Torn - Part Two (The Torn Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Torn - Part Two (The Torn Series)
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When the MC stepped onstage after the last act, Riley tensed beside me and threaded her fingers through mine. I selfishly rejoiced at the gesture. Whatever happened, she was still with me.


“We’re only giving out prizes through third place, so we’ve only ranked one through three,” the man onstage said. He looked like a real Brooklyn hipster type, with his vest and his mustache and his hat - it looked like something a cab driver would wear. This was a real amateur event if I’d ever seen one. The girls would have plenty more chances to win a competition like this one. Reminding them of that right then wouldn’t help, though, so I kept my mouth shut.


“Third place goes to the Mistresses of Mayhem!” he announced.
At least this was over quickly.
Polite cheers and applause filled the room. “Please collect your prize backstage on your way out.”


“Let’s go outside,” Riley said, tugging on my hand. She wasn’t interested in who the winner was and I couldn’t give half a damn myself. I let her lead me out the front door onto the sidewalk. It was surprisingly chilly out, colder than either of us were prepared for. The weather could be a real gamble in the fall and we’d bet on not needing jackets. It was a bad bet.


“You want to come home with me?” I asked, rubbing her hands between mine.


She shook her head. “Jen was joking about hitting on Lockett except I think she was a little serious and I don’t want to be there if she might be there.” Those two hadn’t hooked up before as far as I knew but that didn’t mean it would never happen. Now, especially, with Jen as pissed as she was, there was no telling what she might do. That much I knew from experience.


“Want me to come home with you?”


She shook her head again. “I’m really sorry. I think I just want to be alone.” She cringed as she said it as if she was afraid of my reaction.


“It’s fine,” I said, “I get it.” I did - after the few fights that I had lost in my fighting career, I didn’t want to be around anyone, either. I was bummed out, but I got it. I fished some cash from my pocket. “Take a cab, though.”




I cut her off and tucked the money into her pocket. “For me,” I said, “Take a cab so I don’t have to worry about you.” I didn’t wait for an answer because I knew she would keep protesting. Money was tight for both of us. But if she wasn’t going to let me take her home then she had to let me do


A car stopped and I opened the door for her. She kissed me before sliding inside. “Thank you,” she said softly, then giggled. “Sorry. I left a little lipstick behind.”


I wiped my mouth and grinned. “See you tomorrow, maybe?”


“Yeah. I’ll text.”


I watched the cab pull away before stepping back inside. I sort of hoped she’d change her mind and drag me along but I didn’t want to push it.


I also didn’t want to spend the evening listening to Jen bitch about her and about everything else. It was time to give Surly a quick wave and sneak on home myself.




I woke the next morning to my phone flashing with a message from Riley. “Hang out today?” it said. I grinned and replied, “Hell yes,” before stumbling towards the coffee machine and then into the shower.


When I returned to my room to slip on a pair of boxers I saw that she’d answered with an “on my way :-) got a shift at coconut cup later” The bar where she worked was walking distance from my apartment in good weather, so it looked like we’d spend the day in my neighborhood. That was fine with me.


What wasn’t fine was what I found in the living room when I emerged. Jen sat on the couch in nothing but a t-shirt. Hell, she bared her ass to me when she bent over to retrieve the remote from the floor. She laughed at the expression on my face. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” she said.


“How long will you be here?” I asked.


“You kicking me out?” I wanted to. I didn’t want to hear about it from Surly later, though. She had as much right to hang out in the apartment as Riley did. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna bite your girl’s little head off, I’ll be nice.”


“Sure you will.” I sank next to her on the couch and snatched the remote away. I doubted Riley had even left her apartment yet so I had a little time to kill in front of the television before she arrived. Then I hoped we’d kill time in my bedroom.


I flipped through the channels. She seemed content to sit and read on her phone and ignore me, though I swear every time she shifted she was inching closer. This was some high school bullshit that I didn’t have time for and I was about to say as much when Surly emerged from his room. She finally shifted back to her side of the couch. I heard him slamming through the cabinets before he called from the kitchen, “Gonna step out. You guys want bagels?”


“Yes!” we both answered. I didn’t know why he even asked. There was no other possible answer to that question.


Jen repeated her game as soon as we heard the front door shut behind him.


“Would you cut it out?” I said, watching her inch closer out of the corner of my eye. “And for fuck’s sake, put on some pants.”


“You put on a shirt,” she answered, running a finger down my arm. I recoiled from her touch. “Oh come on, Mallet,” she said, “You weren’t so disgusted when we were fucking.”


“I’m not disgusted, I’m just with someone else. That was a long time ago.”


She snorted. “It’ll happen again.”


The girl must have been out of her mind. I was no stranger to her ridiculous claims and declarations and I knew that arguing or reasoning with her would get me nowhere, so I just shook my head and turned my attention back to the television.


When she suddenly rested her head on my shoulder, I shrugged her off. “Would you cut it out? Riley’s coming over, you want her to find you like this?” I had to get away from her before she arrived. I’d been sitting around for longer than I’d thought. I moved to stand up but Jen grabbed my arm. She leaned in closer, lifting her tits more than necessary. What the fuck was this girl on? “Who cares? She’s just a dumb little girl.”


“Uh, she’s also your friend.” I heard the door open and assumed it was just Surly. I nodded in its direction, giving Jen a look. “You want your brother to find you climbing on me?” I said quietly. I wrapped my hands around her waist, intending on pushing her away. Something wicked flashed in her eyes - something cruel.


“Surly knows that we’re fucking.”


I was about to remind her,
past tense, crazy,
but before the words could exit my mouth, I heard a horrified “What?!” tear from Riley’s voice. I jumped from the couch and turned around - she was walking in behind Surly. They must have bumped into each other down on the street.


Jen jumped up beside me and moved to grab my arm, but I grabbed hers first and held her as far from me as I could reach. “She’s lying,” I said, “We aren’t doing anything. She’s fucking crazy.”


Jen was reaching for the waistband of my sweatpants and I shook her off. Was she high or something? I couldn’t think of any other explanation. High and pissed off that they’d lost their stupid competition. “But you were so good,” Jen pouted, not even looking up at Riley or her brother, ignoring their presence. “I miss it.”


Riley gaped at the scene. “You lied to me? You said…” She trailed off as she looked between Jen and I, and only then did I realize how it must look to her. Me with my shirt off, Jen in nothing
a shirt… Jesus, she must have been fucking
all night. But how the hell could I convince Riley? Jen sure wasn’t going to be any help.


I didn’t remember lying. Maybe through omission, but I’d never outright said, “Jen and I have never slept together.” But I realized Jen was chuckling next to me.
lied. It had been her idea to hold back the information in the first place. I never should have listened to her.


Without another word, Riley turned on her heel and left.


“Take her,” I said, guiding Jen in Surly’s direction. “This is what happens when you don’t keep her reigned in. Fuck.”


” he grunted, and slammed his fist into my stomach. I was unprepared for the blow and it knocked the wind out of me so hard that I dropped right to my knees with a strangled gasp. Then he kicked me, hard in the ribs with his fucking boots. My face hit the floor. “Fuck you.” He kicked me again and I swear I heard a rib snap. “You stay the fuck away from my sister.” Another kick, this one low on my back. “And you stay away from that girl. She deserves better than a piece of shit like you.” He leaned down and landed one well-aimed punch to my jaw that left my ears ringing.


I couldn’t fight back. I
fight back - not against Surly. Not when he was right. I was a piece of shit. I hadn’t fucked Jen that day, or in a year and a half, but this was just delayed justice. I knew he was protective of her, I knew it was just plain code amongst friends - hands off each other’s sisters.


I heard the elevator ping from where I lay gasping for air - Riley must have seen the one-sided fight from the hallway, or heard it at the very least. And she’d turned her back and left.


I deserved no different.



Hello, readers and romance fans! Thank you so much for checking out my book - I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it!


It’s a tough world out there for an indie writer and there’s a whole lot of competition. If you enjoyed this story, please share it with your friends or leave me some love right there on Amazon. Any and all feedback and greatly appreciated. It’s the fuel that keeps me going!


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The rest of the series is available on Amazon and on Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited:


Torn Part 1

Torn Part 3

Torn Part 4


Keep an eye out for this author’s future released on her
Amazon Author

About the Author


Independent author Ellen Callahan reads and writes edgy contemporary romances. She is also enthusiastic about baking cookies and loves rock music - the louder, the better. When she isn’t writing, she’s spending her time with her three rambunctious nephews.


Ellen can be found in New York City, chugging coffee and walking too fast while forgetting where she was supposed to be going in the first place. If she look confused, it’s okay, she’s just working on a plot point. Please point her towards the nearest subway station.




[email protected]

BOOK: Torn - Part Two (The Torn Series)
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