Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (41 page)

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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"Well? Is it true or isn't it? Did anything
happen or not?" Jason looked like he was getting ready to go
ballistic again and he was every bit as big, powerful and athletic
as his brother. The lone remaining security guard was getting ready
to intervene, wondering if his very considerable salary was worth
this kind of headache.

Suzy still didn't answer. Zachary had put her
through hell the last few days, just because he could. Now she was
sitting there, barely covering the physical embarrassment which her
body had provoked in him, and with just a word she could unleash a
whirlwind of trouble upon his gorgeous, ruffled head.

God knows he deserved it.

"Do I automatically get fired if I tell the
truth." she said, exulting in the moment, relishing the change in
the balance of power.

"Of course not." Jason assured her. "You
won't have to work for him anymore but at Demovic you won't get
fired for being sexually harassed. If Zachary has a problem then
he's the one who has to sort it out. Maybe he will need to step
down for a while until he learns to relate to women correctly. So
come on Suzy, I'm on your side here. Just say the word and we can
get things started. What did Zachary do to you?"

She took a step closer to Jason, the man who
had changed her life by falling head over heels in love with her
sister. He took a step back. Seeing Suzy physically exposed like
this was deeply unsettling for him.

"Please put some clothes on Suzy," he said,
"this is just crazy."

She ignored him and walked over to Zachary,
put her hand to his shoulder and felt him go rigid under her

"Tell Melissa she has nothing to worry
about." She said. "Maybe something happened here last night and
maybe it didn't. It's really none of your business, but let's just
say that I'm getting along absolutely fine in my new job. Isn't
that so Zachary?"

Zachary looked up at her, in awe and intense
restrained sexual desire. He pushed the pillow down onto his lap
and nodded his head.

"You see? It's all okay Jason. You and
Melissa can go back to your trip, your vacation, whatever it was
and tell her…"

Jason waited, he was rarely at a loss for
words but he couldn't fathom what he had just seen.

"Tell her I love her and I will never do
anything to hurt her."

Jason nodded his understanding and left,
followed by the remaining security guard.

As soon as they were alone Zachary stood up
and tossed the pillow to the bed, his erection was larger than

"Guess I don't need that anymore." He

Suzy put out her hand but held back. She
wondered what his rock hard manhood would feel like in her small
palm and this seemed like the perfect moment to claim what was
hers. He was down and he knew it. The tables had turned.

"Go on." he said. "It's not often I get
beaten and I never would have thought it would be you who got me

Her hesitation vanished.

"What makes you think I want you?" She said.
His erection raged harder and Suzy felt flushed, with power and
erotic anticipation. There was no way in hell she was going to lay
a finger on him. She wouldn't let him off that easy, and besides,
was she even ready for this?

Zachary groaned, realizing he was well and
truly cornered. He would have to just stay cool and play the hand
that was dealt him.

I can still win this.
He thought.
can still win her. You just wait little girl.

"Well, you're still supposed to be working
for me Suzy, so whatever it is you think you're doing here needs to
be set aside until we have some time to talk this over. We've got a
long day ahead of us, so put some clothes on before I totally lose
control and finish what you started by sneaking half naked into my
bed in the middle of the night."

"Stop saying that. You sleep walked into my
bed first so then I had no choice but to come into yours."

"You can come in my bed anytime." He

"I said come 'into', not come 'in' and after
you came
your bed you followed me back in here and got
in beside me with that stupid big thing sticking out of you." She
glanced disparagingly at his quivering prong.

"Sure." he said. "Whatever. Get dressed, like
I say, we have a long day today."

"You mean
have a long day today,
I'm getting a massage and then I'm going sight-seeing. I might be
back here when you're done with all your boring meetings. But then
again, I might not. Maybe I'll meet someone interesting along the
way and stay out late so don't wait up for me if I'm not here."

Zachary didn't move, didn’t say a word and
didn't breathe. If she met someone he would personally convey a
single message of warning to the bastard. But she had to be
bluffing, right?

He couldn't figure out if he hated or loved
this new version of little, lost, helpless Suzy Price. All he knew
was that his cock was screaming at him night and day to get her
into his bed and take her, no matter what the cost personally or
financially--make her want it so bad she couldn't think straight
and then give it to her hard enough to leave her senseless.

The gloves are off now,
he thought,
before this trip is through I'm gonna have you every which way I
can, you sexy little bitch.

Chapter Thirteen

"This is all your fault." Melissa was standing in her
underwear, brushing her long hair in front of the bathroom mirror
in the hotel room they had rented just one floor below Zachary and

Jason was sitting on the edge of the bath
watching her and silently cursing his younger brother as he watched
the jerky, agitated movements of his girlfriend's delicious and
totally out of bounds body. Somehow he needed to get her in the
mood and then get her into bed but keep her angry at the same time.
It was sure to be the best sex of their lives to date if he could
pull it off.

So Zachary had broken his promise and banged
her sister, what the hell difference did it make really? Sure he
was disappointed in his brother but he had done some crazy things
himself in the run up to finding Melissa, things he wasn't exactly
proud of, and look how great things had turned out for them.
Besides, Suzy was a big girl; an adult with full voting, drinking,
driving rights, and of course, full sexual rights. If she wanted a
fling with his emotionally retarded little brother then why not
just let her have some fun? If it exploded in their faces, which of
course it would, then he would simply get her a real job somewhere
else in the corporation. Sure there was the question of disclosure.
In theory she should know exactly who she was going to sleep with
but Jesus, it wasn't like they were related or anything. This whole
thing with the kidney was beginning to annoy him and he wished Zach
would just come clean; then their relationship, even it if was only
for one night, or even just one hour, would all be above board and
Melissa would just have to get used to it.

"Are you even listening to me?" Melissa
turned around to face him, her entire semi-naked body bristling
with anger, and a wave of excitement washed over him.

Were her nipples stiff with rage? He longed
to find out.

"Of course I am." He said. "And you're
absolutely right; it's my fault--I never should have let you
convince me to do it--but you know how it is, I just can't say no
to you when you want something. Not when you use your… your…"

"My what?"

"Your… you know what I'm talking about--your
sexual powers."

She threw the hairbrush at him and stormed
out of the room.

"You're not even listening to me, your just
looking at my ass--"

It's a perfect ass."

"--and thinking about sex. Like always. Does
it ever stop?"


She returned to the room.

"How can I get you to take this

"Well there's one way?" He said

"Oh really?"

"What exactly would you like me to do about
the situation?"

"Get him to fire her."

"On what grounds?"

"He owns the company, he can get rid of her
for any reason he wants. He can say she wasn’t working out, pull
her up on some trivial thing. I don't care what exactly but just
see to it that it gets done. You're the alpha male, take charge,
I'm always the boss, arrogant billionaire not me."

"This is a professional company Melissa, we
need a real reason and besides, she kind of has him by the balls
right now."

Melissa strode over to her lover, leaned down
and cupped his balls with her right hand.

He groaned in response.

"You mean like this?" She squeezed and he
groaned some more, pleasure flirting with pain.

"Something like that." He said with

She moved in closer and the smell of her
body, her hair, made him rage for her even more. It had been days.
The truth was that she was dying to be fucked by him within an inch
of her life again but she absolutely wouldn't give in to that
desire until she was sure her sister was out of danger.

"Do you like that?" She said in a low sexy

"Mmmm, sure do." He said in a strangled

She moved her hands some more and watched him
tense up with pleasure and the effort of holding himself back.

"Well if you can save my little sister from
being used, fucked and tossed aside by your very kind and very good
but highly dysfunctional brother, then there's plenty more where
that came from. Otherwise it's blue balls until your next

"That's months away." He croaked.

She squeezed harder, wondering if she would
be able to hold herself back that long. She wanted that angry sex
just as much as he did and nothing could have given her more
physical relief, but she didn't want to be 'relieved' she wanted
her little sister to be okay. She wanted her to be her little
sister again; not a brazen slut, half naked in some playboys fuck
pad literally begging to be sexually abused.

"Okay, okay, I'll take care of it, just leave
it to me."

Melissa went down on one knee and put a long
lingering kiss onto his lower abdomen. The shudder of his response
went through his belly as she teased him and then drew away.

"Don’t let me down." She said, with a final
squeeze to his aching sack.

Chapter Fourteen


Zachary entered the hotel suite with unaccustomed
trepidation. He wasn’t used to feeling afraid of anything but with
Suzy and the messy sexual hold she had over him nothing was normal
any more. He had been into extreme sports before the doctors had
said that it was no longer safe for him to participate in them
anymore, and right now doing a bungee jump off of Victoria falls
seemed like an easier task than dealing with the crazy, sexy girl
who was turning his life upside down. His inability to participate
in all the sports he loved was partially to blame for his turning
to women and casual but always safe sex as an alternative.

God only knew what would be waiting for him

He had been unable to get his mind off it all
day and even his people had noticed how distracted he was. He had
cancelled his meetings with Demovic staff for the following day
because he knew he wouldn’t be able to think straight until this
situation was resolved to his satisfaction.

"Suzy? Suzy are you here?"

He walked the length of the hallway and into
the main living area. Suzy was sitting on the floor loosely covered
with a dressing gown. Zachary froze. He couldn't tell if she had
anything on underneath it or not.

"What are you doing?" He said.

"I'm rearranging your schedule." She said
without looking up.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"You're paying me to be your PA aren't you?
So that's what I'm doing. Your schedule is way too crazy and it
doesn’t make any sense. It has you criss-crossing the united states
in just one week. I've called and made changes so that you have
less time in the air and more time freed up on the ground for
whatever it is that you do with your free time."

"Give me that." He snatched the digital
agenda from her and began searching through it. A nervous scan
revealed to him that she had actually done a pretty good job and
she had managed to free up nearly a whole day for him next

"Okay, so this looks good, but who the hell
asked you to do it?"

"You're too dumb to ask me to do it. You just
do, do, do and never think it through, everything has to just get
done right away, whatever Zach wants, Zach gets, well I'm here to
change that and you better get used to it."

He looked at the bathrobe hanging down to
reveal her naked shoulder and collar bone, her soft brown hair
dangling down around her neck.

Yep, just what he thought, she had no bra

"Okay, look, this is great, but I just don't
understand how you could get a whole day out of this."

"Look again. I got rid of all your booty
calls and, as you like to refer to them: 'fuckbuddies'."

He flipped frantically through the digital
pages, a sweat beginning to break out on his handsome brow.

"You did what?"

"They were getting in the way of your
business. If you want to spend time with bimbos then just do it on
the weekend like any other guy. I've even penciled in some time for
you on Saturday night and I picked a girl for you. The least skanky
of them I could find."

"None of my girlfriends are, are… skanks!
What the hell are you doing to me?"

"I'm helping you, you idiot. That's what I'm
doing, even if you don't deserve it. Look at you for God's sake,
you're lying to yourself. Even I can tell you that."

"Is that so?" He said. "Well then maybe you
can tell me a little more about this Kyle Freeman guy, because as
far as my people can tell he just delivers packages to your door.
Nothing else."

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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