The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1)
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Morning all


last night’s activities the girls slept well, and it was 10.30 am before they surfaced.
Zoe quickly showered (feeling slightly uneasy as she entered the bathroom) and
dressed. “You asleep?” she said to Vana, who was still snuggled under the
duvet. “No, just give me a sec,” she said, drowsily. “How come you’re up and

just feel energetic. I’ve bags of oomph!”

Ms Energetic,” said Vana as she got out of bed.
breakfast and run.”

put the coffee on,” smiled Zoe.

went downstairs into the kitchen and put the kettle on. She then wandered into
lounge to open the curtains and found, to her surprise, that Aunt Sally’s photo
frame was face down again on the window ledge. “What the fuck! I’m dead sure I
lifted this up last night?” she said, as she righted the frame once more. “It
must be dodgy.” She went back into the kitchen and got the dishes out for


the meantime, Vana entered the bathroom and turned on the hot shower. As she
stripped off to get into the shower she saw a message in the steam on the
I’m watching you!
Vana frowned.
“Very funny,
That’s a good one,” she said as she got into the cubicle.

meanwhile, was downstairs browsing Facebook on her phone whilst looking at the
Morning PEEPS!
wrote as her

can we turn over?” Vana asked, as she walked into the kitchen.


that woman so gets into my earwax! I can’t stand her. She always seems so
your face
.” Zoe duly changed the channel, whilst Vana poured herself a
coffee and helped herself to a bowl of cereal.


girls laced-up their trainers, plugged in their earphones and set off on their
morning run through Chelsea. They ran all the way to Onslow Gardens before they
needed a sugar stop. “Energy break?” asked Zoe, as they slowed down to walking
pace. “Yeah, look for a newsagent,” replied Vana, glancing round the busy
street. Duly refreshed, the girls set off again across Old Church Street.

you didn’t by any chance happen to move any picture frames around in the lounge
yesterday, did you?”

No, but I did have a feeling there was someone downstairs when we were in bed,
but, with that weird dream I had, I couldn’t tell if I was hearing things.”

sure the frame was upright last night but this morning it was face down.
Weird, huh?”

thing we can’t explain,” replied Vana.

girls were almost home when Vana got a text from Matthew. “Zoe, Matthew wants
to know if we fancy a movie this afternoon. What do you think?”

Why not.
Ask him what time.” Matthew replied that he
and his mate, Steven, would be over in about an hour. “Steven? Who’s that? Are
you match-making again, Vana?” Vana laughed. “You know me, I always ask first.
No, this is Matthew’s idea. Anyway he might be cute.” The girls went into the
house, and Vana ran straight upstairs to get the first shower, whilst Zoe had a
quick tidy up in the kitchen.


lads arrived; Matthew, dark-haired, and Steven, dirty-blonde, were both in the
university rowing team. Zoe gave Steven a quick once-over, and definitely liked
what she saw – muscular arms, toned upper body, and not bad looking either!
Vana and Matthew were locked in a lover’s embrace. Zoe and Steven had an
as their friends played tongue hockey.

a drink, Steven?” asked Zoe.

Steven, his eyes wandering over Zoe’s body. “I
could murder a cup of a coffee.” As the couple walked into the kitchen, there
was a definite spark between them. Zoe thought:
He is so my type. Vana sure
had a hand in this!


and Steven were chatting in the lounge. “How are you finding the place?” Steven
asked, whilst looking at the family photographs on the window ledge. “It’s OK;
I mean it’s far bigger than the old one.”

certainly a nice house, Zoe.” The moment those words left his mouth he thought:
Idiot! Why are you saying it’s a nice house? What a stupid pickup-line!

quickly changed the subject. “So, I hear you’re a big gamer?” Zoe nodded. “Yes,
my dad works in the industry and, lucky for me, he got me a part time job
testing games.”

he said, “that’s great.”

do your folks do?” She made eye contact.

dad’s a farmer. The farm has been in the family for generations,” replied
Steven. By now, the attraction between them was becoming visible. “Are you a
country boy, then? Hoping to follow in your dad’s footsteps?”

way; too much like hard work! I hope to be a lawyer.
about you?”

to do with games design, I guess.”


Vana and Matthew were making out in the guest bedroom. “They’re bound to know
what we’re up to,” he said, looking towards the open door. “Matthew, shut up
and kiss me,” she said, lying back on the bed. Matthew positioned himself on
top of her. The lovers continued to enjoy each other’s company when the
atmosphere changed. Vana felt someone was watching them. “Stop a minute,
Matthew,” whispered Vana, looking around the room, “I don’t think we’re alone.”



Two in the bed, one in the wardrobe


We’ll be finished in a minute,” said Matthew, kissing Vana passionately. “No, listen
up,” said Vana. “There’s nothing to listen to, the others are downstairs,”
replied Matthew. He kissed her left ear, cheek, and finally her neck. “Come on,
I’ve not seen you since Saturday.” Vana wasn’t convinced. She listened intently
for any noises coming from the landing, or from the attic.
She started to relax again and, looking into Matthew’s eyes, kissed him
affectionately on the lips. “I’m such a soft touch when it comes to you.”

kissed her right cheek. “Soft isn’t the word I’d use right now.” Vana giggled,
“Matthew, you’ve got one dirty mind.” They did not notice as the wardrobe door
gently opened, revealing a mirror fixed to the inside of it. Nor did they see a
dark shadow, which partially covered the mirror, watching them. Suddenly Vana
was aware of the open door and, at that moment, a wooden hanger clattered down
from the rail and fell out onto the bedroom floor. The young couple jumped up
from the bed.

the fuck was that?” said Matthew. “Not sure, but I think it’s time we got
going,” said Vana. “I’m right with you on that one,” replied Matthew, as he
hurriedly zipped up his jeans. The dark shadow faded away.


and Matthew came into the lounge to the sound of laughter. Zoe and Steven were
playing a game on the PlayStation. “Hi guys,” said Vana, “anyone want a brew?”

have a refill, please,” said Steven. “Me too,” said Zoe, as she collected the
empty mugs from the table and followed her friend into the kitchen. “Well?”
said Vana, as soon as they were out of earshot. “Well, what?” replied Zoe,
mischievously. “Come on, am I going to have to drag it out of you?” Vana was
one of those girls who wanted to know all the latest gossip the moment it

he’s cute,” answered Zoe, filling the kettle. “Not enough,” replied Vana, “I
want to know more. I want all the details.”

get on really well. I think he’s my type,” said Zoe, as she started to smile.
“Yes! I deffo knew it,” answered Vana, punching the air. “I’d a feeling you
were the instigator behind this.” Vana laughed. “He’ll be SO good for you.” Zoe
and Vana were much more than close friends, they were more like sisters – they
watched out for each other.

right, and I should move on,” replied Zoe. “Anyway, let’s change the subject.
What took you two so long to come back down?” Vana giggled. “Just wanted to
give you
time to get to know one another. That’s
time to break the ice

so no making out in the guest room then?”

knew someone was watching us, but how did you get the hanger to fall?” asked
Vana. Zoe was puzzled.
What hanger? What are
you talking about? I just guessed what you would be up to.”

I really that predictable?” said Vana. “We were just kissing and the wardrobe
door opened and then a hanger fell off the rail.”

“Too much vibration!
I’m surprised we didn’t hear
you down here! Come on, let’s get the coffee made.”


and Steven were playing the same game on the PlayStation. “So what do you think
of Zoe?”

likes video games, football, and is a stunner. What else do you need to know?”

answer, mate. You’ve just described the perfect modern-day woman!”

guys had met during fresher’s week the previous year, and had been friends ever
since. They both liked the same activities, and rowing was their passion. It
was actually their rowing skills that had brought them to Oxford; they had both
been approached a couple of years previously at their local rowing clubs by
university representatives who had asked if they had considered applying for

representatives stated that if they had, provided they got the required grades
in their chosen subjects, there would be a place reserved for them. The lads
were surprised at this, but soon discovered that it was common practice – one
which had started in America when colleges were recruiting football stars.

girls came back in, carrying the coffee, which they placed on the coffee table.
“It didn’t take you long to find another partner,” Zoe said to Steven with a
smile. “Yes, but he’s not as good as you.”

was using her iPhone to check the movies at the local cinema. “What do you all
fancy?” she asked, “there’s Hathaway, Perlman, Banderas films and then there’s
Final Destination
movie.” Matthew was the first to reply. “You
can’t beat a Ron Perlman action film.”

sort of films do you like, Steven?” asked Zoe.

don’t really mind,” he replied. Vana watched the interaction between the
couple. “Tell you what, let’s vote. Zoe, have you got some paper and pens?”

all wrote down their choice. “I’m sure it’s a democratic way of doing things –
but I am NOT watching a gay chick-flick!” said Matthew, as he dropped his
folded paper into the bowl. “Right,” said Vana, “Zoe’s house – she should
choose.” Zoe duly picked a paper at random. “
Final Destination 5
it is
then,” said Zoe.


an hour later the four friends headed out to the cinema, Vana and Matthew
leading the way, arms entwined. Zoe and Steven walked a little way behind them,
chatting away like old friends; he reached for her hand.

: Cinema plus meal equals date night


friends continued to walk towards the bus stop where they could catch a bus to
take them to King’s Road. They did not see the curtains moving in Zoe’s
parents’ bedroom. “So, Steven, when are you
Uni?” asked Zoe, as she studied the bus timetable on the shelter’s wall. “Not
for another week and a half.
How about you?”

“Roughly the same.
Funny isn’t it, I couldn’t
wait for the summer, but I am so looking forward to getting back into a
routine.” Steven laughed. “I kind of see your point. I do keep up with my
training and that’s a big part of my life, but I sure do miss the day-to-day

the bus arrived, the friends took out their student passes and got on board.
They walked towards the few empty seats. Matthew and Vana sat behind Steven and
Zoe, and they all chatted together. The journey to King’s Road did not take
long. They did not notice an old woman, with matted black and white hair, sitting
alone on the back seat.


couple of minutes later, Vana pressed the stop button and the bus came to a
halt in King’s Road. “Come on you two,” said Vana, “this is our stop.” Thanking
the driver, they jumped off the bus and strolled, arm in arm, to the cinema.

they went in, they were quite pleased to see that the place wasn’t full, and
there wasn’t a queue. Wednesday evenings were usually quiet, even though one of
the popular mobile phone networks had a special offer on – two tickets for the
price of one. Vana and Zoe duly showed their mobiles to the attendant at the
desk, and purchased the tickets, while the lads bought chocolate, popcorn, and

friends entered the auditorium, and made their way to their seats. Once the
final trailer had been shown, the lights went down, and the friends prepared
themselves for the scary movie.


few hours later the couples came out of the cinema to find that it was pouring
down. “Quick! Run people!” laughed Vana, as they all dashed across the road, jackets
over their heads, to the local steakhouse. “God, I’m soaked,” moaned Matthew.
“Get over it,” replied Vana, “we’re here now.”

smartly dressed waiter met them at the door and escorted them to a window
table, picking up menus on the way. He told them about
today’s specials
and then took their drinks order – Jack Daniels and Coke, Becks, and two white
wines. All conversation stopped as they made their choices. Matthew got up from
the table. “I’m just going to...”

know where you’re going; you don’t have to give us all the gory details!”
interrupted Vana. The group laughed.

order my usual, please, if I’m not back.”

his usual?” asked Zoe. “Oh, creature of habit; he always has fillet steak,
medium rare, chips and salad.”

a bad choice,” smiled Steven, “think I’ll go for that too.”

“Same for me, but just
What about you, Zoe?”

that’s good for me.”

waiter came over with the drinks, and then took the dinner order.


walked into the Gents and found a tiny room which contained two urinals, one
cubicle, which appeared to be occupied, and one handbasin. He wasn’t that
impressed with the cleanliness, or the smell. “An extractor fan wouldn’t go
amiss in here, methinks.” Low mumbling came from the cubicle – possibly in
agreement with Matthew’s comments.
“Fucking hell!
I waited long for this,” he said, as he placed one hand on the wall; he was
here for the long haul. Suddenly Matthew had the strangest of sensations which started
from his head and travelled down his body. He started to sweat, and his eyes
began to sting.

he looked down he could see that, instead of urine, he was passing blood. His
heart started to pound.
“What the...?” but, before he could
the blood stopped and his urine flowed normally.
blood-stained urinal was clear again. “Jesus, if that’s what watching a horror
movie does, then I’m not going to see anymore!” he said, as his body slowly
returned to normal.

he was washing his hands, and splashing his face with cold water, a
fellow-diner came into the room and headed for the closed cubicle. “There’s
someone in there, mate,” said Matthew, helpfully. The man paused, nudged open
the door, then walked into the empty cubicle, giving Matthew a strange look as
he did so. “Sorry, bud. I thought it was occupied,” said Matthew

did not notice the splashes of blood on his shoes.


BOOK: The Rattler (Rattler Trilogy Book 1)
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