Read Torn Between Two Highlanders Online

Authors: Laurel Adams

Tags: #Historical, #Adult, #Erotic Romance Fiction, #Romance, #menage

Torn Between Two Highlanders (9 page)

BOOK: Torn Between Two Highlanders
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Arabella shivered, beyond a place of coherent thought. She hadn’t known anyone would kiss a woman there. But Davy crawled down her body, raining a trail of kisses in his wake until his tongue darted out to touch the same spot Malcolm had found. “Oh!” Arabella cried, her back arching.

Malcolm plucked at her nipples, forcing her to moan into his mouth. Not knowing what else to do with her hands, she reached down for Malcolm’s shaft and stroked it, just as he’d shown her how to do before. She loved the feel of it. The weight of it in her hand. The uncompromising hardness of it. It was a part of him she wanted to satisfy. A part of him she wanted to please. He must have known it, because he pulled her into a kiss.

All the while, Davy gave her a different kind of kiss, between her legs, that nearly undid her. He kissed, and licked, and blew upon her downy fur until goosebumps raced up and down her skin. “Your pussy is so hot and tastes so good, Arabella. Sweet as honey.”

These words embarrassed her, but made her more excited too.

“I think you’re teasing me,” she accused him.

“I’m going to keep teasing until you can’t stand it,” Davy promised, hoisting her knees over his shoulders, and burying his face between her legs. He wriggled that tongue in a way that made her gasp. He pressed his hot tongue flat against her sex in a way that made everything tighten inside her like a rope about to snap. And he flicked his tongue back and forth until she began to undulate.

Trembling with an unfulfilled need that she couldn’t quite understand, she whispered, “Oh, I need…I need…I don’t know what I need but I need it.”

“We know what you need,” Malcolm promised, narrowing his eyes.

Davy lifted his head from between her legs, and grinned a gleaming, wicked grin. “But you canna have it yet.” He said this even as his fingers softly probed her opening, pushing into the channel only a little ways. “There it is…”

“What?” Arabella gasped, burying her face against Malcolm’s neck.

“Your maidenhead. I’ve never felt one before.”

“Because you’re a whoremonger,” Malcolm said, gruffly, then turned his attention back to Arabella, slowly thrusting his hips in time with the stroke of her hand on his shaft. “That feels very good, lass.”

“I want it to,” she said, a frantic hitch in her voice. “I want to please you so badly.”

“You are,” Malcolm told her. “You’re pleasing us both.”

Davy had her hips in his hands, her sex at his mercy, his tongue wriggling its way against her maidenhead, making her wet. So wet. So ready.

“Please,” Arabella, pleaded, though she wasn’t sure why.

At the sound of her begging, Davy sat up, and stripped off his clothes. Whereas Malcolm’s body was all lean sinew and iron, with scars in various places, Davy’s was fleshy and strong and relatively unmarked. A body that made her mouth water, as if she somehow wanted to devour him, freckles and all.

“Lass, would you consider using your mouth on me?” Davy asked, fisting his hard penis and rubbing it quite near to her face.

Arabella hesitated, only because she didn’t know what to do.

“Kneel up and suck his cock,” Malcolm instructed.

And that was enough of a command to make her do as he said. Though her body was near boneless with sexual need, she rolled over, onto her hands and knees while Davy stood at the edge of the bed. She trailed her fingertips down his flat, muscular belly in a motion that made him quiver.

In a moment, she pressed a kiss to the pulsing head of his shaft, and gloried in his answering moan. Then she sealed her mouth over the throbbing knob of Davy’s member, delighting in the salty taste of it. In the smooth skin that slipped between her lips. In the growl of appreciation Davy made as he pushed slowly all the way to the back of her throat.

Arabella looked up at Davy then, and he smiled down at her with a feral glint in his eye, as if the sight of her with her mouth full of him was enough to make him climax on the spot. His hand went to her hair, grasping a handful of it.

Meanwhile, from behind, she felt Malcolm’s finger slowly work its way into her channel. In and out, he pushed the wetness, and pulled the wetness, until he finally smeared it back between her cheeks to the puckered place she could not imagine any man would touch.

“I’m going to fuck you here,” Malcolm promised.

She could not argue. She was too busy sucking on Davy. And she wouldn’t have argued with anything Malcolm said he would do to her, truthfully. But she was glad that Davy explained, “After we take your maidenhead, I’m going to fill your cunny and he’s going to take your arse. Bury himself deep. Fill you up where there’ll be no risk of children. But you’ll need to be very wet for him, lass. Wet for us both. Slippery as oil.”

wet for them and his blunt words brought about another gush of arousal from between her legs, which Malcolm used to ease his thumb into her back passage. Arabella stiffened, but he whispered, “Relax, lass. Give yourself over to us.”

That is what she wanted to do. So Arabella closed her eyes and centered herself on the sensations. Upon the turgid member shifting in and out of her mouth. Upon Davy’s hips pushing against her face, his coppery pubic hair tickling her nose. Upon Malcom’s thumb popping through some ring of flesh, causing discomfort, but not pain.

Of course, the sinfulness of it erased even the discomfort. And Arabella surprised herself by pushing back upon Malcolm’s hand to take more, then pushing forward to take Davy deeper. When this movement caused a groan from the man behind her, and then another groan from the man in front of her, she did it again. And again. With utter abandon.

“That’s a naughty little minx,” Davy coaxed her, murmuring endearments. “What a treasure you are.”

Malcolm uttered a filthy curse that was no less delightful for its obscenity. He continued to work his thumb into her tight passage, stroking her backside with plain intention, kneading the flesh there, nipping her hip when she thrust back to take it deeper. Then a different finger worked its way into the other opening, giving her a small preview of what it would be like to take them both at once.

“You are all silky heat,” Malcolm said, as she rubbed herself against him.

He was stretching her. Making her ready. But she
ready, she thought. Because she couldn’t take much more of this. Perhaps Davy knew it, because he withdrew his slick penis from her mouth, and gently pushed her down to the mattress. To Malcolm, he said, “I could have her mount me and you thrust into her from behind, but your wound—”

“I can take her from the side,” Malcolm said, resting upon the hip of his good leg, his bandaged one splayed almost lazily, as if to show off his proud manhood. He made a motion to Arabella, drawing him to her, nestling her bottom tight against his groin.

“Ohhhhh,” Arabella sighed in pleasure at the way Malcolm’s chest hair tickled softly against her back. At the way his swollen cock nestled between her cheeks.

“Do you feel what you do to me, lass?” Malcolm asked, from over her shoulder.

“To both of us,” Davy said, grinning as he slid into the bed beside her, his jutting erection pressing against her belly.

“I do,” she said.“I feel wanted.”

And it was a wonderful feeling.

“How beautiful you are,” Davy told her, pushing hair back behind her ears while Malcolm ran a hand down her hip.

“Don’t be frightened,” Malcolm told her. “Your maidenhead is a stretchy thing, but it will tear when we take you. It will bleed a wee bit and hurt you. Hurt all of us, actually. But then it’s all pleasure.”

She wanted that. Wanted the pleasure. Was willing to bleed to get it. Though Arabella’s mind was buzzing like a hive, her body writhing against the bodies of two strong men, one thing Malcolm said caught her attention above the rest. “Painful for
of us?”

“Aye,” Malcolm rasped. “T’will be tight for us both to fit.”

He would have to push, she realized. With his wounded leg.

“But I don’t want to give you pain,” Arabella cried.

Malcolm held her still, a hand at her hip. “If you’re willing to endure it for us, lass, shouldn’t we be willing to endure it for you?”

If she were a better person, she would argue against it. But Arabella was in such a state now that she could only think of the burning need in her body. A need that flared the moment Davy lifted her leg up and over Malcolm’s hip.

“There may be a bit of clumsiness with all the hands we’ll have in the region,” Davy explained. “And an unfortunate bit of dueling between his manhood and mine as we work into you. Can you be a brave lass?”

Arabella nodded just as Malcolm’s shaft slipped between her slick folds.

A bolt of lust struck her center.

Another followed swiftly after when Davy rubbed the bulbous head of his cock against the nub he had suckled upon earlier that nearly sent her over a cliff of pleasure. “Please, whatever it is you must do, I need you to do it,” Arabella cried, her breathy voice nearing a sob. “I beg of you. I beg of you!”

“You need us to fuck you,” Malcolm said, with a fierce edge of lust.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Arabella said, so far gone that she dared to use the word. “I need you to fuck me. I need it.”

what they needed to hear. Malcolm positioned himself at her entrance and Davy did the same. That’s when Arabella began to think it would never work. She did not think she could fit even one of them inside her. Definitely not both. But the men seemed to believe otherwise. They wanted this. She could tell. Davy looked at her with a fierce desire. As if she were the only woman in the world. And Malcolm held her still as if something would break in him if she were to escape his arms.

“Now,” Malcolm said softly.

Together they strained, slowly pushing into her. She felt the pressure. The unbelievable pressure and tried to open to it. But it was a little opening they were trying to enter, she thought. And they were not small men. It amazed her to think that she was caught between men so powerful that they could crush her with the smallest effort. And yet, both of them held their bodies in restraint, all to please her.

A sweat broke out over Davy’s body as he squeezed his eyes shut.

“Will you mind what you’re doing, Davy?” Malcolm snapped.

“Is it terrible?” she murmured.

Davy chuckled. “No, but I’m feeling more of him than you at the moment, and I’d rather not see that. There are some things the mind cannot forget.”

Arabella began to despair. “Am
doing something wrong?”

Malcolm’s voice rumbled from behind her. “No, lass. We’re trying to go slow. Trying to—”

“Just break it!” Arabella cried.

For the love of God, in that moment, her maidenhead seemed as troublesome a thing as ever existed and she wanted it gone. More precisely, she wanted these men to take it, so that she could enjoy whatever else they might have to offer her.

Davy’s eyes opened again, and he grinned down at her. “We just don’t want to tear you apart, lass. T’would be easier if we took turns—”

,” Arabella insisted, more sure than ever that she couldn’t know how to decide which would be the first to have her. They’d have to do it at the same time. “Both, or neither.”

Thankfully, Malcolm understood. He was a man who could be less than gentle when he needed to be. “You tell us when, lass. Say the word, and we will both thrust up into you as hard as we can.”

Perhaps they expected her to dally. Arabella did not. “Now!”

In that moment, two men who were strong enough to batter a door down used their cocks to break her open. She
feel torn apart as both shafts speared up into her and broke her maidenhead. The thrusts of their hips were hard, unforgiving, brutal. It felt as if some giant thing had impaled her. As if she’d been seared by a brand.

It was not a wee bit of pain, but a great deal of it.

She screamed.

Tears, hot and salty, flowed down her cheeks.

And yet…and yet…

The moment she felt her hymen tear—the moment she knew that it could be blamed on neither of them, but rather, they had both claimed it together—was amongst the most satisfying moments of her life.

“It’s done,” Malcolm said through clenched teeth, as he and Davy both swiftly withdrew from her. It had been only a moment, but now she throbbed and ached and the pain was all mixed together with her arousal.

Davy kissed her tears away, almost panic stricken as he cooed, “Now we’ll be gentle, we’ll be gentle, lass. I promise.”

They were, too.

Davy’s thumb circled the nub of pleasure at her center that sent little sparks of pleasure into her blood. Malcolm kissed her neck, her shoulders, her back. And all the while, his wet straining cock pushed between her cheeks, slowly, painstakingly nudging its way into a forbidden passage.

“Too much?” Malcolm asked.

“Yes,” Arabella said, shying away, then pushing back against him, unable to make up her mind. “No. I’m not sure!”

“Well, we must make you sure,” Davy said, kissing her on the mouth. Overwhelming her with sensation, and affection, and wicked promise. Somehow, the way he touched her made it easier to take Malcolm, and she whimpered when he slid an inch into her most secret place.

“Oh, oh, that can’t be…”

“Yes, it is,” Malcolm said. “I’m inside you and you like it.”

“I do,” Arabella said, clasping Davy hard, drawing him closer. “I want you
inside me.”

“Mmmm,” Malcolm murmured against her neck. “She’s a wanton.”

“I’m sorry,” Arabella said, embarrassed.

“Don’t apologize for that!” Davy said, positioning himself at the entrance where she had felt such pain. “We want you lusty and desperate. Needy and voracious.”

That was a good thing
, Arabella thought. Because in spite of the pain, she was all those things. And she found that it didn’t hurt
much this time when Davy eased his shaft up into her. Sore as she was when they both thrust up inside, she was stretched, too, and now there was room enough for him without agony.

In fact, what she felt when Davy slid up into her wasn’t anything related to agony at all. It was…strangely like relief. It was as if she had been empty her whole life without knowing it, and was suddenly filled.

BOOK: Torn Between Two Highlanders
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