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Authors: Alta Hensley

Traditional Change (7 page)

BOOK: Traditional Change
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Rebecca nodded. "I've been thinking about you, as well."

He grabbed her now trembling hands and held them tightly in his. "I'm not very good at this whole relationship thing either. But I would like to give it a try." He offered a half smile. "There's something really special about you."

"There is?" His words boosted Rebecca's ego.

"You were all I could think about night and day." He let go of her hands and stroked the side of her face. "I wondered how smooth your face would feel. What your kisses would taste like. If I would be able to see the hunger in your eyes when I…" Not finishing his sentence, he touched his mouth to hers in a soft, gentle caress.

At Sawyer's confession, a surge of lust pooled between Rebecca's thighs. She pressed her legs together, trying her best to shield her arousal.

"I don't play games, Rebecca. I say what I think. I act on what I feel. Right now I feel like you and I need to stop fucking around and just be together and work this out." Sawyer pointed to the tree above them. "Or you could climb back up that tree and commune with nature. But I would very much like for you to come with me." He extended his hand.

Her chest tightened, but she ignored the sensation and focused on the words he spoke. They made sense.

With a smile as her answer, she took his hand and allowed him to guide her away from that damn tree.





Chapter Nine



Rebecca sat down next to Sawyer on his hotel bed and drank from a water bottle. Getting dressed in the bathroom, she could see in the mirror that dark circles ringed her eyes and signs of stress were visible. That retreat was far from relaxing.

She touched Sawyer's leg, and his thigh muscle bunched. Unsure what that meant, she pulled away, but he caught her hand. He threaded his fingers through hers. "You look tired," he said softly.

"I am. Tree climbing is harder than it looks." She winked and smiled. "But I'm glad you came and got me out of there. I'm just sorry you had to drive all the way out here and get a hotel. I am going to kill Coley for this. We did yoga as the sun rose—naked. We were forced to fast—naked. We weren't allowed to speak at all, and you aren't going to believe the rest of it." She shook her head and drank the rest of her water, realizing how dehydrated she was. "They made us all have a colon cleanse! They stuck a tube up my butt and sucked out the poo! It was suppose to remove all of our toxins or something."

Sawyer let out a loud belly laugh. She had made him laugh many times, but the laughter had always been controlled and come out as a chuckle or snicker. Granted, he always had a tattoo gun in his hand directed at her skin, so maybe that was a skill of his trade. Lucky for her. But hearing him really laugh out loud was refreshing.

Brushing a strand of hair from her face, his smile grew. "I have never met someone so honest and frank. You make me smile, and believe me, that isn't something I do easily."


He shrugged his shoulders. "It's not like I have some sad story, or some dark secret. I'm just reserved. I don't show emotion easily."

"It's your tough guy image, huh?" she teased.

He smiled again. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." He squeezed her hand. "But with you, it's different. It's almost impossible to not smile or laugh when I'm with you."

"So now what? You swoop in on your white horse and save me from another night of starving, being naked and silent, for what? What now?"

"We go on a date. Like two normal people."

"Hmph, we are both far from normal."

Sawyer shook his head. "You're making this whole courting thing really hard, you know."

"Is that what you are doing? Courting me?" She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. Resting her head on his shoulder, she murmured, "I like that idea. I like it a lot."

He hugged her close. "Well, now that I've seen you stark-ass naked, I think I at the very least owe you a meal."

Rebecca playfully slapped his chest. "I would say that is only fair."

"But first I want to check your back. I want to make sure that your soul searching in that tree didn't mess up your healing."

He didn't wait for her to respond but rather pulled her down across his lap, reminding her of the spanking he had given her several days ago. She was in the exact same position. He yanked up her shirt and gently ran his fingertips along her tattoo. The touch sent shivers through her. His touch, his concern, his take-charge way—everything about Sawyer pulled her closer and closer to that edge. The edge of the cliff from which she, if she jumped, would be lost to Sawyer forever.

Her lovey dovey thoughts were interrupted by a loud slap to her ass. "Hey!" she squealed.

He spanked her again and again, before saying, "You're lucky you didn't mess up my art." He yanked down her pants effortlessly, not stopping at her panties. All her clothing was pulled down to her knees in a few swift movements. He continued to spank, his hand crashing down on her nude bottom. "Number one, your tattoo shouldn't be out in the sun. You were naked in that tree!"

His hand peppered her backside at a speed and strength that took her breath away. She hadn't seen this coming at all. He'd given no warning.

"Ow! Okay, I get your point." She sort of giggled as she expressed her pain. "Ow! I get it!"

"Laughing? A spanking isn't supposed to make you laugh." He spanked a little harder and made sure to hit the sensitive spot, right where her butt met her thighs.

This spanking, although it still stung like hell, was more comfortable in regards to her position. Lying across his lap on the bed was a lot less awkward, but the bareness of her ass had her face hotter than her punished behind. She tried to reach back to cover up, but was only rewarded by Sawyer holding her hand out of the way while he continued on with the spanking.

"It wasn't one of my wisest moments," she defended breathlessly, as the loud swatting continued.

"And you should be careful to keep it clean. Running around doing yoga in the buff isn't exactly doing that," he lectured, as he rained down one spank after another. "I don't know why you don't listen to me when it comes to this tattoo and what I know." His spanking increased in severity. "But from now on, your bottom will pay the price every time you choose to ignore my words."

"I don't ignore you." Swat, swat, swat. "Ow!" Swat, swat, swat. "You're right, I should have listened and paid attention. I'm sorry."

Just when she thought she couldn't take one more swat without people in the next state hearing her howls, Sawyer stopped. Like after the last spanking, he softly caressed her ass, helping take the sting away. Rebecca remained motionless, not sure what to think. Her butt hurt, that much was for sure, but her pussy throbbed. Her breath came out in gasps—from the spanking, but also from her desire. There were no better words to describe her feelings other than that she was turned on beyond belief. Was it the spanking? Was it Sawyer and his take-charge, alpha ways? The fact that her lower region was completely exposed?

Sawyer continued to caress, allowing Rebecca to gather some sense of reason. She didn't want to let him know what his spanking did to her. But then it happened. He slowly moved his hand and dipped his finger into her dripping wet folds. Evidence of her extreme arousal coated his finger as he ran it along her seam. She didn't know what to do. Should she close her legs tightly? Should she try to squirm off his lap, or should she press into his finger, pleading for more?

He answered the question for her as he pressed his finger past her slick folds and into her welcoming pussy. He didn't move it in and out as she had expected—and hoped—he would do. He merely kept it rooted in place, pressing a tad deeper when she could no longer hold back the moan trapped behind her lips.

"I want you, Rebecca. I want you now."

Before she could agree with his feelings, or beg him to fuck her hard, Sawyer lifted her off his lap and lowered her down on the bed, carefully resting her head on the pillow.

She had never learned the art of seduction. Sexy was not a term she would ever use to describe herself. Lingerie made her feel like she was playing dress-up, and she always felt like a lanky kid with too many freckles. Dirty talk made her giggle, and not the cute sultry giggle that can turn a guy on. Different positions, other than the basics, always seemed to give her a cramp in the leg or butt cheek. And she was a master at staying in her head and overthinking everything, which usually prevented her from having an orgasm. One minute she would be thinking about if she had remembered to shave her legs, and the next minute the guy would be coming. Just like that—sex was over. So, Rebecca wasn't exactly a prude or inexperienced—just not sexy.

But for some crazy, inexplicable reason, lying there naked on the bed, as Sawyer looked down upon her, Rebecca Hadley felt like the sexiest woman alive.

The bed shifted as he positioned his naked body on top of hers. His eyes remained locked on her face as he lowered his lips to hers, capturing her mouth in a kiss. Everything moved so smoothly, so naturally, so perfectly.

He grappled with her remaining clothing and swept the material off her body in quick, swift movements. She was naked in broad daylight. No blanket to hide under, no darkness to cloak her exposed skin, not even a shadow to help soften it. Insecurities knocked on the back of her mind.

Sawyer must have sensed Rebecca's inner battle, because he paused and kissed her gently on the neck. "I think you are extremely beautiful, and I've had to fight the urge of wanting to see you naked the entire time I worked on your tattoo. You're stunning."

He cupped her breasts and buried his face in their fullness, lapping at her nipples as she arched beneath his masterful tongue. He concentrated on each one, taking his time, not rushing, not anxious, just relishing in her body; his moans and shivers pushing her to the edge. An orgasm threatened to overwhelm her—and he was only focusing on her breasts.

When he nipped a little harder, she grabbed his head and tugged it toward her until her mouth covered his. There was so much desperation in the kiss, but she didn't know if it was hers or his. Her hand tugged at his pants, not wanting to waste another moment. "Help me get these off of you."

He removed his clothes in an instant, fast but not fast enough for Rebecca as she yanked and pulled, wanting to see him naked before her. Once nude, Sawyer bent down and feasted on Rebecca's mouth again, not giving her a chance to really absorb how exotic and delicious his ink-covered body truly was. She thought she was prepared for his touch, but when his hand found her pussy, the air whooshed from her lungs in a forceful rush.

"Your body is screaming for me to take you. I've never been so attracted, so drawn and so fucking in need to have someone before," Sawyer said between clenched teeth as he raked his fingernails lightly across the inside of her thigh, and she almost shot off the bed.

She gasped loudly as his erection slid down the center of her heat, larger than she expected.

"Rebecca?" He paused, his breath panting across her face. "Is this what you want?"

Oh, God. Did he really have to ask? The sound of her sensual juices being spread around by his cock as he grinded against her should have been answer enough. "Now," she pleaded as she kissed him long and hard, hoping he'd do more than just rub his cock on the outside of her cunt. Now. She had to have him
She hadn't realized how much she'd missed a man's touch, and how the starvation of sex had ravished her body. She thrust her hips forward, trying to take the control in her own hands. But he pulled away just enough so that the tip of his dick rubbed against her clit, making her want to scream out in need. Gritting her teeth, she said, "You're driving me crazy, Sawyer, I can't take much more. I want this. I want you."

He held himself immobile above her, his face buried in her neck, one hand clasping the back of her head tightly. His body shuddered as he gently eased his cock past her entrance. He took his time, inching his way forward, moaning as he moved deeper and deeper.

She wrapped her arms around his back and hugged him close, rubbing her face against the curve of his neck. Closing her eyes, she focused on the feeling of Sawyer possessing her completely. His arms tightened around her, his breathing grew choppy as he pumped in and out as slowly as he'd entered her. As much as she wanted to be fucked hard, the delicate way that he made love for the first time seemed so right. This was more than a wild fuck that they would both move on from. Something was different. Their bodies were joining, connecting, loving.

In and out, he pumped. Stretching her with his size with every thrust of his hips. His soft kisses to her head, his tight embrace, and his unhurried rhythm expressed a tenderness she hadn't expected. He handled her body like fine china rather than using it for only his satisfaction.

The carnal feeling of his cock pumping and his loving actions all combined, bringing on an orgasm that had her arching her back and crying out as little lights danced behind her eyelids. "Oh God," she cried, as pure electricity rocked her body.

"Yes, baby," he whispered in between kissing her forehead. "Come for me. Milk my cock with your pussy." His words were all it took to bring on a second wave even stronger than the first.

Sawyer picked up speed and thrust deeper with each push. Rebecca looked up into his eyes as they closed in ecstasy. His body tensed, and he shoved his cock as deeply as he could as a loud groan left his body. She could feel the pulsation of his come as her lingering orgasm helped milk him dry like he had just commanded.


* * * * *


Tracing small circles on her hip, Sawyer smiled down at her as he had his body sideways, propped up on his arm. The haze of incredible sex still lingered between their naked bodies. Rebecca had a great view of his chest and rib cage, and she remembered how he'd once said he had his brother's adult-sized foot tattooed on his rib. She scanned his flesh and furrowed her brow when she couldn't find it.

"You said you had your brother's foot tattooed on your ribs. That you lost a bet."

Sawyer smiled and chuckled. "Yep, I sure do."

Rebecca sat up so she could get a closer look. "Where? All I see are designs and words. There's no footprint."

Laughing, he pointed to words written on his side. When Rebecca squinted to read them, she saw the words, 'My brother's footprint' tattooed in cursive in small print. "I never said I got his actual footprint. That fucker wears a size twelve!" He started to laugh even harder.

Rebecca shoved him playfully. "Ha, ha, so funny. A real jokester, you are."

Still laughing, he flipped her over on her stomach and started to trace his fingertip along her tattoo. "This looks really good."

BOOK: Traditional Change
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