The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 2 (Ten BBW Paranormal Erotic Romance Stories) (20 page)

BOOK: The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 2 (Ten BBW Paranormal Erotic Romance Stories)
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His voice was masculine and entirely dangerous as he spoke to her, yet Adeline felt completely safe with the knowledge that he was her mate, and he wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to her. She reached out and tentatively ran her hands over the tight, hard muscles of his chest and back, a tinge of delight running through her as she explored his body.


Without another word, he pulled his head back, smirked at her, and then pressed his mouth onto hers, sending a ball of warmth ricocheting through Adeline’s body. He was rough as his tongue hunted for a way into her mouth, but at the same time something about the way he was kissing her felt undeniably amazing.


She opened her mouth to him, allowing him to deepen their embrace; his tongue gliding into her mouth and past her teeth before exploring and entwining with her own tongue. Powerful shivers were shooting up and down her spine, and she felt a distinct heat pooling between her soft thighs.


Something directly between her legs was aching in a strange way; it wasn’t painful, but she felt as if it might get painful if she didn’t feel Alrik’s touch immediately. Breaking away from his delicious kiss, she stared up at him, her heart pounding and her breathing shallow and fast.


“I think I’m ready for you,” she said. “Something inside me feels… I don’t know how to explain it.”


He grinned widely, and his eyes burned with lust for her as he murmured his approval.


“I feel the same as you, don’t worry. It’s normal,” he said, stroking her hair and trailing one fingernail down her cheek.


His words and touch ignited another fire within her core, and she knew that this experience would be unforgettable. Still holding her steady on the edge of the ship with one arm, he leaned down and growled into her ear again, a sound which Adeline now knew signaled his desire for her.


Alrik’s other arm reached around and pulled on the bodice of her dress, and when he had torn the laced part open, he slid his hand inside, cupping and squeezing her full, round breasts. Adeline let out a soft moan, unable to believe how amazing it felt to have a man running his hands all over her virgin body, making her feel so bad and yet so good at the same time.


His mouth found hers again as he caressed her skin, and eventually he pulled his hand away and slid it further down, pushing her dress up around her full hips. Adeline gasped as she felt the cool sea air hit her now-bared calves and thighs, but the burning heat within her core made her soon forget the goose bumps that had prickled up over her skin. His hand deftly tore away her underclothes, and Adeline let out another gasp as she felt the wet heat between her legs. It was as if the flood of emotions she was experiencing had also released a torrent of wetness in her nether regions, and Alrik let out a low growl as his hand moved between her legs, stroking her inner thighs softly before locating her warm folds.


His rough, stubbled face nuzzled her neck as he trailed his fingers up and down her most private area, and Adeline couldn’t help but let out a series of soft moans. His fingers between her legs felt ticklish but somehow amazingly good at the same time, and she never wanted him to stop what he was doing.


He pressed the pad of one of the fingers against the hard, throbbing nub at the top of her pink folds and began to rub, and she cried out as a shockwave of pleasure reverberated through her body, sending ripples of warmth down her spine. Her mind was clouded with her desire for him, and she moaned his name as his finger started to move around on her nub in small, slow circles.


As his finger continued to draw circles on her, Alrik nipped at her neck and earlobes, sending another wild shiver down Adeline’s spine. The feeling of needing some kind of release was getting stronger and stronger, and she thought for a moment that she might go crazy if she didn’t feel it immediately.


Finally, she closed her eyes and let go, and the pressure that had been building deep within her core seemed to explode out of her. For a minute, she thought that an enormous wave must have swept her off the longship and into the ocean, but the warmth that was flooding through her made her realize that she was just experiencing the utmost pleasure as waves of ecstasy crashed over her again and again.


Her Viking mate pulled his hand away and held onto her with both arms as she trembled and moaned, and her legs shook uncontrollably as her eyes almost rolled back in her head. Never had she thought that a man’s touch could bring her so much joy, and it occurred to her that maybe no other man could. Maybe Alrik was the only man that would ever be able to touch her like that and produce such an incredible result.


“Please,” she said breathlessly. “Do that to me one more time.”


“No,” he growled. “I’ll be doing that to you a lot more than just one more time.”


With that, he picked her up again and then carefully laid her on the deck, before pushing her legs apart and settling his weight on her, moving his hips back and forth in an up and down motion. For some reason, the movement drove Adeline even wilder with desire for him, and she instinctively began to move her own hips in a rhythm with his, feeling the pulsing, warm pressure that was already starting to build in her belly again.


Alrik growled and reached a hand down, and seconds later Adeline looked down to see that he had unlaced his brown breeches. Something unfamiliar had emerged from them, and she gasped and reached her hand down as well, somehow knowing that she wanted to touch it. It was thick and smooth, and she suddenly realized what it was; the part that men had. Not only that, but it was hard for her. That was how much Alrik needed her. Spurred on further as she realized how much he wanted her, she boldly slid her hands through his hair and pulled him down for another kiss.


As he greedily took firm control of her mouth again, he pressed himself up against her warm, wet entrance and rubbed up and down, teasing her swollen nub and eliciting a frustrated groan from Adeline.


“Please, Alrik! I need you to take me now!” she said.


He laughed as his yellow eyes blazed.


“I knew you would finally realize that we are meant for each other. Don’t worry, my little Adeline. I’ll give you all the pleasures in the world soon. Be patient,” he murmured, nipping at her collarbone and neck again.


His teeth pierced her skin harder this time, and Adeline cried out in a mixture of pain and arousal; another sensation that she had never experienced before, and one which convinced her beyond a shadow of doubt that she was meant to be mated with a wolfman.


Finally, he pressed himself inside her, and she gasped as she felt a sharp pain shooting through her. She was about to beg him to stop when the pain gave way to a sensual pleasure, similar to the one that he had just brought her with his hand, and yet somehow different. A wildfire seemed to be building in her core as he grunted above her, moving his hips back and forth as he thrust deeply into her virgin tightness, and she moaned and sighed with delight as she ran her hands across his back, pulling him even closer to her curvy young body.


Her breath caught in her throat for a second as he pulled himself nearly all the way out of her, and when he pushed back in, she was astonished at how amazing it felt. Nothing in the world could have prepared her for this, and nowhere in her wildest dreams had she ever imagined that she would be taken for the first time by such a stunning and powerful man.


Every inch of his manhood filled her with a warm, pulsating pleasure as he moved in and out, and she threw her head back and squeezed her eyes shut, never wanting the incredible ecstasy to end. Alrik’s stubble grazed her neck again as he nuzzled her, and then he slid one arm underneath her, lifting her hips up slightly and thrusting even deeper into her wet warmth.


His groin rubbed against Adeline’s still-sensitive nub as he thrust, and he began to move his hips in a circle, stretching her even wider and hitting spots inside her that she never knew she had. The pressure suddenly exploded out of her again, and this time it felt even better. As a loud moan escaped her mouth, Alrik slid his other hand over it, silencing her.


“Shh, my girl,” he said. “You’ll wake the other men. I’d be surprised if you hadn’t already.”


Adeline tried to be quiet, but she couldn’t. He just felt too good as he moved inside her. Gasping and shuddering again as he continued to slam his manhood into her, she felt him twitch inside her, and suddenly her insides felt even wetter. Alrik let out a loud groan as he plunged deep inside and coated her tightness with his seed, and then rolled off her, panting heavily as he tried to recover from his pleasure.


Adeline felt strangely empty without him inside her, and as she caught her breath, he slid an arm around her, pulling her close to him as they lay on the deck, completely spent. Despite her initial fear at being taken by the Viking, she no longer felt anything but warm adoration for him.


“Will you really take me back to England to see my father?” she asked.


“Of course. I might be the most powerful man in the north, but I am powerless to my mate’s demands,” he murmured.


“I wasn’t demanding,” she replied. “I was just asking if…”


He waved his hand and cut her off.


“I know. I was making a joke. But yes, when you bear our first child I will send men to collect your father. It would be easier if he came to visit us, rather than me risking sending a baby to sea.”


Adeline snuggled into his arms, happy that he was already talking about having children with her. Content in the knowledge that she belonged with Alrik, she drifted off to sleep, glad that the whole experience hadn’t been a dream after all, and that she was finally with her mate.



Mated To T
he Alpha

Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?”


Alison Martin’s aunty Rosa asked her the same question that she’d asked a million times before as they stood in the airport terminal, waiting for Alison’s flight.


“Yes. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,” Alison replied.


“Call me as soon as you get there,” her aunty replied before wrapping her arms around her and squeezing her tight.


Alison was leaving sunny coastal California to fly east, and she had no idea how long she’d be there for. Maybe forever. For her whole life, she had always just gone with the flow and done whatever everyone else thought she should do, and this was the first decision that she’d made on her own.


A few months ago, her feet had started to feel literally itchy, and she knew right then and there that she needed to get away from her home city. She had picked up a map, closed her eyes and then pointed somewhere. After landing on the small Pennsylvanian town of Lychewood, the itching had stopped and she had felt a sudden, irresistible pull to the town. After settling a few affairs at home, she had packed up all her things and sent them across the country to the new house in Lychewood that she had rented. Now the only thing left to send was herself.


After bidding goodbye to her aunty again and boarding the plane, she sighed and stared out of the window as she wondered whether she was making the right choice. She couldn’t explain the attraction to Lychewood, but it just felt somehow right.
Would my parents be proud of me?
she wondered. They had both died in a car accident when she was only four, and she had gone to live with her aunty Rosa, who wasn’t actually blood-related but her mother’s best friend. Still, she was like family, and she had taken Alison in out of the goodness of her heart and raised her as her own.


It was a bittersweet feeling, leaving her home city and everyone she knew including her amazing aunty. It was sad, but on the other hand, it was incredibly exciting. She was a writer, so she didn’t have to worry about lining up a job in the new town. All she had to do was have a computer with an internet connection and she was ready to start working again as she settled into her new environment.


It was going to be a long flight, so she took a nap, and while she slept she had a strange dream. There was a gorgeous man in it, standing in front of her and speaking to her. He kept saying ‘
I’m waiting for you, Alison
,’ over and over in a deep, melodic voice until she finally woke up with a start. Shocked by how real the dream had seemed, Alison rubbed her eyes and wondered what on earth it could have meant. She had always been a big believer in dreams always meaning something, but this one had left her stumped.
What the hell is my subconscious trying to tell me? That my perfect man is waiting for me somewhere? I wish,
she thought. She had never had much luck with romantic relationships, so she assumed that the dream was simply telling her to not give up on finding ‘the one’.


When her flight had arrived in the nearest major city to Lychewood, she collected her luggage and caught a cab to the small town. It would be an expensive ride, but there was no other way of getting there seeing as she hadn’t managed to sort out a car in time.


The closer the cab got to Lychewood, the stronger the feeling of finally being ‘home’ got for Alison. It was an odd feeling, as before now she had always considered California to be her home, but that feeling of attachment had never been as strong as this one was now.


After finally arriving at her new house, she unpacked a few things and called her aunty, and by the time she finally got off the phone, she was starving. Quickly changing into black pants, a white silk blouse and a warm camel-colored wrap coat, she headed towards the main street. Her new house was only a ten minute walk away, and she figured that living so close would mean she would spend a lot of time in town, which would likely lead to her meeting new people and making new friends.


She hadn’t banked on almost everything being closed after eight P.M., though. Being from a major city had made her simply assume that everything would be open for dinner, and feeling quite silly, she crossed the street and headed towards what appeared to be the local pub.


Sitting up at the bar, she ordered a cranberry juice as she looked over the menu. There was a surprisingly wide range of options, and after choosing a steak and salad, she ordered and sipped her drink before looking around. The pub was busier than she had expected, and she was attracting quite a few stares from the locals.
Definitely because I’m a stranger. Oh well, they’ll know me soon enough. This is my new home.


“Hey, miss. Why don’t you come home with me tonight? I like a woman with meat on her bones,” a slurred male voice said from her left.


Turning around, Alison saw a muscular dark-haired man standing next to her, leering at her.


“Um. No thanks,” she said quietly, hoping that he would leave her alone.


Does he really think saying that I have ‘meat on my bones’ will get me into bed with him?
If anything, it would guarantee that she wouldn’t go near him ever again. Not only was his comment gross and insulting to women in general, it cut to her very core. She had always been a larger girl, and in her years of college she had learned to accept her curvy body for what it was. Scars from high school teasing still remained, though, and the sleazy man’s comment had brought some of that pain back up to the surface.


“What, I’m not good enough for you?” the man said, leaning closer.


His hot breath smelled of beer, and Alison held her own breath in order to escape the awful smell.


“I’m just trying to have some food. Please leave me alone,” she said.


“Oh, I get it. What are you, a tourist or something? I can tell you aren’t from here, you know. A, I’ve never seen you before, and B, you’re dressed in all your fancy big city girl clothes. Snobby bitch,” he said, his eyes darkening in anger.


“That’s enough, Tim! Leave the lady alone,” said another voice.


Alison turned back to the bar and saw the bartender standing right next to her, shooing the drunken man away. He had grey hair with a matching mustache, and had the general appearance of a kindly older gentleman.


“Sorry about that. He gets quite rowdy when he’s in here drinking…which is almost every night. So I forgot to ask earlier, are you just passing through, or are you staying here for a while?” he asked.


“I just moved here, actually. I suddenly had an urge to leave home and felt drawn to this town,” she said.


“Well, that’s nice. My name’s Ron Wilson. I own this pub and another one of the cafés down the street.”


“I’m Alison Martin.”


Ron’s eyebrows knitted together as he looked at her.


“This is probably a strange question, but are you related to someone called Brenda Houston? I went to school with a girl called that, and I swear that you have her exact eyes and hair.”


“Yes, that’s my Mom. You went to school with her in California?”


“No. Right here in Lychewood,” he replied.


Alison was shocked into silence for a moment. She had no idea that her mother had ever lived here. Her aunty had never mentioned it. Then again, Rosa had only met her mother several years after she had moved to California, so she had probably never even known.


“That’s such a strange coincidence. I actually had no idea that my mother was from here. She died when I was a little girl,” she said, casting her eyes down slightly.


Ron’s face softened.


“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Didn’t mean to upset you. I had no idea.”


“It’s alright. It’s actually really weird that I would just feel this attraction to this town, and then it turns out that my mother was from here,” she said, wondering if that was the reason that she had felt so drawn to Lychewood.


“Yeah, that is strange. You know, I remember your mother being very similar to you, in more ways than just looks. You said you were from California?”


“That’s right.”


He laughed softly.


“Well, back in high school, Brenda used to sit there day-dreaming, and she’d always say that she was thinking of California. She’d never been, but she said she felt drawn there, and that one day she’d move there and find what she was looking for. I’m glad that she managed to do that, at least.”


Alison was stunned again. It was so odd that her mother had done the exact same thing as her, and yet here she was, back in her mother’s hometown. After her dinner arrived, she spent the next hour talking to Ron and getting to know him. He seemed to know everyone in the town, and told her that she would have no trouble fitting in.


“The locals take a while to warm up to you, but once they do, you’ll be fine. A nice girl like you will make plenty of friends,” he said.


“Thanks, Ron. Anyway, it was really nice meeting you and talking. I should probably get going,” she replied, after finishing the last bite of her meal.


After she left, she wrapped her coat around her body even tighter. It was freezing outside now that it was getting late, and she was once again glad that her new house was so close to the town center. As she walked up to her front gate, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.


“Oh, it’s my big city girl. Looks like we’re neighbors!”


Alison turned around and noticed with horror that Tim, the creepy drunk man from the pub was sitting on a porch across the street. Avoiding eye contact with him, she turned back to her gate and was about to open it when he called out again.


“Wait! Let me talk to you.”


Assuming that he had sobered up a little and wanted to apologize for his earlier behavior, Alison turned back around and stood on the grass verge outside her gate, waiting patiently for him to cross the street.


“So, neighbor, this is obviously destiny. Why don’t you give us a kiss,” he said, leaning close and trying to grab her.


“Oh, for god’s sake! Get away from me!” she shouted. “What the hell is your problem?”


“What the hell is
problem? I would’ve thought a chubby thing like you would be ravenous for male attention. You should feel lucky that I want to screw you. Come on!” he replied.


As he spoke, he moved even closer and grabbed her shoulder, trying to pull her close. Alison squirmed out of his grip, whirled around and tried to run away, and then ended up tripping and falling flat on her butt on the grass. Tim advanced towards her, laughing.


“See? The universe wants us together,” he said, his voice still slurring.


Terrified that he was going to assault her, Alison tried to get up, but her legs wouldn’t move. Her mind was screaming for her to run away and get inside as fast as possible, but her entire body seemed incapable of movement. Frozen in place, she suddenly heard a low growl coming from her right.


Tim heard it too and looked down the street, and then suddenly, an enormous grey wolf lunged at him. It seemed to have come out of nowhere, and as it knocked Tim to the ground, it tore at his clothes with its powerful claws and bit his arms and chest, snarling angrily the whole time.


“Fuck! Get off me! Jesus Christ, what the fuck?” Tim shouted, screaming at Alison to help him.


The wolf stopped attacking him almost immediately, and then stood on its haunches right next to him. Its hackles were raised, and Alison saw it bare its teeth and snarl at Tim, as if it were telling him to get the hell away from this place or risk facing more pain.


For a fleeting moment, Alison wondered if the wolf was going to attack her as well, and then something incredible happened. The wolf’s fur began to ripple and change into human skin and clothing, and its muzzle receded into a face. Seconds later, there was a tall, shirtless, and somewhat familiar man standing in front of Alison. She stared up at him in shock, not understanding what she had just witnessed.


BOOK: The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 2 (Ten BBW Paranormal Erotic Romance Stories)
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