Read The Seduction Game - Rock Star Edition Online

Authors: Nicole Jennings

Tags: #erotica, #erotic fiction, #erotic contemporary, #rockstar sex, #erotic adult, #erotic adult sex erotic short stories, #rockstar fantasy, #rockstar erotica, #erotic billionaire, #rockstar bad boy, #men are horny

The Seduction Game - Rock Star Edition (3 page)

BOOK: The Seduction Game - Rock Star Edition
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“Do you want to get out of here?” His voice
is husky and seductive as he murmurs into my neck.

“Yeah.” My eyes glance to the side, the rest
of the room’s occupants have their backs toward us. “Do you have a
room?” I practically pant.

“Jason and your friend are using it.” His
lips trail up my neck and he grabs my earlobe with his teeth and
gives it a tug. “Bathroom?”

Afraid to trust my voice at the moment, I
simply nod. In one quick motion he lifts me out of the seat and I
wrap my legs around him as he carries me to the bathroom.

His button-down shirt billows around him as I
slide it off his shoulders and begin to suck and nibble at his long
neck. Sometime on the way to the bathroom his mask finally makes
its way off.

He kicks the door closed with his boot and
sits me on the counter. A few bumps and curse words later, a red
glow illuminates the room. He has turned on a heat lamp in the

Another quick flick of his fingers and my
strapless bra falls to the floor at the same time my top is lifted
over my head.

My fingers work to unbuckle his belt and push
his pants down. Not expecting him to be without underwear, I gasp
when his manhood springs forward. The heat in the room escalates,
and I’m having trouble controlling my excited breathing.

His thin undershirt is still hiding what, at
the moment, I can only assume are perfectly sculpted abs. I can’t
get the shirt off fast enough.

Large hands run up my stomach and over my
breasts causing my nipples to harden in response. My back arches
pressing into his hands, begging for more.

One of my hands grabs him and begins to tease
and taunt him. Our lips crash into each other with urgency as he
pulls me off of the sink and helps me remove my pants and panties
in one fell swoop. My Rock Star begins to lay small kisses on my
leg as he works his way back up my body.

Standing in front of him completely
vulnerable, scared and excited at the same time I can’t help but to
think to myself,
Oh my God, this is truly happening. I have the
current chart topper international rock star in between my
. When the tip of his tongue grazes my inner thigh I let
out a noisy gasp. A breath of air blows over the moist area causing
me to shiver with delight.

“Oh please, do it.” I’m not below begging. If
he does not stop teasing me right now I may explode.

“Someone is greedy.” He looks up at my and
purses his lips. “That’s not very lady-like,”

“Neither is-Ahhh . . .” He flicks his tongue
out stopping my train of thought. That tongue that he playfully
sticks out while on stage is very talented in the privacy and red
glow of the bathroom. My knees go wobbly so I grab onto his broad
shoulders for support.

To my dismay he stops pleasuring me, and runs
a hand up my stomach. I feel teeth bite down on my hip bone, hard.
I’m sure it’s going to leave a mark. A hiss of pleasure escapes my

“Mmm, I love hipbones.” He rubs the now
reddening area soothingly with a large thumb as he stands.

Resisting the urge to be cliché and say

My turn
,” I bend my head and grab his pert brown nipple
between my teeth, giving it the slightest pressure. His skin is
salty sweet and smooth aside from a trail of dark hairs leading
downward from his navel. I take my time running my lips along his
lean body, paying attention to each sculpted ab, until I am down
that promising trail of ruddy little hairs, once again kneeling in
front of him. I take him in my mouth and he grabs a fist full of my
hair. I can feel his excitement building, but not yet.

He steps away and pulls me to my feet, with
eager hands he turns me around and I spread my legs for him. He
grabs himself and gives me what I’ve been wanting all evening. The
feel of his strong thrusts make me moan out loud. He grabs my hips
and I hang onto the sink to steady myself. Slowly, he starts and as
the momentum builds his hands begin to roam over my body. Tracing
each knot in my spine with his fingers, he eventually reaches the
nape of my neck.

I push back wanting more, needing more. A raw
primal growl rumbles from his chest and he presses his body against
mine. To deepen the connection he wraps his arm around my waist and
crushes me to him.

“Oh God,” I cry out, just about undone with

There is a click and we both freeze, the door
begins to open.

“Hey, I gotta take a piss man,” someone

My Rock Star’s mood shifts. “Get the fuck out
of here,” he growls and slams the door shut securing the lock.

“It’s like living in a frat house, I’m sorry.
Are you okay?” His eyes are soft and apologetic. A hand raises and
brushes a lock of hair from my cheek.

“It’s okay.” And honestly, it’s a little
exciting, but I won’t admit that to him. I work to steady my

His skin is tinted red from the light and the
heat is giving him the appearance that he is glowing. I now
understand why the red light district is named such. It’s very

Moments pass with his hand firmly pressed
against the door, waiting for the intruder to leave. My senses
begin to tingle with the memory of him inside of me and I long for
more. Eyes locked on him, I slide my hand down my center and begin
to pleasure myself. He glances down and growls before he advances
on me and our body’s crash together like magnets.

There is more pounding on the other side of
the door. In response, my Rock Star lifts me by the waist and slams
me against the door knocking the wind out of me. A moment later he
thrusts into me with renewed vigor. Our bodies bang against the
door as I moan in ecstasy.

“Asshole,” a muffled response answers before
giving up his interruption. Both of us start to laugh. But my
laugher is cut off by another one of his sexy growls. His muscular
arm flexes as he tightens his grip around my bottom, holding me in
the air with only one hand.

“Holy shit,” I cry out, my body is so attuned
to him I can feel even the slightest movement inside of me. He
responds with yet another primitive growl sending a shiver down my
spine, before grabbing a handful of hair at the nape of my neck and
pulling. My head falls back leaving my neck vulnerable to an
assault of kisses and nips.

I cry out again and fall over the edge of my
climax, but he doesn’t relent.

Needing a little longer, I push him away and
he stumbles back and lands on the toilet.
Thank God the lid was
. Seizing the moment I hitch a leg over him. He cocks an
eyebrow and a little ‘o’ forms on his mouth. Without giving him a
chance to think, I grab him and ease myself down, taking charge of
the moment.

The back of the toilet bangs against the
wall, but I no longer care if we’re making too much noise, if his
friends want to attempt to interrupt us, we’ll interrupt their

With his head buried in my chest he mumbles
something about how wonderful my breasts are and I arch my back
giving him more of what he clearly wants. His thrust intensifies
reaching new areas inside of me as he pulls on my breast. I’m
thrown over the edge again and try to cup my mouth to muffle my
scream. Laughing, he pulls my hands away and presses his forehead
against mine.

“I want your ass, please.” The words are
growled at me and he’s gazing at me with those hooded, lust filled,
radiant blue eyes. I’m powerless to say no.

Something snaps inside of him, one moment I
am on top of him, the next he has me pinned against the sink,
getting passionate kisses laid over my neck and chest, his hands
grab onto me harder than needed and it only intensifies my need. I
cannot get enough of this man, even if there will be marks
tomorrow. A drop of sweat trails down his forehead and I brush it
away before it reaches his eyes.

A crooked grin spreads across his face and he
cocks his head to the side. “Thank you,” he breathes.

He turns me around and I watch in the mirror
as he spits in his hand and gently rubs my behind. His hair is
starting to stick to his face, but he doesn’t seem to care.

As he enters me, slow, testing every inch he
reaches around and begins to play me like a guitar. His fingers
work such magic that I enjoy the experience far more than I ever
have before. The low throaty growl he makes intensifies and he soon
pulls out and climaxes.




Her body quakes when I begin to tease her
clit with my fingers and the reverberations run into my body. There
is no way I can hold out much longer, but damn, I want to.

Not long after she grabs onto my arm digging
her nails into my skin I collapse onto her back, slick with sweat
from our exertion, and ride out my orgasm.

From my vantage point behind her I watch her
breasts heave in the mirror, but something is off. Her arms begin
to tremble holding my weight up. Sometimes I can be such a selfish
bastard; ravaging her in the bathroom with four of my road crew on
the other side of the bathroom door.

Now she’s tired, and I’ve got nothing to
offer her except a cold tile floor. I throw a towel down and sit on
the floor as she stands there looking at me with the cutest
bewildered look on her face.

“Come here…”

She obliges and straddles my lap. Her lips
curl into a wicked grin that makes my dick twitch. I’d love nothing
more than to stay inside of her all night and elicit more of those
soft moans. But, I need to think about this girl’s needs even if
she is making it rather difficult right now, nibbling up my jaw. “I
wish I had a bed to take you to. Damn Jason, I’m so sorry.” Her
nose wrinkles when she smiles and I can’t resist the urge to kiss

“Don’t be, I had fun,” she purrs and her hips
rock in my lap, eager for more.

“Mmm, so did I.” Even as exhaustion is
beginning to set in she’s exciting me. There is a ferocity in her
I’ve never seen in a one night stand. “God damn, I want to take you
on stage and fuck you,”

And I just said that out loud. To cover my
embarrassment, I bury my head in her sweet little neck. Not that
fucking her on stage wouldn’t be incredibly sexy, but I’m sure
she’d never do it.

“I don’t think your fans would like that very
much.” She laughs and looks me dead in the eyes. There is a spark,
maybe a fiery passion in the gaze. She didn’t say no, maybe she’s
even kinkier than I expected. I just want to consume her.

“I don’t care, I’d like it,”

“Me too,” she confesses and covers my mouth
with kisses.

Excited, I pull her even closer to my body,
with probably a little too much force, but I don’t care. I simply
can’t get enough of her silky body.




Even though every moment naked with him has
been pure bliss, our bodies eventually succumb to the need for
sleep. The kisses become gentle and slow. Lust filled eyes give way
to blissful, half-closed eyes, and his rough urgent hands now
caress my collarbone with the gentlest of strokes.

He helps me find my clothes in the dim red
glow of the room and we re-emerge into a now quiet hotel room. The
light of dawn has already begun to seep in through cracks in the
thick curtains.
Just how long were we in the bathroom?

A crewmember is fast asleep on one of the
queen beds, but my Rock Star will have none of that. He nudges the
guy in his shoulder to wake him.

“Get off my bed,” he demands and the guy
complies with just a few sleep filled grumbles. Unfortunately for
me, he takes the blanket and a pillow, leaving only one pillow on
the bed.

This doesn’t seem to bother my Rock Star
though, he lays down and grabs my hand pulling me into the bed with
him. Before making himself comfortable he offers me the pillow and
even gives it a fluffing pat.

When I’m settled in the bed he curls up
around me and falls asleep with his hand gripping my breast.

It seems like I’ve just fallen asleep when
someone slaps my leg and my eyes pop open. “Thanks for occupying
the bathroom all night douche,” someone complains.

“Fuck off,” my Rock Star grumbles and he
pulls the sheet over our heads. His need presses against my back so
I slowly move my hips against him. A pleasant soreness has settled
on me but the thought of him inside of me again still excites me.
My heart rate escalates.

“Must. Sleep,” he mumbles, but slips a hand
in between my thighs. Great, how am I supposed to sleep now?

The room slowly becomes a buzz of activity as
the earth awakes; I lay quiet in the comfort and exhaustion of my
Rock Star’s arms until Amy emerges.

“Wake up sleepy head,” she says in her usual
singsong voice. It still amazes me how she’s able to be so chipper
so early in the morning.

“Come on dude, time to hit the road home.” I
hear Jason address my Rock Star and the covers slide from our

Groggy and sore, I stumble out of bed and
slip on my boots. Amy patiently waits with a Cheshire cat grin on
her face. She clearly had a good night, and I’m looking forward to
all of the details on the ride home. I hope she enjoyed my Rock
Star’s room.

I can’t be mad at her for taking it. Without
the room, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have had one of the wildest
nights of my life. Slightly voyeuristic, but I’ve had much more on
that front.

Grabbing my purse I look around to say
goodbye to my Rock Star. Our eyes meet from across the room and he
smiles at me and approaches.

“Leaving already?”

“Yeah, thank-”

“Let me walk you out,” he interrupts me,
placing a large firm hand on the small of my back.

Outside Amy walks on to the car but he pauses
and grabs my hand. “Come see me next time okay,” he murmurs.

“Okay,” I agree. I know there won’t be a next
time as this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I don’t

BOOK: The Seduction Game - Rock Star Edition
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