Read The Heir Online

Authors: Suzanna Lynn

Tags: #medieval romance, #erotic historical romance, #medieval historical romance, #erotic fantasy romance, #fantasy romance series, #epic fantasy romance, #epic historical fantasy, #knight historical romance series, #knight medieval romance, #medieval warrior romance

The Heir (3 page)

BOOK: The Heir
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Baylin clenched his teeth.
All in the Kingdom were aware of the fact that Baylin and Lord
Cadman held no affection for one another. However, after Cadman’s
attempt at raping Luana, it took all of Baylin’s control not to
kill his uncle.

Father trusts him far too much.
As a
young boy, Baylin had discovered the depth of Cadman’s treachery
when he overheard him plotting to have both the Prince and the King
killed. He had tried to warn his parents, but King Ashmur refused
to listen.
Cadman wants Grasmere for his own, and Father would
blindly trust him with a mission of this importance.

“Father, perhaps I would be more suited...”
Baylin began.

“What’s done is done,” the King interrupted.
“Besides, your duty is here. I need you to see to the needs of King
Gideon and his family when they arrive. I fear I’m not going to be
the best of company and, as is tradition, a celebration must be
prepared for them.”

So I’m to play host while Cadman
manipulates and corrupts this Kingdom.
Baylin glared at the
floor, feeling heat rush over his body.
This cannot be allowed.
I must make him see Uncle for what he truly is. Cadman seeks to
overthrow the line and take the Kingdom, and Father sits by blindly
and allows him to pull it from under us.
The Prince began to
grind his teeth in anger at the thoughts of his deceitful

The debate of strategy and combat continued
on into the night. It was truly exhausting to Baylin.
These old
men would talk until they were out of breath, yet nothing ever
seemed to get done.

The discussion wore down, and one by one the
men excused themselves to return to their chambers. Baylin wished
he could do the same, but his duty was to stay at his father’s side
until all had departed. Ferric was the last of the men to remain in
the room. This was welcome to Baylin as he felt he could be himself
around his friend.

The Prince stood from his chair, stretching
his back after sitting for so long. He walked over to Ferric and
patted him on the shoulder. “Could you give me a moment with the
King? Wait for me in the hall so I can discuss something with

Ferric nodded. “Yes, Your Grace.”

As Ferric walked out the door, Baylin turned
to King Ashmur, who had feebly stood from his chair. “Father, I
must protest in regard to sending Uncle to Mirstone. The assessment
of the condition of the Kingdom is far too important.”

The King shook his head in frustration.
“Baylin, we have been over this. I trust your uncle completely. He
cares as much about this Kingdom as you. He would die to defend

He’d kill to take it.
Baylin balled
his fists, trying to control his anger. “The last time we trusted
his judgment in a situation like this, my men and I were nearly

King Ashmur looked at his son with sad eyes.
“You have always distrusted your uncle, Baylin. He has his faults,
I know, but if you could only see him as I do.”

Baylin felt the heat rise in his face. “No,
Father, you’re wrong. Your love for him blinds you. If you could
but see he does not hold you in the same regard.”

“He is my brother, Baylin,” King Ashmur
shouted. The effort caused the King to waver and he reached for the
arm of his throne to steady himself. The King turned to his son
with sadness in his eyes. “Would you have me cast him out? Perhaps
if your mother and I had given you a brother, you would

The words caused Baylin a great amount of
guilt. His parents had suffered greatly over the years. After
Ashmur’s mother died giving birth to Cadman and their father passed
a year later, Ashmur was crowned King at the young age of eighteen.
The responsibility of a Kingdom was enough, but Ashmur made it his
duty to be a father to his little brother, Cadman.

Baylin grew up listening to his father
reminisce over tales the brothers had shared. He knew his parents’
goal was to give him his own brothers and sisters; however, their
desire was never fulfilled. Queen Valasca had been with child more
than once after Baylin, but the gods saw fit to take them from her
before they entered the world.

Baylin’s thoughts turned to that of Luana
and the child she had within. He felt a fear rise within him but
refused to let it take him.
No. We will not share my parents’
His attention returned to that of the King. “Father, I
would not ask you to banish him, but I would not have you stand by
and have a veil of lies cloud your judgment of him. When I was a
boy, I came to you and…”

“Not this again.” The King sat back down on
his throne, tired and weak. “You were simply mistaken. Your

“Cadman is a vile creature who would sooner
see both of us dead than ruling Grasmere!” The anger within Baylin
boiled up to the surface. “As a boy you disregarded my warning, but
you cannot possibly tell me that now, as a man, I still
misunderstand Cadman’s intent.”

Baylin knew his words caused his father
pain, but he felt it was his duty to warn him. The Prince knelt
beside his father’s throne, looking up at him. “Father, I beg you
to see reason. You know I speak the truth.”

“He was once such a wonderful boy, your
uncle.” A tear fell down the wrinkled cheek of the old King as he
stared down at his son. “He was so full of life and laughter, so
very innocent of the world and the evils that it held. It wasn’t
until after you were born that the boy I had known turned into a
dark, angry man.”

Then he sees him for what he is.
Baylin looked into his father’s eyes in shock. “You know what he
is, yet you allow him to stay? Allow him to make decisions that
carry the weight of the fate of our Kingdom?”

King Ashmur reached out and placed a hand on
Baylin’s shoulder. “Like I said, my son, he is my brother. I have
hope the boy I raised will someday return.”

Baylin was frustrated, but felt pity for his
There is no point in carrying on this argument.
Baylin stood as his father rose from the large throne. As the King
made his way from the room, Baylin stopped him. “Father?”

The King turned to face Baylin. “What is it,
my boy?”

“You should know I will do anything to
protect our Kingdom. I will protect you, Mother, Luana and the
people of Grasmere, by whatever means necessary,” Baylin said with
utter surety.

King Ashmur gave Baylin a weary smile. “I’m
counting on it.”

As Baylin and the King made their way out to
the hall, they found Ferric waiting on them. Baylin remembered even
during these uncertain times he had reason to celebrate.

“Father. Ferric, my friend,” Baylin said. “I
nearly forgot. I have something I must share with you both.” Though
he was exhausted, the happiness Baylin had felt earlier in the
evening returned at the thought of sharing his news.

“Well, what is it?” the King urged, seeming
anxious to retire to his chambers.

“Luana is with child,” Baylin said. “I’m to
be a father.”

A wide grin spread across Ferric’s face and
he clapped Baylin on the back in a sturdy embrace. “Well done,

“Yes, yes.” His father smiled. “This is most
welcome news. Welcome indeed.” The King reached out a frail hand to
Baylin in congratulations.

“Thank you, Father.” The Prince felt pride
at being able to relay the news to his father and friend. All the
other bed wives were heavy with child, and the lack of his own heir
on the way had caused him some pain.

Looking at the smile on King Ashmur’s face,
Baylin saw the King as his father, not of his father as the King.
He was certain the arrival of this child would bring them all
Perhaps the coming of a grandchild could persuade Father
to renounce the bed wife law. Perhaps I can convince him to allow
me to take Luana as my Queen.
The thought gave him hope.

The King looked tired. “Baylin, Ferric, you
must excuse me. I do think it is time I retire. The Queen will
certainly be waiting.” Both Prince Baylin and Ferric bowed
respectfully as the King turned down a side hall toward his

Ferric lingered a bit longer. He wore a
smile across his face. “So you are to be a father, truly? How does
it feel?”

Baylin thought about the question for a
moment as he and Ferric walked down the long hall. The torches that
lined it flickered, fighting to stay alive in the wee hours of the
morning. The Prince strained his eyes, squinting to see through the
dim light. “I’m not sure. I’ve hardly had time to think about it. I
found out before being called to council.”

“You mean you came to council instead of…
um… celebrating… with Luana tonight?” Ferric’s laugh echoed off the
empty hall walls. “You need to get your priorities in order.”

Baylin laughed and shoved at Ferric. “There
is plenty of time for that. Plus, you know even I must obey the

The two friends spoke and joked as they made
their way through the halls. Ferric always put Baylin’s mind at
ease. Their friendship was only second to that of Baylin’s love for
Luana. As they neared a split in the hall, Baylin took his leave
and headed back to his chamber.

When he arrived, he found Luana asleep on
the bed, covered in warm furs. He walked over to the hearth and
threw another log on the fire, stirring the hot embers back to
life. He crossed the room to the bed, removed his clothes and slid
into bed. Luana gently stirred as the Prince pulled her into his

Baylin leaned in and kissed her eagerly as
he held her in his arms. He ran a hand down the soft curve of her
hip, allowing his fingers to trail between her thighs. His touch
caused Luana to moan softly, arousing him. Baylin pulled her closer
so that she could feel the stimulating effect she had on him.

He deepened his kiss as he rolled, placing
her under him. Luana spread her legs while her fingertips dug into
the flesh of his hips, encouraging his desire for her. He pressed
his hard member into her with one smooth thrust, catching her moan
of pleasure with his mouth as it escaped her lips.

Baylin held on to Luana’s waist as he moved
within her. She raised her hips, allowing him to deepen his thrust.
The sensation was so great, he could hardly contain himself.

He broke their embrace long enough to
whisper “I love you” into her ear. Luana moaned as his pace
quickened and she succumbed to the pleasure. The sound of Luana’s
desire aroused Baylin further, and he too let out a deep-throated
groan as ecstasy flowed over him.

The couple lay panting in each other’s arms
in the dimly lit room.

Luana looked up at Baylin, brushing her
fingertips over his well-trimmed beard. “I love you, Baylin.”

“And I love you.” Baylin kissed Luana
You are my life.

Chapter Three

Luana woke when the sun’s sleepy rays peeked
in through the nearby window. The winter had been hard. The sun had
not shown its warmth in several weeks. As she lay there with her
eyes closed, she felt Baylin stir and place his warm hand on her
soft, slender stomach. Her heart swelled at the thought of the
little life that would soon cause her belly to swell as her child
grew inside her.
He will be a father soon. Please, you must be a

She turned, moving in toward Baylin, and he
wrapped his strong arms around her, nestling her in so she felt
safe and secure. Luana was certain she could be happy staying
exactly in that moment for the rest of her life.
At least mostly
She stroked her lower stomach.
After all, it will be
perfect once our child is born and in our arms.
She smiled to

Just then there was a soft knock at the door
of the chamber. Baylin got up and wrapped a linen blanket around
his waist. When he arrived at the door, he found his father’s
steward waiting on the other side.

“Your Grace,” said the steward with a

“Yes, what is it?” Baylin questioned. “Is
there something wrong?”

Luana sat up in the bed, hugging a fur
blanket around her.
Is it the King? Has the illness taken
She worried for the King because she knew the great love
Baylin held for his father.

“No, not at all,” the steward answered. “I
have been asked to inform you that the King and Queen request you
and your bed wife to break your fast in their chamber this

“Yes, that will be fine,” Baylin agreed.
“Has there been any news of the royal family of Mirstone?”

“At last we heard, Your Grace, they set sail
from Mirstone,” the boy explained. “With the current against them,
it could take several weeks before they arrive.”

“And what of my uncle?” Baylin asked with
shortness in his voice.

“I do apologize, Your Grace. I must confess
I have not heard any news on his account,” the steward said
solemnly. “I’m sure there is nothing to be concerned about. I’m
certain he is safe.”

The poor boy doesn’t even know what he’s
Luana sighed at the words.
There is a lot more going
on than Baylin has been telling me.

Baylin nodded. “Thank you. Please inform
them we will be there soon.”

As Baylin closed the door Luana asked, “What
is it?”

“My love,” he said, crossing the room to
her, “I am sorry. You should be resting. I did not mean to wake you
so early.” He leaned in and kissed Luana.

“Why are the King and Queen of Mirstone
coming?” she asked, sliding from the bed to her feet.

Baylin began dressing, slipping a pair of
black leather trousers on. “They are coming for their protection.
Mirstone is having troll problems as well, it would seem.”

The thought made Luana shiver
and wrap her arms around herself. It had been a problem with trolls
that almost took Baylin’s life only a few months before.

BOOK: The Heir
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