The Teacher and the Soldier (9 page)

BOOK: The Teacher and the Soldier
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Daniel shrugged. “The economy is stretched and even teaching jobs are sparse and hard to come by. I’m not going to lie to you, Luke. I know Weston High School always has vacancies, but you know it’s a small high school and the area it covers is spread out all over.” Daniel didn’t need to go into details about Weston. They had, after all, both gone there. It was one of those schools that captured children from miles around, from the mountains to the valleys and most of the teachers had been there for years. The school certainly wouldn’t attract go-getting young teaching staff any time soon.

Luke huffed a laugh. “I don’t think much of your technique. Don’t you know you need to cover the shit you deliver in silver and call it precious metal?”

The car rolled to a stop in a wide parking area by the tired looking reception area. With a critical eye Luke assessed the place. They’d kept up on maintenance and the front was laid to beds for shrubs, but the sign needed repainting. He had a few days, maybe he could volunteer to do that, touches like that would help sell the place.

“You maybe want to go and get a drink tonight?” Daniel asked quickly.

“I’m out with Liam,” Luke reminded him.

Daniel quirked an eyebrow. “No you’re not. You can cancel that.”

Irritation spiralled through Luke and he climbed out of the truck intent on telling Daniel exactly what he thought of the guy trying to organise his social life. When Daniel rounded the cab and pushed him up against the closed door it was all Luke could do to remember to breathe let alone shout at the guy. Daniel moved his feet until he had Luke plastered to the truck and he was very definitely interested in Luke if his cock, hard and pushed against Luke’s own, was anything to go by. Luke placed his hands on Daniel’s biceps and glanced down at the broad chest that was holding him in place then back up into green eyes. There was defiance in them, like he was daring Luke to challenge this wholly hot act of dominance. Given that his cock had in some part taken over control of his thought processes, Luke wasn’t going to argue.

“So,” Daniel said softly with his lips a breath away from Luke’s ear. “That drink tonight?”

Luke made a small movement and the press of his cock against Daniel was enough for him to moan low in his throat. “Just a drink?” he asked.

“What else do you want?”

“Was it difficult when you came out, soldier?” Luke asked. Hell if he knew where that question came from or why he’d felt like he needed to ask it.

“Who says I’m gay?” Daniel laughed and moved his hands from Luke’s hips to his waist, resting them on his belt. This teasing was nice. Luke hadn’t been teased in a long time. Hell he hadn’t done anything in a long time.

Luke smiled. “A big all-action alpha male in touch with his feelings and being all understanding and shit pushing me up against a car and grinding his cock against mine? You have to be gay.”

Daniel moved back a little and Luke stopped himself from whining at the loss. He poked Daniel’s chest with a single finger. “I call gay.”

* * * *

Luke Fitzgerald grinned the widest grin, where the smile even reached his stunning blue eyes and Daniel fell like a stone. There was no way Liam was going anywhere near this man. For however long he was here in Ellery, Luke was his. Liam would have to deal.

“You want this drink or not?” he asked. “We could go into town.” Attraction to someone he had just met who was vulnerable and needy was probably a bad idea but somehow it was happening.

“Let’s just stay here,” Luke answered.

Daniel knew he should take Luke in the truck down into Ellery and take up a booth in the bar and order two ice-cold beers then talk sensibly about anything and everything. Instead he found himself stalking towards his own small cabin with Luke behind him. Dangerous ground. Too much tension, too much need in both of them.

The door of the cabin closed behind them and suddenly there was a barrier between them and the world. It was just two men in different places in their life coming together to celebrate life. That was all.

Luke moved first. He used his full body weight to barrel into Daniel and pushed him back to the wall and unerringly located his lips until they were kissing. The impact of Luke’s body against him drove all the air from his chest and made getting into the kiss a little difficult at first. Only when he shoved Luke away and reversed their positions could he deepen the kiss and take what he needed. A whimper came from Luke’s throat at the move and blood heated so fast inside Daniel that he couldn’t have stopped if he’d tried. Grabbing Luke’s hands with his, he pressed them together. Then he pushed them above Luke’s head. This is how he wanted Luke, under his control, pressed down, held still, so he could taste and take and never stop feeling.

Pressing fully, he could feel Luke was so into this—hard against his own groin and moving as much as he was able, searching for contact. Daniel could spend all day kissing and touching and he pressed harder one last time then released Luke entirely. He tasted copper in his mouth and brought up a finger to touch blood on his lip. Luke’s hands fell from their position to his sides and he clenched them into fists. Daniel waited. He wanted Luke to have time to think about what he was doing. Anonymous sex was one thing, but getting fucked by someone from the town he wanted to stay away from? Surely that was a million kinds of wrong? Luke was temptation personified. In his brand new jeans and his white shirt with blue eyes flashing fire, and lips swollen from harsh kissing, he was everything Daniel wanted at that moment.

But Luke had to make the decision. Now they had kissed and the initial temper of the first push to the wall had passed, Luke needed to make sure he knew what he was doing. Self-preservation had Daniel taking another step back even as Luke moved forward.

“Why did you stop?” Luke asked. He pressed his hand to his crotch where the outline of his erection was clear against the material. “I need this.”

There. That was why Daniel had stopped. Luke needed some kind of connection and for the first time since Daniel had hit puberty and discovered dick was where it was at, he wanted more than a quick fuck.

What the hell?

“What do you need?” Daniel’s voice echoed in his head. His mouth was moving, but he wasn’t sure whether his brain was in charge, or his sex drive. His voice sounded husky even to his own ears. There was no doubt about how turned on he was.

Luke took another step and was close enough for Daniel to see the flecks of dark navy in the otherwise perfect sapphire eyes.
. Since when was he lyrical over freaking eyes? That was twice today already.

“Quick. Fast. Hard. You,” Luke said frankly. Each word was punctuated with a touch. A kiss to Daniel’s throat, to his shoulder, his lips, then Luke placing a hand right over the bulge in Daniel’s pants. “Where is the bedroom here?” He was already unbuttoning his fly and Daniel could no more take his eyes off of the flesh being revealed than he could stop what he wanted to do. When Luke toed off his boots and began to shrug his jeans down Daniel’s brain finally made sense of what was happening. Grabbing Luke’s hand he pulled him through the door opposite the kitchen then pushed the door shut behind them.

The bed was regimentally neat—old habits died hard. Daniel closed the blinds. The only light came through the small skylight in the ceiling, which was darkened with moss. He could see enough to be able to watch Luke push his jeans fully off then shrug out of his T-Shirt. Socks joined the jeans then his shorts, until finally he was naked. His cock curved towards his belly.

“Cliché, but one of us is overdressed,” Luke said. He was starting a slow rhythm along the length of his cock and his lips fell open. He pulled his lower lip between his teeth and watched Daniel through half lidded eyes.

“Your last chance to say no,” Daniel forced out. Fuck. His cock was near breaking his zipper and his balls were already tight and ready. This was ridiculous. One man stood there pleasuring himself and Daniel was losing it like a teenager in his bedroom with porn under a quilt.

Luke raised his eyebrows and very deliberately looked down at himself. A single pearl of liquid was in his slit and he smudged it with a determined press of his finger before moving that hand to the base of his cock and into dark curls.

Daniel toed off his own boots and socks then removed his T-shirt over his head. He was fit—he still worked out and he was proud of the body he was revealing. He pushed down his jeans and watched Luke’s eyes as it became obvious he went commando. His own dick was heavy and he copied Luke’s action all the while staring into Luke’s eyes.

“Get on the bed,” he said. There was no command, but someone had to say something just to get them to move. Luke knelt on the edge of the bed with his back to Daniel. Daniel moved quickly before Luke could lie down or move. Captured this way, Luke was the perfect height for Daniel to slot his cock between hard thighs and to circle his fingers around Luke’s length. With his other hand he turned Luke’s face and swallowed any words or sounds into an open mouthed, wet kiss.

Luke reached behind and rested his open palm on Daniel’s butt cheek. He pressed and pushed, demanding a rhythm.

Daniel spread his legs a little to get a better angle, then with every pass, his dick was pushing against Luke’s balls and each time Luke’s breathing hitched. The sensation of Luke’s flesh against him was intoxicating and he wanted more.

“You need to fuck me like this,” Luke said. His voice was husky and his kiss swollen lips formed each word perfectly against his own.

“Next time,” Daniel replied. There would be a next time. This man fit perfectly against him. The expanse of smooth flesh was firm and warm and the light furring of hair on his chest was exquisite to the touch. With deft movements he encouraged Luke to lie back on the bed and with no hesitation Daniel had his mouth exactly where his hands had been tracking. From stomach up the muscled plains of his chest, Daniel concentrated on the two cinnamon discs that were apparently hardwired to Luke’s cock. He sucked one into his mouth and teased the other with fingers before switching sides until Luke was writhing beneath him wordlessly begging for more sensation.

Filing away the fact for later, he stole some sweet, hot kisses before travelling back south and sucking Luke’s cock into his mouth. Luke’s hand moved to rest on Daniel’s head and restless fingers curled and uncurled in his short hair. Luke didn’t guide or push, but as he arched up into Daniel’s mouth his grip tightened. He was strung tighter than a bow and Daniel contemplated briefly whether he should pull Luke to orgasm before they went any further. The man was begging him to go further, do more, take him higher. With a final tug at the cock in his mouth and an appreciative lick across the head, he again moved up Luke’s body to kiss him.

“Fuck,” Luke said succinctly. “You’re good at that.”

“I try,” Daniel said. He reached past Luke to rummage in the drawer. He remembered there had been condoms in there—there had to be something in there. He wasn’t a saint, although he’d never had anyone back here, but he could swear he had condoms. Finally he tore his lips away from the taste of Luke and actually peered into the drawer. Fuck it, this was so not smooth. Finally he found the box at the back and pulled out a handful and grabbed the lube. Back and resting on Luke, he hoped to hell Luke wasn’t off the boil, because if Luke backed out now then Daniel was literally going to finish himself off and come all over his waiting lover whether Luke liked it or not.

Luke hadn’t moved. He wasn’t smiling, or pulling away, no, he was absolutely focused and intent on every single one of Daniel’s actions. On Daniel’s lips hovered the ‘are you sure’, but he pushed it back. He coated his fingers with lube then pressed them against Luke’s hole gently until one finger pushed inside. Luke squirmed under him, but they didn’t break the intense exchange of gazes. Daniel wondered what Luke was thinking behind those blue eyes. Was he scared of what he was feeling? Did he feel in control? Because, hell, Daniel was far from in control of this. He managed another and massaged far enough in to crook and find the place that made Luke arch up off the bed with a sigh. He even closed his eyes and Daniel missed the immediate connection between them. Gently he loosened Luke with three fingers inside and his fourth pressing at the outer edges and moving to press the skin around. He was desperate to get inside.

“Now,” Luke pleaded.

“Not ready yet,” Daniel replied quickly. Luke mumbled something and reached down between them grabbing at Daniel’s wrist and holding it still as he screwed himself down on the hand forcing the fourth finger in. The wince of pain was obvious, but when it left Luke’s expression he opened his eyes and stared directly into Daniel’s.


Daniel wasn’t arguing. He liked to spend time on prepping, on stretching and feeling the heat of inside his lover, but the thought of being inside Luke’s tight ass was too much to hold back. Scrambling to roll on a condom with slippery slick fingers was a feat in itself but finally with condom on he was pressing against Luke’s hole and in one push he was past the ring of muscle. Connected, he shifted his position a little, placing hands flat on the bed and pressing at Luke’s thighs until he spread his legs and tilted his ass. They’d never negotiated position, never thought of how this could be best for either of them. But looking down into Luke’s blue eyes, at his face flushed with need and passion, this was absolutely the best way.

“Move,” Luke ordered. Daniel smiled down at Luke and did as he had been told. It was an easy thing to agree to and finally, when he was as deep as he could be, he sighed his pleasure and inhaled Luke’s breaths as they kissed. His movement was slow and subtle, a smooth rolling motion of his hips as he pulled nearly out then plunged in. He tilted a little to angle the press and Luke moaned his pleasure as Daniel passed over his prostate. With that and Luke’s cock trapped between them it was very quick for them both to lose it.

BOOK: The Teacher and the Soldier
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