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Authors: Bobbi Jo Bentz

Through The Pieces (10 page)

BOOK: Through The Pieces
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Chapter 18


He crushed the remnants of his cigarette on a dirty plate, looked around his empty place, and let out a heavy sigh. Claire needed to come home. He finally had her current phone number, thanks to his new friend, who’d helped him come up with a plan. Claire would see that Buck was a dick, and while she was devastated over that failed relationship, he would make his move. He tried texting, her but she wouldn't respond. He rubbed his cock just thinking about her. She would definitely have some cleaning to do when she came home. The place was a mess. Dirty dishes littered the countertops and sink. He grabbed what was left of his whiskey and headed to the entryway, where his new friend was waiting. She was hot, but she wasn't Claire.

"Hey handsome, you ready to get naughty?” she purred. “I’ll have to hurry. I have to get back to work."  She made him want to puke. Everything about this girl was fake. He grabbed her elbow and shoved her toward the bedroom.

"Take off your clothes and shut the fuck up."

"Hey, I did you a favor. Don’t talk to me that way." The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed in the room. She gaped at him, uncomprehending, holding the cheek he’d just slapped. This pleased him. She tried to move around him, but he blocked the exit. He took a long pull from the whiskey and smirked at her.

"I think I better leave." He could tell she was frightened.

"Take your clothes off and get on the fucking bed." She stood frozen, hand on her cheek, staring at him as if he had a second head.  He moved closer to her, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her onto the mattress. She began to cry.

"Please, please, just let me leave," she begged. He smiled and mounted her, pinning her arms over her head with one hand. Tears streamed down her face. With his free hand, he backhanded her. The sound of flesh on flesh, accompanied by her yelp, excited him. She sobbed harder as he ripped at her shirt. The flimsy material didn't stand a chance. She began to struggle beneath him, so he latched onto her breast, biting down until she cried out. She would learn. She would learn to do what he told her to do and not fight back.

When he was done with her, he tossed on his clothes and grabbed the nearly empty bottle of whiskey. He lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply, then cast her a scornful glance and pushed her thigh with his free hand. She needed to stop the damned crying.

"Get out," he commanded. She continued to sob. If he actually cared about her, he may have felt bad for what he’d done, but she wasn't Claire. If it was Claire, he would have begged her to forgive him. He drank down the remainder of whiskey, tossed the empty bottle to the floor, and grabbed the woman's foot.

"I said get out!" She looked up at him, her eyes angry now. She tried to cover herself as she scooted off the bed. Scott could see he’d left a bruise around her neck where he’d squeezed. She had red marks on both cheeks, and dried blood on her breast where he’d bitten her into obedience. She quickly got dressed, but when she made to leave, he reached out and wrapped his hand around her wrist. She flinched at his touch.

"Remember the plan. If you screw up, I will find you, and what we just did will be
worse." He flung her hand away. He could feel the fear pouring off her. Wide-eyed, she nodded once and left.

He needed to get the rest of the plan in place. He needed everything to work out. Claire would have to take him back. He quickly located his phone and sent her another text. He only hoped she would text him back. He felt so lost without her. Without her, he hated himself even more. He needed her. She was the only thing that brought lightness to his life. Scott was not going to give up on their relationship, even if she had.

Chapter 19


It was a struggle to get through each day that passed. I had not heard from Buck in over a week, but I’d saved all of his voicemail messages so I could replay them at night before crying myself to sleep. I was on edge from the constant barrage of text messages from Scott. Everything I had accomplished was crashing down around me. I was falling into a depression and needed to find my way out. In the kitchen, I started another pot of coffee. Annie had taken Maggie to school two hours ago, and I still wasn't out of my pajamas. My phone dinged and coldness settled in my chest. I looked at the message.


Don't forget about my party tomorrow!

I’d promised Echo I would go over a month ago. I blew out a defeated breath and glanced at the calendar hanging in the kitchen. Yep, tomorrow would be January thirteenth. The last thing I wanted to do was go out and celebrate. I leaned my head against the cupboard and tried as hard as I could to come up with an excuse for not going. Nothing came to mind that wouldn't be a total lie.
Guess I am going to the party.
I quickly sent a text to Echo, letting her know I would be there. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't go to her birthday party?
A shitty one!



I trudged through the next day at work, exhausted. Between thinking of Buck and the constant text messages from Scott, I got very little sleep. Each day, I hoped the hollow feeling inside would abate. Instead, it grew and manifested into what felt like the stomach flu.

I had just opened a box of new books when the bell above the door dinged. I sighed in annoyance, stood, and straightened my blouse. When I looked up, I immediately wanted to hide in the back room, but I was the only one working, so I had to put on my best game face.

"May I help you?" I tried to sound pleasant, at least that was what I was going for.

Jenny, a/k/a Barbie, sauntered in looking bored. "Oh, I was just looking for a book my
might enjoy."

I wanted to reach out and wring her too-tan, scrawny neck for the way she’d emphasized the word ‘boyfriend.’

"What kind of books does he like?" I knew full well what he liked, but didn't see the need to tell her. I held my hands behind my back, making tight fists.

"Well, I guess we never discussed that." She let out a fake laugh to go with her fake boobs. "We really don't have time for talking, Cassy."

That bitch!
"It's Claire," I seethed.

"You say potato I say--oh shoot I forgot how that saying went." Her giggle was like fingernails on a chalkboard. I hated her.

"Well, let me know if you need any help. I have a ton of work to do."

She looked annoyed that she wouldn’t be able to continue her torture, then plastered on a fake smile. "Thanks a bunch, Cassie." She turned and looked at the shelf of books next to where she was standing.

I wanted nothing more than to correct her, but what was the point? She was playing a game I didn't want to play. She’d won. She had Buck. I’d screwed that up, and now I’d have to stew in my own misery. Tears burned my eyes.
I will not cry in front of Jenny. Get it together, Claire.

Jenny’s cell phone rang and she made sure to talk as loud as she could. That and her irritating laugh almost sent me over the edge. I was about to go over to her and rip the phone from her hands, when the bell dinged. I looked up and saw Echo's smile fade from her face as she took in the sight of me and Jenny. She knew Jenny and despised her. Echo gave me a knowing nod.

"Hey, the sign says no cell phones. Hang up now or get out" she informed Jenny.

"What's your deal, Echo?"

"Why are you here, Jenny? Do you even know how to read anything that doesn't have pictures?" It was hard to tell under that fake tan, but Jenny may have blushed..

"Go to hell, Echo! I am here picking up a book for
boyfriend." When she said the last part she was staring at me. I tried to swallow, but a lump was forming in my throat.

"Since when did Buck ever show an interest in you? You have all but thrown yourself at him since he moved here. Now he and Claire have a fight, and you insert yourself in his life and think you’re his girlfriend? Try again, sweetheart. We’re not buying it." Echo stood her ground.

"I think you’re wrong about someone not buying it, Echo. Look at her--she’s on the verge of tears." All eyes were on me as I fiddled with a button on my shirt.
This is a lovely blouse, and I really do like the buttons.

"Get out, Jenny!"

Jenny gave a shrug, sighed, and left the store. When I heard the door close, the tears began spilling down my cheeks.

"Oh Claire, it's going to be okay." Echo wrapped her arms around me.

I was unable to say anything. I missed Buck desperately, and Jenny being here made it that much worse. I cried for a while, then detangled myself from Echo. "Thank you. You are the best--and that comment about the picture books," I burst into laughter. Echo smiled and began to laugh as well. They say crying and laughing are closely related.

"She makes me so mad. She just did that to be mean to you. Besides, Buck only has eyes for you." She wiped a tear from my face.

"Oh God, Echo. I really messed this whole thing up. I miss him so much. I can't sleep, I can't eat, and I can't even pretend I don’t want to be with him every waking second."

"I think you know what needs to be done. What are you waiting for, Claire?"

"I feel so bad for the way I treated him. I don't even know how to fix this anymore." We looked at each other, both of us teary-eyed. She was one of the best friends I’d ever had.

"We’ll come up with something. Now let's close up, okay? We have a party to go to."

"Oh, Echo, I am so sorry. Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you. I promise we will come up with a plan for Buck." She started to close out the register.

I finished putting the inventory away and thought about Buck. I had to tell him I was wrong and apologize. I just hoped it wasn't too late.

Chapter 20


I arrived at Monty's shortly after nine. A band was playing on the makeshift stage. I scanned the bar and my eyes settled on a group of people standing around a table. Balloons floated above their heads. They must have been there for Echo’s party. I crossed the bar to where they were congregated. As I got closer, the man directly in front of me turned and smiled. I smiled back, trying to be polite, even though I didn’t want to be here. No good deed goes unpunished, though. In his drunken state, he mistook my smile as an invitation and scooped me up in a tight hug, lifting me off the ground. I searched frantically for Echo.
Where was she?
He set me down and lowered his head so that our noses were almost touching. He leaned in and I turned my  face away from him.

"She's taken," said a gruff voice. Buck stood next to us, scowling. Relief washed over me. Buck didn't look at me, but his eyes narrowed on the man in front of me.

"Hey man, I didn't know. No hard feelings, bro." He put his hands up in mock surrender and walked away.

"Thank you, Buck." He looked at me but his eyes never softened, and he didn't offer a response. "How have you been?" He let out a sigh and glanced at me briefly then scanned the room as if searching for something. When he refocused on me, he eyes held a pained expression, and he grabbed my hand and led me to the door.

Outside, he surveyed the street, then pulled me down the sidewalk. We stopped by his car, and he opened the passenger door. I got in and he closed it, he walked around the front to the driver's side. He climbed in and cranked the engine then brought his hands up to his face and rubbed his forehead as if he had a headache. Another sigh and his hands fell to his lap and he faced me.

"How have I been? I have no idea what happened between us but you ran and never gave me the chance to explain."

"I know, and I am sorry," I said weakly.

"Let me ask you this. Have I ever done anything to make you question your trust in me?"


"Then why, Claire? I thought we really had something."

A lump formed in my throat as guilt churned my insides. "I can't explain it, but when Jenny looked at me and kissed you, something just snapped in me. I was so angry, then when I went to apologize a few days later, she was at your house wearing a robe." The tears started to fall. "She said you were busy, then she came into the store claiming to be your girlfriend."

"Claire, I am not Scott."

"I know, and I am so sorry. I didn't mean to react that way. I just wish I knew how to fix this mess I have created."

Buck grabbed my chin and pulled my head up. His eyes had finally softened.

"First, let me tell you something, my little lotus. I have been a wreck since the day you ran. I am not in any way attracted to Jenny. As for her in a robe at my place, she came over one day while I was painting a room. She spilled some paint on herself, and I gave her my robe when she insisted she had to wash her clothes right away so the paint would come out. It was either that or have her walking around in her bra and underwear. She never said a word about you stopping. As for her claiming me as a boyfriend, I have no idea why she said that. The only one who can claim me as a boyfriend is you, Claire."

Hope blossomed within me. Those gorgeous blue eyes no longer looked hard or hurt. "I am so sorry, Buck. Will you forgive me?"

He cupped my face. "Only if you promise to never run. Just talk to me Claire, that's all I ask."

I nodded my agreement as his mouth came down on mine. He tasted of mint, and I felt as if I were home after a long absence. His hand wrapped around the back of my neck, and I moaned. The hollowness inside me was filled with the familiar feel of Buck. He broke the kiss, and I looked up at him, confused.

"We’d better stop now, or I won't be able to. Besides I think you’d better go say goodbye to Echo."


"I have spent too much time away from you. I am going to memorize every inch of your body." The familiar spasm of desire shot through my body, and I bit down on my lower lip. Buck groaned and crashed his mouth onto mine, sucking on my lower lip. Interesting that such a small gesture on my part elicited such a forceful reaction from him. He deepened the kiss, his hands moving over my body.  I ran them through his hair, hungry for his touch. He pressed himself against me, then let out a growl and abruptly released me.

He turned off the car and jumped out, trotting around the front to open my door, and trying his best to avoid making eye contact with me. As a test, I bit down on my lower lip. Mission accomplished. He pressed against me, his mouth on mine. I could feel his hardness against my stomach and moaned once more.

"Claire, you have to stop that, or I won't be able to control myself. I don't think either of us want to have sex out in the open." With a chaste kiss on the head he untangled himself from me, and we walked back toward Monty's.

We hadn’t gone far when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I frowned and glanced around, trying to determine if someone was watching us, but saw no one. Inside, we said our goodbyes to Echo, and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Echo, would you be terribly upset if we left?"

"You’re leaving?"

I gave her an embarrassed smile. "Yes, I’m sorry, but I took your advice and finally had that talk with Buck."

A wicked grin spread across her face. "I'm so happy for you two! Where is he?" She scanned the area, her gaze coming to rest on him.

A warm feeling settled over me. I could not believe I’d almost let this man slip away. As if hearing my thoughts, he turned in my direction, and I was struck by his hungry, intense stare.

"I’ll see you tomorrow. And happy birthday again," I murmured, now, hypnotized by Buck. We moved toward each other, never breaking eye contact. I watched as a gamut of emotions passed across his face: happiness, forgiveness, need, want, and...something else. I was having a hard time breathing as I traced a finger from his temple to his chin, feeling the muscle in his jaw twitch in anticipation. He closed his eyes briefly, then clutched my hand in his and pulled me towards the door.

BOOK: Through The Pieces
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