Read The Sheik's Secret Bride Online

Authors: Susan Mallery

The Sheik's Secret Bride (11 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Secret Bride
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“Not at all.
I’m glad I could listen,” he said. “
is a special girl. It’s her father’s loss that he doesn’t want to spend time with her.”

She looked at him and smiled. “Thank you for saying that.” She glanced away and said, “Chuck and I were too young. Plus we weren’t really compatible, although I didn’t know that at the time. Still, my marriage gave me
, plus I learned a lot. I learned that I want my next marriage to be a partnership between equals. With Chuck I was always the grown-up and he was the kid. I hated that.”

“I can see why. It would be difficult to be romantic while scolding your husband about some transgression.”

She tilted her head and thought about the mystery surrounding
wife’s death. “So what did you learn from your marriage?”

Even in the shadows she saw his expression harden. “Not to marry an ugly, barren woman.”

She blinked. “That wasn’t exactly what I meant.”

“It remains the truth.” He motioned toward the path. “Shall we continue walking?”

“Sure.” She fell into step beside him.

“It doesn’t matter what I think about my first marriage,”
said. “The time is coming when I must take another wife.”

He spoke so matter-of-factly that Liana didn’t know what to do with the information. Especially given the way he’d kissed her a few nights ago. “Are you…um…seeing anyone special?”

Nor does that matter.
Like my first marriage, this match will most likely be arranged.”

That stopped her in her tracks. “You’re kidding?”

“I don’t see the situation as humorous,” he said, pausing beside her. “I am the Crown Prince of El
. There are political ramifications to any marriage I make. When the time comes, I’ll do my duty.”

“I can’t believe we’re talking about this,” she said honestly.
“An arranged marriage?
What if you don’t like her or you don’t get along?”

“I have a duty to my country.”

She saw that he was completely serious. He would marry a stranger for the sake of El
. While she admired his dedication, she wanted no part of it. “Your life is so different from mine. I can’t imagine living that way.” She waved her hand in a dismissing gesture. “You can keep your title and crown and whatever else you have. I’d rather have my privacy.”

“Don’t be so quick to judge, my prim friend. There are compensations for the lack of privacy.”

“Don’t call me prim. I’m not some dried up old virgin schoolteacher.”

“Agreed, but you are smug and convinced you know what is right.”

She didn’t know how to respond to that. She was pretty sure he was wrong. She wasn’t smug. At least she didn’t think so. But instead of entering into a debate, she asked, “What compensations?”

“Travel, wealth, power.”

“None of those really work for me.
Anything else?”

“Just this.”

Before she knew what he was going to do, he bent over and took her in his arms. Despite the fact that they’d only kissed once before, she found herself slipping into his embrace as if she’d done it a thousand times. Her body pressed against his eagerly, her head tilted back and she found herself wanting to surge forward and take the kiss he offered. She knew that if his mouth didn’t touch hers, she would die.

Passion exploded with that first brush of his lips. He started with a gentle exploration, but she wasn’t in the mood to be seduced. Instead she wanted to be taken…and taken now.

She raised one hand to his head and tunneled her fingers through his hair. As she did so, she pressed on his head, urging him closer. She parted her lips and when he entered, she sucked on his tongue, teasing him, arousing them both.

Suddenly his hands were everywhere. On her back, her rear, her hips,
then moving
up toward her breasts. Their hips pressed together. She could feel the hardness of his arousal jutting against her belly. Between her legs heat and wetness made her ache with a need she’d nearly forgotten. It seemed a lifetime since she’d wanted a man and she knew she’d never wanted one as much as she wanted this one.

If he’d pulled her up against him, she would have wrapped her legs around his hips and clung to him. If he’d started undressing her, she wouldn’t have thought to protest the act, nor the intimacy that would surely follow.

Even as his tongued plunged into her mouth over and over again, she knew how it would be between them. Her breasts swelled and her nipples tightened. She gasped in anticipation as his hands moved higher and when he finally cupped the aching curves, she held in a scream of pure pleasure.

She was hot and ready. She was willing to do whatever he might ask, and damn the consequences. What was going on? This wasn’t her at all. This was—

He brushed his thumbs against her nipples. The jolt of electric pleasure was so intense her legs nearly gave way. Answering heat flared in her most secret place and she was afraid if he kept touching her like that, she might actually climax right there in his arms.

The thought was so startling that she jerked herself out of his embrace and stepped back.

“Stop,” she commanded, her breath coming in gasps. “I can’t do this with you.”

dark gaze met her own. Except for his equally heavy breathing and the ridge pressing against his fly, he looked completely calm.

“Why are you upset?” he asked. “You enjoyed my attentions.”

“Yes, but it’s not right.” She pressed a hand to her flushed face and closed her eyes. When had the world gotten so crazy? “You’re a prince. I’m just some high school math teacher. This doesn’t make sense to me.”

“It makes sense to me.”

She opened her eyes and looked at him. “Is that what this is about? Did you bring me to the palace to sleep with me?” She felt a shudder of desire race through her and knew that she was right. She also knew that if she didn’t stop them both, she was going to give in without a second thought.

“Don’t bother answering,” she said quickly. “I get it. This is some kind of game with you.
Playing with the hired help.
You’re on the board of directors for the school, so I can’t even protest to my boss about you, or I risk getting fired.” She took another step back. “Is that how you do things here? Trap women into situations that are impossible,
take advantage of them? Can’t you leave me alone?”

stared at her for several seconds,
“My apologies, Ms. Archer.
It seems we have both misunderstood the situation. I won’t disturb you again.”

He turned on his heel and walked away, leaving her alone in the shadowy darkness of the beautiful garden. Liana stared after him and knew that she’d over-reacted, speaking without thinking. Except everything she’d said was true. He was taking advantage of her and the situation. The fact that she’d liked his attentions only made it worse.

If only he were a complete jerk, she thought, making her way toward the palace and the sanctuary of her room. But he wasn’t. He was charming to her, attentive to her daughter and she enjoyed his company…not to mention his kisses.
More than enjoyed.
And that was the danger. Because if
continued to press his suit, she would give in, and then where would she be?

Chapter 6

An insistent knocking woke Liana well before seven the next morning. She stumbled out of bed and into her robe,
made her way to the front door of the suite.

After the events of the night before, Liana hadn’t been able to fall asleep. Now she found herself with gritty eyes and a sense of exhaustion as she opened the door and peered blearily at the three servants waiting patiently in the hallway.

sent us,”
, a young woman in her mid twenties said. She gave a quick bob of a curtsy. “Sorry to wake you so early, ma’am, but he wanted to make sure we had you packed before you left for the school.”

Liana blinked several times, both to clear her vision and to give herself a second to absorb what she’d just heard. “Excuse me?”

said to tell you that he apologizes for any inconvenience. If you will allow us to enter, we will pack your belongings. They will be taken over to the housing on the property of the
. You will be in your own apartment by the time you finish with your classes.”

spoke politely enough but Liana could see that the young woman didn’t understand why anyone would want to leave the palace. At the moment, Liana sort of agreed with her. Why was
letting her go?

Then she remembered their conversation.
And the accusations.
had been listening.

What’s happening?”

was already up and dressed, but then she’d had a more restful night. Liana smoothed her daughter’s long hair. “These ladies are here to help us pack. We’re moving to the housing by the

In her plaid jumper and white shirt, a uniform the school required of all their students, her daughter looked older than her actual nine years. But at the thought of leaving the palace, tears filled her eyes.

“Mommy, I don’t want to go.”

Liana didn’t want to either anymore. But they didn’t belong here. “We’ve imposed on the royal family enough. We need to have our own place.”

“What about riding? Will I still be able to do that?”

“We’ll find a place near the school and you can take lessons.”

’s lower lip quivered. “It won’t be the same.”

“I know. But it will still be fun.” She turned to the three women still waiting by the open door. “I appreciate the offer, but we can pack ourselves.”

shook her head. “Prince
insisted. He said he didn’t want either of you to be late.” Her pretty face softened with a smile. “He also said to tell the little missy that he would still like to teach her about horses.”

’s tears faded as quickly as they’d formed and she clapped her hands together. “Oh, can I, Mommy? Please say yes. Please?”

“Of course you can still ride here.
When the prince has time for you.”

What else could she say? Her quarrel was with
and his treatment of her, not her daughter. And she wasn’t about to deprive
of a wonderful experience just because she, Liana, had to get some distance from the prince.

It would all be for the best, she told herself as she opened the door wide and let the women into the suite. She and her daughter would be much happier on their own. They would have a chance to make friends with the other teachers and their families, to take part in the organized tours and really see the country.

Liana was still busy convincing herself as she hurried toward the bathroom so that she could get ready for school. As she stepped into the shower, she had the wistful thought that she’d already seen more of the El
royal palace than would ever be allowed on the most expansive tour.

The building that housed the staff of the
had been built with comfort in mind. There was a large grocery and video store across the street and a burger and pizza place on the main floor. Liana’s fourth-floor condo was open and spacious. There were two bedrooms, each with its own bath. A study, gourmet eat-in kitchen, full-sized living room and a powder room for guests completed the floor plan. They had lovely views of a garden, along with the school’s playing field.

While the furniture was utilitarian and wouldn’t win any decorating awards, it was sturdy and looked comfortable. The condo had been decorated in shades of blue and beige, with light oak wood accents. The dining set was oak, as was the bedroom furniture. There were bright prints on the walls and a silk hanging in the small hallway.

A porter had carried up their bags and while
settled herself into her room, Liana explored the kitchen. She opened cupboard doors and studied the dishes and cooking utensils available.

“There’s a popcorn maker,” she called to her daughter. “We could make a big batch of caramel corn after we go rent some movies.”


But her daughter didn’t sound very enthused about the plan. If anything her voice held that “I’m humoring my parent” tone. But Liana knew they were going to be fine here. The rooms were large and airy. The other teachers had been welcoming at work and she was sure they would be just as friendly here in the condo. Besides, it was only for a couple of years. When they left El
, it would be with enough money to buy their own house back in
San Bernardino

BOOK: The Sheik's Secret Bride
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