The Sextet - Occupational Hazards [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: The Sextet - Occupational Hazards [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“That way we could use better materials, maybe even replace the siding. You’d never have to paint this place again.”

“What’s the catch?” There
to be a catch. There was
a catch.

He shook his head. “No catch. You could make as much—or as little—of our…
as you like.”

Ty was probably trying to make his proposal sound more appealing—and he was succeeding—but in light of their previous encounter, the kink factor was skyrocketing. Her pussy woke up, and a persistent ache began. Perhaps she hadn’t misread him after all.

“I’ll…think about it.”

“Sure. Take your time. We’ll be here all day if you want to discuss it some more.” He gave her a smile that could have been anything from seductive to encouraging. “By the way, we hauled that wet mattress out of your room. Derrick is up there with a shop vac, sucking the water out of the carpet.” Angelica could’ve sworn he winked at her again before he went back to work.

Settling his goggles back in place, he started the chainsaw with one quick yank. What
it about a big, strong man with a chainsaw? Then the Monty Python “Lumberjack Song” began running through her head.
I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay. I sleep all night and I work all day.

“I put on women’s clothing and hang around in bars,” Angelica sang softly. Chuckling, she headed into the house. “Yeah, right. I’m sure he does.”

After a quick sandwich for lunch, she headed upstairs, unable to resist the need to see if the carpet could, indeed, be salvaged. Since it was her own room, she hadn’t intended to replace the carpeting, saving her money for the guest rooms.

The shop vac made enough noise to drown out any sound of her approach as she climbed the stairs and peeked inside the open door. Her first glance revealed that the mattress wasn’t the only thing they’d moved out. All of the furniture was gone, leaving the floor clear, but that wasn’t what held her gaze. Derrick was bent over with his back toward her, hard at work.

Without a shirt.

Angelica couldn’t blame him for that. The day was already hot and getting hotter, and with the air-conditioning turned off, the third floor rooms tended to be very stuffy. He’d opened the windows and had a fan on, but apparently that wasn’t enough.

She’d been too stunned and embarrassed to notice before, but the “incurable slut” had the body to go with his reputation. The goofy little blond kid had grown up to be a handsome, muscular stud who reminded her of a Vegas stripper she’d once dated. Unfortunately, the stripper hadn’t been the brightest lightbulb in the pack, and after two dates, she’d lost interest—and his lack of intelligence wasn’t the only reason. The sexual spark that should have been there simply wasn’t.

Derrick, on the other hand, was getting to her. Maybe it was what he’d said about her boobs being beautiful—though he hadn’t been the first man to make that observation—but he was stirring up erotic thoughts and feelings just as Tyrone had done. What
it about these guys that sent her libido screaming into overdrive and her mind diving straight into the gutter?

That had to be it. Chemistry wasn’t everything, but it was certainly a better place to start than any of her previous attempts at relationships. Men had chased her before—even made suggestive comments that were far more explicit—but nothing had made her pussy drool quite like these three. Just remembering the way it felt to have Derrick gazing longingly at her naked breasts made her want to rip her shirt off so he could do it again.

But right now, she was sending her own longing gazes toward his jean-clad buns.
Nice ass.
When was the last time she’d admired one of those?
About five minutes ago.
Luke had been in a similar position while wielding a chainsaw, displaying a butt worthy of a second look—and a third—but Derrick’s was world class.

He finally noticed her standing there—probably even realized she was drooling—and shut off the vacuum. Drawing himself up to his full height, he grinned at her with unabashed delight. Sweat ran down his chest, forming a little rivulet in the middle that lost itself in the blond treasure trail that led to his belt buckle. “It really gets hot up here, doesn’t it?” His grin broadened. “I was thinking about stripping down to my shorts.”

Angelica’s mouth went dry. “You could do that,” she croaked. “I wouldn’t mind.”

His brow rose in a suggestive arch. “There’s just one problem with that.”


“I’m not wearing any shorts.”

“Really?” Her voice now had a bit of a squeak to it.

“Yeah. Really.” He licked his lips before sucking the lower one into his mouth. His hand slid toward his belt. “Want me to prove it?”

“You’re probably wearing a thong.”

He shook his head slowly. “Nope.”

“You really are an incurable slut, aren’t you?”

“Sure am. Can’t help it. It’s my nature.”

“Do you—I mean, you didn’t act this way around my neighbor, did you?” Sue had to be at least seventy years old.

“Might have if I’d dropped in on her when she was only wearing a thong.” He smiled wickedly. “I really like women in thongs.”

“It shows.” And not only in his face. He had a bulge beneath his zipper the size of an overgrown zucchini, the kind that hide under the leaves until they reach gargantuan proportions. Well, perhaps it wasn’t
big, but the way Angelica’s mind was working that day, she felt that a few minor exaggerations were perfectly understandable.

“Did Ty tell you about the discussion we had after you left?”

“Sort of.”

“Good. Because I’m adding something else to our little labor agreement. I’ll do anything you ask me to do. And you can do anything you like to me.”

“Anything?” She was squeaking again.


“Is this just you, or does it include the others?”

“They can make you any kind of offer they like. This one is mine—though I think the others would be happy to join in.”

Oh, God…
She raked a hand through her hair, totally destroying her going-to-the-bank look. “It’s a deal.”
Did I really say that? Aloud?

“Great! What do you want me to do first?”

Angelica’s throat was so tight it was almost like being strangled. “P–prove you aren’t wearing shorts.”

With a smirk that signaled his complete approval, he slowly unbuckled his belt, flipped open the snap, and tugged the zipper all the way down. With two shakes of those incredible buns, his jeans fell to his knees.

Angelica’s eyes began a slow, sensuous journey, starting at the top of his head and working their way down. Past his neck to his muscular chest, down his abs to his navel, following the line of crisp, blond curls to the nest surrounding his rock hard cock, to his dangling nuts, to his knees and back again. “Turn around and shake your ass.”

His cock pulsed, forcing a jet of fluid from the slit like water from a garden hose.

“You really are a slut, aren’t you?”

Nodding, he put his hands on his head and turned, flexing his buttocks twice before giving them a shake. In response, Angelica’s pussy let loose a flood of moisture that rivaled his spurt. Derrick’s jeans now lay coiled around his ankles like a rope.

“What do you like to have done to your ass? Do you like it stroked, scratched, spanked?”

“All of those,” he replied. “And I love it when Luke fucks me. He really nails me good.”

“You guys do each other?” Why this notion should drive Angelica’s normally heterosexual brain wild was a mystery, but the mere thought of watching such a display had her panting with lust.

“Oh, yeah. But we like women, too.”

The ensuing mental image flipped another switch, sending her mind and body careening down an entirely different path. “Ever do it together? All three of you?”

Derrick tossed a sly smile over his shoulder. “Meaning one girl and the three of us at the same time? No, not yet. But we keep hoping. This could be your lucky day, Angelica.”

Chapter 3

Derrick hadn’t been convinced he was the best one of them to use as bait, but so far, the plan seemed to be working. He had her hooked. Now all he had to do was reel her in. He turned sideways, giving her a profile view of cock and ass at the same time, figuring that if he was trying to sell this partnership on the strength of his body, he’d better let her see all of it. Toeing off his boots, he stepped out of his jeans.

“So, if we’re partners in business, does that mean we’re also partners in the bedroom? Is that what you’re saying?” Her eyes were practically glued to his dick.
Good girl.

Derrick shrugged. “Whatever you want, sweetheart. I’m easy.”

Angelica giggled. “I think we’ve established that much. But what about the others?”

“Angelica,” he said patiently. “What part of ‘can we fuck you’ didn’t you understand?”

“Okay, that accounts for Luke, but what about Tyrone?”

It was Derrick’s turn to laugh. “Trust me, he didn’t bid low just because we needed this job. There were plenty of other things motivating him—and that was before we all saw you in nothing but a thong.”

“You know…I’ve never had much luck with one boyfriend. But the three of you…” She paused, chewing on her lips nervously.

“The three of us what?”

“I…I’m not sure. I’ve never been any good at this sort of thing.”

Derrick snorted. “You were doing just fine a minute ago. And you’ve got us all as horny as stags in rut. I’d say you were
good at this ‘sort of thing.’”


Derrick rolled his eyes and grabbed hold of his stiff shaft. “Doesn’t this say
to you?”

“You could’ve just taken a Viagra pill for all I know.” Spearing her fingers through the hair at her temples, she squeezed her head between her hands. “I’m so
at this! I keep thinking I might finally have a clue, and then something happens and I’m right back where I started.”

Damn, she’s a hard sell…
He walked slowly toward her. Scaring her off now was a definite possibility. He had to be very careful. Ty and Luke were counting on him. “No Viagra involved, Angelica. Only you.”

“I wish I could believe that.” Her adventurous moment had passed, and now she was practically in tears. He had to do something quick.

“Close your eyes.”


“Close your eyes and keep them shut for a minute.”

Derrick wasn’t sure she’d do it, but her eyelids finally fluttered down.

“Now, take some deep breaths. In and out.” He watched her chest rise and fall. Using the time he’d bought, he moved close enough to touch her cheek. She flinched at first, but as he deepened the caress, she relaxed again. Cupping her chin, he leaned down. Her lips were full, ripe, and quivering. “Keep breathing and don’t open your eyes.” Feathering light kisses on her lips, he waited for her to respond. She didn’t.

He tried again, running the edge of his lower lip across her mouth, tracing the outline, dragging it over the seam where her lips came together. And waited.

The movement was very slight, and he kept his lips soft, fighting the impulse to smile as the suction began—tentative, furtive, but growing steadily bolder. He slipped an arm around her and inched closer, waiting for her sigh. When it finally came, he deepened the kiss, tasting, caressing, letting the hand holding her chin glide past her cheek to tangle in her hair. Her arms crept around his waist and up his back.

Scattering kisses from her lips to the base of her neck, he whispered, “Tell me how you feel.”

“I don’t know…nervous, uncertain.”

“That’s your brain talking. Don’t listen to it. What does your body tell you?”

“It’s saying things it’s never said before.”

“Like what?”

She was trembling in his arms. “Like it…wants you.”

“Well, you know what? It can have me, right here, right now. No waiting.” Except for the time it would take him to undress her. Being all decked out to visit the banker had her in a very businesslike navy blue skirt and jacket with a silky white blouse—stockings and all. The thong would’ve been a hell of a lot easier. “Are you still wearing a thong?”

BOOK: The Sextet - Occupational Hazards [The Sextet Anthology, Volume 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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