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Authors: Sam Crescent

Time to Play (5 page)

BOOK: Time to Play
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“The very one stealing from us.
That is not all. Simone
is the daughter of the man you’re currently
fighting with over a certain area of land.” Cole took another bite of his

He read through the file in his hands. “This doesn’t mention her

“No, I had to do more digging. I don’t know why people don’t put two and
two together with the last name.”

“Do you think she was some kind of plant?”
asked, feeling sick. Malcolm was known for using everything at his disposal.
Simone hadn’t seemed like the type of women to fuck a man for her father.

“Nope, I don’t.”

His anger rising,
glared at his friend.
“Just tell me what you’re keeping secret.”

“Well, what I’ve dug up about your little one-night stand is this. She
doesn’t speak to her father because of the way he treated her mother. From my
sources, she hasn’t spoken to him in years—we’re talking since she was six or
seven years old. She can’t stand her father, and I think someone at her
workplace is trying to frame her for the theft of your money but doesn’t know
she’s pretty much loaded herself,” Cole said, taking a drink of coffee.

“How do you find this stuff out?”
always amazed at how easy Cole made it seem.

“You come up with the ideas for the business, and I don’t ask how you do
it. This is what I do.”

“And you’re damn good at it.”
gazed at
her photo. She’d left her mark on him last night.
wanted more of her. One night with her hadn’t been enough. He needed more.

“She’s going to be in for a shock when you see her on Monday morning.”

“I know. I can’t wait for Monday to come.”

He finished off his breakfast, reading the whole file on Simone. Cole
had made two files, one of her employment record and one with her father. He
read both absorbing every bit of information he could.

“She must have been a good screw for you to be paying this much
attention,” Cole said.

looked at his friend. “You’d like
her, Cole.”

He’d been trying to get his friend back into the sack. There was a time
when they’d shared a woman. He loved watching a woman come apart under his
friend’s touch. Cole had refused every woman he brought home.

“She’s your woman,
. Don’t get me
involved.” He watched Cole stand and leave the table. Minutes later he came
back carrying a heap of files. “These are the people involved in our company.
All of these people could have access to our accounts.”

“I guess our weekend is filled with info gathering,”

“You don’t like going into a meeting being unprepared. This allows you
the opportunity to take all the members out of their comfort zone.”

There was only one woman he wanted out of her comfort zone, and that was

sat at the table reading through
each file and gathering knowledge on every single employee. Cole did the same.
He lingered over Simone’s file, and
him rub her face. His friend deserved some happiness. He wondered if Simone
could be the answer to their problems.


Cole knew
was watching him. He didn’t like feeling of being under a microscope. Simone
was an attractive woman, and the more he learned about her, the more intrigued
he’d become. She was a little fighter. Her love for her mother was something to
applaud. When she’d finished college she’d refused an internship at her
father’s company.

She’d gone to the advertising agency
and had made a name for herself. Her job was in the finance department. She
made sure the money that she made with the clients, always turned over a profit.
Someone had to be messing with the numbers. Her reports were spotless, but the
numbers didn’t add up.

“Stop looking at me,” Cole said.

“I remember a time when we use to
share everything, Cole.”

He closed his eyes. There was also a
time when their sharing had ruined a woman. Cole threw the image out of his
mind. He didn’t want to think about the past.
had told him it wasn’t their fault, even though he knew it was.

Rachel had accused him of being half
a man. If a man couldn’t get off without his friend then he wasn’t a man at
all. Cole couldn’t argue. He knew he wasn’t a full man.

“Who do you think the crook is?”

“I have no idea. I want to meet the
whole team before we start making assumptions.”

The day passed with him assessing
each file wondering who could be trying to take their money. Whoever it was
they were trying to frame Simone. He didn’t like it. What was
he didn’t know why he cared so much about her being
framed. He didn’t know her. He had only heard her cries of pleasure.

Why did he care?



Chapter Four


Simone walked into work on Monday morning
sensing the tension around the office. She was late because her alarm had lost
all power. The battery had died in the middle of the night. She held a
polystyrene cup of coffee in one hand and her phone in the other.

“I’m sorry I’m late, sir,” she said.

“I don’t care. Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Turner are waiting in the
conference room along with all your colleagues. Get your butt up here,” her
boss said.

She nodded her head going to the reception desk.
was looking terrified as she answered calls. “What’s going on?” Simone asked.

“Mr. Gallagher is that big client they’ve been talking about. The one
who is thinking of doing a takeover of this company,”
said. Her hands were shaking.

“So,” Simone said. She’d known the account was big. One of her biggest
deals last year had been the Gallagher and Turner campaign she’d helped turn
into a success.

“Rumour is they’re not happy and hoping to close the company down. Kate
and Lily are already working on their resume. They think everyone is going to
lose their jobs within the next month.”
biting her nails. Simone knew the other woman had three kids to worry about.
The family had fallen on hard times since her husband had lost his job at the

“Hey, we all do a brilliant job. I’m sure we’ll settle this. Wish me
luck,” she said, moving around the front desk toward the elevator. So much for
a peaceful morning crunching numbers and answering calls. After seeing her
father and spending most of her time day-dreaming about the tall, dark, handsome
semi-stranger going by the name of
, Simone had
barely slept in the last two nights. Her body ached from the delicious torture
had given her Friday night.

John spent a great deal of time trying to talk to her. She wasn’t
interested in a cheating scumbag, which brought her back to her father. Why was
he suddenly sniffing around her? She’d have to talk to her brother Daniel. She
hadn’t heard from him in some time. He was her father’s protégé, but they still
managed to get along.

The elevator dropped her off at the fifth floor where her office and the
conference rooms lay. She quickly ran to her desk to see a harassed intern
shaking with a tray of coffee.

, they refuse to start without

Simone took the tray from her. “Right, I’ll take this through. Will you
sort my mail and bring it to me at the best possible time?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Please, call me Simone.” Before the intern had a chance to answer, Simone
was already at the conference room, opening the door with her butt. “Sorry, I’m
late, gentlemen.” She lifted her gaze to the men sitting at the head of the
table. Her heart stopped inside her chest.

The stranger from Friday night sat staring at
her along with the blond guy from her walk of shame.

The tray toppled to the floor, crashing the cups and coffee all over the
place. She winced as the hot liquid splashed her new pumps and burnt her
ankles. Simone pinched her arm while the men stared at her. She wasn’t waking

Without looking at them, she began clearing away the mess.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

The mantra inside her head wouldn’t stop.

A very large male hand came into her vision. The man paused, his hand
over the broken mug she was about to clean up. She recognised that hand. He’d
held her face with that very same hand as she sucked his cock.

This was like a nightmare.

“You’ve hurt yourself, Miss

“It’s nothing. Please, let me finish cleaning up this mess. I’m sorry.”
She winced at her own panicked voice.

What had she done?

Her other colleagues started to make a fuss.

“Can we get along with this meeting? I’ve got stuff to do,” one of the
older managers said.

helped her to her feet. She winced again
once the burn made itself known. He went down before her. In her mind she remembered
the way he’d pressed her against the shower stall and licked her pussy until
she came in a screaming orgasm.

She wasn’t wearing any panties. Would he be able to smell her need for

“Until I’m sure this lady is okay then the meeting will
However, if you feel I’m not important enough, the
door is there, and you may leave.”

Did he have the power to do that? Simone rubbed her temple. Had the
takeover already happened? What planet was she on?

Crap. She’d really fucked up.

“I want to take her to rest.”

Suddenly, she was being carried outside of the conference room. She
stared at all the faces she passed.
carrying her across the room into the small staffroom on their floor. Simone
watched as he slammed then locked the door. Her whole body went into overdrive.
His powerful frame seemed to fill every single corner of the tiny room. He’d
placed her on the counter. Her legs were splayed open as she stared at him.

This was not a dream. This was real life, and
was after something. She knew men like him. Rich, powerful, and they always
played dirty.

The shared owner of Gallagher and Turner Enterprise.
The same company that buys marketing firms and remodels them into
corporate businesses?”
She’d finally found her voice.

“I guess you had no idea who I was on Friday night?” he asked.

Unable to stop
, Simone burst out
laughing. “Are you for real? If I knew who you were I’d never have done....”
She paused as everything they’d done together flashed through her mind.

“We fucked like rabbits, Simone.”

“I’d never fuck a client to get what I want, Mr. Gallagher. Friday night
was about dealing with an itch. You were merely there to scratch it.”

“But when I woke up the next day with an itch, you were not there to
scratch mine.” With each word he spoke, he took a step closer to her. He looked
threatening with the intense dark brown gaze focussed entirely on her.

Her nipples tightened to unbearable points, and her pussy was dripping
with cream. What was it about him that made her body react so quickly?

His hands landed on her knees. She didn’t stop him when he eased the
pads of his fingers underneath the full length skirt she wore. Her heart rate
sped up. His touch sent an electric current all the way around her body. She
couldn’t stop the moan from escaping. Her need for him rose.

The farther up her thighs he went, the more desperate she became for his
touch. She moaned, biting her lip to try to contain the sound.

“I haven’t touched your cunt yet, and you’re already begging for it. I
want to hear you scream my name.” He kissed the side of her neck making her
body erupt in goose-bumps. This man was sin on legs. There was no other word to
describe the power he had behind his body. Two of his fingers on each hand
grazed the lips of her pussy. He hadn’t touched her yet. She knew he’d feel how
turned on she was.

She sank her fingers into the length of his hair when he pressed a small
finger tip to her clit.

“I wanted you, Simone. I needed your lips wrapped around my dick,
sucking me until I came down your throat. I love watching you swallow
my cum
. You look so damn sexy.” He covered her nipple and
sucked through her shirt as he teased the bud between her thighs. Her legs
opened wide to accommodate him. She couldn’t stop this need inside her.

BOOK: Time to Play
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