Read The Slave Online

Authors: Laura Antoniou

Tags: #luster editions, #submission, #circlet, #laura antoniou, #Adult, #bdsm, #erotic slavery, #dominance, #bondage, #the marketplace, #erotica, #marketplace series, #erotic novel, #circlet press

The Slave (3 page)

BOOK: The Slave
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That was careless. You should have
kept your gaze up, or turned with your eyes already cast down.”
Casually, he pinched one nipple. The sudden sharpness stabbed into
her and she gasped again, feeling a flush rise along the back of
her neck, and a familiar thrumming between her legs.

Do you have to return home

The sudden return to real issues startled
her, but she recovered quickly. “No, sir.”

Then you will stay here. Go and lock
the door; put the Do Not Disturb sign out.”

He sat down again, and watched as Robin
approached the door, hesitated, and then maneuvered her way around
it so anyone standing in the hallway could have only gotten a
glimpse of her bare arm and shoulder. She slipped the chain lock
into place, fighting back the familiar fear that came every time
she played with someone new. Of course, this time it was far
stronger than it ever had been before.

Hundreds of questions resounded within her
in an instant. Would Chris Parker demand new or unfamiliar service
from her? Would he be as brutal as his appearance last night had
suggested? Was he really worthy of the trust she was about to give
him? Would he want to have sex?

Can I get out of it if it gets to be too
much for me to handle?

back here―” Chris pointed to a spot on the floor in front of him,
“on your hands and knees. With grace.”

Yes, sir,” she whispered, dropping to her
knees. Concentrating on moving her limbs cleanly and guiding
herself around the corner of the chair withou
t awkwardness took over from the morass of
concerns which had temporarily flooded her, and she relaxed in the
performance of that simple task. She halted in front of him, and
let his hands guide her to the precise position he

His hands swept over her body in an
examination. While she held herself still, her hands and knees
pressed firmly in place against the carpet, he touched every part
of her that could be reached. His hands circled her throat and then
stroked it, trailed across her shoulders and down her arms, probing
at the muscles in her upper arms, tapping the inside of her elbows.
His fingers tickled her ribcage on the way to gently cupping her
breasts, pressing them up against her body lightly, then letting
them fall.

Robin moaned, and dipped her head low.

Ignoring her, Chris placed one firm palm on
her lower back while the other hand stroked and probed her
midsection and her belly. A tap from that hand and she pushed her
knees further apart, and then still further, so that one hand could
comfortably reach between her thighs to explore the tenderness of
her pussy. She had shaved only that morning; it was a habit left
from her time with Troy. But Chris gave no indication as to whether
he approved or disapproved. He did cup her entire sexual delta in
one hand and compress his fingers around it until she moaned again.
And when one finger slipped along the edges of her lips, she
gasped, and lifted her ass just a little bit more, her face
flooding in shame.

Ah, hungry little cunt...” Chris
whispered. But he left off teasing her in that fashion and
continued his examination, cupping her round buttocks, squeezing
her thighs and running his fingers across the bottoms of her

She felt his hands suddenly leave her, and
the creaking of the chair as he leaned back into it. Her entire
body felt primed for attention. Every inch ached for another touch;
her skin felt like it was alive with electricity. And this just
from being so lightly handled! She drew in one long breath and
said, “Thank you, sir!”

I was wondering where your manners
had gone,” Chris replied. “There are much harsher ways I could have
conducted that examination.”

Robin cringed. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry,

Just for comparison’s sake, then. Up,
girl!” He snapped his fingers, and Robin drew her body up, coming
off of her arms. But before she could complete her turn to face
him, he grasped a hand full of her hair and dragged her toward him,
throwing her off balance, sending her crashing into his

Keep yourself up, you clumsy idiot,”
Chris snapped, pushing and pulling her into place. She winced and
he jerked hard on the fistful of hair he still held. With his free
hand, he cuffed her lightly across the mouth, and she gasped in the
shock of impact. No one had ever done that to her

And don’t let me see such exaggerated
reactions, either. I know what you can take, girl.” He cupped her
chin and forced her mouth open. “That’s it, show me what your teeth
look like!”

Humiliated to her core, Robin tried to allow
her body to follow his manipulations, but it was hard, because he
moved quickly this time, never allowing her to fully relax. He
twisted her head one way and then the other, and then dropped the
hand from her face and slapped her heavily across her left breast.
Before she even had enough time to gasp, he slapped her right
breast and grasped the nipple between his fingers, pressing

Robin bit her lip to keep from moaning, and
the heat from the slaps seemed to rise through her chest and into
her face. Her breaths came in short gasps, punctuated each time he
compressed that captive nipple, and when she whimpered at the pain,
he switched and took up the other one and did the same thing. His
hand went back and forth between her nipples, twisting and pinching
them, while he still maintained a tight grip on her hair, bending
her backward.

Do you like this?” he asked suddenly,
pulling her head forward so she could look at him. “I asked you a
question, girl!”

Yes! Yes, sir, I do!” Robin managed
to get the words out all in a rush.

Then you should be thanking me.” He
jerked her head back again and slapped her breasts, harder this
time, and as he savagely twisted one nipple and pulled it up and
away from her body, she wailed and threw her hands behind her body
to keep them still. Dimly, through the haze of intoxicating
pleasure and pain, she heard her own voice offering thanks, again
and again, until Chris pulled her back forward and touched her lips
with his fingers. She panted, her chest rising and falling heavily,
her nipples burning and itching with pain.

You’d do better if you simply
remembered to offer your gratitude on a consistent basis, rather
than waiting for commands or invitations,” he said calmly. He
released her hair, and she wavered a little, catching her balance,
but managed to press her lips against his hand, lightly.

Thank you, sir,” she breathed. “For
the lesson.”

It’s not over yet.” He pushed her
back, and when she fell onto her arms, he nodded. “That’s it. Now
raise your hips. Present that hungry cunt to me, girl, lift it
high. And don’t you dare fall until I give permission.”

Robin followed his instructions, so that she
was still resting on her calves, her back curved like a bow. Her
legs were still wide apart, and this position opened her pussy lips
before Chris, giving him a perfect view of the wetness his
treatment had drawn from her.

He leaned down and opened her, carefully,
keeping his eyes on hers. When she looked away, unable to bear his
gaze, he thrust two fingers inside of her, slipping through her
folds like a hand sliding through thick layers of glossy silk.
Robin opened for him easily; she was hot and soaked with her own
excitement, and her entire body shook with hunger and ecstasy.

In the same quick motion, he withdrew the
fingers and snapped a lightning fast slap against her swollen cunt
lips, and then penetrated her again. He repeated the motions again
and again, pushing into her and then slipping out to deliver
another stinging blow.

Robin thought she would go insane with the
pleasure and the agony! She lifted her hips in surrender and fell
slightly back with each blow. Her nipples, still aching from their
torment, felt as though they were still being crushed, so tight was
their arousal. And with each invasion, her clit seemed to nearly
explode with the pressure, only to feel the sharp sting of his
fingers a moment later. Her hip movements began to get more
exaggerated, rising to engulf his fingers, jerking back in reaction
to their impact.

Her arms shuddered with the pain of the
position, and she knew that she couldn’t take much more of this
without falling, but she bit her lip again and straightened them
out, fighting for the strength to keep going. And when finally, she
was trying to prepare the words that would let her tormentor know
that she had reached her limit, he stopped, and slapped one

Over! Hands and knees

She turned, trembling. As her thighs met,
she felt the amazing warmth and the flood of her own juices which
covered her sex and her upper thighs. When she knelt again, and
Chris pulled her legs apart, she whimpered.

Oh, I’m not finished with you yet,”
Chris said, reaching under her body. He seized her achingly sore
and needy cunt in his right hand and let the left one rest against
the curve of her ass. Without warning, he began to spank her, but
not in the manner of her past lovers, who used this particular form
of chastisement entirely for pleasure. No, Chris’s hand was heavy
and punishing, and each time it fell, his fingers under her body
accepted her thrust forward and hurt her in some way. At first, he
would strike, and then pinch her lips, tugging her backward again.
Then, he began to flick his fingers harshly across her engorged
clit. He would go back to pinching after a while, and then spread
her lips wide and press one finger up against the hood, until she
wriggled with explosive agony.

And meanwhile, his hand on her ass cheeks
gave rise to first a flush of heat, and then an insistent stinging
pain, and then the awful, jarring pain that brought up red marks
and left a lasting warmth.

Robin fell forward, onto her elbows,
whimpering, inarticulate sounds of endurance and reaction mixing
with every stimulus. And when the rhythm of the actions built up to
a peak from which she could not escape, her hips thrust back and
forth, her fingers gripped the carpet, and she gulped in breaths
that couldn’t sustain her until the next shock. The wave was
coming, it was building up like pressure in a sealed bottle, and
each new strike, each new twist, each torment drew her closer and

And then Chris stopped.

Wait there,” he said as he drew his
hands from her body.

Robin gasped, and it took all her strength
to keep from collapsing face forward onto the floor. As Chris rose
from the chair and walked behind her, the slight breeze caused by
his passing swept between her legs, chilling the skin that was so
covered with moisture. She moved slightly, and scraped her nipples
against the carpet, and bit back a moan. Carefully, she pushed
herself back up onto her arms, and stayed there, her head low, and

I don’t believe he
, she
thought, feeling tears in the corners of her eyes.
I don’t believe it!
I am so ready... I could have come in an instant! I haven’t been
this ready this fast in ages. Oh God, he is good.
She tried to ignore
the throbbing between her legs, and around her nipples, and the
glow of the beating on her ass.
I will be good
, she reminded herself.
And when he is
finished with me, I will get what I’ve wanted all my

Dimly, she heard him speaking again, but not
to her. It again took him a long time to get back, and she was
amazed that in that time, she had not lost the edge of her passion.
She was still as excited upon his return as she had been when he

Come here,” he said. Robin looked
toward him. He was standing by the window, his foot resting on the
edge of a low, narrow table positioned underneath it. She crawled
to him, not sure what other way might be permissible.

Good. Now come up―” He guided her with a
hand in her hair again, and pointed at his boot. “I want you to
straddle that. Yes, get your cunt over it, nice and comfortable.
Put your legs on either side of the table, and wrap your arms
around my leg.”

Robin did as he instructed, and the feel
of the polished leather between her legs sent a shudder throughout
her body. She gladly wrapped her arms around him, feeling the
warmth and strength of him, the smooth fabric of his

That’s it. You know what to do now,
girl. I want to see you get off. So move your body, hump my leg,
just like the little hungry pet you are. I want to feel you fucking
yourself on my boot, bringing yourself off just like a bad dog in
front of company. And you’re going to do it quickly, girl. You have
three minutes.” He gripped her hair and showed her that he was
looking at his watch. “Begin.”

Robin couldn’t think; she didn’t dare think.
Every word he said, the images he invoked, the incredible
humiliation of it all was too overwhelming to believe. But the need
within her was also overwhelming, and the need to obey, to do as
she was told, was also incomprehensibly strong. Slowly, she shifted
her position, trying to figure out how to do it. The first time her
weight settled back onto his boot, the leather pressing against
her, opening her up, she moaned at the intense surge of joy that
raced through her. The position was odd, and the command heavy, but
she moved her hips and body, and grasped his leg and whined, and
soon she had built up a rhythm that would satisfy.

BOOK: The Slave
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