Read The Legend of Alexandros: Belen Online

Authors: Mr. A. C. Hernandez

The Legend of Alexandros: Belen (7 page)

BOOK: The Legend of Alexandros: Belen
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to have existed from the beginning of Earth, legendary creatures, beautiful, intelligent, and rarely seen. Most people think Dragons are evil, but like most tall tales, it cannot be proven. Dragons possess a great deal of magic in their blood; it can grant you supreme power…that is, of course, if you can retrieve some.

lexandros stood in front of the Dragon and felt the pain and heartache the world had given to the dragon.

“I have given my trust to humans before, and it is all ended in vain. The human race cannot be trusted,” the Dragon said, his voice shaking.

Alexandros sat next to the Dragon and for several minutes they said nothing. The Dragon continued to cry.

“We will leave this village my friend, and never look back,” Alexandros whispered to the Dragon and at the moment Alexandros whispered the word “friend” the Dragon turned its head toward Alexandros and stopped crying. In the many centuries the Dragon had lived it had almost always been alone. About three centuries ago the Dragon’s clan was killed by a horde of barbarians. The only survivor of its clan, the Dragon hid away in caves never staying in one place for too long. Alexandros put his hand on the Dragon’s icy shoulder.

“My name is Belen Alexandros, son of the great Mabruk Alexandros. The villagers are set on ending you…but it is something I will not allow. So will you come with me?”

The cold cave gave little comfort to Alexandros; his limbs were beginning to numb. The Dragon thought hard about this decision; the idea of never having to be alone filled the Dragon’s mind, and with that thought he answered. “Human, it would be an honor to travel with you.”

Alexandros felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders as he realized he might have gained an amazing ally and also a dear friend.

“Since we are going to be traveling together, I wish for you to know my name. I am called Winston,” the Dragon said proudly.

A strong look of confusion filled Alexandros’ face as he stopped and turned to the Dragon. “Your name is Winston?”

“Yes it is,” Winston replied. “It was given to me by… well me.”

“I guess…we all must have a name…Winston.”

Alexandros made his way out of the cave, and Winston followed along joyfully.

“Human…” said Winston. “Will your friends be my friends?”

Alexandros placed his hand on the Dragon’s shoulder. “Please, call me Belen or Alexandros. And as for my friends… I am positive they will accept you; they are noble and kind so, yes, they will be your friends as well.”

Alexandros prayed that the Princess Elora and the centaur Raphael would welcome the Dragon, but for now the main concern was to get the Dragon out of BueHoov.

The cave began to warm up; it seemed they were almost out. In the distance Alexandros heard the peaceful sound of the falling rain and felt a soft cool rainy breeze. After a few more minutes they exited the cave; the hard rain continued to fall.

In the distance, in the direction of the village, they saw flames.

Flames so strong that not even the hard summer rain could put them out; flames so high they towered over the tall forest trees. A flash of his own village filled his head, and all he could think of was…not again.

Alexandros stood frozen in place as he stared at the orange flames, his muscles tensed up and his heart pounded as he ran with the speed of a falcon to BueHoov. Winston soared over him in the midnight rain-filled air, creating a powerful wind; then he swooped down, grabbed Alexandros with his hind claws, and lifted him gently into the air.

The village was completely destroyed, homes were burned down, and others were in flames as the villagers tried desperately to put them out. The warrior dwarves had fended off the goblin horde to an extent, and goblins lay broken and battered on the muddy ground. The dwarves had managed to kill one of the mountain trolls, but tragically three of their dwarf brothers were slain, and the surviving group sat and deeply mourned their fallen comrades. In the distance the dwarves saw the dragon soaring towards BueHoov, but they were so drained of energy from battle, they could not even hold up their swords let alone stand.

Winston soared over the village in shock. Alexandros with his deep powerful voice commanded Winston to release him, sending Alexandros dropping from the air. Alexandros landed hard on his feet but he ignored the sudden pain. He saw nothing but flames and wreckage. Winston landed beside Alexandros and was sadden by what he saw. Alexandros gazed at the flames that surrounded BueHoov. Flashes of his own home filled his mind.

Why am I always too late? Why can I not be there to stop this?

He tossed his head back and let out a powerful scream of wrathful rage. His screams echoed in the air; his pale face began to turn bright red, and when he could not breathe anymore he stopped. Another scream filled the air, but this scream was full of mournful agony. It was the screams of the tavern keeper upon finding the slaughtered body of his only son lying on the muddy ground. His cries filled the air; he knelt down, held his son in his arms, and began to cry.

“Please. Bring him back. Please bring him back to me, please!”

But his cries were left unanswered. He just cradled the body of his son and rocked back and forth, his eyes shut tightly.

Alexandros looked at muddy ground filled with the decapitated heads of the slain villagers that were slain and the one thought that then ran through his mind was…were was Elora and Raphael?

He ran to the inn where he left them, but to his horror found the inn was completely destroyed, reduced to nothing but broken wood and stone. Alexandros jumped onto the rubble and began digging frantically praying he would find his companions. Alexandros searched until he heard from behind him that beautiful voice call out his name.


When he turned around he saw Princess Elora near the rubble. Alexandros pushed his way through the rubble, and when he reached Elora he gave her the tightest embrace. The rain fell onto them as they held onto each other tightly.

“I will never abandon you again, my lady,” Alexandros whispered.

The most calming feeling filled the princess as she held Alexandros. They hugged for what seemed to be an eternity, but in reality it was only seconds.

From behind her appeared Raphael and Bixbin. Raphael approached Alexandros slowly allowing Princess Elora and Alexandros sometime together, when Raphael came forward not only was Bixbin with him but Raphael and Bixbin had captured a goblin warrior.

“We found the foul creature hiding in the brush; it thought it could escape…it is dumber than it looks,” Raphael told Alexandros.

Raphael used his front leg to knock the goblin down to its knees; Alexandros stepped toward the Goblin creature and gave it a swift powerful kick in the face, knocking out several of the goblin’s jagged broken teeth. Alexandros then noticed that Raphael, Princess Elora, Bixbin, and everyone else in the village not looking at the goblin captive, but staring at the Dragon Winston.

“Hello, everyone, my name is Winston,” the Dragon said with a smile.

Raphael, Elora and Bixbin turned to Alexandros with looks of confusion.

“All right…I can explain this,” Alexandros said to the group with a forced smile.

After a small debate he managed to explain that Winston was not an evil beast but a misunderstood soul. Even though the villagers had said Winston was a monster, they were obviously wrong. Alexandros soon convinced Raphael and Elora to be more relaxed with the idea of traveling with a Dragon. The villagers, on the other hand, were not so accepting of Winston. They surrounded Winston, set on killing him. As they were about to charge, Alexandros leaped in front of the Dragon and drew his sword; joining him were Elora, Raphael, who had drawn his sword as well, and even Bixbin with his giant hammer.

“How dare you” scolded Alexandros. “How dare you even think of harming this creature? Your village was just destroyed, and all you can think of is more killing. You people are the very thing that is wrong with the world right now. And as long as there is still air in my lungs I will never allow anyone to harm this Dragon. I dare you to try.”

Winston stood behind Alexandros and saw for the first time in his life that he had a true friend. He promised himself to never let any harm befall Alexandros; he would protect Alexandros until the end.

The villagers were dumfounded. How Alexandros dare speak to them in such a manner? The people of BueHoov demanded that Alexandros, Princess Elora, Raphael, Winston, and even poor Bixbin leave what was left of their village.

Alexandros, sword drawn, stepped toward the crowd and said in anger, “Make us leave your village…”

It seemed a fight was about to begin. Elora pulled Alexandros by the arm and begged him to just leave. Too much had been lost for another battle to begin. Alexandros turned to Elora then looked at the villagers; he took a deep breath and nodded his head slowly at Elora then turned and began to make his way out of the village. The dwarves who stood alongside the villagers were enraged that Bixbin would stand with a human he had just met that very night, and as punishment they spit in his face.

“Never again will you stand tall with us Bixbin, and you shall fall alongside them, you fool!” The dwarf leader shouted to Bixbin. “Why Bixbin?!?” The Dwarf leader shouted. “Answer me! Why would you side with a human over your own people?”

But Bixbin had no answer; not even he knew why he stood with Alexandros. The dwarves left Bixbin standing alone; he was almost reduced to tears before Elora came to him.

“You saved my life Bixbin, and as my thank you I would like to ask if you would join me and my friends. It would be my honor to travel beside you…” Elora said softly to Bixbin.

Bixbin stood in the rain thinking of all he had lost—his friends…his family. He had nowhere else to go, and in the very short time he had known Princess Elora he had felt she was one he could trust. He agreed to travel alongside her and her companions.

Bixbin left BueHoov with Alexandros and Elora. Raphael asked Alexandros if they should return to Ezdacir, his home village. Alexandros agreed. Raphael tied up the goblin and dragged it with them along the muddy road.

Outside the village, Alexandros stared into the goblin’s blood red eyes. “Who sent you?”

“I shall never betray my master. He is all powerful and shall make you suffer greatly, human,” the goblin hissed.

“I wish to make one thing clear,” said Alexandros. “Your disgusting people murdered my family and hers as well, so you can agree to give the information we need, and I can kill you quickly, or you can continue to be pig headed, and I kill you slowly.”

A panic look grew on the cowardly goblin’s face. He saw there was no escaping his fate. “Please…I am sorry,” the goblin pleaded.

Elora reached down and smacked the goblin creature’s face.

“How dare you! How dare you! You monster!” She cried.

Bixbin held the princess back.

“We shall get information out of you,” said Alexandros. “One way…or another…”



BOOK: The Legend of Alexandros: Belen
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