Read Those Red High Heels Online

Authors: Katherine May

Tags: #red high heels, #comedy, #contemporary, #romance, #romantic comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #dog

Those Red High Heels (5 page)

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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One venti black coffee later, I was heading back outside and noticed my car right away. This really was service. I would have to let Collin know what an exceptional driver he had. When I opened the handle and slid into the back seat, I wasn’t expecting to see the most gorgeous man sitting on the other side. However, just because he was extremely good looking, didn’t mean he wasn’t a serial killer.

After taking a second to reel in my surprise at this handsome human being, I screamed and almost threw my coffee all over some seriously expensive leather. “What are you doing in my car?” I yelled and tried to move without spilling hot coffee all over both of us.

The man looked at me with the same surprised look, and the most piercing blue eyes I had ever seen. My breath caught in my throat. His ocean-inspired eyes could possibly put Brynn’s to shame, which was unheard of. He shot one eyebrow up and looked me up and down. “That’s interesting, because I could ask you the same thing,” he said with a smirk and looked up at his driver. “Tony, were we expecting an extra passenger this morning?”

Tony? I slowly turned my head to peek at the driver, who was obviously not Rob, but was a large man who looked like he came straight out of
The Sopranos

“Tony?” I whispered and looked back at my new handsome stranger who was watching my every move.

Tony, the driver, turned around and peered over his aviator sunglasses. “I don’t think so boss, but she’s invited to stay,” he said with a wink and let out a loud laugh.

“Oh, my gosh, this isn’t my car.” I quickly started to retreat back out onto the street.

The handsome stranger smiled at me and reached out to grab my hand. A jolt surged through my body when his fingers brushed mine, and it sent instant tingles pumping through my veins. I looked back down at him and he shot me a crooked smile. “You can surprise me like that anytime.” And with a wink and a shut door, the mysterious man was out of sight.

I blinked a few times and then looked down the block, where I saw my real car pulling around the corner to save me from my blonde moment. To my credit, they really were identical cars with tinted windows. How did anyone ever get into the right car in this city? I let out a long breath that had been held captive in my lungs and walked over to a car that was, hopefully, operated by my driver, Rob. I had the strangest feeling in my stomach from my recent encounter. One thing was certain, if all guys in NYC looked like my mysterious man then sign me up. I always knew I was going to love this city.

When I slid into the back seat of the car I belonged in, Rob looked back at me with an amused expression. “Getting used to city life?” he asked and let out a little chuckle.

I laughed as well. I mean, what can you do? “That was embarrassing,” I said under my breath and pulled out my papers for my interview. Brynn and Greyson may have gotten me this interview, but it was up to me to get the job. I had impressive numbers for being new to the publishing world. I knew if they gave me a shot, I could really show them what a great asset I could be to their team. Before my ex-boss, David, was a complete prick to me in Chicago, he did say I had a knack for the business.

When we finally pulled up to Purple Moon Press, I thought I was going to be sick. I quickly pulled myself together and took a deep breath. “Thanks for the ride, and wish me good luck,” I said to Rob as he opened the back door for me. He smiled and told me I would nail the interview. I hoped he was right.

Walking into Purple Moon was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The building was gigantic and had an old Mid-century feel to it, but also had upgraded amenities that made it look new age. The perfect combination. I could see myself working there, pulling up to that masterpiece every day. I needed that job, and I wanted it more than anything.
Okay, Emma Walker, get your game face on

As I checked in with the front receptionist, I looked around at what could be my new job. Everyone who worked there seemed to be friendly and truly happy. It had a younger vibe, but was also very sophisticated.

“Ms. Walker, they are expecting you in room 305. The interview will begin shortly,” the receptionist said as she pointed over to a row of elevators.

I smiled and thanked her, and I headed over to what I hoped would be my new future.






Chapter Five


You know the feeling you get when you are about to do something that could be life changing, but you could mess it up at any moment? The feeling that you could either throw-up or pass out, but really neither one is a real option? That was me, sitting in a beautiful office staring at another woman who I guessed was in her early thirties. She was very attractive, and surprisingly very sweet.

“Emma, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you. You have some very high recommendations, you know.” That made me smile and inwardly thank Brynn and Greyson Lyons. Without them, living here may have still been a fantasy
I quickly brushed off that thought and focused back toward the woman I had just met, Jennifer, who was telling me about the job requirements. “As you know, we are looking for an entry level marketing assistant. We are getting ready to release a new book, and our recent marketing assistant wasn’t able to perform their duties. You would jump in and start right away, where they left off. Do you think you would be able to handle that?” Jennifer stopped and looked up at me with a smile.

“I most definitely could handle that. That sounds right up my alley. I’m thrilled to be here, interviewing with you. I know I will be a great asset to you and your company. I’m an extremely hard worker and I have some fresh new ideas that would be beneficial for your clients. ” I was about to continue with my pitch and noticed that Jennifer wasn’t taking notes. I wondered if I was wasting my time.

Jennifer was, however, very easy to talk to and it seemed like she was an old friend. She waited until the very end of the interview to mention they knew from the beginning that Purple Moon was going to offer me a trial position. It took everything in me not to hug her; but instead, I just had a cheesy grin on my face as she led me around what would soon be my new job.

“Emma, we are so thrilled to have you. This will be your work area. I know it’s nothing grand, but if you show us stellar numbers with this new book, you will climb the ladder quickly.”

“Thank you so much, Jennifer. I’ve been waiting for this moment to happen for a very long time. I can start whenever you need me to.” I said and followed her back downstairs to the reception area.

“That’s wonderful. How soon will you be able to move out here?”

I pondered that question for a moment. Was I ready to move out here? To cut my ties with Chicago? A few things popped into my brain. One of those things being my dog, Sadie Lou. Would I be able to bring her out here with me? Would Greg and I be able to work that out? Then, all of a sudden, that handsome face that scared the shit out of me this morning popped in my head and I knew my decision. I loved New York. It was where I belonged. “Tomorrow?” Sadie would be here with me soon, and I was over Greg. I couldn’t believe I even questioned that.

“Excellent! Let’s get you all set up, and then you'll have the rest of the day to get situated so you can come back tomorrow. Do you have a place to stay?” Jennifer asked as she pointed down a hall, where I assumed my new cubicle would be.

I hadn’t asked Brynn, but I knew she and Collin would be okay with me staying with them for a little while. If it didn’t work out at Purple Moon, I might still be able to snag a job in the big city. Now that I was there, there was no way I was going to let my dream slip through my fingers.

Jennifer and I spent the next hour getting everything in order for me to begin the next morning. About half way through, I sneaked a text to Brynn.


Me - Lunch?


Brynn - Yes! Can’t wait to hear all about it!


As I clicked my phone off, I continued to listen to Jennifer update me on my new project. I made her laugh when she caught me pinching my arm. She patted my shoulder and said, “Two years ago I did the same thing when I was hired.”





“You did not get into the wrong car,” Brynn said as she threw back her head laughing. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I would never live that down.

I rolled my eyes and sipped on a coffee in a little cafe down the street from Purple Moon Press. “I’m glad that’s what you got out of my entire story. Not that I have a new job in New York City, or that I’ll be moving here with my best friend who I will now be able to see all the time. But the part about me being an idiot?” I shot her a dirty look, but then grinned as she continued laughing. It was a little funny.

“I would have loved to have seen that guy’s face. I bet he was as stunned as you were. I wonder who he was? You should have taken a picture.”

“A picture? Really? So, after I screamed and almost spilled very hot coffee all over his really expensive car, I should have pulled out my phone and asked him to take a selfie? Yeah, I’m sure he would have thought that was completely normal.”

Brynn wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. “That would have been hilarious. But really, I’m excited and happy for you, Ems. You need this. I can’t wait to hear about all the great things you’re going to do at Purple Moon, and you know you can stay with Collin and me for as long as you need to.”

I clinked coffee mugs with my best friend and thought about that for a moment. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome, but I knew if I could land amazing numbers with this account, I would be able to move into my own apartment soon. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“So, tell me about your first account.” Brynn said as her phone vibrated. She shrugged and swiped the key to read the full text, and a blush rose in her cheeks as she quickly clicked her phone off.

I arched my eyebrows at her and figured it was a naughty text from Collin. If you hung around those two for too long, you’d start to make little gagging noises. It was the kind of love you cringed at from the outside, but also the kind you longed and hoped for on the inside.

I reached in my purse and pulled out a novel that Jennifer gave me before I left Purple Moon. “Well, it’s actually a mystery novel by a newly signed author. The title is,
Stolen Ivory
, and it sounds very good. Jennifer wanted me to read it before I start working on the marketing plan with a few other assistants.”

Brynn motioned for me to hand her the book. “When four best friends decided to take a vacation to the Tahitian Islands, their quiet escape is soon rattled when their friend, Ivory, goes missing from their vacation villa. While investigating her disappearance, they learn about a dark underground world of stolen girls forced into the sex-slave industry, will they be able to save her in time?” Brynn looked back at the cover and raised an eyebrow. “This does look good. I can’t wait to hear what you think.”

“Yeah, it does sound good. You may have your next screenplay,” I said with a smile and swiped the book back before she made a run for it.




























Chapter Six


The rest of the week flew by and before I knew it, Saturday morning was breaking through the horizon. I had a lot of errands to run to make sure Brynn’s engagement party was everything she imagined and more.

BOOK: Those Red High Heels
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