The Sheikh's Kidnapped Bride (The Sharqi Sheikhs Series Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Kidnapped Bride (The Sharqi Sheikhs Series Book 3)
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Chapter 9


Carolyn followed Mahil as he led her around the side of the palace. They walked through various courtyards, past columns of marble and gardens filled with fragrant flowers that reminded her more of a tropical paradise than a desert-ridden wasteland.

“Where are we going?” she asked him a few minutes later. They had come to a stop near a wooden gate.

Mahil smiled at her and then pushed the gate open, revealing a luxurious garden oasis. A large clam-shaped pool of water was situated in the middle of the garden, surrounded by palm trees, ferns, and flowering plants that perfumed the air.

The water entered the pool from a small waterfall, adding a soothing array of sound to the area that immediately calmed her spirits.

She walked forward, feeling like Eve in the Garden of Eden, “What is this place?”

“It is called a paradise pool. Most palaces have such a place where one can relax in the mineral water and soothe their tired bodies and minds. Come and take a swim.”

Carolyn looked at the inviting water and then shook her head, “I need a bathing suit.”

“No you don’t. Besides, you just rip up the clothing I give you.”

Carolyn blinked at his verbal jab and then watched in part horror and fascination as he summarily stripped in front of her. He removed his shirt, revealing a chest devoid of hair, tanned, and well-muscled.

Next came his shoes, which he kicked off followed by his socks and jeans, which he left in a small pile at the edge of the water.  He glanced at her once and told her, “Come on. Get out of your clothes. The water’s warm.”

He turned and dived straight into the water while she watched. The last thing she saw before he disappeared beneath the surface of the water was his finely chiseled buttocks and long legs. She’d only glimpsed his manhood, but what she’d seen had been enough to start her engines and fuel her imagination.

He surfaced, shaking his head to clear the water from his eyes and then stared straight at her. “Come on in. The water’s very refreshing.”

Carolyn looked at the water and then back to him. “Turn around,” she requested, making a spinning motion with her fingers.

Mahil looked at her and then slowly shook his head, “No.” He let his gaze skim from her neck to her toes, and Carolyn felt her body heat under his frank perusal. She knew he was challenging her, but what he didn’t know is that she was never one to back down from a challenge. Even if it was the prudent thing to do.

Firming her lips, she took a step towards the water and reached down to unbuckle the sandals from her feet. She held his gaze the entire time, biting her lip when she saw the fire ignite in his blue eyes. Where they were normally ice blue, they had now darkened to a deep sapphire color. She felt her stomach twist and a shiver of awareness skittered down her spine.

Carolyn slowly stood up and inched the altered dress up, pausing for effect when she reached the top of her thighs. She skimmed it up higher, shimmying her hips as she revealed the lacy underwear that she’d found in one of the bureau drawers, and then moved it higher, revealing her belly button and the firm muscles of her stomach.

One of the benefits of working herself to a frazzle had been not having to worry about gaining weight. In fact, she could stand to put on a few pounds to take the sharp edges off her hips and shoulder blades. At least that’s what Kerri had told her several times over the last few months.

Mahil swam closer to the edge of the pool as she pulled the dress up higher, slowly revealing the cups of the matching lace bra that cradled her lush breasts, and then in a swift move, she pulled the offending garment off and over her head, tossing it to the ground behind her.

She took another step towards the pool, intending to enter the water with her underwear still intact, but a steamy look from Mahil stopped her. “Off.” The unspoken
I dare you
wasn’t lost on her and she narrowed her eyes at him.

You want a show? I’ll give you a show you won’t ever forget.

Slowly lowering the straps of the bra, she let them rest on her upper arms as she reached behind her to unfasten the hooks. Putting her arms behind her forced her breasts up and out and she smirked when Mahil groaned softly. Meeting his gaze, she brought her arms back around and deliberately let the bra slide from her body.

Carolyn knew what she looked like, but seeing the appreciation on his face made her feel beautiful in a way she’d never felt before. His eyes followed her curves, and as she dropped the bra to the ground and reached for the waistband of her underwear, she watched him swallow and slowly walk towards her. He was still chest deep in the water, and the steam rising up helped provide her with the extra bit of protection she needed to finish disrobing in front of him.

Rolling the waistband down, she pushed her panties down past her knees and then carefully stepped out of it. She resisted the urge to cover herself, instead standing before the pool of water and lowering herself into the water with the carved steps the pool provided.

She gasped as the heat from the warm water seeped into her legs and then her buttocks as she walked deeper and deeper into the water. The mineral salts were already working on her sore muscles as Carolyn continued going deeper until she could no longer stand.

Swimming over to him, her body shivered in response when he reached out his hands and grabbed her around the waist, continuing to bring her into him until their bodies were flush against each other from chest to knees.

The feel of his naked body against hers, hot and hard - a contrast to the soft pillow of her breasts. “You were right,” she told him softly, still holding his gaze.

“About?” he asked, squeezing her waist and then letting one hand skim up her side, his fingertips brushing the outside curve of her breast before rising to run the back of his fingers across her collar bone.

“The water does feel nice.”

When his roving hand dipped between them, closing around her nipple and rolling it between his thumb and forefinger, she only managed to keep her eyes open by sheer determination. His touch felt so natural and right, and yet, she’d never been one for easily giving of her body to another.

This man had kidnapped her from her country, forced her to reside in his home, and refused to take her home until she shared all of her deep dark secrets with him. The last thing she should be doing was wrapping her thighs around his hips and helping him fit their bodies together.

But she was helpless to resist the sexual pull between them. Being here with him. Now. In this place. Felt right somehow. She didn’t understand it, but as his fingers grazed the valley between her legs, making sure she was primed and ready for him, she didn’t care. His touch felt so good and she’d been without sex for longer than she liked to admit. She needed this. She
this. With him.


“Cara, tell me you’re ready for me? I’m so hard for you, I don’t think I can go slowly.” Mahil warned her as he dragged in a steadying breath while her body clenched around his searching fingertips.

“Please…don’t make me wait any longer. I want you,” Carolyn told him, closing her eyes and reveling in the feelings his touch was evoking in her body.

“Kiss me,” he commanded her. He used his free hand to lift her chin up, capturing her lips in a heated kiss that made the one from earlier seem like child’s play. He didn’t merely kiss her; he consumed her. Her breath became his, as he sought to possess her.

Turning, Mahil brought them over to the side of the pool and lifted her legs so that she could place her feet on the solid rock at the bottom of the pool ledge. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she lifted her hips as he adjusted himself. Rubbing the head of his shaft against her slit, he began to push slowly in, careful not to go too fast. She was so small and tight, he didn’t want to hurt her. Not now. Not ever.

His body shook with the effort, as he resisted the urge to slam into her, to take what he so desperately wanted. When she moaned into his mouth and used her hands to lever herself up by pressing against his shoulders, he was ready to demand she stay, but then she slid down his length and all thoughts of protest fled his mind. He let her control the movement for all of three seconds before the demands of his body took over and he used both hands to control her.

When he felt her tighten around him and heard her whispered pleas for him to go a little harder; a little deeper—he turned her around and pressed her back against the pool wall as he sped up. Lengthening his strokes, he commanded her to open her eyes so that he could see the passion in her eyes. Meeting his gaze, she smiled seductively as she shifted her hips, increasing the pleasure for both of them.

Carolyn began moaning in earnest as Mahil felt her begin to shake with need. Her muscles contracted tightly around him with each downward thrust making it difficult for him to pull out. Feeling his own impending release, he shortened his thrusts continually adjusting his angle to increase her pleasure.

Screaming his name, she clutched him tightly as her muscles spasmed. With a groan, Mahil’s pleasure surged through him, as he slammed his pelvis against hers and her muscles continued to contract around him.

He waited until her body had softened beneath his hands before he staggered backwards, finding the built-in bench seat, collapsing on it even as he held her in his arms and murmured words of endearment to her.

He didn’t know if she could understand him, but at that moment, he was beyond caring. They had just shared something amazing and he wasn’t about to let words ruin it. He’d been right about her. She was perfect!

Chapter 10


Mahil cradled Carolyn against his chest, arranging her legs so that she sat across his thighs, her head on his shoulder as she recovered from their recent lovemaking. He used the quiet time to collect his own thoughts, still amazed at the connection he felt to this woman.

She was gorgeous and everything about her appealed to him. Even her sassy independent streak. He liked that she took her responsibilities seriously and was determined to make it on her own, but he also knew how badly that kind of independence could turn out.

When she stirred in his arms, he dropped a kiss on her forehead and then nuzzled her jawline, “Sleepy?”

Carolyn yawned and stretched slightly, “I always seem to be tired these days.” She started to say something else and then stopped herself.

Mahil felt like a door was partially opened and he pushed, wanting her to tell him what was going on in her life. “You work too much.”

Carolyn sighed, “I know, but it’s necessary right now. In a little while I won’t need to work as many hours and I can slow down and concentrate on my schooling.”

“Why wait?”

Carolyn fidgeted on his lap and tried to break free, but he held her firmly in place, “I really don’t want to talk about this right now.”

Mahil nibbled on her ear as he murmured against her head, “Cara, I want to help you…”

“But it’s my responsibility, not yours. You don’t owe me anything. Well, except for a plane ticket home at some point, but my problems are mine. I don’t need your help to solve them.”

Mahil decided to let the matter drop for the moment. Ahmed was in the process of finding out the details of her problems, and then he could confront her with them along with any viable solutions that might exist. Until then, he intended to spend as much time with her as possible. Not fighting.

“So, you don’t want to talk about your problems? Let’s talk about mine.”

Carolyn looked at him and then slowly nodded, “Okay. But I have to tell you I can’t see what problems you could possibly have.”

“Well there is the problem of the date you still owe me. I paid an exorbitant amount of money to spend two hours in your company, and those ten minutes at that run down diner where you work doesn’t count. By my calculations, you still owe me.”

Carolyn visibly flinched before she looked at him and nodded, “Okay. So what do you propose we do about it?”

“Dinner tonight.”

“Alright. That sounds fair,” she agreed.

“Good. At least this way you can’t use the excuse of work to stand me up.”

Carolyn blushed and shook her head, “No, my schedule is all yours.”

“Good. Now, you look as though you could use a nap.”

Carolyn yawned and nodded her head, “It must be this heated water. I’m starting to feel really sleepy.”

“It will do that to you.” Mahil stood up with her and carried her out of the water, walking towards one of the large hammocks hanging between the palm trees. He deposited her in the hammock and then handed her a small pillow and a soft towel. The air in the paradise pool was warm and drying off wasn’t usually an issue.

“Sleep for a while. I will see you at dinner tonight.”

“You aren’t going to sleep as well?” she questioned him.

Mahil leaned over and kissed her sweetly before shaking his head, “No. I have some unfinished business to attend to. Can you find your way back into the palace?”

Carolyn looked around her and then nodded, “I think so.”

“Good. Until this evening.” He kissed her once more and then scooped up his discarded clothing and wrapped a large towel around his waist. He was whistling as he left the pool area and Carolyn couldn’t help but smile. She was happy and satisfied. When another yawn claimed her attention, she realized that there was no reason she couldn’t have a short nap.

Closing her eyes, she let her body relax into sleep, blue eyes and a raking smile dominated her dreams of a man who took her breath away. Her last thought as sleep claimed her was that she could fall for Sheik Mahil easily if she wasn’t careful.
And that would not be wise at all.

BOOK: The Sheikh's Kidnapped Bride (The Sharqi Sheikhs Series Book 3)
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