Read Tingle All the Way Online

Authors: Mackenzie McKade

Tags: #BDSM

Tingle All the Way (6 page)

BOOK: Tingle All the Way
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For the first time in a long time, she felt
her own heart soften as she watched the image slowly dissipate.

A playful smack on her ass startled her.

As her gaze met his, he grinned. “Let’s
play.” He released her and headed to one of the nightstands by the bed. His
hand vanished into a drawer. “I think I have something in here— Yeah, here they
are.” He pulled out a pair of red-velvet-lined handcuffs. His eyes were dark
pools of desire when he held the manacles up. “Trust me?”

Her pulse took off like a wild horse
bursting from the chutes and taking off at a dead run. She turned his question
back on him. “Can I trust you?”


Before her courage failed her, Kayla jutted
out her wrists, offering him more than her hands.


Barry’s pulse leaped with joy.

This strong, intelligent and gorgeous woman
just agreed to extend the reins of her control to him. The one people called
the Ice Queen, a woman who governed all aspects of her life, was willing to
show him a completely different side of her—the warm, sexy and passionate lover
he knew hid behind the expensive tailored suits, the steadfast demeanor and the
ball-buster reputation.

As he breathed in her powdery scent,
Barry’s body tensed with excitement. He had some fantasies of his own, and she
was the perfect woman to fulfill them.

How far would she go?

There was no time like the present to find

“In this game, I’m your master. You do
whatever I say, when I say it, and you don’t speak without permission. Nod if
you understand.” He waited until her head dipped before he continued. “On your
knees.” When she drifted down before him, his cock twitched, knowing exactly
where it wanted this scene to go. “Hands behind your back.”

She hiked a haughty brow but drew her hands
behind her.

Moving around her, he knelt to fasten the
manacles. With each snap she flinched. Her sudden show of insecurity warmed his
blood, the liquid heat simmering through his veins like molten lava.

Dragging a knuckle down the beautiful
length of her back, he watched her squirm beneath his touch. “You’re ticklish?”

“Yes, Master.”

Those words from her beautiful mouth sent a
shiver of delight up his spine. Her submission would make their playtime even
more thrilling than he had expected. As he again swept his knuckle down her
spine, a batch of goose bumps prickled her skin.

“Dooo…” Kayla must have remembered his
command for silence unless spoken to, because the word morphed into a breathy

“Good girl,” he praised, rising and walking
around to face her again. “Now kiss me.”

She dipped her head and placed a quick
butterfly kiss on the head of his cock, smiling innocently.

“Cute. I think that just earned you a
spanking, but we’ll deal with that later.” His dick thrust upward from its nest
of dark hair and his balls hung full and warm between his thighs. “Now kiss me,
baby.” His voice dropped to a low and throaty timbre. “Show me what you can do
with that mouth.”

Parting her lips, she leaned forward and
took only the mushroom head into her mouth. As her tongue slid around the crown
before caressing the underside rim, his thigh muscles clenched. But when she
sucked, hard and long, her lustful gaze glued on his, blood rushed into his
balls. The sight was beyond anything he had imagined in his dreams.

Kayla kneeling before him, her wrists
shackled behind her as she gave him head sent his heart crashing against his
chest. Then she inhaled all of him deep into the hot, moist cavern of her mouth
and his bones become nonexistent. He would have fallen if he hadn’t at that
moment grasped her head, steadying himself.

Kayla smiled around his throbbing erection.
The little witch knew what she was doing to him. She slid her mouth down to the
base of his shaft, slowly tracing the veins back up to the tip, watching for
his reaction.

Barry couldn’t help it. He moaned, his eyes
closing as his head lolled back. Then she began to fuck him hard and fast, her
mouth and tongue leaving a sensual path of destruction in their wake. His
testicles hardened, drawing up close to his body as a somatic sensation of a
thousand tiny prickles spread across his groin.

“Stop! Oh God. Kayla, stop.”

Her obedience appeared to have flown out
the window, because she slid her tongue across the small slit, lapping at his
pre-come before she pushed against it. The sudden burn threatening to race down
his cock told him he was way too close to releasing his load.

“Stop,” he demanded firmly.

Carefully and without breathing, he eased
out of her hot haven, fighting the need to come and the shivers that assaulted
him. The second her warmth released him, cool air caressed his heated flesh,
sending another round of shivers up his spine.

When he could finally manage a coherent
sentence, he stared down at her. “Minx. You’ve earned another punishment. But
first let’s get the initial punishment out of the way.” Anticipation of the
forthcoming spanking made blue flames flare in her eyes.

Lord help him. She was turned-on by the

Barry’s hands trembled as he unlocked the
handcuffs from her wrists, noting small half-moon shapes where her nails had
bitten into her palms. She had enjoyed pleasuring him. Assisting her to her
feet, he gazed at the flush across her cheeks, the redness in her lips and the
uninhibited gleam in her eyes. With a toss of her head, her blonde mane flowed
over a shoulder, making her appear wild and untamed. Sexy.

“Are you wet with the thought of a
spanking?” His gravelly voice gave him away no matter how he tried to hide his

Licking her lips, she looked up at him and
her eyes darkened. “Yes, Master.”

“Do you like it soft or hard?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never been spanked
before,” she breathed.

“Never? Not even as a child?”

“Never,” she repeated.

“Then let’s take care of your punishment
now. Go to one of the chairs by the window. Bend over and place your palms on
the seat.”

She swayed as if suddenly dizzy, remaining
still for only a moment before making her way across the room. Without saying a
word, she pulled an armless chair from beneath the small table and did as he

His cock hardened even more at the
beautiful sight bared for his eyes only.

How far would she go?

“Spread your legs wider,” he demanded.

When she complied, revealing the moist,
pink flesh between her thighs, he nearly swallowed his tongue. This woman was
definitely more than he had dreamed of. Maybe even more than his heart could

Moving up behind her, his dick arched
angrily against his belly with the need to part her swollen folds and bury deep
inside her. But that would have to wait.

With both hands he started at her ankles
and smoothed up her long, silky legs to caress the soft but firm globes of her
ass. When he slapped one cheek lightly, she glanced over a shoulder. Hunger in
her gaze said she wanted more.

Fingers splayed, he struck her with enough
force that she gasped. A red spot rose and he caressed it, feeling it grow warm
beneath his palm. He popped the other cheek harder still, and this time she
cried out, gasping and swallowing a breath.

As he dragged a finger across her moist
pussy, she trembled. “You’re wet.” He pushed a digit into her and found her not
only wet but hot. The discovery contracted his balls to the point of pain.
Damn. This was turning out to be as much of a punishment to him as it was to
her. When he withdrew his finger from her sex, she whimpered softly.

“Did you want to say something?”

“Yes, Master.”

Her musky arousal was on his hand. What
would she taste like if he spread her legs and lapped at all that cream? Just
the thought of his tongue stroking and caressing her moist folds made his toes
hug the floor.

“Speak, my beautiful sex slave.”

Her eyelids fell to half-mast. She gazed
back at him through heavy lashes. “Fuck me, Barry.”

The sweet ache in his groin throbbed. He
loved the plea in her voice when she said his name. “I don’t think you’ve been
sufficiently punished.”

Anxious to satisfy her request, Barry
paddled her cheeks several more times, receiving breathy cries as she trembled.
The rosy marks of his hands, his prints on her, were tinder to the fire raging
inside him. The need to take her grew, almost outweighing his desire to take
her where she had never gone before, to the point where pain and pleasure

“I think that will do, but I still owe you
for your disobedience.”

Her brows furrowed.

“Remember when I told you to stop sucking
my cock? You didn’t.”

Kayla had the good sense to bow her head
before she smiled.

“Go stand before the full-length mirror,”
he ordered.

On weakened legs, she padded barefoot
across the floor while he went back to the drawer that held all his toys. His
gaze swept over the pearl-studded nipple clamps and the thong to match.
Unwrapping them quickly, he checked the battery in the remote control. He had
been dying to try these out, but had never found the woman he wanted to share
them with. Kayla was that woman, the kind that should be draped not only in
pearls, but diamonds, sapphires and rubies.

When he returned, she was eyeing him
suspiciously. “Know what these are?” he asked.

“Earrings and a necklace.”

“No. Have you heard of nipple clamps?”

Her brows shot up in recognition. “Does it
hurt? Uh. Master.”

“You’ll have to tell me. I want you to
describe everything you feel. This is a pearl thong. Put it on.”

She took the strands of crisscrossing
pearls from him and stepped into them before pulling them up her legs, thighs
and hips. Her eyes widened when the cool, round beads touched her private

“How does it feel?”

Kayla glanced at herself in the mirror. Her
nipples beaded before his eyes, the darkened flesh around her areolas

“Cold. Forbidden. They cut into my pussy. I
think they’re too small. And-and there’s a bead that is pressing against my
anus like it plans to breach the hole.”

Her vivid description made him impossibly
harder. “Good. They’re supposed to fit that way. Now this might hurt a little,
but trust me. You’ll like the sensation.”

Pressing open one of the clamps, he
positioned it over one of her nipples and released.

In unison her eyes gaped and a sharp gasp
pushed between her lips. “Oh. My. God.
,” she groaned through broken

“Breathe, baby. I don’t know much about
these clamps specifically, but I’ve heard they are pleasurable after the
initial pain.”

Glaring at him as though she might reach
out and slap the shit out of him, she must have forgotten their role play
because she growled, “You better know what you’re doing, Barry Allred.”

Chapter Five


Kayla fought to continue to breathe. The
razor-sharp pain cut in all directions at once, from her nipples outward, the
pressure so intense she didn’t know if she would be able to endure.

“I’m told after the initial shock it gets

She was about to say,
you’re told?
when he slipped the next clamp on her other nipple. Kayla released a string of
curse words she hadn’t even known she knew.

The idiot before her burst into gales of
amusement. “Maybe this will help.” He held up a small black box with a green
and red button. Before she could bark
, he pushed the green button.

The abrupt explosion of vibrations against
her clit, along her pussy and her anus nearly knocked her off her feet. She
stumbled to the side, almost striking the table, but instead caught the back of
one of the chairs to keep from falling.

“Ohmygod.” Her fingernails dug into the
wood as she shook as though she were a leaf caught in a raging hurricane.

Already sensitive from the mind-blowing sex
against the wall, spanking and Barry’s sensual caress, her body felt as though
it would fly apart at any moment. She couldn’t think past the throbbing between
her thighs. The pain of the nipple clamps had taken a second seat to her
overpowering desire to climax.

“Oh,” she gasped again. Surprise filtered
through her when her hips automatically moved against the strand of pearls,
seeking the special spot that would set her free.

She was so close. So very close.

And then the vibration vanished. The
pleasure was there one second and gone the next, leaving her stranded and
teetering on the precipice.

Kayla narrowed an accusing eye on Barry.

“What?” he asked innocently, but the glow
in his eyes gave him away.

BOOK: Tingle All the Way
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