Read The Ghost and Mr. Moore Online

Authors: Ryan Field

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Fiction

The Ghost and Mr. Moore (18 page)

BOOK: The Ghost and Mr. Moore
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Dexter.” Jesse thought Dexter was talking to him. He stared at Dexter’s naked body with


glaring eyes. “I’ve been dying to sink my teeth into your sweet ass since the first day you


took off your clothes for the camera. You look good in that position.”


Dexter rolled his eyes. “What are you doing in here? Why didn’t you knock…or


call first?” Normally, he would have pulled the covers up. But Lang’s dick was still in his


body and Lang was on the blankets. There was nothing else close by to use as a cover.


And though Jesse couldn’t see that Lang’s invisible dick was up his ass, Dexter was, for


all intents and purposes, in the perfect position to get fucked.


Jesse licked his lips. “I did knock. The dog even barked. But no one answered. So


I just came up here on my own to see if you were okay. I think you wanted me to come


up.” He jerked his dick a few times and stared at Dexter’s kinky boots. “This is one hot


jerk-off session, man.” Jesse reached out and grabbed Dexter’s right nipple. He smiled and shook his dick.


“Let’s have some fun tonight.”


Dexter was about to throw him out. But when Jesse put his hand on Dexter’s


nipple, Captain Lang lifted Dexter off his dick and got out of the bed. “I’ve had enough,”


Lang said.


Dexter got out on the other side of the bed and said to Lang, “I’ll take care of




Jesse thought Dexter was talking about his dick. “I know you will,” he said. “I’ll


bet you know just how to take care of this.”


“And I’m going to take care of
,” Captain Lang said. He was talking to Jesse.


“This guy has it coming, Dexter. How dare he walk in here and wave his dick back and


forth at you? Who the hell does he think he is? I’ll take care of the presumptuous little


fuck so he never does anything like this again for as long as he lives.”


“He doesn’t mean any harm,” Dexter said.


But it was too late. Lang crossed to the door and slammed it shut, then pushed the


table next to the door forward. The table was stacked with books. It fell with a loud crash;


the books on top of the table scattered all over the floor. And just in case that wasn’t


enough, he picked the table up and shoved it against the wall as hard as he could.


When the door slammed and the table went over, Jesse’s jaw dropped. It looked


as if these things were moving on their own. Jesse couldn’t catch his breath. He shoved


his dick back into his pants and pulled up his zipper. The antique table had uneven legs; it


rocked for a long time. Jesse stared at it for a minute, then said, “What the fuck?” Captain Lang pressed his palm to his stomach and laughed. Then he opened the


door as wide as it would go and said, “Now get the hell out of here.”


Jesse couldn’t hear Captain Lang. But when he saw the door open all by itself, he


ran to the doorway and shouted, “I’m out of here. There’s something fucking weird about


this place. I’ll be back with the crew in the morning, Dexter.”


Dexter heard Jesse run down the hall, then heard Jesse’s feet on the stairs. When


Dexter heard the front door slam shut, he turned to the window and looked outside. Jesse


ran to his rental car, jumped inside, and switched on the engine. He backed out of the


driveway so fast he left indentations in the gravel. Then he pulled away from the curb


with such intensity Dexter heard a loud screech and the whish of his tires racing down


Commercial Street.


While Dexter was still looking out the window, Captain Lang walked up behind


him. He placed his hands on Dexter’s hips and said. “Let’s finish what we started before


that idiot interrupted us.” Then Lang lifted his erection and rested it in the center of


Dexter’s ass.


Dexter sighed. “I’m going to have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow,” he said.


Captain Lang pushed him forward with one hand and pushed his legs apart with


the other. Then he inserted his penis into Dexter’s hole and said, “He’ll never repeat what


he saw here tonight. And if he does, no one will ever believe him. Besides, he doesn’t


want anyone to know that he’s gay or that he tried to fuck you. Trust me, what happened


here tonight will never be repeated. I’ve run across his kind before.” Dexter smiled and arched his back. “I guess you’re right,” he said. Then he


laughed. “You should have seen him running down the walk to his car. Too bad we


couldn’t get that on camera.”


Chapter Thirteen


When Marion and Brighton returned to Boston on Sunday night, Dexter stopped


for a quick dinner at a small restaurant, then drove right home. It was just the three of


them. Kellan and Paige didn’t follow Dexter to the airport that day. On Saturday morning,


Jesse had called and said they wouldn’t be shooting any scenes that weekend. He’d said


that he wanted to stay in his hotel with Kellan and Paige and view the scenes he already


had. Dexter had a feeling Jesse was upset about what had happened Friday night and he


was avoiding Keel Cottage. But Dexter didn’t care and he didn’t ask questions. Jesse


shouldn’t have walked into his house unannounced. Besides, Dexter was more than


happy to have the entire weekend alone with Captain Lang. Lang had fucked him so


many times that weekend, and in so many different parts of the house, he could barely




On the drive back to Provincetown, Brighton talked about her trip to Hollywood


in the back seat of the car until her eyes grew heavy and her head fell back. Before she


closed her eyes, she said it had been nice seeing Michael, but she’d missed Dexter and


Cleo and she was happy to be home.


Marion rode in the front seat with Dexter. Her feet were crossed at the ankles and


her fingers were wrapped around the handle on her purse. When Dexter knew Brighton


was sleeping, he rubbed his jaw and asked Marion, “How was Michael?” “He was fine, Mr. Moore,” she said. “We had a lovely time. It was good for


Brighton. She loves him very much.” She smiled and stared at the dark road through the




But Dexter wanted more information. He had a feeling she wasn’t telling him


everything. “What is his new condo like? Is it nice?”


Marion frowned and stared down at her pocketbook. She fumbled with the leather


handle for a moment, then said, “It’s very small. But it’s nice. He has a room all set up


for Brighton. I slept in his bedroom and he slept on the sofa.”


“I see.”


Then Marion took a deep breath and sighed. “I know it’s none of my business, Mr.


Moore. But I think he’s having serious trouble with money. The condo is small. I


couldn’t help overhearing a few things while he was talking on the phone. I tried not to


listen, but he was outside on the balcony. The balcony was right next to the bathroom and


I couldn’t get out fast enough.”


Dexter frowned. “It’s okay, Marion,” he said. “I know you’d never eavesdrop on


purpose. What did you hear?”


“I know he’s working on a new project,” she said. “It’s some kind of TV show


he’s pitching to a few networks next month. But I also heard him talking to someone


about the condo he just bought. He has a mortgage and he’s not sure if he’s going to be


able to make the payments. I even heard him say he might lose it to the bank.” She sighed


and shook her head. “I didn’t want to hear these things, Mr. Moore. It was wrong.” Dexter took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “I know you didn’t,


Marion. But I’m glad you told me about this. You didn’t do anything wrong, and I’m not


going to repeat this to anyone.”


Marion smoothed out her skirt and said, “Thank you, Mr. Moore. It will be so


good to sleep in my own bed tonight. I missed Keel Cottage.” She pressed her finger to


her lips and hesitated. “If I might ask, Mr. Moore, did anything unusual happen while you


were alone this weekend?”


Dexter laughed. “Nothing at all, Marion,” he said. “It was a quiet, boring




On Monday morning, Jesse and the crew came back to Keel Cottage and started


shooting again. Jesse smiled and joked around as if nothing had ever happened, and


Dexter went right along with him. They were in the kitchen sipping coffee and Marion


was preparing breakfast for Brighton. Captain Lang stood in the corner of the room, with


his arms folded across his chest. Cleo was on the floor by his feet. Lang was quiet, for the


most part, but when he thought Dexter wasn’t looking he played a few harmless jokes on


Jesse. Whenever Jesse would put down his coffee mug, Lang would push it very slowly


to the other side of the counter. When Jesse put his cell phone on the counter, Lang


purposely swiped it to the floor. Each time something like this happened, Jesse would just


smile and pretend there was nothing wrong. But his eyebrow started to twitch and his


voice always went up an octave higher.


Later that day, while the crew was on a lunch break, Dexter went up to his study


and phoned Michael. He began by thanking Michael for taking care of Brighton, then


slowly worked money into the conversation. He didn’t hold back. He told Michael he knew about his financial troubles and offered to pay off the mortgage on his condo.


Captain Lang stood beside the fireplace and listened. Dexter didn’t mind; he had no


secrets from Lang.


When Michael refused to take Dexter’s money, Captain Lang’s eyebrows went up.


But Dexter insisted. He told Michael that he wanted him to have a place to live and that


he always wanted Brighton to have a safe place to go when she went out to Hollywood to


visit him. Michael had a huge ego and a strong stubborn streak; he liked to be the


breadwinner and he liked to be in control. It wasn’t easy for Dexter to convince him to


accept money or any other kind of support.


After an hour of talking, they finally agreed Dexter would pay off the mortgage


on Michael’s condo and Dexter would pay the monthly condo fees, taxes, and other bills


until Michael’s new project got off the ground. Michael didn’t jump up and down


shouting praise, but he did quietly thank Dexter at the end of the conversation. Dexter


could tell by the tone of his voice that he was sincere.


When Dexter hung up, Captain Lang frowned. “I have to admit. That was a nice


thing to do. I don’t think I would have done it.”


Dexter shrugged. “We have a child together and I want our relationship to always


remain amicable for Brighton’s sake. When we split up it was hard on her. There are few


things more difficult than telling your child that her happy childhood is over, her family


doesn’t exist anymore, and that life will never be the same again. She was devastated. But


the fact that we’ve always been able to remain good friends has given her reassurance.


Besides, I still love Michael. I know that I’ll never go back with him, and I’m not in love


with him anymore. But I do have feelings for him. And I don’t want to see him suffer. He’s good at production and he has a good reputation in Hollywood. He’ll be back on his


feet soon enough.”


Captain Lang frowned. “I think this is very noble of you,” he said. “But I have to


ask one thing. If you pay off his home and take on all his bills until he does get back on


his feet, how are you going to do it? Did this TV show really pay you that much? I’m not


prying. I’m just worried about you, Dexter.”


Dexter took a quick, shallow breath. “I’m okay for now,” he said. “I can handle


Keel Cottage and Michael’s bills for a while if I’m careful and I budget well. But I’m still


going to have to find another source of income. I need something solid that will provide


security.” He stood up and crossed to where Captain Lang was standing. He put his arms


around Lang’s shoulders and rested his head on Lang’s chest. “I don’t want to have to go


back to Hollywood to make money. I want to stay here, in Keel Cottage, where I’m




Later that afternoon, Jesse Barlow wanted to get a scene of Dexter taking down


all the Halloween decorations with Brighton. Kellan and Paige stood at the far end of the


front porch with the camera, and Jesse directed them from the front lawn. It was a cool,


breezy afternoon. Marion’s shawl kept falling off her shoulder whenever she lifted her


arm to remove the decorations from the Halloween tree. Captain Lang was sitting on a


wicker loveseat and Cleo was resting next to his feet.


When the black tree was empty and the Halloween lights had been removed,


Dexter took it apart in three sections and shoved it into a large cardboard box. He closed


the lid and taped it shut. Brighton was standing next to him, wrapping a strand of lights around her small wrist. She frowned and said, “I hate to see the tree come down. It was
BOOK: The Ghost and Mr. Moore
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