She shrugged into her conservative suit jacket, just like she did every Monday morning too. And she spread a little lip gloss on her mouth to give her lips a bit of sheen.

She checked herself in the full length mirror hanging on the back of her bathroom door. On the outside she definitely looked like she had last Monday. And the Monday before that. Tidy, neat, knotted up.

But underneath...

Giving her reflection a saucy smile, she clenched her anus around the new butt plug she’d bought yesterday.

Underneath lurked a whole new Jan. A new Jan with a little hint of Jecelyn thrown into the mix.

What her uber-conservative boss didn’t know wouldn’t hurt either one of them, right?

And as far as Game Night went, she had plans to become a regular.

What game would she play with her naughty guys next?

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I read all the reviews of my books and love to hear what readers have to say. If you have a moment, I would be grateful for your time. My sincerest thank you.


Please turn the page for a special sneak preview of DARKEST FIRE, the first book in my new Black Gryffon series.






An Excerpt From:

Copyright © TAWNY TAYLOR, 2010

All Rights Reserved, Kensington Publishing Corp.


Totally absorbing, Taylor’s series first captures your attention while crafting a hot romance. With intense dom/submissive play included, the story has elements of humor and a dark and enticing backstory. It’s a well-told tale to boot.
4 1/2 Stars RT Book Reviews


I think all of
Ms. Taylor’s
works are must reads, but she takes her trademark heart and soul to new levels in
, giving it that little something that pushes it over the top to make it one heck of a read and one for my keeper shelf.
TwoLips Reviews



Chapter 1

Sin in stilettos hunted him.

In Drago Alexandre’s lifetime, lust had worn many masks--fair and sweet, dark and exotic, male, and female--but whatever form it took, it always, without fail, seized its prey. There was no escape. Yet, like the quail in Drako’s favorite sutta, The Hawk, Drako knew he would eventually break free from the predator’s grip...and shatter its heart.

Tonight, the hunting ground was one Drako’s favorite haunts and lust was a redhead, in an itty bitty fuck-me dress, her mile-long legs bared to there, her full tits a sigh away from tumbling out of her dress, and a dozen erotic promises glittering in her eyes. She didn’t know it yet, but the hunter would soon be the hunted.

Drako acknowledged her with a hard, piercing stare. In response, lush lips pursed in a seductive pout.

Yes, he’d have this one. But on his terms.

Let the games begin.

Eyes on the prize, expression guarded to keep her guessing, Drako tipped his beer back, pulling a mouthful of bitter ale from the bottle. As he swallowed, the heavy bass of the music thrummed through his body, pounding along nerves pulled tight with erotic need. Red and blue lights blinked on and off, casting everybody in the nightclub, male and female, in an alternating crimson and deep indigo glow.

Her gaze shifted.

His body tightened.

Oh, yeah. He liked this place. A lot. He slowly swept the crowded room again with his eyes. Writhing, sweaty bodies, mostly female, packed the small dance floor. Groups of people crowded around tables, the flickering red tips of their burning cigarettes dancing in the shadows.

“I’ve got the redhead,” he announced.

“That’s just as well.” His brother, Talen, set his empty glass on the bar’s polished top and shoved his fingers through his spiked, platinum hair. “I’m not in the mood for this tonight.”

“Not in the mood? Are you kidding me? Look around, baby brother.” Sitting on the other side of Drako, Malek, shot Talen a bewildered glance. About a dozen women gaped as his shaggy blond surfer-punk waves danced on a breeze.

Drako slid his quarry a heated glance then twisted to flag down the bartender. “Yeah, well, if you spent half as much time working as you do playing, Malek, we’d–”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it before, big brother.” Malek ordered another beer for Drako then clapped him on the shoulder. “But like I say, life is short. You gotta live while you can.” He slipped from the stool, peeled off a twenty and handed it to the bartender. “Do either of you have a bad feeling about tomorrow’s meeting with the old man...?” Malek stood a little taller, tipped up his chin. “Ohhhh, yes. Talk to you later.” Not waiting for them to answer his earlier question, he headed toward the nearest flock of admirers.

“I think I’m calling it a night.” Talen said, watching Malek gather a small herd of women around him.

“Okay, bro. See you at home.” Drako checked his redhead again. She was still sitting at the table with her friend, but she was looking a little less certain of herself now. One hand was wrapped around a wineglass, the other nervously tugged at a lock of hair.

That was better. An aggressive woman did nothing for him.
Letting the corners of his mouth curl slightly, he lifted his fresh beer to his mouth and waited for their gazes to meet again.
Uh huh. Much, much better.

He held her gaze and everyone and everything else in the crowded bar seemed to slowly drift away, until nobody but his redhead existed to him. Electricity sizzled between their bodies, like heat lightning arcing between storm clouds.

Her tongue darted out, swept across her plump lip then slipped back inside. She set her glass down and, breaking eye contact, leaned over to her friend sitting next to her. They both glanced his way. The friend smiled and nodded, and then the pair of them stood.

Their arms linked at the elbow, their gazes flitting back and forth between him and the back of the bar, they hurried in the opposite direction, toward the bathroom.

That was an interesting reaction. Nothing like what he’d expected. Was she playing him? Were they both?

Mmmm. Both. Maybe he’d have two women tonight. Two was always better than one.

He dropped a fifty on the bar. And with his beer clutched in one fist, he walked around the far side of the room, taking the scenic route to the dark corridor at the rear. He’d catch them out there, where it was quieter, more intimate.

His timing was perfect. Just as he rounded the corner, they clacked out of the bathroom on a breeze of sweetly-perfumed air. They halted instantly, eyes widening, one pair a soft grey-blue, the other a deep brown.

Up close, the redhead lost a little of her charm. It was her friend who demanded his attention now. Her features were different, her almond-shaped eyes tipped up at the outer corners, the un-creased eyelids hinting at her Asian ancestry. Her full lips were plump and freshly coated in shimmering gloss. Her carefully applied makeup emphasized a set of picture-perfect cheekbones, and her slightly mussed hairstyle lengthened a slender neck, a tumble of silky blue-black waves cascading over her shoulders.

BOOK: Triple Stud
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