Read The Runaway Viper (Viper #2) Online

Authors: Kirsty-Anne Still

The Runaway Viper (Viper #2) (3 page)

BOOK: The Runaway Viper (Viper #2)
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“How far is the house?” I whisper as we walk past. “I’m ready to be alone.”

He chuckles and only says, “Soon.”

By this time, we’re off the plane and out in the golden sun, heading for transportation to take us to the baggage area. Neither of us speaks, he just keeps me beside him, hand in hand as we wait for our suitcases to come around on the carousel. I always did hate this part. My stuff is always, without a doubt, the last one to make an appearance. I groan miserably and watch people picking up their bags and leaving.

“I see yours!” he calls and leaves my side.

I watch him squeeze between people, bending down ready to grab the handle of my bag. His shorts pull tight across his ass and my throat closes as desire erupts. My mouth goes dry as I stand there staring at his behind. I’m practically eye fucking him, and I don’t care. When he heaves my suitcase over, the floral pattern now a little dirtied, I watch him lean back and grab his gaze – a much sedate
color of black.

“I think we can head off,” he speaks with a grin, excited for us to move away from the crowds and back to a sanctum for us to share.

When we leave the airport, I see a man dressed formally with a sign displaying ‘Mr. and Mrs. Mason’. My butterflies come back to life, but I dash my hopes that it’s another couple. Jace and I aren’t married after all. But when Jace advances toward him, yelling a welcome to him, I can’t help but melt back into that smile. As I get closer, the driver welcomes me by name and takes my luggage, advising me to get in. Jace follows suit after me, and we wait for the driver to climb in and start the journey to wherever we’re headed.

“I actually think I need a cold shower and a nap,” Jace comments as we lounge in the back of our cab heading towards our little vacation home.

I look at him and nod. “I might join you.” I slip my hand over to him and wait for him to thread his fingers through mine before I turn my attention back to the passing landscape. “It’s beautiful here, Jace.”

“It’s perfect,” he muses, his fingers tightening slightly around mine.

I don’t think anything of it, just stare at the passing towns, watching the houses and seaside landscape, all the time wondering which house will be ours. When we pull toward a gated villa, I push myself up. The white walls turn into large black iron gates, which open when the driver nears them. The drive up leads to a large house, all in the same white of the walls guarding the property. I look at Jace in astonishment, and he just has the same small smile on his face. He wanted to give me the best and he certainly has given me that.

When the car draws to a halt, Jace says nothing as he opens his door and leaves me in the back. The driver opens my door and helps me out. Now the house looks far grander than before.  We’re now standing in a large driveway, and I’m just left staring as Jace deals with our driver. When he’s done, he comes to stand beside me, his hand coming around my waist.

“Welcome to your almost home,” he states, and I just squeal a little. “I really need that shower with you now.”

“Let’s go and indulge,” I tease him, knowing that a cold shower won’t douse the fire that’s been taunting us both since we left our Dominican Republic getaway.

Letting Jace lead the way, I follow him up to the house. He opens the door and steps back, allowing me to enter. I step right in, peering out at the backyard before us. There’s a pool and a sea view. I walk through the house, but I halt. Terror overcomes me as I see two people outside. Their backs are to me, but Jace told me this was where we were staying for a few weeks alone. No one should be here!

“Go out there,” Jace coerces me. I stare at him horrified, and he pushes me. “Go out there.”

After the repetition of his statement, I trust him and head toward the patio doors. Grabbing the handle, I pull down. The noise causes the two men to turn around in sync. This time when I freeze, I’m met with the faces of Eli and Josh.

“Surprise,” Jace whispers into my ear as he steps in behind me.

I spring to life, spinning to look at him. I’m wild with this surprise, the shock not yet lifting. “Why are they here?”

“Ah, well, because we need witnesses.” He’s playing it cool, his tone is suave and his entire
demeanor is composed.

“For what?”
I ask, trying not to panic at this.

“Our wedding,” he speaks and begins to grin.

The entire world stops spinning in that instant. I had been dreaming about my wedding day to Jace. I didn’t think it would happen this soon, but my heart only thuds back to life with the resounding calling of
Mrs. Joely Mason

“So, Joely Gilbert, will you marry me?”

Yes. Yes
. God,
A thousand times,

This is the only contract I want for life.

Chapter Four



“Go to them,” Jace breaks me from my stance after I’ve issued him with a watery smiled affirmative. “You have them to thank for this happening as much as I do.”

This is surreal. I’m in a beautiful place – literally and mentally – and now I have three people here with me who have caught me far more times than I care to count. This is a moment I will relish and thank Jace for later. I reach up, lifting up onto tiptoes, brushing my lips against his skin before stopping by his ear.

“I can’t wait to be your wife,” I whisper to him and drop back down to the floor. I see the look in his eyes, the adoration that he’s watching me with is undeniable, but I also see a sense of disbelief. It’s hitting him now that everything we’ve fought for is finally happening for us.

I cannot wait to see that look disperse the moment I say ‘I do’.

I rush out of the villa, forgetting about the months of separation, the lies, the fears, everything. I fling myself at Josh, hugging him tight. He’s a part of my past that just keeps fighting for me, and I cannot prevent myself from savoring this more than anything. I feel his arms snake around me as he squeezes me tightly. His hugs are so much like Dylan’s it leaves me hanging on longer than I usually would.

A cough from beside us bursts the moment and we withdraw. I stand back, hands still on Josh’s shoulders and look at Eli. He’s standing there with that cheeky smirk of his, his eyes alive at seeing me.

“What am I?” he begins to ask rhetorically. “Chopped liver?”

I just giggle a little and throw myself into his direction. I squeeze him tight, unwilling to let go quite yet. I’ve missed him most of all. He’s my jokester, the one who loves me unconditionally and protects me like a brother. It’s fierce and undying. I’ve missed him teasing me relentlessly. I’ve missed his laugh, missed how easy he made life for me. I push my head into his shoulder and neck, holding on for dear life before I even contemplate letting him go.

“I’ve missed you,” I tell him and suddenly feel my eyes water. I can’t stop it, the tears just come and stream in heavy, messy rivers down my face. “It’s been so long.”

Eli rolls his eyes, unimpressed with my waterworks. “I’ve had you in my sights less than five minutes and in that time you’ve accepted a marriage proposal, nearly strangled me to death, and now you’re crying. You’re a mess, Gilbert.”

I laugh through my tears and wipe my face before hitting him. “It’s seeing your ugly mug again.” I tease him back because that’s how we work, and he, by far, has been missed the most in the passing months.

He puts a hand to his chest as if to play hurt. “You wound me. Sun and love has changed you.”

“For the better,” Jace comments as he steps in to join us. He welcomes Eli and Josh before retreating to my side. He looks down at me adoringly. “I wanted you to have one final surprise. I couldn’t think of anything better than inviting these two.” He gives Eli and Josh both an appreciative glance, and I can sense a kinship between them. One only The Viper Rooms could have created. “After their help in making you disappear, I had to make sure they were here to celebrate with us. I just had to make sure the radar died down a little.”

I shoot my head around to stare at Eli, panicked about the fallout for him. “You didn’t get in any sort of trouble, did you?”

“The devil doesn’t know,” Eli announces, and I can hear a sanctimonious note to his voice. He’s pleased he managed to outrun the devil for this long without raising an ounce of suspicion. For that, I am proud and happy to have him here.

I wince at hearing her nickname and bite down on the bullet –
. “So, how mad was Clara?”

In unison, Jace, Eli, and Josh all shake their heads at me. They’re all in an irrefutable agreement.

“What?” I ask them, I’m a little lost at what’s going on here.

Jace is the one who answers. “Viper talk does not exist today.”

“But we haven’t spoken in months!” I exclaim. I need to know what’s been going on. I want to know how much hell is pouring out onto the streets of New York City because of me. “I need some ounce of closure.”

“And you will, Lee, tomorrow. For today, it’s just about enjoying the weather, the company, and the events of tonight.” Jace is remaining unmoved on the matter. He is stern in this decision. “Tomorrow, you can ask whatever you want. For today, we’re going to get the drinks flowing and have us a pre-wedding party.”

Giving up, I change the subject snappishly. “When is our wedding?”  I ask him, a hand going to my hip, my eyebrow cocking. I want to know some idea of what will be happening. Then it hits me, Jace’s words. “Tonight’s events?” I question and it makes sense, the boys being here, Barbados, Jace’s latest proposal. “We’re getting married tonight?”

He gives me a nod. No verbalized response, just a quick head nod and I find myself propelled toward him. I feel like my wildest dreams are coming true. Life doesn’t run like this for me. I don’t have luck and life ruling hand in hand in my life, but right now, between the three men before me, I feel like my luck might well be changing.

“Thank you,” I whisper to him, not sure what else will gratify what I’ve been given. I kiss him, my hands clasping upon his face to strengthen the power behind the gesture. I feel his arms around my waist tighten, lifting my body up with it. I’m on tiptoes, enjoying the newfound lust driven into our love.

“Not in front of us, please!” Eli interrupts, disgust oozing from his voice at our moment of PDA. When he catches me looking at him, he breaks down into a bright smile and winks. “It’s nice to see
, but I’m currently battling jetlag for you two. Don’t make me fight my stomach contents from making a reappearance.”

Josh chuckles besides him. “I’m with him here. That was a turbulent flight.” He holds his stomach to aid his comment. “And knowing my wife is missing out on this place is a bit gutting.”

“I did offer,” Jace commented, his tone lightened with regret. “We just didn’t know how safe it’d be to get you both out here.”

“Are you sure this is safe?” I quickly interrupt. I want to enjoy this time together, but there is always such a dark shadow cast upon everything. I feel all three of them react, their bodies becoming startled by my worry and fear.

Jace is first to react. He turns and grabs me, steadying me to look at him. “We will discuss this more tomorrow, but can you please just let your hair down and enjoy this, like you were in the Dominican Republic? That was the most relaxed I have seen you in months, Joely.”

“Listen to him, Gilbert,” Eli steps in, his voice is laced and pained with concern. “We’re just here for a few days,
do not let her ruin it. Enjoy having us here with you while you can.”

“We don’t know when the next time will be.” Josh exacts the final sucker punch, and I weaken.

“Fine,” I relent to them all and mentally try to shake myself of all my woes. I’m in a sunny paradise, what do I really need to worry about besides my imminent wedding? That’s when it hits me. I pale, I don’t have a dress! “What am I going to wear?”

“I’ve already sorted that,” Josh interjects with a bright smile. “So get your butt out on a sun lounger while we go and get some drinks.”

I listen and allow Jace to drag me poolside while Josh and Eli go inside and make us drinks. I settle in with gentleness and ease, allowing the rest of the day to go by. When they come out to us, we end up talking like it hasn’t taken months for this moment to occur.

I end up sitting here with them, listening to them interact as men will. There’s talk of football and basketball going on, and it’s all so normal. I was good at joining them in that, but it didn’t
last long. Inside I’m in pieces. I need to know about the club, the people I left behind, the world I changed when I willingly let Jace take me. It doesn’t help that I’m nervous for tonight, nervous to start yet another chapter in my life - ready to start a new life, ready to be someone’s wife.

Here I am, sitting in this sunshine haven, heat wrapping around us, company that I’ve only been able to dream of, and I’m all pensive and withdrawn because I worry my past is waiting to snarl to life and claim me captive like it did before.

“I’d wipe that expression off your face,” Jace speaks as he leans in toward me. My head swings around to stare at him, and he just gives me a crooked smirk. “You need to go and get yourself dolled up.”

“Is it time?” I ask aghast, and I hear them all laugh. They don’t understand how hard I am finding it to compute that by sundown I will be married. This was a distant dream; to have it thrust upon me has now caused a total catastrophic effect on me.

“Well there’s still a little over an hour, but we thought it’d be perfect to go and get showered and such. Eli and I have to make sure his and Josh’s hotel reservations are set and that everything’s ready.”

“You’re leaving?” I ask, looking to Eli and Josh in horror.

“We won’t be staying here tonight,” Eli speaks and looks to Josh who just sniggers. “Wedding night sex is not something I want to be privy to.”

“Hell no,” Josh agrees and looks right at me.

All I can do is smile. Tonight will be unforgettable.




“He said you’d need a dress,” Josh calls out to me.

I spin around on the spot and stare at him. I can feel the emotions in turmoil,
spiraling to compel me into a wreck. The dress I have here is very much like the one I wore when Dylan took me to a summer ball just before we all got ready for college.

“You were a vision in white that night.” He enters the room from his lingering spot in the doorway. “I thought your parents would appreciate photos of your wedding so I wanted to give them something that would remind them you’re not at all different.”

“But I am,” I refute his claim and look to the dress solemnly. When I look back, I lay upon him the greatest and hardest truth.  “I don’t want them to see this.”

I see his face shadow, horror clouding his prior serene expression.
“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to seem like I’m making a life without them. I’m not by choice, but I am settling down,” I admit weakly and feel the emotions come unbidden entirely. “I don’t want them to think I’m moving on from the life I had with them.”

“They won’t think that,” he murmurs. It’s a light sentiment, and it hits me square upon my heart.

“They will,” I disagree. How can they think anything else if they see me in love and married? They will wonder why they weren’t included. “I haven’t called home in over seven months for fear of it leading Clara to me, Josh. At some point, they will realize I am not worth it. Even now that bitch is ruling my life and she forever will.”

“You’ve been replaced,” he tells me, and the hit of the comment is suffocating. I knew it would happen, I just didn’t expect to be hurt quite so much by it. “I know we weren’t going to discuss it, but she’s moved on.”

“Has she?” I ask him rhetorically. “I don’t believe that for a moment, Josh. I know how she works, have seen the workings of her mind, seen the evil things she can do to us. Do you really think I’m going to believe she’s moved on when her head girl ran away?”

“I knew it wouldn’t be easy to convince you,” he speaks with a mirthless laughter to his voice. “I’ve been going to the club, sporadically, keeping an eye on things. She’s running the club like a well-oiled machine, and she’s running it just fine.” I can tell he’s sincere with what he’s telling me. “Ask Eli tomorrow, but I do think you need to take tonight and enjoy the start of your life with Jace.”

I listen to what he had to say and turn back to the bed. My future is literally bestowed in front of me and now
it’s do or die. I pick the dress up. It’s just a plain white maxi dress with minimal beaded embroidery around the waistline. It’s similar to the one I wore once, but it has more of the glamour that The Viper Rooms showered me in. I feel like this will be my initiation into a new life.

“Can I do this to him?” I question. I want nothing more than to be Mrs. Mason, but I don’t know if I can force him into a life where he doesn’t even get time with his family.

“What, marry him?” he jokes with me. “He could do a lot worse.” I look up at that admittance. “Joely, there is a man downstairs who wants to marry you. Not tomorrow, or in six months, but tonight. He wants to make you happy for eternity, and the way he is doing it screams nothing but forever. He is all you need to worry about now. He is your future, so you either take that option or live with the other.” He sighs as he steps down from his soapbox. “I know which one I would choose.”

With a heavy sigh I slump onto the bed, spreading the dress out across my lap so not to wrinkle it. This isn’t a catch-22 I am caught up in, this isn’t a deal with the devil - this is about perfecting my future for what I want. When Josh sits beside me, I spend a moment reflecting before I truly allow him to see what Jace means to me.

"When I first joined that club I had nothing to lose. Now, I have everything to lose." I drop the dress so I can wring my hands together in trepidation. "No one knows how soulless I felt. It's the only way I know how to describe it. I had no conscience, no idea of my own wellbeing, no heart, no sense, no feeling." I look at Josh. "Then I met Jace, and I felt absolutely
. Can you see why I worry I might lose it?"

BOOK: The Runaway Viper (Viper #2)
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