Read The Unwilling Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

The Unwilling Mistress (8 page)

BOOK: The Unwilling Mistress
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As she moved forward Jake had rushed towards her with a woman she didn’t know


“Mia, like you to meet Mary” he had said pulling the young nervous woman forward. Mary was about the same age as she was with lovely red hair which fell around her supple body. Dressed in a skimpy bikini, Mary had looked scared to be there leaning close to Jake as he had talked.


“Your bags will be taken up to your room. Why not grab a bikini and join everybody” he had said before grabbing Mary from the rear and moving away towards the large swimming pool already full of men and women.


Mia had looked uneasily at the pool side. With a frown she had seen how the six men and six women were loudly flirting with each other around the large pool with waiters moving around liberally dispensing drink to everybody. Mia doubted if many of the women were wives as she had recognised some of the faces from the club, the faces of those girls closest to Jake, who were attentively talking to a variety of middle aged men, who were already reaching for many of the girls, their hands over familiar for her liking. Mia had felt her stomach knot as she realised that she had been duped, and with a determined lift of her chin, had moved into the house with the intent to stay away from the pool and the many wandering hands for as long as she could, until she had had the chance to search the house and get out of there.


As she had moved inside, Mia started to search the ground floor while the house was relatively quiet. She had to find where his study was, deciding that it was the most likely place for the letter to be hidden. As she had moved into a grand living area she had gasped to see Drake Trent, standing playing pool.


Hearing her, he had turned around, his face taking in the look of shock on hers, while his body had reacted to the sight of her


“What are you doing here” she had asked with a look of horror on her face


He had smiled softly at her


“I was invited for a relaxing week-end by your boss” he had said evenly, watching her face as she had looked so confused at his presence there.


Mia had moved further into the room, to look out of the window to see if everybody was still occupied her eyes scanning the pool area to make sure that Jake and his two security boys, Jim and Allan were still busy.


“So you do work for Jake” she asked her tone contemptuous not seeing how his eyebrows had arched in surprise


“Hardly” he had answered “Do I look like I work for him” he had said a note of disdain in his voice


Mia had shrugged not looking at him “You’re here aren’t you” she said


“No, Mia I don’t work for Jake Black” he had said with a hard note to his voice which she had been surprised to hear as she continued to look out of the window so that he wouldn’t see the myriad of emotions which where rushing through her at his presence


“So why are you here then” she asked, feeling her whole body pulsing at his presence


“Your boss wants something from me…so he thought he would try to butter me up”


Mia had quickly looked over at him taking in his casual attire, the jeans which moulded perfectly to his slim hips and the tea-shirt which accentuated the long lean lines of his back and contoured body. Dropping her eyes at the sudden sensations which ran through her she had turned back to resume her search.


“So how did he get you here” she had muttered angrily still looking through the throng of bodies at the pool


“He dangled something in front of me that he knew I wanted” came back the reply


With a small laugh she had asked “Oh yeah, what was that” her eyes finally resting on Jake


There was a small silence before he had said so softly “You”


Mia had spun around her eyes full of shocked


“Me” she gasped before her whole body had become rigid with anger


“I don’t think so” she bit out “I am not some little love toy for him to pass around to his friends” she had said those wonderful eyes sparkling with rage


“So I am very sorry Mr Trent, but he has got you here under false pretences, I am not about to fall into bed with you so that Jake can butter you up”


Drake Trent had smiled, while inside he had felt as light as a feather. The thought that she had been prepared to sleep with him by command had not sat well with him, and the fact that she had so obviously been tricked had brought a sense of relief to him. The Mia he knew, no matter how fleetingly, would never have allowed herself to be used like that, but he had been confused by her agreement to dance for him at the club, as he had been sure she would have told him to go to hell.


She had started to move forward


“I am not staying here one more damn minute” she said as she made to move past him, suddenly feeling the need to put as much distance between them as possible


Drake had grabbed her by the shoulders stopping her in mid stride


“Wait, just wait one minute” he said softly


Looking at his hands on her shoulders she had once more felt the strange sensations travelling through her body, biting her lip as she had looked at him her eyes like pieces of flint


“Take your hands off me” she said in a low dangerous tone


“Ok, Mia, but will you hear me out” he asked looking down on her “I promise that I am not about to leap on you and molest you”


Mia had stood still her eyes still watching him warily as he dropped his hands from her


“Yesterday at the club he invited me to this week-end, telling me that you would be here to entertain the guests” he said with an unpleasant twist of his lip. “I couldn’t believe that you would go along willingly with that.. so I came along to make sure that nothing bad happened to you” he said “I only came because I was worried about you”


Mia had looked at him in disbelief


“Why didn’t you just phone me to tell me what he had planned” she asked coldly, “you had my number”


He had looked down at her with a sombre look on his face


“Would you have answered …or even believed me” he asked quietly


Mia had frowned, knowing that she would not have answered.


“Why did you come here” he asked her gently “surely you must have guessed what he had planned”


Frowning, she had lifted her hand to push the hair away from her eyes as she had suddenly looked so bleak


“I had my reasons” she said softly “But I really thought it was an up front party… not..not some kind of gang bang”


As he watched she had looked so tired and deflated as she had sat down on the leather couch. Looking at her he had thought how defeated she looked, and he felt a pang of compassion towards the beautiful woman before him


She had gently said “I needed to be here, but now…” she had bit her lip feeling as the tears had started to rise at the realisation that she would not be able to search the house, realising that of all the places she had seen this was the most likely place for him to have hidden the letter. She had frowned as he had moved over to sit beside her


“There is one way that you could make it through this week-end unmolested” he had said seriously as Mia had looked at him in surprise




He had smiled grimly “pretend to be with me” he said, adding as the cold look had once again returned to her eyes


“I promise that I will not take advantage of the situation… I would much rather pursue our relationship in a more private and intimate setting… not under the watchful eye of Jake Black” he had said his dark eyes very serious


She had looked at him, her eyes uncertain


“We don’t have a relationship” she had replied, her mouth breaking into a gently smile as he had added


“Yet…, but Mia I would like to try to have one…..starting as friends” he had quickly added, before looking at her sombrely


“I don’t think that he is going to just let you walk out of here Mia, and I’m not sure how you will be able to call for a taxi, this place seems to be in a damn mobile black spot. By being my date, he will leave you alone….and more importantly so will everybody else… and despite what you might think I can control myself”


Looking over she could see only a truthful honesty in his face, which she had smiled gently at


“Thank you Drake”


Hearing her say those words and speaking his name so gently caused something deep within him to flip flop as he had once more stood and turned back to his game, the need to look away so she did not see the look of want in his face strong


“Want to play” he asked finally smiling over at her, seeing as she had sat so still on the couch, the many emotions all crossing her lovely face, before she had seemed to make up her mind and looked back at him.


“I didn’t fancy hanging around the pool myself” he had added glancing out of the window at the party taking place by the poolside.


Mia had smiled standing up


“Me neither” she agreed, before moving over to where he stood and with a laugh admitting that she had never played before


Drake had given her the pool queue offering to show her as they leant over the table, his arms around her, as he had shown her how to hold the queue. Mia had laughed at how badly she was doing, while very aware of his body against hers as warm tremors passed through her.


This was the scene which met Jake Black, who had smiled widely seeing the two of them so intimately together already.


“Drake, Mia” he cried “I see you two are getting along” he smiled, giving Drake a knowing look “Not joining the party”. The two had stood, but Drake had continued to hold her within his arms, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly


“I think we are quite happy right here” he had said his voice soft against Mia’s hair “You know what they say Jake… threes a crowd”


Jake Black had laughed unpleasantly back winking at Mia


“I get you Drake….enjoy” he said his voice full of innuendo, as he had once more left the room.


Breathing a sigh of relief Mia had moved away from Drake, suddenly realising she missed feeling him against her.


“That was close”


He in turn was looking at her with a small frown on his face


“Why do you work for him” he asked, seeing the shutters go down on her lovely eyes


“I have my reasons” she said firmly


“And they are” he asked gently


“Private” she bit back, looking at him with an expression which told him to back off. With a small sigh Drake had put down the queue, his face watching hers attentively


“OK, Mia Jones” he smiled “maybe one day you will trust me enough to tell me what the hell is going on.. until then fancy a walk”


Mia had flashed him a grin back “A walk sounds great” she said realising that she could use this as an opportunity to scout out the area.


As the two had moved together around the large estate Mia had suddenly wondered again why he was there, Drake had said Jake wanted something from him and she found herself wondering what would be so important to Jake to make him go to all this trouble.


“Why did he invite you here” she had asked him her large blue eyes questioning seeing how Drake had looked down on her, his face thoughtful


“You really don’t know who I am” he said gently as she had shaken her head


“All I know about you Drake Trent is that you like flowers…a lot” she had grinned, as he had laughed back with her, before looking warily at her


“I own a large chain of hotels” he said softly, hearing as she had gasped the name Trent and hotels suddenly connecting with her. She had looked sharply up at him in shock


“Trent Hotels ….. that’s you” she said her face showing her surprise, as she had frowned with concern stopping to face him


“Drake you have to get out of here” she said anxiously, her lovely eyes flashing with real fear “You don’t know Jake Black. He’s a blackmailer. If he has brought you here then he will be looking for some way to get something on you”


“I know that” came back the gentle reply, as she had gasped again


“If you know that then why did you come” she cried looking into his eyes with confusion


“I told you why” he said softly, hearing as she had groaned gently “And besides I was worried that he was going to use you if not with me then with somebody else..and I couldn’t stomach that”


Mia had stood speechlessly staring at Drake who was watching all the different emotions crossing through her eyes as she had savaged her lip, before dropping her head hiding her confusion from him.


“Like I said Mia, I didn’t want to see you get hurt”


As Mia had looked down silently, his hands had come up to cup her face, raising her head to look up at him. She watched as his head had bent to meet hers, her lips opening to receive his kiss, as a soft groan had left her mouth. Just as before, she had erupted under him, her kiss just as passionate as his as their tongues had once more entwined, her mouth drawing on his every bit as longingly as his was on hers, as she gently bit his lips causing him to groan with desire. As she had snaked her arms around his neck, his had gone around her waist drawing her closer to him, so that she could feel his arousal against her driving her wild with a desire she had never before felt. She could feel his hands moving around her body, stroking her bottom making her gasp softly, and as he had leant her against a tree his mouth moving to kiss along her jaw and neck, she had felt like she would explode with a need to have him make love to her. Her back had arched as he had pulled her waist higher to gain better access to her breasts his hands moving to softly rub the hard nipple which strained against her top making her shudder violently against him, his fingers moving the neckline of her wrap around shirt to reveal one perfect breast, as he released it from the confines of the lacy bra, his tongue causing instant sensations which shot through her to finish pulsing between her legs. Mia had felt her own hands exploring him, as she had pulled his tee-shirt up to allow her fingers to touch his back sensually stroking his spine, feeling him shudder under her

BOOK: The Unwilling Mistress
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