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Authors: Tracie Peterson,Judith Miller

To Have and To Hold (10 page)

BOOK: To Have and To Hold
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“I think they will learn more from gardening or stitching than from having a pet,” Dr. Wahler said.

Josie rushed to Audrey's side and pulled on her hand. “Oh please, Miss Audrey! Say you'll help us with a garden.”

When Julie joined the plea, Audrey knew she'd be unable to resist, but she didn't know where she'd carve out the time for such a project. She continued to miss the Morley children, and having the twins around would be an absolute delight for her. How could she possibly deny such a request from the two bright-eyed girls—or their charming father?

Chapter 9

Marshall slowed his gait to keep step with Stuart Griggs's short-legged stride. During the past weeks he and the architect had become better acquainted, and although Marshall didn't consider himself an expert at land development, Stuart was a capable teacher. His architectural drawings were exacting, and each morning, the two of them met to go over plans for the clubhouse work site, where laborers continued to clear the land in preparation for the construction to begin. Then Stuart would head off to work on his drawings for homes that were to be built for several of the investors. He hoped two of the houses could be completed soon after the clubhouse was finished. Of course, much would depend upon finding additional skilled workers.

Stuart tucked several drawings beneath his arm as they headed toward Bridal Fair. “I hope this meeting won't take long. It seems like it would have been easier for Victor to meet us at the work site than for the two of us to walk over here.”

Stuart was a loner of sorts and one of the few supervisors who had chosen to reside in an overseer's cabin rather than live in a room at Bridal Fair. He claimed to like the privacy of his own place as well as his own cooking, though Marshall thought the odors that drifted from the cabin were usually less than appealing.

Marshall hiked a shoulder. “Mr. Morley said there was another supervisor arriving this morning, and he wanted more privacy than the work site provided.”

“Don't tell me Frank Baker has finally arrived.” Stuart stopped in his tracks. “If it is Frank, you better prepare yourself for trouble—he's not the easiest fellow to deal with.”

Marshall waved Stuart onward. “Keep moving or we're going to be late.” He slowed only long enough to let Stuart catch up. “I pride myself on being able to get along with my men. If he's a seasoned construction supervisor, I don't think we'll have a problem finding common ground.”

“You may not, but he will.” Stuart's boots pounded on the hard dirt as he hurried to keep pace. “He's been around the construction business, but I'm not sure I'd consider him seasoned—more like lazy, annoying, and underhanded.”

“If he's all that bad, why would Mr. Morley hire him?” Marshall stopped and trained his gaze on the architect as they stepped onto the front porch of Bridal Fair.

“Maybe you'd better ask Victor that question, because I can't imagine a good reason why anyone would hire Frank Baker.” Stuart held the front door open, grinned, and waved his drawing in front of him with a flourish. “After you.”

Marshall stepped into the foyer with Stuart close on his heels. The sound of the door had obviously alerted Mr. Morley, for he immediately called out to them. “We're in the dining room, gentlemen. Please join us.” He stood as they entered. “Thought it would be easier if we could have the use of a table to spread out the plans.” He waved toward the broad-shouldered, blond-haired man across the table. “Marshall, I'd like you to meet Frank Baker.”

Marshall extended his hand to Baker while Mr. Morley nudged Stuart. “I believe you already know, Frank, don't you, Stuart?”

“Yes. How are you, Baker?” Stuart didn't attempt to shake hands with Mr. Baker. Instead, he walked to the opposite side of the table, spread out his drawings, and turned his attention to Mr. Morley. “Did you want to review the changes on the drawings?”

“I do, but first I thought we should have a conversation about assignment of duties and bring Frank up to date on the progress.” Mr. Morley motioned toward the chairs. “Please sit down, gentlemen. I do believe Miss Audrey is going to bring us some coffee as soon as she has a few extra moments.”

Marshall didn't miss the irritation in Stuart's eyes. He was obviously eager to complete the meeting and get back to work. And though Marshall wouldn't say so, he'd much prefer to get back to work, as well. They were behind schedule, and these meetings usually went on far too long. Still, he needed another supervisor, and he couldn't expect the man to step into a position without some discussion of their plans, progress, and the assignment of duties.

Mr. Morley cleared his throat. “Frank has been working on a project in Charleston, but I believe he's now ready to devote his time to our project here on Bridal Veil. Isn't that right, Frank?” Mr. Morley's tone bore an undeniable sharpness.

Frank's detached look tightened into a frown. “You knew I was going to be in Charleston, but I'm here and ready to take over. Just show me the plans, and let's get on with it.”

Victor settled in the chair opposite Frank. “That's why I called this meeting, Frank. I wanted to tell you that you won't be taking charge as project manager. I've assigned Marshall to that position. His arrival has proved a boon to us, since he was able to begin work immediately. In fact, he's had the men excavating the construction site and soon should be able to begin laying the footings. You'll be working as Marshall's assistant.”

Frank jumped up from the table and sent his chair crashing to the floor. “What do you mean,
project manager? I was hired to manage this entire project, and now you expect me to come in here as his underling?” He spat the comment in Marshall's direction.

“What's goin' on in here?” Rolling pin in hand, Thora rushed into the room as if prepared to do battle. Her eyes settled on the upended chair directly behind Frank Baker. Her eyes flashed with fire, and she pointed the tip of her rolling pin in his direction. “This ain't no barroom where you can brawl and tear up furniture. Pick up that chair and learn to act like a gentleman, or pack yer bags and get out of this house!” Still wielding the rolling pin, she pointed it toward the front door. “And don't slam the door on your way out of here, or I'll have to come after ya with my shotgun.” She punched the rolling pin into the air. “Understand?”

Frank nodded before he leaned down to pick up the chair. “I apologize for letting my anger take hold of me, ma'am. I'd like to remain here at Bridal Fair.”

He flashed a smile that Marshall figured any woman would consider charming, but the old woman didn't waver. “You can save that pretty smile for someone else. It don't mean a thing to me.” She took a step closer and tapped his chest with the end of the rolling pin. “You jest remember that I'll be keeping my eye on you. If you can't follow the rules of the house, I'll jest send you packing.” Before heading back to the kitchen, she turned to Mr. Morley. “Coffee will be ready in a few more minutes. I'll bring it out. Audrey's still busy upstairs.”

Mr. Morley smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Thora. There's no rush. We have a number of matters to discuss.”

“See that you do it quietly.” After directing a stern look at Frank, Thora headed off to the kitchen.

Frank nudged Marshall once Thora was out of earshot. “She's one feisty old woman, isn't she?”

His disrespectful tone set Marshall on edge. “I think you'll find Miss Thora means every word she says. If I were you, I wouldn't test her.”

Frank stiffened his shoulders and dropped to the chair. “I think the first thing we need to get straightened out is the project manager issue.” He folded his fingers into his palm, pointed his thumb toward Marshall, and addressed Mr. Morley. “Do the other investors know you've given someone else my job?”

“I was able to contact a majority of the shareholders, and they all supported my decision. I don't anticipate any problems with the change. After all, I was the only investor willing to come down here and devote time to this project. And at no additional benefit to myself, I might add.”

With a grunt, Frank shoved the drawings back a few inches. “If Marshall's in charge, I don't know why I need to go over the plans with Stuart.”

Marshall didn't like the direction this was going. When Mr. Morley offered him the job, he hadn't mentioned the possibility that Frank might object to the change. Instead, Marshall had been assured it wouldn't cause any problem at all. The last thing he wanted was a division of power on the construction site. He'd seen what that could do. None of it was positive—not for the workingmen, the supervisors, or the project. A division of the work force between a project manager and his assistant could cause the ruination of a job. And he didn't want that to happen.

Mr. Morley had enticed him to take this position with the promise of future work in Colorado—a huge project, constructing a new town in the foothills, that would permit him to test his abilities in a completely different environment. Long before he'd set foot in Georgia, Marshall had dreamed of traveling west to Colorado. If he did well on this project, his dream could come true. It had been the promise of helping develop a new town in Colorado that had spurred him to accept the job on Bridal Veil. Now he wished he'd asked more questions beforehand. If there were problems, it could prove to be more than he'd bargained for. He could end up losing his good name as well as the opportunity he'd been offered in Colorado.

“I plan to use your abilities a great deal, Frank, and I want you involved in the project. In order to help, you're going to need to have a good understanding of the plans.” Marshall hoped his words would encourage Frank to become a part of the team.

“What about my pay? You give that to him, too?” Frank snarled the question at Mr. Morley.

“Watch your tone with me, Frank. I'm not going to tolerate a bad attitude from you.” Victor tapped his finger on the drawings. “Right now, we'll discuss the progress at the work site and your duties. We can talk about your wages when we're alone.” Frank attempted to argue, but Mr. Morley held up his hand. “If what's going on here doesn't please you, feel free to look for work elsewhere.”

“You know that isn't possible. I'm expected to be here.” Jaw clenched, Frank slapped his hand on the drawings.

Coffeepot in hand, Thora stepped into the dining room. “You lose your temper again, Mr. Baker?” She lifted a cup from the sideboard, filled it with coffee, and handed it to Mr. Morley.

“No, ma'am. I was just pointing to a spot on this drawing and my hand slipped.”

She set the pot on the sideboard and rested a fist on her hip. “You expect me to believe that nonsense? First you show your temper, and now you're telling me a lie. Don't think you're gonna be with us for long if you keep on with your terrible behavior.” She waved toward the coffeepot. “The rest of you can help yourself to coffee if you want it. I got other work to do.”

Mr. Morley cleared his throat. “Why don't you give us a report, Marshall?”

Marshall nodded and, while pointing to the drawing, explained that almost all of the land had been cleared where the main complex would be constructed. “This first drawing shows how the Bridal Veil Clubhouse will appear when completed. As you can see, the first floor will contain the main dining room, kitchen, library, billiards room, two separate parlors, and a smaller tearoom, along with the grand ballroom.”

Stuart reached around Marshall's shoulder. “Note that we're leaving plenty of room to build on to the club, should the investors decide they need additional facilities in the future.”

“That dining room is much too large.” From Frank's smug grin, it was obvious he thought he'd located an error in the drawings. “What were you thinking, Stuart—or should I say, were you thinking when you drew up these plans?”

Still holding his coffee cup, Mr. Morley disagreed. “You're wrong, Frank. The dimensions are correct. Even if some of the members build their own cottages, we will all take our meals together in the main dining room. We want to establish a feeling of camaraderie among all of the members. What better way than to take our meals together and visit or play cards afterward?”

Marshall didn't wait for a reply from Frank. “The main stairway is in the primary foyer. There's another stairway at the south side as well as a servants' stairway at the rear of the building. The upper floors will be divided into suites, each with a balcony, a bathing room, a large parlor, one large bedroom, and a fireplace.”

“What if they have children? Did you think one bedroom would be adequate for all the guests, Stuart?”

Marshall didn't miss the fact that Frank had been directing his questions to either Victor Morley or Stuart Griggs—almost as if he could deny Marshall's existence by refusing to speak to him. “I can answer that, Frank. The rooms will be uniform in size, although they will have doors that can be locked or unlocked to the suite on either side. That way, those with larger families can rent additional rooms. The investors agreed that this was the best method to ensure good use of the rooms as well as a feeling of equality among the members. The four upper stories will all be quite similar.”

Frank tipped his chair until it rested on the back two legs. “How you gonna make them equal when you get a view of the river only from one side of the structure? You know they're all gonna want a view of the water.” His smug grin had returned.

BOOK: To Have and To Hold
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