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When her orgasm hit was staggering.  It grabbed her and wouldn't let her body go.  Her spasms were strong and she cried out, biting down hard on her lip to keep from screaming.  She let out a low, long moan and yanked against her bound wrists as her body thrashed and bucked.   She was wracked with waves of spasms that took control of her entire being.  Her walls clenched around Alex's cock and she knew he went over the edge.  She felt his body shaking and their groans mingled together as he released his stream deep into her body. 


He reached up and released her hands and collapsed in a chair, pulling her sweaty body on top of him.  His cock slipped from her as he pulled her into his lap.  She put her arms around him and held him tight.  He gripped her just as tightly as his heartbeat and breathing calmed.  Heather continued gasping for air for several minutes. 


Never had she orgasmed with such intensity and it send her whole body into overload. 


"That was...that was...intense, Dr. Hanson," she finished softly, still half breathless.


"I think you had better call me Alex after that," he smiled,  a rare full face smile that she had seldom seen before. 


"Punishment finished?, "  she questioned low and hesitantly, not quite sure she wanted it to end ever though her body was sated for the moment.


He sighed.  "I almost wish I could say no....but's finished.  I lied when I said I video taped you.  I'll let you look at my phone.  I swear I'll never tell anyone."


She got up and started to dress.  Her rear was sore as were other assorted places on her body.


Alex tucked in his shirt and did up his pants, replacing his belt in the loops and closing it. 


"I don't want to be a professor.  I'm going to give you my resignation," she told him calmly.


"Heather, you don't have to leave.  I didn't know this would upset you that badly.  When I came back and saw you reading that bondage magazine and squirming in your chair, I thought it turned you on.   It sure as hell turned me on.  I had to have you. shouldn't have been reading it here but...I don't want you to leave."  He looked sincerely sad.


"Fuck your teaching assistants much?,"  she joked lightly, but held her breath waiting for his answer.   


"Hell, no,"  he grumbled.  "Just you.  Believe me...I've wanted you since I first met you."


"It has nothing to do with you," she admitted.  "I don't regret what just happened.  I decided I would rather lean toward research."


His face flooded with relief.  "Good.  Since you won't be working for me anymore, do you want to have dinner?"  He looked hopeful. 


She sidled up to him and put her arms around his neck.  "Why yes...I just might do that."


He clamped his mouth over hers, leaning back against his desk, pulling her with him so that her body leaned into his.  He kissed her with a passion that left her no doubt that he was more than interested in a future relationship. 


When she pulled away, he laughed and told her softly, "I'll never be able to look at this desk again without getting hard."


"Mmmm.....good.  I guess that means you will think of me when I'm gone."  She climbed over the chairs delicately and retrieved her shoes.  When she got back to the front of the classroom, she opened the closet and lugged out her backpack. 


She hefted her backpack up onto her back and kissed Alex lightly on the mouth.  "By the way, Alex...."  She leaned over, snatched the magazine from his desk and stuffed it into her pack, closing the zipper after it was secure.  "I'm taking your magazine."


She smiled as she walked toward the door. 


"Just don't try anything without me,"  he replied in a low, husky voice. 


She pulled the door open and turned around to shoot him a seductive, sexy smile.  "I wouldn't dream of it.  I just thought maybe I" 


She slipped through the door and let it quietly close behind her. She could hear his laughter ringing behind her until the door finally clicked closed and she started down the hall, smiling a secret, mysterious smile for a very long time.



A Forfeit For A Cowboy (The Pleasure Of His Punishment: An Erotic Sex Story Of Sexual Submission)





Tears leaked from Jenna Hall’s eyes as she sat swinging in a porch swing on her best friend's porch, one leg hugged up to her chest and the other on the ground, keeping herself swinging at a steady pace.


The man she loved was getting married tomorrow…to a city woman with 36D breasts and platinum blond hair.  She was gorgeous and perfect in every way.  Jenna hated her.    


She reached up and swiped at the tears, angry with herself for giving in to her emotions....again.  Why couldn't she just forget Tom Caldwell?  It wasn’t as if they had any sort of relationship. He was the stepson of the owner of the ranch that bordered her daddy's to the south.  Her best friend Brody's ranch was on the north border, the place where she was currently hiding to drown her sorrows.   


The porch swing, the porch and everything else she was sitting her butt on right now belonged to Brody.  He had been her closest friend since they were children and she spent more time here at Brody's than she did at her own daddy's ranch. 


She didn't spend much time at Tom's stepfather's ranch anymore.  She used to hang around there whenever Tom was home, hoping he'd take some notice of her, but it never happened.


"You owe me a forfeit,"  the deep, low voice behind her startled her.


  Her big, brawny, stable best friend.  He was always a welcome sight to her with his ready smile and steady demeanor.  She supposed he was a handsome man.  A tall, rugged cowboy dressed in his usual jeans, a rodeo belt buckle, t-shirt, boots and his always present brown Stetson. His hair was a light brown that nearly matched his eyes.  He had the build of a cowboy who worked on his land.  Muscular and tan.


He handed her an ice cold beer as he took a swig of his own.  She took it from him but didn't drink it.  She distractedly ran her fingers down the condensation on the bottle.


"How do you know I was crying about him?" 


Brody sat in the porch chair across from her and stretched out his lean, muscular legs in front of him.  "What else would you be crying about?"


She sighed.  "Okay...I owe you a foreit."


They had played forfeit since they were kids.  Brody had dared her earlier, told her if she cried over Tom one more time that she would owe him a forfeit.  She had told herself then she wouldn't cry, wouldn’t give in.  She and Brody took their forfeits very seriously.  They always paid up.  Brody was easy because he usually wanted food.  The man could eat ten times a day and never have an ounce of fat on his body.  It was aggravating.  If Jenna ate a donut it went straight to her hips. 


"You gotta stop this, Jenna."  Brody tilted his hat up with his finger so that he could see her face.  "He ain't worth it."


"He is.  He's wonderful…and he’s getting married."  she sighed dejectedly.


"He's a city bred boy who has the morals of an alley cat and he won't keep his dick in pants after he's married.  He'll be cheating on that girl within a month,"  Brody replied caustically. 


"He wouldn't.  He's everything a man should be," she exclaimed hotly, defending her dream man. 


"You're infatuated with a man who doesn't exist," Brody argued.  "You got your mind fixed on who you think he is."


"How do you know?" she barked defensively.


"Hell, Jenna.  He's been to a few of our poker games.  He's had drinks with me and a few of the guys.  Do you know what he talks about?"  He stopped to take a long swig of his beer.  "He talks about the women he's done and the women he plans to do.  He doesn't care about any of those women."


"He's marrying Rachel.  He obviously loves her," she continued her defense.


"He loves her money.   She's got a very rich daddy who can provide the best of lifestyles for him in an expensive city,"  he said casually.  "He isn't who you think he is, Red."


She glared at Brody.  "I don't want to talk about it anymore.  And my hair is auburn, so don't call me Red. "


She hated the nickname.  Brody had called her that for as long as she could remember.  It just reminded her of her flaming auburn hair, which was the bane of her childhood.  Why couldn't she just be blonde?  The fiery mess cascaded in unruly waves past her shoulders and her gray eyes weren't exactly striking.  Her appearance might be mildly pleasing, but nothing to catch the eye of Tom Caldwell. 



Crap! She needed to get a grip.  She was twenty-four years old and mooning like an adolescent over a man that had barely acknowledged her for eight years.  She had seen Tom as the perfect man since the moment she had met him at his mother and stepfather’s wedding.  She had been sixteen and he had been twenty; he was the same age as Brody.  She had been trying to catch his attention for years and failing at it miserably for just as long.


"All right.  Subject closed," Brody agreed readily.  "Let's talk about my forfeit."


She rolled her eyes. "What is it this time?  Homemade brownies or  an apple pie?"


"There's something I want more than food this time,"  he answered, his voice deep and husky. 


"Really?"  She stared at him dumbfounded.  "I didn't think you ever wanted anything more than food."


"Oh yeah,"  he replied, silky and sultry.  "There is one thing that I want more.  I’ve just never demanded it."


"What is it?"  She was curious now.


"I want you to stop thinking about Tom Caldwell, and I plan on getting what I want," he answered as he eyed her intently. 


"Good luck with that," she shot back with a doubtful expression. 


"I will get lucky,"  he mused in a slow, steady drawl.  "Come with me."


He took the beer from her hand and set both of their drinks on the table.  He grabbed her hand and tugged her along behind him.  They went up the stairs of the large ranch home and he yanked her towards his bedroom, keeping a firm grip on her hand as she stumbled along behind him to keep up.  Brody pulled her into the room and locked the door behind him. 


She had been in Brody's room many times before for various reasons, but she was curious what he was up to now.


He pulled his hat off and tossed it towards the chair.  It landed perfectly on the small post on the back of the chair.  It figured.  What else could she expect from a rodeo champion? 


He sat on the bed and removed his boots.  Then he pulled  the t-shirt over his head, dropping it carelessly on the floor, his eyes never leaving hers.   


"Brody, what the hell are you doing?"  her eyebrows raised in alarm and confusion as she stared at him.


She had seen him with his shirt off before.  The heat made a lot of the men work shirtless…but she had never been this close and she was struck mute by his muscular body.  She usually saw him from a distance. The cowboy had an amazing build.  He wasn't overly hairy, but he had a patch of light brown chest hair and it formed a narrow, silky looking path that lead down his abdomen and disappeared into the top of jeans. 


"Strip, Jenna,"  he demanded, his voice was rough and his drawl becoming more pronounced.  


Jenna laughed nervously.  "You have to be joking."


"Oh, it's no joke, sweetheart.  This is my forfeit."  He met her perplexed gaze with a determined, forceful one of his own and Jenna froze as she realized it was intense, dangerous.


She thought she knew everything about her sweet, steadfast friend.  Apparently this was a side of Brody she had never seen.


"No, Brody.  It's not happening," she told him stubbornly, her arms crossed over her chest.   There was no way she was messing up a perfectly good friendship by jumping in the sack with Brody just because he had the itch.  He was her buddy, her best friend and she couldn’t stand to lose him. 

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