The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack) (10 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack)
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As Kane and the others watched the screen they saw the men on the video shifting their trucks back from the house.  Then, digging into the back of one of the pickups they started stringing long lines of explosives on interconnecting wires as close to the house as possible.  Kane couldn’t stop growling as it was clear from the men’s body language that they were laughing as they did it.

It’s okay Kane, think about how much fun we were having while they were dicking around with my house, ha?

They were trying to kill you.

Well, duh, I know that.  But I would much rather think about this. 
Shawn bought up an image in his head of the rapture on Kane’s face as he fell to pieces in pleasure on the mountain just hours ago, and then passed it on to his mate.  He felt Kane gasp before he found himself pulled off his seat and planted firmly in Kane’s lap.  Checking to see Kane could still see the screen, Shawn settled against his mate’s body and felt the man underneath him visibly relax. Then he went back to watching the video.

There wasn’t much more to see.  One loud explosion and the walls of the house crumbled in.  The men on the video lofted about a dozen lit Molotov cocktails
into the breached walls and the house quickly caught fire.  Grabbing a couple of beers each out of the back of one of the pickups they all got into their vehicles and with one last sweep of the lawn, they took off down the driveway.   After a couple of minutes watching the house burn, Shawn clicked off the video.

One by one the men standing around him and Kane put their hands on Shawn’s shoulder in sympathy and then went back to their seats at the table.  No one seemed to know what to say for a moment and then Griff spoke up.  His gruff voice deeper than normal.
  “Shit man, you couldn’t have gotten out of there.  You would have been dead for sure.”

“Na, I would have been gone as soon as those idiots started shooting at my house.”

“More magic finger stuff?”  Dean piped in.

“Haha, no, clever clogs.  Underground tunnel that ran from my security room out to the middle of the woods.”

The men around the table all laughed, including Kane.  Then he had a thought.  “How long had you been living there?  That’s a hell of a lot of serous shit you had in your security system and all.”

“A month.”

“You did all of that in a month?”  Scott seemed impressed. 

Shawn blushed a bit and mumbled
, “A week actually.”  When he felt the men all looking at him he explained, “Well I don’t sleep very well when I am in an unsafe environment, so I had plenty of time to get the work done.  I started at the diner three weeks ago and I had it all done by then.”  Then he thought about what Dean had said about Trisha.

“Oh my God Kane, Trisha.  Should I tell her I am not actually dead yet?”

Kane thought about it for a moment and then shook his head.  Trisha was a good friend of his and he hated the thought that she was upset. But…

“No, not yet.  I don’t like doing this to Trisha but the fewer people who know you are alive at the moment the better.  I mean those bloody
ass holes that wrecked your house didn’t even wait for the fire to burn down before they took off, and as we all heard Troy and Scott tell us, the idiots think they have succeeded in killing you.”

“Yes, but Xavier is going to demand some proof of death before he shells out any money to them - he’s a tight
ass.  So it is likely they will head out to the house tomorrow once the embers of the house have cooled down enough to walk on.”

Shawn had a quiet determination in his voice as he continued.

“They will likely find out about their vehicles once they have woken up from their drinking spree and depending on what sort of back up they have, they will go back to the scene as soon as they have got some wheels.  I reckon we have about 48 hours before they realize they haven’t got a body and then they will start looking for me again.”

“But this time we will be waiting for them, right guys.”  It was Griff that spoke up, and Kane he looked at, but all of the men around the table agreed.  Kane looked at the man who had become so special to him in such a short space of time.  Despite looking tired
Shawn had a resolve about him now, which Kane knew was unshakable.  Shawn attracted him like no other man had, and Kane knew it wasn’t just Shawn’s model looks that he appreciated.  His mate had strength - he had fought alone for more than ten years, just to stay alive.  He had lost everything and still kept fighting and Kane was determined that this time his mate would not fight alone.

He looked at his pack.  All good men that he knew would stick by him and Shawn for as long as it took to beat this thing.  Suddenly he was overwhelmed with the pride he felt for his pack.  Never had a group of men come together with such loyalty and compassion for others.  He looked up and smiled at his men.

“Okay, here is what we are going to do.  There is no point in going after these idiots tonight.  None of us have had much sleep and we are all tired, even if we are well fed.”  He grinned at Shawn who blushed. 

drunks are unpredictable and idiots.  I think the best place to hit them will be when they are searching Shawn’s place for his remains.  They are not likely to get there until Monday at the earliest, which gives us all tomorrow as a day off.  I for one think a long bike ride would be a great way to ease off on some stress if you are all up for it?”  Nodding heads greeted his idea.

“Right then.  There is beer in the fridge; games and movies in the
living room and head off to bed when you are ready.  We will all meet up again in the morning.  My mate and I are heading for the shower and then some well needed sleep.  Okay mate,” he said as he looked at Shawn still nestled on his lap.

Shawn gave him a tired grin and stood up.  To a chorus of “good nights” the two wearily trod the stairs heading for Kane’s bedroom and a lot hot shower. 















Chapter Fourteen

Shawn knew he wasn’t going to get a lot of sleep.  While his body felt numb and tired after all that had happened in the last couple of days he also knew that one way or another he was going to have to get
Xavier to actually face him, so he could take him down.  If he didn’t then Shawn’s life would always be in danger and by extension Kane’s and his pack.  It just had to be done, it was that simple.

But for the moment he was in the shower, his lover soaping him down and life was good.  He dragged his mind out of the mess it was in and focused on what Kane’s talented hands were doing. 

Kane was almost frantic in his need for his mate.  His head refused to stop playing an endless loop of the video they had watched earlier.  All he could see was the huge explosion and fire of Shawn’s house and the absolute glee in the men that had caused it. 

Although Kane’s logical mind kept reminding him that Shawn had been in his arms at the time, all Kane could think was that if his boys
hadn’t tried to push things along for their boss a couple of days before, that Shawn would have faced this alone and could quite possibly be dead. A shudder went through Kane’s body as he realized he just wouldn’t want to live without his mate by his side.

So caught up in his thoughts Kane didn’t notice at first that his hands had fallen by his sides and he was just standing under the water, dead still.  He jumped as he felt Shawn’s slim fingers cup his face and then he found himself staring deep into Shawn’s eyes.  Eyes that were filled with compassion, with need and resolve.  He knew that Shawn could read his thoughts
. He knew that Shawn had seen all of Kane’s fear and anguish burning in his mind.  But through all the fog Shawn imprinted on his mind - four simple words -
I. Need. You. Now.

Then Shawn kissed him and the moment his mate’s lips touched his
, Kane’s funk broke.  He not only accepted the kiss, he wrestled control of it from Shawn and drove his tongue into his mate’s mouth. Suddenly he had to touch Shawn everywhere, his hands became frantic.  Nipping down Shawn’s neck, he pulled at Shawn’s shoulders knowing that he would leave bruises.  Once he had Shawn’s body flush with his own, his hands ran down the man’s rippled back to the tight ass below.  His fingers scrabbled at Shawn’s crease, diving in and seeking the hole beneath.  As soon as he felt Shawn’s pucker start to quiver beneath his fingers, he shifted his hands to Shawn’s hips turning him against the cold tiled wall of the shower.

“Can’t wait,” he rasped against Shawn’s ear, before he started kissing, licking and nipping his way down Shawn’s back.  Once his mouth reached Shawn’s delectable
ass he used his mouth to raise marks on the pale skin while his fingers forced Shawn’s butt cheeks apart.  Trailing lips over skin, his tongue hit his mate’s hole and he dived in, licking and pushing at the entrance with his tongue.  He felt Shawn arch his back, pushing his ass further into Kane’s face and he just kept tonguing until he felt his mate’s muscles relax against him.

Standing up Kane pushed the head of his cock deep into his lover’s
ass - no finesse, no quiet nudges, no waiting for lube or his mate to be ready.  Just one full deep thrust until he felt his balls slap on Shawn’s ass.  Gripping on to Shawn’s hips with both hands he pulled back and slammed in again, and again, and again, pouring all of his angst, his frustration…and his love into the man beneath him.  He pounded into Shawn until he couldn’t think of anything except the way Shawn’s ass clenched around his cock with every thrust.

And Shawn
took it all.  Kane could feel underneath his own driving passion that his mate met him, need for need.  That Shawn had the same need for oblivion as Kane did, and that spurred Kane on.  Faster and faster he pounded endlessly, until finally he felt his balls draw tight and his come shot down his cock.  At the moment of his release, Kane bit down on Shawn’s mating mark, claiming him all over again with semen, blood…and something new, his love. As he finally stilled he felt Shawn’s presence in his head:
I love you too.

Then Kane realized what he had done.  Pulling from Shawn’s body he gently turned the man around and looked him up and down.  Shawn’s face had a blissed out
expression, but his shoulders and hips bore deep bruises and scratches and his chest was still panting.  Kane looked down and he could see Shawn’s cock still standing to attention.

“Oh my God, I didn’t even wait for you.”
Brushing off Shawn’s mumbles, because clearly the man was still in sub-space, he quickly pushed Shawn under the running shower to clean him off, then turning the water off, he bundled Shawn into a thick toweling robe he kept on the back of the bathroom door. 

Gently maneuvering Shawn into the bedroom Kane pushed him into a sitting position on the end of the bed before dropping to his knees and encasing Shawn’s cock in his mouth.  He moaned as he drank in the taste of his mate, delving his tongue into Shawn’s slit to get all that he could.  As he felt Shawn’s hands in his hair he allowed the man to take control of
him, moaning around Shawn’s shaft as Shawn gently fucked his mouth.

Moving his hand down, Kane took Shawn’s balls into one hand and traced the sensitive area behind his balls with the other.  Shawn gave a delicious shudder and moved faster, pushing his way down Kane’s throat, then pulling back, only to move forward once again.  As Kane increased the pressure on Shawn’s balls, Shawn gave one quick tug
back and then pushed his cock in as far as it would go, his come pulsing down Kane’s throat as Kane swallowed eagerly.  Shawn’s long beautiful moans pulsing in Kane’s ears.

It wasn’t until
Shawn finally started to soften that Kane pulled back.  Shawn dragged Kane up for a kiss, his tongue chasing his own come as it lingered in Kane’s mouth.  When he could no longer taste himself in his mate’s mouth he gently pulled up from Kane’s lips and rested his forehead against Kane’s.  They both sat there for the longest minute, panting softly as they both slowly came down to earth.

When Kane felt Shawn start to doze against his head, he stood up and took the robe from Shawn’s shoulders, tossing it to the floor. Then he reached around and pulled the covers from the bed, before lying Shawn down on the sheet below.  Only then did he climb up next to his man, dragging the covers back over them, he tucked Shawn up in his arms and drifted off to sleep as well. 


Chapter Fifteen

All in all Shawn slept quite well despite the fact that Kane woke him twice through the night to pound his ass again.  He vaguely remembered Kane getting out of bed after the first time, returning with a cloth that he used to clean Shawn down.  The second time Kane muttered something about “Just want to stay in here” while he was nestled in his ass, and Shawn figured he must have agreed before falling asleep again.

Now, as he stretched out his muscles across the bed, he felt slightly stiff in his arms, legs and back and yep, there was a definite twinge in his
ass.  But he realized he also felt surprisingly good, even though he felt a slight nudge of alarm when he realized Kane wasn’t in bed with him.  Using his senses, he scanned the house and felt him in the kitchen.  Hmm, food, what a good idea.  Now all he had to do was get out of bed.

Deciding to wait a few more minutes, Shawn was startled out of the doze he had fallen into by the sound of the door opening and his remarkably refreshed lover walking in, complete with a tray. Kane’s grin increased as he saw Shawn still sprawled across the bed
, his naked chest and abs on full display.

Hi there, Sunshine, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes in the morning.”

Mustering a grin, Shawn moved to sit up against the headboard.  Ignoring his growing erection he eyed the tray in Kane’s hands and said, “Tell me there is coffee on that tray and I will love you for life.”

Moving forward to drop a kiss on Shawn’s head, Kane settled the tray on the beside table.  “Not only coffee, but also pancakes.  I decided to make breakfast for everyone this morning.”

Kane planted himself on the bed next to Shawn and handed him a giant cup of freshly brewed coffee.  The enticing smell hit Shawn’s nose and he felt the last dregs of sleep leave his brain and body.  Taking an appreciative sniff, he took a cautious sip and then groaned as the coffee hit his tongue.
  It was heavenly.

“Keep making noises like that and we won’t be going anywhere today,” Kane whispered against Shawn’s ear, his voice raspy with intent.  Shawn grinned at Kane and nudged his head against Kane’s.

“Shut up and pass me the pancakes.  I know you have skills in the bedroom, now show me what you have done in the kitchen.”

As Shawn ate the surprisingly good pancakes Kane explained they were heading to a
custom car show about fifty miles north for the day.

“The guy who runs it is a client of mine and there are
at least four cars in the show that we have worked on.  Could be a lot of fun.  We could all do with a break and the boys would be stoked to show you some of the stuff they have done, on display.  Are you keen?”

Shawn swallowed down the last of his pancakes and put the plate back on the tray.
  He reached his arms up above his head and stretched out his back, dropping them quickly as his saw Kane’s grin turn more wicked as his eyes were raking Shawn’s body under the sheet.  Before Shawn could move, Kane had slipped down next to Shawn, pulling his body across his.  Shawn could feel Kane’s erection nudging at his own and for a moment he was sorely tempted. 

Then his
ass gave another twinge and he forced lustful thoughts out of his head.  Reaching down he planted a soft kiss on Kane’s up turned lips.  “As much as your obvious option B feels delightful we could all do with getting out of the house today.”  He quickly evaded Kane’s arms and tempting hands and got off the bed.  Flashing his ass at his mate, Shawn looked over his shoulder and said with a grin, “I am just having a quick shower and then I will be ready.  See you in ten,” and with that he disappeared into the shower.

Naturally the ten minutes turned into thirty because with that sort of tease of course Kane had to get into the shower with Shawn and after reciprocal blow jobs, the men were finally dressed and ready to go.  Just before they left the bedroom, Kane pulled Shawn close and looked into his eyes
, his own faced etched with worry.

“Uhm, before we go can I ask you a little favor?”  Shawn looked up at Kane worried about
what was going on in that man’s mind now.

“Of course, what
ever you need.”

“Can you leave your bike here and ride with me today?  I…uh…I would just feel better if you were with me.  Is that a problem?” 

Shawn looked deep into Kane’s mind and saw a seething mass of possessiveness tinged with fear for his safety.  Kane was an Alpha and his mate, so it was natural he would worry about him and Shawn guessed that with the hunters so close it would make Kane worry all the more.  As much as he would love to ride his own bike he could understand what his mate was feeling.

Giving Kane a grin, Shawn said, “Does that mean I can grope you while you are riding?”

“Only if you want us to crash.”  With a laugh both men finally got out of the bedroom and headed down to the men waiting for them in the living room.


Two hours later six excited men arrived at the Blackhawk County Street Machines Car Show.  There were plenty of cars and bikes on display and the group slowly walked around looking at what was on offer, Kane staying by Shawn’s side the whole time.  Shawn could understand his mate’s need for closeness and he noticed Kane’s constant surveillance of the crowd.  Rather than wander off on his own, Shawn stayed close when clients and friends stopped to talk to Kane. 

Kane introduced Shawn as his
‘partner’ to some people, while simply as ‘Shawn’ to others and Shawn trusted Kane to weed out the homophobes of the lot.  As a man comfortable in his own sexuality, while liking to keep his private life exactly that, Shawn appreciated that Kane only shared his private life in small doses outside of the pack.  He relaxed for the first time in ages, wandering over to a flash, custom painted car that Dean was calling him over to. 

Moments later the two men were going over the details of the paintwork, a job that Dean had obviously poured hours into.  Looking round to check on his mate, Shawn saw Kane talking to Griff,
still watching him.  He flashed a smile at him and then forced his attention back to Dean.  The boy had done some amazing work on this car and Shawn got engrossed as he let Dean explain about the colors and techniques he had used for masking and painting.

Griff stood with Kane, checking on the whereabouts of Tory and Scott who had moved on to the next car.  Looking over at his best friend he could tell, even behind Kane’s dark glasses that Shawn didn’t leave his sight for a second.  Griff’s laugh rumbled through his chest. “You got it bad for him boss” he said.

Kane sighed. “It’s more than that my friend.  I love him and I can’t imagine what my life would be now without him,” he admitted seriously.

“Have you told him?”

“Not in so many words, no.”  Kane didn’t think fucking the stuffing out of his mate the night before constituted telling Shawn he loved him. He glanced over to his friend who was looking thoughtful.

“You know with this shit going down with the hunters and what have you, you realize that Shawn is going to have to face this Xavier person sooner or later and he is a responsible man.  He will do it
sooner to protect you and us.”  Griff saw the look of pain that quickly crossed Kane’s face and was just as quickly gone.

“I know Griff and I am going to help him all that I can.  He hasn’t said anything yet but I could feel his resolve last night.  It’s gonna be soon.”  Kane pushed his hands up through his hair, trying to relieve the tension in his head. 
“It’s just I can’t get it out of my head that if you guys had followed my stupid plan then not only would Shawn have been on his own when he was shot, and could have died from that; but he would have also been alone in that house when it was attacked.”

Griff looked puzzled. “But you heard what he said boss.  He had a tunnel. He would have escaped the house.”

“Yes, if he had managed to get the bullets out of his hide by then.  You saw how they affected him.  And yes he could have gone down his bloody tunnel and out into the woods.  But he would have been alone.  He wouldn’t have come to us because he didn’t know if he could trust us.  He would have just bolted again.  He would have been alone and I don’t know if I would have even gone after him once I had realized he was gone because I didn’t know how bad all this shit was.”  Kane’s voice had gotten so quiet that Griff thanked his wolf for super hearing because otherwise he wouldn’t have heard a word that Kane had said. 

“Yah think?” Griff said.  “You haven’t been able to get that boy out of your mind from the first time you smelt him.  You would have gone after him and we would have
all gone with you.  Just like we will all be standing with you when Shawn faces Xavier.”  Griff turned to his friend who was still watching the man under discussion, with a look of longing on his face. Griff continued in his serious, quiet tone. 

“You need to tell him how you feel and you need to get your head out of your
ass about the shit that has already happened.  He’s not alone anymore and neither are you.  Shawn is part of our pack and we will all be there when the time comes.”

Kane took a deep breath and exhaled out.  Clapping Griff on the shoulder he said softly.  “Thank you my friend, I know I can count on you and the others.  I will tell Shawn how I feel as soon as I can.
  Somehow I think it is something I am going to have to do real quickly or I might never have the chance.” 

Straightening his shoulders, Kane smiled at Griff and said, “Come on, let’s get the boys and get something to eat,” and with that he sauntered back over to Shawn and put his arm around his shoulders,
gesturing to Dean and then Troy and Scott to follow him as well. 

Griff laughed to himself
, pleased to see his friend was
in love with his mate that he really didn’t care about the homophobes in the crowd.  Realizing he envied what Kane had - that closeness with one special person, he pushed that feeling away and followed the others.  My turn will come, he reminded himself, and when it does I will be ready.


BOOK: The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack)
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