Read The Horny Leprechaun 2 Online

Authors: Nikita King

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

The Horny Leprechaun 2 (5 page)

BOOK: The Horny Leprechaun 2
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“Oh shit!  Oh, oh, Collins,” Karen was panting the words out.  Collins knew that meant she was on the edge.  Collins pulled back out only leaving the head of his dick in and slammed it home, he grunted while pulling out and rammed forward again.

“Fuck, you’re so tight and wet.  Donna know how long I can last.  I will fucking never let ye go.”

Karen screamed out her orgasm!  Collins continued to push his pubic area into her to let her ride it out.  He held her steady as he stroked through her spasming cunt, embedding himself over and over.  The convulsing of her pussy around his cock took him over and he punched in even harder.  He felt cum rushing up from his heavy balls as he exploded deep into her cunt, bathing her pussy with his hot seed.  His dick jerked inside of her then his cock jetted again emptying


Karen could feel the cum squirting into her cervix.  Collins rode out his orgasm while she rode out hers.  God, she hoped the sex would always be this hot.  Never had any man satisfied her more than Collins did.  She loved his eight inch fat cock and all the magic it could deliver.

“Are ye
alright, lass?” Collins asked in a frightful voice.  Karen could tell that Collins was truly sorry for their first time.  It was sweet of him but she needed him to realize that she liked sex this way. 

Karen kissed him very sweetly on his lips and she felt his dick jerk inside of her.  She had forgotten about Leprechauns coming multiple times.  What a great feature that would come in handy in the future.

“Yes, Collins I am just fine,” she said with a big smile on her face.

“You donna
think I hurt the babe, do you?”

“Collins, the baby is just the size of a sea horse.  I am sure he is fine

“He?” Collins looked hopeful. 

“He or she.” Karen said with a smile.

Collins was still holding her against the wall with his cock still hard inside of her. One of Collins’ hands came up and he held it against Karen’s cheek.

“Karen, I love you.  I know ye don’t feel the same but I have known you longer with the whole mirror thing, but none the less it is true.  I love you.”

“Collins, at this very moment I am feeling very close to the feeling myself.  I have longed for you since I left.  I am carrying your child.  You saved me from being a “Bat’s Bitch”.  How on earth could I not fall in love with you?” Karen kissed him gently.

“Karen, marry me?  Let me take care of ye and our babe for the rest of time.”

Karen’s eyes nearly popped out.

“I promise to keep ye safe.  You will never want for anything.  I will treat you like a queen.  Just promise ye will think about it for a couple of days before ye say anything.”

“I will think about it,” Karen smiled wickedly.
  “Did you know your accent gets thicker when you’re horny?” 

“Aye, I guess I need ta
pull out of you now, huh,” he smiled at her.  She could tell he was a little embarrassed about it.  “It just feels so toasty in there,” he laughed.

“Unless you want to tie me up and make me come again,” she whispered huskily into his ear.

Collins eyes widened.  “You would let me tie you up?”

“Only if you feel like being a bad leprechaun?” she smiled.

“Oh, I can be bad, you just wait and see!”


Karen and Collins walked hand in hand back to the King’s throne room.  Redrick’s mind was somewhere else.  He looked worried, haunted.

“King, I wanted to thank you.” Collins looked at the King and then he looked at Karen.

I see that you and your mate made up.

Karen stepped up, “yes we did!” Karen said with a huge smile.

I am glad.  I am so sorry dear for what happened to you.  You and your leprechaun need to be watchful.  I can’t find Teros.  He has vanished.  Speed was always one of his strengths.  I do not know how much he desires you but always keep an eye open.  I certainly wouldn’t go back to the place he found you.

“Oh, I didn’t think of that,” Karen looked at Collins with fear in her eyes.

“Karen, he will never touch you again.  I promise,” Collins said with conviction.  “We will talk about that later, okay?”

Karen nodded.

Leprechaun, I owe you.  You saved my queen with your quick thinking. 

“You owe me nothing.  As far as I am concerned, we are even.  If you hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have my Karen back,” Collins gripped Karen’s hand a little tighter.

If I find him, Leprechaun mark my words, I will kill him for what he did to our women.  I should have killed him on site when I first found him with Karen.  I have a feeling I will regret that action for a while.

“Where is the queen, I wanted to thank her for leaving me some clothes outside the alcove,” Karen stated.

I made her lie down to rest.  She wanted to see you two off but……..

“Here I am,” Kim said.

What are you doing up!

“Redrick, don’t be mad.  I am okay.  I just wanted to see Collins and Karen off.”

Come to me……..

Kim went over to him and Redrick reached up and sat her in his lap.  Kim snuggled into him and you could tell this was a common thing between them.  Redrick started stroking Kim’s long black hair and his other hand was tenderly rubbing Kim’s baby bump.  He was talking to her, in her mind, but Collins and Karen were not privy to the conversation.  You could only tell by Kim’s cheeks getting a bit flushed.  Then you heard her whisper in his ear, “I love you too.”

“Uh, Karen maybe we should go to let the King and his Queen have some time together,” Collins said to Karen.

“Wait, Karen how are you feeling? I am so sorry for what Teros did to you,” Kim stated.

“I am fine now, thanks for asking, and thanks for the clothes.”

“That’s the least we could do.  How far along are you?” Kim questioned.

“About ten or eleven weeks; I haven’t had time to even go to the doctor yet.  What about you?”

“I am only about four weeks along.”

“Wow, you look about four months along.”

“Yeah,” Kim smiled while she put her hand on top of Redrick’s.  They intertwined their fingers on top of her baby belly.  “Night Gaunts have their spawns in three months.  Being human makes it a more dangerous pregnancy.  We miscarried our first one,” Kim looked heart broken.  “But this one will be fine.  I am sure of it!” Kim said with conviction.  “I am still really tired and I still have a lot of n

“That’s a good sign according to Collins, he read
What To Expect When You’re Expecting
,” Karen said with concern in her eyes.

Collins blushed and whispered in Karen’s ear, “
Babe, that’s not real manly, ye know.  So let’s keep that ta ourselves.”

Where do you think I could get one of those books?  I would like to know what to expect while she is expecting……. did I say that correctly?

“Close enough, I’ll make sure I send ye one,” Collins said with a grin.


The cab came back for Collins like he promised.  As they got into the cab, Karen turned to Collins.

“So what do we do now?” Karen asked.

“I wanted to talk ta you about that.  I want you ta come home with me, back to Ireland,” Collins grabbed her hand.  Then he continued, “Redrick was right, you can’t go back ta your apartment now with Teros somewhere out there.” 

“Collins, I don’t want the threat of some evil looking demon being the reason for me moving to Ireland.”

“Karen, darling, I don’t know if you remember this but I asked you ta marry me about two hours ago.  I am not just asking because of Teros.  I am asking because I want to take care of you and our babe.  Karen, give me a chance ta show you how much I love you.  All I want to do with my life is ta be with you and our child.”

“I have to go back to Miami.” Karen whispered to him.

Collins’ face fell.  He looked like he had lost his best friend.  He couldn’t make Karen come back to Ireland with him if she didn’t want to.

“Can I come ta
live with you in Miami?” Collins asked the question very carefully.  Then Karen started to laugh and grabbed his face in both hands.

“I have to go back to Miami to get Maggie, you silly leprechaun.  Do you honestly think I would not go with you?  After all, who is going to drive me to all those doctor’s appointments?” Then Karen kissed him!


Karen stepped into the cave with a blindfold on and Collins guiding her.  Maggie was crying in the cat carrier that Collins was holding.  Maggie was not a happy camper and it had been a long plane ride. 

“We’re here,” Collins exclaimed.  He bent down and released the cat carrier and guided Karen into the middle of the room.

“Ta da!”  Collins removed the blindfold from Karen’s eyes.  Karen’s eyes were huge taking in the room.  The last time she had been here it looked nice but not like it did now.  Karen looked around the main living area.  It had been totally rearranged.  There was really nice living room furniture with a big screen TV on the wall.  There were silks still draped over the wall and it just looked beautiful.  Karen walked around the living area.  She saw a playpen against the wall with a newborn diaper changing attachment with a sleeping bassinet.  Near the playpen was a baby swing.  It looked expensive.  Wait, everything looked expensive!  Karen was still walking the room.  It was so homey.  The other side of the room was floor to ceiling bookshelves. 

“Oh my God!” Karen ran over there. The bookshelf already had some of her favorites on the shelves in Hardbacks:

The Great Gatsby

Wuthering Heights

Jude the Obscure

The Hunger Games Series

The Library at Night

Les Liaisons Dangereuses


Half of a Yellow Sun


“How did you know?  How did you know these were my favorites?”  She asked with wonder in her voice.


“I friended you on Goodreads,” Collins said with a wicked smile on his face.


“You did what?  I don’t remember you friending me.”


“Karen, you have like over four thousand friends on there.  I just put a fake avatar and called myself Collie.”  Karen punched him in the arm.  “That’s sneaky.”


“That’s how I found out your favorite books, so do you like them?” Collins asked.


“No…….I love them,” she flung herself into Collins arms.  “Thank you for thinking of me.  What’s this?” Karen looked on the bookshelf.  “A light up Nook!  I always wanted one that lit up!”  Karen started to do a happy dance around the cave.  It was the cutest thing Collins had ever seen her do!


“Well, look over here.” Collins guided her to the coffee table in front of the sofa.  Karen sat down and saw the laptop with a bow around it. 
Wow, this looks expensive.
“This is yours too.  I know you like ta do reviews online.”


“Collins, you shouldn’t have done all of this.  I don’t need all this stuff,” Karen whispered to him.


“Karen, I want you ta be happy here and we both know I have plenty of money.”


“Speaking of money, where is your pot of gold?” Karen’s face flushed with remembering what happened on that pot of gold. 


“It is over in the corner,” Collins pointed.


Karen got up and walked over to the pot. 
Wow, this is where it all began
.  Karen picked up one of the coins and turned around and looked right at Collins with a sexy look, holding up the coin.


“What would you do to me right now if I took this coin?  Would you be mad?” Karen asked in a low voice.


“No, why would I be.  What is mine is yours, Karen,” Collins said with a serious look on his face.


Karen leaned in seductively over the pot with her butt in the air.


“Ah, lass, you are trying ta tempt me and it is working too,” Collins walked over to Karen and rubbed his hands over her bottom seductively.  “Maybe someone needs a spanking, aye?”


All of a sudden Maggie let out a cat howl to remind the couple that she was waiting to be let out.  Karen looked Collins in the eyes and said, “maybe you can punish me later for stealing this coin?” Karen held up a coin in her hand, flipped it and then put it in her bra.  Karen gave him a very wicked smile and went to let Maggie out.


“Now ye just being cruel, lass!” Collins eyed her breasts.


“There goes your thick accent again.”


“Never said I wasn’t horny,” Collins smiled so big Karen melted inside.


“Why did you put the pot in the corner?” Karen thought it might be safer to change the subject for now or she would never see the place.

BOOK: The Horny Leprechaun 2
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