The Witch's Vampire (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Springs Series) (10 page)

BOOK: The Witch's Vampire (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Springs Series)
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Rafe replied angri
ly as he entered the room. “I will torture you and anyone else you love. I promise you that you won’t go softly into the night.”


“Do you think I care?” He asked, his words not matching the fear in his blue eyes.


“Yes, I think you do.” Sophie answered him. “I think you care about your sister, I think you care about this situation, and you care whether you live or die.”


“How do you know that?”


“I can feel it.” She placed a hand on his arm and he screamed in pain - the shock of the pain transfer caused him to release her and she managed to slip free from his grasp. When she was free, Giovanni grabbed her and pulled her against him, but not before Christopher crumbled to the ground.


“What did you do to me?” Christopher groaned in pain, his body a tangled mess on the floor.


“I don’t… know.” Sophie looked around, desperate to help the man that just cut her neck open and threatened her life. She wanted to go to him to help alleviate the pain, but Giovanni wasn’t loosening his protective grip on her arms.


“Sophie is a healer, but as a witch she also works at keeping balance so she also has the ability to kill. Balance must be maintained.” Chelsea told them.

“So I killed him?” Sophie looked helpless, desperate to help him. All she wanted to do was get away from him, she didn't want to hurt him and she had no desire to kill anyone. Except maybe Gio after watching him hold the blonde in his arms minutes after they shared the most passionate kiss she'd ever felt.


“No, it takes a lot of power to kill, and there are no grim reapers here so my guess is you gave him a nasty bite of what you could do as a warning.” Rafe smiled proudly at his daughter which made Sophie’s stomach turn. How could he be proud of what she did?


Sophie shook her head. “But I didn’t want to kill him. I just wanted him to let me go.” What if she accidentally killed someone with her untrained powers? It was in that moment she knew her fate was sealed. She wouldn't go to
Florida. Her place was here where she could learn how to control her gifts. She had no choice but to stay.


“No one can blame you for defending yourself, Sophie.” Giovanni spoke softly to her, so soft she wondered if anyone else could hear him. His voice tickled her ear and sent shivers down her spine. She cursed her body for reacting to him. Gio fought the desire that was rising in him from the smell of blood, and an ingrained desire to claim her as his. She was almost killed and he was helpless to save her. It would never happen again. “Rafe please take your daughter. I think Christopher and I need to have a little talk.”


Rafe took Sophie’s hand and helped her toward the door. She resisted, but her father's hold and determination was stronger than her desire to stay. The rest of the strangers in their home parted like a lake in the wake of a speed boat and Rafe was just as fast as that boat in getting her out of the room. Only the vampires, captain Logan, and AnnaBella, remained in the room. Marissa closed the door and stood guard. Sophie didn’t want to imagine what was happening to Christopher behind the closed door, she didn’t want to, but her imagination had a mind of its own. The pictures she was creating were gruesome.
What did vampires do to their enemies
, she wondered to herself?

Out loud she asked, “What are they going to do to him?”


“Vampires aren’t very nice to those that cross them or their friends, and you seem to be important to Gio.” Marissa smiled coldly, a spark of jealousy played in her eyes. “I wouldn’t expect the
nephilim to enjoy the conversation they’ll have.”


“We have to help him. He only reacted out of desperation.” Sophie pleaded with her father. “Please, he is scared and alone. His sister is dying and we can’t help her.” It amazed her that she could feel all of that during the short time he held her captive. If Giovanni kills him she didn’t know if she was going to be able to forgive him. She knew he was a vampire, but she didn’t want to think of him as an evil being, as the monster he mentioned outside. She promised she wouldn't think of him as such, but in that moment, she was beginning to rethink that promise and wondered if it was possible to keep it. She couldn’t, no she wouldn’t date him if he was an evil being.


“He won’t kill him.” the clingy blonde told her as though she was reading her mind.


“Listen, whoever you are…”




“Marissa, I’d like to make sure of that myself so if you’ll kindly move out of my way?”


“No.” Marissa’s perfect face left little room for doubt. The conversation on her side was over.


“Who do you think you are? This is my home, and that is my patient and her brother.”


Marissa rolled her blue eyes and sighed heavily. “And that’s 
 consort who wants to have a conversation with 
 attacker.” She laughed, “Most people would be appreciative of such a powerful ally.”


Sophie’s face took on a confused look. “So what, because you’re his mistress that gives you right to…”


Marissa giggled. “Mistress? You’re hilarious. Oh no, we aren’t sleeping together. Mistresses come and go. I’m his companion, his sister.” She smiled with a level of pride that made Sophie’s stomach turn. It was obvious Marissa treasured the relationship she had with Giovanni. The connection they shared made Sophie feel uncomfortable, and if she was being honest with herself, more than a little jealous. Regardless, she felt the vice grip on her heart loosen up a bit. It was good to know he was available. But she was sure she was going to make an enemy of the sister of the guy she liked. “If you don’t remove yourself from the door I’ll do it for you.”


“That won’t be necessary, my dear.” Giovanni opened the door with a very much alive, although slightly beaten, Christopher shackled in cuffs. The nephilim had a few more bruises and cuts on his golden skin, but he was upright and walking, with a little help. Nicolai stood on the other side of Christopher and pulled him roughly out the door once Marissa moved out of the way. “Contrary to popular belief, we’re not monsters, Sophie.” Pain slid behind his eyes for a brief moment, but was replaced with his usual hardened look a moment later.


“Well, some vampires are, but you aren’t.” Marissa smiled brilliantly. She was one of those women that smiled and brightened the room like a five hundred watt light bulb. Sophie wondered if she’d ever really like the woman.


Nicolai walked Christopher into the wall beside the door. “Sorry.”


Sophie glared at Giovanni and crossed her arms over her chest. “Seriously?”


Giovanni couldn’t hold back the smirk. “He said he was sorry.”

God! He was sexy when he smiled
. Sophie shook her head in an effort to clear her traitorous thoughts, and rushed past him into the room with Tiffany. He followed her and closed the door to the rest of the onlookers for a little privacy. “Sophie.” He snatched her arm in his and pulled her toward him.

She lost her breath when she slammed against his chest. “Yes?”


He pushed a strand of her long black hair behind her left ear. “When he threatened you I could’ve killed him which is a big deal for me since the last person I killed was over thirty years ago.” He pulled the long strand back toward him inhaling her honey scent. “By the Gods, you smell amazing. Even now, with anger running through my veins I want to taste you, explore you. You've bewitched me somehow and I'm not sure I can control myself when I'm around you.”


Her hand snapped up to the cut on her neck and he chuckled. “Not your blood, although it is intoxicating and I’m sure you’ll taste amazing.” He sniffed the air again, his eyes closing as he immersed himself in her scent. “You smell like honey and dew.”


Sophie melted into his arms. It was becoming difficult to resist him. “And you smell like pine. You remind me of Christmas.” She couldn’t stop the giggle that left her lips. His words made her swoon, his dark glances made her body ache to be near him. His voice made her feel safe. It was all happening so fast. She was falling over a man she barely knew and it scared her.


“I’d like you to reconsider my invitation.”


“Your invitation?”


“To dinner.”


“Yes. No, wait. Marissa?” Sophie felt heat coloring her cheeks so she looked down. She knew what Marissa said about being companions, but it made her feel concerned. “You said no games and it seems to me the relationship between the two of you is pretty intimate, despite her quips about being only a sister.”


“It was intimate at one time, long ago when we were both young and naïve. But we’re like brother and sister now, have been for decades. She still feeds me blood and we talk as siblings, but that is the extent of our relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I’d protect her with my life because she is important to me. I’d think it would make you happy to know I remain good friends with my exes.” He nudged her chin up to force her to look in his eyes.


“How many exes?”


“Not all of them, but a good number of them. Although I’d admit Marissa is a complicated case, something I’d be willing to explain more over dinner.”


She smiled, “you don’t give up do you?” his touch created a warmth in the pit of her stomach.


“Not when something important is on the line.”


“And I’m important?” What was wrong with her? It was like every thought she had simply poured out of her mouth when he looked at her with those steamy intense eyes.


“I’d like to find out over dinner.”


She let silence fall between them for a moment while she contemplated a small list of pros and cons. Cons, he was a vampire, a prince, a dangerous person – 
wait maybe those were pros?
 She was so confused. But she was sure about one thing, she felt something intense from him and she’d never understand it until she investigated it. “Okay, fine.”


He laughed, “don’t sound so excited.”


“I’m excited. It’s just been an exhausting day.” That was the understatement of the day.
And there are so many questions I have
, she thought silently.


“Right, well I suppose I should let you get back to it.”


Sophie felt a little deflated as he stepped back putting space between them. Despite all the drama that was going on between them, all the questions she had, and all the intense emotions he lit in her, she still wanted to be close to him. She was drawn to him. His good looks, his great personality, and his protective nature were ingredients to a spell that he seemed to be weaving around her, one that was very effective.


He started backing out of the room and Sophie turned back to Tiffany checking on her patient. He took a few long strides toward her, spun her around and crushed his lips to hers. The very act took her breath away. His tongue slid across her bottom lip and she opened to him allowing him to deepen the kiss. Marissa, the nephilim, Tiffany, her mother’s death, her powers, this new world all faded away as she sank into his cold body and reveled at the heat their touch produced.


Giovanni didn’t mean to kiss her again, he just couldn’t help himself. All he wanted was to possess her. He needed to claim her as his, something he’d never felt before. Each time their skin connected, their lips collided, he lost control. Control was important to him. He needed it to be an effective leader, but he’d gladly give up all control to claim her.


It was a scream from Tiffany and Rafe throwing the door open that broke them apart. Once again busted by her father, she just couldn’t catch a break.






























Chapter Seven

BOOK: The Witch's Vampire (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (Mystery Springs Series)
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