Read The Trouble With Love Online

Authors: Becky McGraw

The Trouble With Love (9 page)

BOOK: The Trouble With Love
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"You could go with us?" she invited and thought she heard Cole groan.


"Nah, not into being a third wheel...maybe next time," he said and kissed her cheek.


Oh hell, she just remembered she
didn't bring her gun
.  "I'll be right back," she told Cole and ran upstairs to get it.  She'd been wearing it to make sure if the guys chasing Gabe showed up, she wouldn't be caught with her pants down, like she'd been when Big Oaf attacked her.  She wouldn't wear it in the bar, but she'd put it in the glove box of his truck.


She picked it up and slung it over her shoulder, since she wasn't carrying a purse.  They were too hard to keep up with when you were dancing.  And she planned on seizing the opportunity to dance with her sexy cowboy...a lot.
  She knew he could dance, because she'd seen him in action with the blonde bimbo at the bar the night before the wedding.


Running back down the steps, she found him and Gabe talking in the kitchen.  Seeing them having a normal conversation made relief wash through her.  Cole's wide shoulders were still tense, but
at least
he was talking to Gabe.  That was progress.


"Ready to go!" she said chirpily and walked up to grab Cole's arm.


He looked down at her
saw the gun evidently
. His
lips pinched then he told her, "You won't be needing that tonight
, darlin'


"I'm just going to put in the glove make me feel better," she told him.  He hesitated a second like he might protest, but
then he
and took her hand to lead her to the door.


pulled his SUV up in front of the police station then walked around
to open her door for her.  She smiled at him and put her hand in his and he shut the door
pressed the key fob to lock it.  Hand in hand
they walked across the street and down the block to the only bar in
.  There were several people milling around outside and a couple of the guys nodded at Cole, and a couple of others nodded at her.


Once they entered a cloud of smoke wafted over her head and she coughed.  Cole looked down and said, "That's the only thing I don't like about this place."


"Yeah, but if that's the price of dancing with you, frankly my dear I don't give a damn."


"Alright, Scarlett, let's go burn up some boot leather," he told her with a chuckle then led her to the dance floor.
  A two step was playing and when they reached the edge of the floor
and Cole s
pun her then started the familiar steps around the floor. 


She leaned her head back
, looked up into his heated
gaze, then
gave him a big grin
moved around the floor like they'd been dancing together for years, he was that smooth and sure.
  Her feet just automatically followed him without even thinking.  She wondered if they'd be that compatible in bed.  The thought made places south heat up and dampen.


She didn't know how many songs they danced to, but she was hot
sweaty and so turned on, she had to take a break or melt on the dance floor.  She leaned up near his ear and panted, "Last one for a few, sugar...let's take a break."


When the song ended, he
held her tightly
dipped her
kissed her deeply,
before pulling
her back up and dropp
his arm over her shoulders
.  With a sexy grin he asked
"Can I buy you a beer, cowgirl?"


Cole's teasing tone and deep honeyed voice sent electric sparks down her spi
ne.  "I'd love a beer, Sheriff," she told him with a smile then leaned up to kiss his cheek
moved his mouth so her lips landed
on his
laughed and walked to the bar to get them a beer
  God, she could fall for this Cole...this is the man she remembered from
.  The thought scared the shit out of her.


He walked back up to her and handed her a beer with a puzzled look, "Something wrong, sweetheart?"


She shook her head, "No...just woolgathering, as my grandma used to say." she forced a laugh then took a big swig of her beer.
  There was a helluva lot wrong with her, but Sabrina couldn't tell him that
he was in deep trouble here.


chatted a few minutes and finished their beer, then a slow song came on and Sabrina almost groaned out loud as he took her beer bottle and set it down on the table by his elbow, then put his arm around her waist and led her back to the dance floor.


didn't stay on the edge
of the floor
this time, he took her right to the  middle and pulled her into his arms,
then his hands found her butt
and he drew her close to his body
moving i
n time with the music.  With every
sway of their bodies
, the tension inside of her built.  They barely moved, their bodies just rubbed together in all the right places to the slow sensual beat.


Sabrina drew in a shuddering breath and felt Cole's heartbeat ratchet up against her brea
sts, and her nipples hardened.  She moaned and laid her head against his chest and rocked with him.  Cole put his hands more firmly on her butt and lifted her up so his erection pressed at the V of her thighs and bolts of lightening moved from her core throughout her body with each slow gyration of his hips.


Breathing in short shallow gasps, she rubbed her cheek against his chest and circled her hips against him.  She heard him gasp then he said in a low fierce whisper near her ear, "You ready to go?"
His breathing wasn't any steadier than her own.


nodded against his chest then lifted her chin to meet his gaze
.  A
wave of desire flowed over her when she saw her own need reflected in his deep green eyes.  "Yes...
let's go.
  He seemed to realize she meant more than leaving the bar, because he growled then pulled her tightly to his side then led them quickly to the front door.


When they got outside of the dark noisy bar, he grabbed her hand and led her around the corner to the alley, then pushed her up against the wall and claimed her mouth in a raw kiss that told her the depth of his desire for her.  He lifted her up and pinned her to the wall with his hard body.
  "I need you...
so fucking bad,
" he told her in a rough whisper near her ear.


"I need you too
," she whimpered and wrapped her legs around him, so he was seated against her center.  She wiggled her hips against him trying to find the release she needed so badly.  He squeezed her ass under her skirt and moved against h
kissing her deeply.


pulled back breathing hard, "We need to go somewhere...but my house is too far...and Gabe is at the Double B," he said then planted kisses al
ong her throat up to her ear.


"Oh, god, Cole
where then?
" she panted
licked his collarbone
up his neck.


Putting his
forehead against hers
, he
, then
met her gaze with
so much heat in his it almost singed her
.  "I know the perfect place...c'mon," he
let her slide down his body then
grabbed her hand and all but dragged her across the street to and down the block to his SUV.


He loaded her into the SUV and snapped her seatbelt for her
one more
heated kiss before he ran around to his side of the vehicle and
got in.
  She'd never seen a man so focused on driving
outside of the
time she'd given
Kenny a fantasy driver package for his birthday the second year they were married.
A few minutes later,
he turned on a dirt road a lot of people around
called a driveway,
he almost did it on two wheels. 


She snorted, grabbed the 'oh shit' handle
told him,
leaning through the turn,
"Don't ever talk to me about turning corners on two wheels again


He looked at her and chuckled. "
I'm in a hurry...just hang on


As long as you don't tell me that when we get there,
we'll be good," she hooted and glanced over at him.


"Oh you're not going to have to worry about that,'ll be begging me to finish
his green eyes were serious
sparkled dangerously.


She swallowed thickly, then looked into the woods trying to pick out the wildlife there in the dark
to distract herself
.  It was a game she and Gabe had played on road
trips when they were kids.
  Bigfoot was commonly spotted, of course.


Unfortunately, she didn't see
tonight, but she did see a... "
" Sabrina screamed and covered her face.   Cole swerved
trying to
avoid hitting it. 
between her fingers
, Sabrina
saw it jump
in front of the headlights
then slam
into her side of the car
, before glancing
off the windshield


Cole went off the side of the road
on the right
and narrowly missed a couple of trees
on her side
.  He let the
SUV slow down
without braking
guided it
back onto the road,
then stopped
right in the middle of the road and
dropped his head on the steering wheel
with a


"Cole are you alright?" she said breathlessly, then looked down to see her hands were bleeding from the glass, "Oh lord..." she said and gagged
feeling lightheaded
  She could handle other people's blood, the one thing
couldn't handle was seeing her own.


Cole looked over at her and immediately unbuckled his seat belt and flew out of the car
around to h
er side. 
His face was frantic when
the door
wouldn't open, and
she saw him run to the back hatch and open it,
then pull something out
, before he
ran back to his side
and got
back in
then leaned over her.


"It's okay..Bri
you're gonna be okay, baby...just stay with me,"
her, his
voice high pitched
and raw.  S
saw his Adam's apple bob a couple of times and his eyes had a
shine to them.


"What's wrong?" she asked and reached up to pull down the visor mirror to see for herself.  His hand covered hers and he said, "No!
Just let me get you cleaned up."  Cole
brushed her face with his fingers, then
moved the towel he had over her face, hands and finally her chest,
then he pulled back a little inspecting her. 

BOOK: The Trouble With Love
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