To Catch a Wolf (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: To Catch a Wolf (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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“No, don’t stop,” I begged, but he hushed me with another kiss.

“Breathe,” he said again. “It’ll help you ease into this.”

His fingers slid out with a soft sound that thrilled me, and he traced another circle
lower down
. Instantly, I seized up, clenching myself together and grabbing his hand. “No,” I whispered, “you’re too big, it...”

“Just be patient, love,” he said. “I won’t hurt you. If you trust me, this is going to be magical. All right?”

I was still shaking, but I let go of his hand. His fingertip circled my puckered ring again, and he tested me with just the vaguest notion of the tip of his finger. “Is that okay?” he asked.

I bit my lip, trembling a little, but I nodded. “Warm,” I said. “It makes me feel warm all over.”

“This?” he smiled as he asked. “Is this okay?”

Half the tip of his finger disappeared into my tightest place and instantly, hot shocks crept up my stomach to my neck and pulled at my scalp.

Inch by inch, moment by moment, I felt my body open up for him, invite him deeper, and somehow accept more of his finger, and then, to my surprise, the tip of the second one.

As soon as he tested me with the second fingertip, I opened my eyes, surprised that he was just watching my face, and nothing else. I smiled, warm and safe and... at home.

“Still okay?” he asked.

“No,” I said. “It’s be... better than that,” as he went deeper, I groaned softly and then cooed and pushed my hips, driving his finger just a little deeper. “It’s better than good, it’s incredible, it’s...”

“Take off your bra,” he said. “Let me see that beautiful body.”

I did, and as the cloth fell off the side of the bed, Erik got that glazed over, content look that I’d gotten so used to seeing. But it was a little different that time. Looking at his face, studying the lines around his lips and the cut of his cheekbones.

His two fingers went deeper, pulling a little grunt out of me that made him freeze again.

“Too much?”

I shook my head. “Never. It just feels so good it...” he turned his hand, pulling another moan out of my mouth and making me bend my legs, pull myself down the bed toward him, hoping I could get him deeper somehow.

“Don’t make me wait,” I whispered. “I need... I need this, need you, need it all right now, please, please, please.”

“Breathe,” he said again, smiling and starting to rotate his fingers in opposite directions. “In... and out.”

He sank deeper, both fingers almost all the way in, and I felt his cock heat the skin on the insides of my thighs. “So big,” I whispered. “So big and hard and...”

“Hold me, baby girl,” he said. “You’re going to ease me in. If you squeeze, I’ll stop. Okay?”

“Just... just give me what I want... I won’t want you to stop, I promise.”

I grabbed him, hot little hand around his huge tip. I chewed my lip as his fingers pulled away. The ache they left was worse than anything I’d ever felt, but it wasn’t pain, it was... a lack of pain. I wanted to feel him move inside me, wanted to feel as close to him as I possibly could.

The instant his tip pressed against my ring, and he slid inside, I took a sharp breath.

“Oh... oh my God it’s so...”

“Breathe,” he said again. “Don’t hold your breath. In and out. It’ll help you relax and... Unnn... oh you’re so tight, Izzy, so good, just... slow, go slow,” he said.

I didn’t want any part of slow.

I’d gone slow my whole life. Slow to love, slow to trust. I was done with slow.

I urged him in a little deeper. Then a little more and more and more until the tension inside me was so great I felt like I’d burst.

“Watch my face,” Erik said, moaning softly when he went quiet. “Open those eyes. I’m not going to miss seeing the look on your face.”

Deeper, deeper, deeper he went, every inch another revelation. Watching his chest rise and fall, I let the pleasure course through me and forced myself to breathe slow, deep and hard, just like the motions he made inside me.

Back and forth.

In... out.

He squeezed my hands tight, pressed them into the mattress.

My eyes were open, but my lids were heavy as he grinded deeper, as our bodies slowly became one. With each breath he went deeper and deeper until finally, after what seemed like an eternity of sweet aching, I felt the heat between his legs lay heavy on my thighs.

Erik grabbed my hips and pulled me up, not moving at all inside me. He groaned, and I ran a hand down his chest, scratching the hard hairs that started to appear on his muscled shoulders and arms.

“That’s it,” I urged him. “Come out for me, come out, my wolf. Don’t be shy.”

Erik’s eyes shot wide open. Obviously he was straining to keep himself from going as hard as he wanted but as I looked in his face, I realized he meant what he said. There was no reason for me to worry. We belonged together, then and forever.

“Give me all you have,” I said. “I don’t want anything in the world more than I want you to make me yours. It’s... it’s everything.”

He sucked a ragged breath and threw his head back, trembling as his muscled swelled, his face elongated, and that hard, wiry hair pushed out of every pore. He pulled his cock back, slowly, until he almost left me, and then drove forward again, just as carefully.

“Is that... too... much?” he asked, his voice ragged through his sharp, clenched teeth.

“No,” I said, quaking. “You could never be too much.”

With his head facing the ceiling, Erik roared so loudly that it shook me, shook the walls, and rattled the headboard of the bed.

One after the other, he drove his fists into the mattress on either side of my head, driving his cock inside me with each fist he slammed. One after another, over and over, he had me lulled into such a state of relaxed security that the only thing I felt was him, the only thing I smelled was his sweat, his masculine scent, and our sex in the air between us.

“I’m... I’m close,” he groaned. “When it happens, I’ll,” he gulped and tossed his head from side to side, slamming into me harder, making me squeal in delight. “I’ll mark you, I’ll swell, I’ll...”

“I’ve waited for this for my whole life, Erik,” I said as he drove deep and my whole body started to quiver and tighten. “I’ve never felt anything like this, like you, like...”

He pierced me with those warm, yellow eyes, and the rhythmic melting of pain into pleasure turned me to pudding underneath him. I tiled my hips into as deep an angle as I could, and wrapped my knees around his trim, muscled waist, locking my ankles and urging him harder, deeper, faster.

“This,” he grunted. “I’m close, I’m so close... I can feel you around me, getting tighter... squeezing.”

I ran a hand down his beautiful lycan face. He closed his eyes halfway as pleasure coursed through him, but I kept staring at him, fascinated by the ecstasy on his wonderful face.

“Do... do you feel that?” Erik was gasping, but through it, he grabbed my hips and squeezed, pumping against me harder and harder.

My crescendo was getting close to peaking, but still, I loved the way he looked. I loved that I was making him as happy as he was making me.

He started involuntarily clenching and relaxing his jaws and it wasn’t long before I realized he was doing it in time with the squeezes between my own legs as my ring massaged him up and down, all the way in and out.

“I can’t... I can’t hold on anymore,” he whispered.

“Let go,” I whispered. “I can’t wait. I can’t wait for us to be joined, for us...”

He threw back his head one last time, drove himself as deep as he could possibly go, and exploded.

The same instant he did, Erik gripped my hips and the pressure of his hands, and of him swelling, sent me over the edge.

My heart pounding in my chest, my body convulsing around Erik, I finally closed my eyes and lost myself in a wave of wet heat that carried me past anywhere I’d ever been, further than anything I’d ever even known could possibly happen.

The knot inside him swelled up, growing by the second, as my trust, my love did for Erik. When finally he stopped shuddering and opened his eyes again, we were locked together, forced to stay in each other’s arms. Any slight movement sent a shiver through me.

Every breath I took sent a wave of emotion and intense energy through me. Finally, Erik swallowed, and then smiled.

“It’s... it’s done,” he said softly.

“No it isn’t,” I said, laughing a little, and kissing his nose. “Unless I’m hallucinating, it is very clearly not done. It’s incredible, it’s... more than I ever imagined.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, a look of concern crossing his face. “I didn’t hurt you?”

“No more than I wanted you to,” I said.

“When did that happen?” I said, looking out the window at the full moon just beginning to poke up from the horizon. “How long have we been doing this?”

Erik just grinned, wrapping his arms around me, holding me tight. “I never want this to change,” he said. “Come to think of it, I never want to get out of bed again. Do you think that’s okay? Can we just stay here and tell the rest of the world to go to hell?”

Our bond shrunk just a little. I could have moved if I wanted.

I wanted.

Instead, I just pushed up on my elbows and swirled my fingertip through the wiry fur on his chest as it shrank back into his skin. Before I knew it, lycan Erik was normal Erik again. Normal for Erik, anyway.

“I think maybe you still have to show up every now and then. After all, who else will make lewd comments while people are trying to have their court cases heard?”

He chuckled softly and kissed me, sucking my lip as he finished. I stretched, letting out a little squeak when my shoulder popped.

“I never thought of that,” he said. “I’d hate to deprive Jamesburg of the best jokes they’ve ever heard.”

“Yeah, okay,” I laughed. “On second thought, maybe we
just stay here forever. I’m sure Duggan would make a good mayor.”

As the moon rose, accompanied by the nightly choir of werewolf howls that greeted the big, pale disc, I took a deep breath.

“This is real, right? This life is mine forever?” I asked, rolling my head back and feeling Erik shift inside me just a bit. “We never have to give it up?”

“Give it up?” he asked. “Not in a million years. It’s you and me babe, you and me and the moon and the stars. And Jamesburg, I guess. There’s always Jamesburg.”

“I love that,” I said, closing my eyes. “You and me and the moon and the stars – just so long as you and me always comes first.”

Erik rolled off, letting out a gentle sigh as he did. I curled into a ball, my head resting on the crook of his huge arm. 

“Always,” he said, kissing me gently as I closed my eyes. “You got it.”


The End

COMING SOON – To Bear a Lover – A Jamesburg Shifters Story
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BOOK: To Catch a Wolf (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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