Read The Earl's Passionate Plot Online

Authors: Susan Gee Heino

The Earl's Passionate Plot (9 page)

BOOK: The Earl's Passionate Plot
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"Renford Hall, yes. Our lands... that is,
lands, go as far as that distant tree line there, and all the way to the river on the far side. You cannot see that from here, but this farm house you see with the thatched roof is the nearest edge of the property."

"Indeed, that is quite an expanse. I had no idea."

"No, it seems you have no idea about a lot of things," she said. "Miss Vandenhoff, for example... I'm not certain things are going quite the way we hoped."

"You don't? But she hasn't insulted any of us for more than an hour now. I think that marks great progress, don't you?"

A smile played at the corners of his lips and his eyes sparkled when they fixed on her. Heavens, but if the man could ever be bothered to look at Miss Vandenhoff in this manner, surely she would fall under his spell in that moment. As it was, Mariah had to glance away quickly for her own personal well-being.

"I don't know if it is progress in the right direction, though. Aren't you concerned that yo
ur cousin is a bit too..."

"A bit too
, Miss Langley?"

"Well, he talks a lot. Have you not noticed?"

"You do not find that ingratiating?"

"I have nothing against him and he seems perfectly charming. It's just that
to compare the two of you... well, you must admit you are not very much alike."

"Are we supposed to be?"

"No, of course not. It's just that when ladies are involved it is safe to assume that not every gentleman will appeal to every lady."

"So you have been considering our appeal and comparing us. How interesting. Tell me, then, where do I rank, in your estimation?"

"You? Well, that's what I wanted to discuss with you."

"I am eager to hear your opinion on the matter. Would you have me be more of a conversationalist like my cousin, or should I do
better as a man of action?"

He was standing very close to her now and it was oddly difficult to breathe. She tried to raise her eyes up to meet his, but somehow her gaze remained stuck on the broad expanse of his chest and the powerful spread of his shoulders.
He'd abandoned the full black attire she'd been used to seeing him in and today he wore crisp white linen, his cravat tied in a careless knot just below his chin. His chin... yes, she could get her eyes up to his chin and appreciate the firm set of his jaw, the amused quirk to his lips. Indeed, the man hardly needed to rely on conversation to highlight his appeal.

. Of course. That's what was needed where Miss Vandenhoff was concerned. Time was of the essence and clearly conversation was not the man's forte. He should simply sweep the heiress off her feet and have done with it. He must know how to do that, mustn't he?

"Conversation can only go so far, don't you think? Surely by now it is time for action,
my lord."

Could it be possible that he was even closer to her now? She could feel the sun's heat radiating off of him. His eyes still sparked, but this time it was the smolder of dancing embers she saw in them. And they drew her. Where she hadn't been able to meet them before, now that she did she was held there, her gaze captured by his
and perfectly content to remain there.

Too late, she realized his eyes weren't the only thing holding her. Somehow his hands had come up to touch her, to rest on her shoulders and bring her slowly toward him. She blinked, but that did nothing to break the spell she was under. The rest of the world suddenly seemed very, very far away and she was only aware of him.

"How about this action?" he asked softly, trailing his fingers over her shoulder, along her collar bone, and up to her cheek where he brushed her skin gently.

Her voice was hopelessly gone so she merely nodded. By heavens, if he were to do this to Miss Vandenhoff it would most certainly work in his favor!

"And perhaps even this?" he said, pressing her close against him as he stroked her lightly at the nape of her neck.

Oh, but she liked that. Of course she shouldn't like it,
yet there was no denying that she did. The man might be an utter failure at conversation, but he certainly did know a thing or two about action. Her dratted eyelids seemed to forget that now was probably not the best time for her to be taking lessons from him. They drooped involuntarily, falling entirely shut as he pulled her tighter against his broad, heated body.

"And this?" he murmured.

First she felt his warm breath against her face, and then his lips touched hers. Sparks like tiny tingles of lightning flashed inside of her. They shot through her limbs, igniting her nerves and prickling outward through her skin. Her knees sagged and she wrapped her arms around the earl to keep herself from crumbling. Also, to keep him from ending this before she could fully comprehend what it was.

His lips brushed hers. She waited there, motionless, willing her eyes to open but happy they did not so she could concentrate fully on the man's lips. They gave merely a tentative nibble at first, but as her heart pounded in anticipation that quickly turned into something more. She was at a loss how to respond, but he held her so close
ly and controlled her so effortlessly that soon she knew exactly what to do.

She kissed him back.

Her lips gave in to his, yielding for him and yet at the same time eager to devour him for herself. The lightning continued to race inside her, setting fires inside her that burned in the most delightful way. It hardly mattered that she couldn't even breathe just now.

It must have mattered to Dovington, though. Eventually he pulled back from her, breaking off the kiss and allowing her some much-needed oxygen to clear her brain. She still clung to him as the world spun around her.

"I quite agree with you, Miss Langley," he said when her eyes drifted open just enough to gaze up at him. "Conversation is highly overrated. I shall rely on action whenever possible now."

It took a moment to collect her thoughts and put words into some sense of order.
And her voice? It took another moment longer to find that.

"If you rely on actions like those, sir, you will have Miss Vandenhoff
swooning at your feet in no time. Just as you hoped, she'll be begging to attach her fortune to your title."

His classical brow furrowed and for a moment he appeared confused. "Her fortune with
title? But I—"

The nearby bark of a dog startled them both. His arms tightened around her but she could turn her head enough to see a
black and white collie dog trotting up the sloping hillside toward them. She recognized the animal immediately and knew the dog's owner could not be far behind.

Realization of where she was and what she was doing slammed into her and she pushed herself away from the earl. He let her go but the confusion on his face only deepened. It took
but a moment to be replaced by understanding once a man's form could be seen coming into view on the path alongside the stream below them. The earl swore under his breath and stepped away from her.

The dog raced ahead of her master and came to dance around the two on the ridge. The man below waved and called out a greeting. M
ariah steadied herself and waved at him. He began heading their way.

The collie nuzzled
Dovington's leg as he patted its head. His smoldering glance toward Mariah made her suddenly dizzy. She'd best douse any lingering heat immediately, before their guest might reach them and notice.

"This is Bess," she said, indicating the dog. "And that is her master, Mr.
Ben Skrewd. He is our curate."


Chapter 12

So he'd very nearly been discovered by the local curate, manhandling Miss Langley and enjoying every moment of it? Well, thank heavens for barking dogs, Dovington supposed
. Truth be told, though, he would have much rather been
interrupted altogether. When Miss Langley said she preferred action to conversation, she hadn't been lying. Her eager response had been all the conversation he needed to know this was not going to be the last time he got the woman into his arms.

For now, though, he'd best get his mind off that and behave in a civilized manner. The young curate had been introduced as Mr. Skrewd and he seemed amiable enough. Perhaps even too much, as it seemed he and Miss Langley were on very friendly terms.

They joined the rest of the group and for a time all attention was on the simple, but very nicely done, chalk sketch that Miss Renford had been creating. Ned was, perhaps, being overly effusive in his praise of the girl's talent, but Dovington would not fault him for that. Anything that might give reason to Miss Vanderhoff for approving of Ned's behavior was commendable.

The pleasantries and chatter went on far longer than the earl could
manage, though. His focus was continually wandering off to consider the soft curves of Miss Langley's form, the elegant arc of her neck and the recollection of just how enticing those elements had been in his arms, under his touch. Her full lips were still pink with the glow from his kiss and he could barely take his eyes from them.

When he finally was distracted from her it was to realize she'd been asking him a question.

"Will you, my lord?" she repeated.

His first instinct was to consent to whatever she might be asking him, but good sense won out and he thought he might do well to at least clarify first.

"I... er, will I what?"

"Attend our ball," she replied, her eyes flashing and her voice clipped.

A ball?
Good God, was that what the group had been rambling about? He must have been much deeper in thought than he'd known. The last thing he wanted to attend was some country ball with a pack of curious rustics showing up to ogle him. Then again, it would be an excellent way to put Ned and Miss Vandenhoff together. He hated to admit it, but Miss Langley did seem to have a good idea here.

"Yes, I should think that if you are planning a ball, I will likely attend," he
conceded. "When are you to schedule this thing?"

"In three days!" Miss Renford chimed eagerly. "I don't think that is too short a time at all. It does not have to be a fancy ball, and it would be so wonderful to finally have a group of young people all together for such an

Apparently Miss Langley had doubted the notion of
pulling together such an undertaking in but three days, and the earl was tempted to agree. Who would even attempt such a thing? But Miss Langley sighed and gave in to her sister.

"I suppose you are correct," she said with a smile. "We rarely have such friends in our company and I agree that a ball would be just the thing. Somehow we'll make it work."

Miss Renford clapped her hands in excitement, chalk dust flying up in a puff around her. Even Miss Vandenhoff agreed that perhaps a ball would not be the worst thing they could do with their time. Ned clearly approved, and the curate offered to invite some musicians he knew. There would be a ball in three days' time at Renford Hall and, oddly enough, Lord Dovington was actually looking forward to it.

Not only would he have an excuse to dance with Miss Langley, but there could be no better time than a ball to announce an engagement. All his efforts here would pay off and the Vandenhoff fortune would soon be at the disposal of the future Earl of Dovington. The family name would be saved and he could lay down his heavy burden, finally.

He would, of course, have to set Miss Langley straight on one tiny detail. It seemed she was under the mistaken impression that he was hoping to win Miss Vandenhoff for himself. No wonder the chit had been so determined to interrupt every time Ned seemed to be making some headway. He had to hide a chuckle as he thought of the ridiculous misunderstanding.

As if
could ever marry Miss Vandenhoff! What a thought. Once they were back at the house, he'd have to find opportunity to get Miss Langley alone and inform her of the situation.

If he could pry her away from this curate, of course. Dash it all, but the chit seemed absolutely joined at the hip with this man now that he'd turned up. Yes, the dog was a pleasant addition to their little group, but Dovington found he could not enjoy Mr. Skrewd's presence.

Certainly not nearly as much as Miss Langley appeared to.


After surviving the afternoon's outing and arriving home without making the mistake of finding herself alone with the earl again, Mariah escaped up to her room for a couple hours of much needed rest. Not that she'd actually been able to rest. No, her mind had been far too busy, a jumble of planning and concern and, well, memories of certain things she was now desperate to forget.

The earl had kissed her! Indeed, he'd kissed her quite soundly and she'd done nothing to stop him. In fact, she was quite certain she'd made his work easier for him, pressing herself up against him and holding on, letting her lips explore his as if she were eager for whatever more he might offer. Good heavens, but if Mr. Skrewd and Bess had not come along she could only imagine what she might have let herself get up to.

The man was a sorcerer. All her life she'd taken great care never to let herself be swayed by such things. She'd never even dreamed that she might actually enjoy it! Now here it was dinner time already and she still could hardly think of anything else.

Something was different inside her, something deep in her core was humming now and the more she thought of the earl's flashing smile, his penetrating gaze, or the masterful way his lips caressed hers and sent her mind soaring off in a hundred new directions... well, the humming grew louder. How on earth was she going to sit at table with him tonight and not give herself away?

But the dinner hour was on them and there was no avoiding it. She'd dressed in one of her nicer gowns
—simply because it was handy and the maid had suggested it, not because she knew it flattered her figure just so—and made sure her hair looked especially tidy. One of Ella's ribbons matched the gown perfectly so it only made sense to have it woven into her curls. Nothing special. Her last furtive glance in the mirror assured her she looked more than presentable.

Coming down the main staircase, she was just in ti
me for the arrival of Mr. Skrewd. He'd been invited to join them tonight and Mariah was exceedingly glad for it. They'd have a large party and that would certainly help keep focus off of her. She smiled as the footman ushered Mr. Skrewd inside and collected his things.

"How nice to have you join us tonight," she greeted, allowing him to take her hand and bow over it politely.

"Thank you so much for inviting me. I hope I am on time," he replied. "I know you have guests and I would hate to make anyone wait on me."

"You are directly on time. Here, come into the drawing room and we'll see who else is gathering now."

She led him in through the nearby doorway and was slightly surprised to find the room empty. Apparently all her agitation had prodded her to be quick in her preparations and she was the first of their household to come down. No matter. This would give her an excellent opportunity to cover an important matter with Mr. Skrewd.

"I see we are the first. Perhaps, then, we can discuss that little item we've been working on. How are things going for it?"

"Oh, you mean Bess's pups?" he said, not comprehending her careful use of hushed tones and subtlety. "They are quite well! The one with the white spot on its nose that you selected for your sister is very much the little clown, actually."

"Shh! It is to be a surprise, remember? I haven't mentioned anything about it to Ella, so please do not give me away. I do so want her to be surprised."

"Ah yes, of course." He dropped his voice and took a step closer to her to preserve their privacy. "I'm so sorry. You are kindness indeed to think of her that way."

"She has long wanted a pet
. Mamma was very easy to convince when I told her the sad story of how you rescued poor Bess when she was abandoned. You are quite kind yourself, I daresay. But now you have all these fat little pups who need homes. Have you had any luck with that?"

"I have, thankfully. Your farmer, Mr. Turner, will take one, and Mrs. Smith out on the Southhampton road will take another. Soon they will all be spoken for, I believe."

"I'm so happy to hear it."

ought to be ready to go in just a few days."

"Really? Do you think even by the day of our ball? I should love to surprise Ella after the ball."

"Yes, they will be ready by then. She will never suspect a puppy
a ball on the same day, will she?"

They huddled together to plot their surprise.
Mariah asked what sort of food she ought to have on hand, and Mr. Skrewd told her of the antics she would need to expect. Shoes, apparently, would become prime targets if she did not keep them carefully up, and there would need to be frequent trips out of doors—even at night!—until the pup learned to control itself better.

So deep in discussion were they that she did not even notice someone had come into the room with them. Lord Dovington's loud
caught her attention and made her jump as if caught in some childish mischief. Heat reared up in her cheeks and she prayed he might not notice.

"Pardon me," he said. "Am I interrupting?"

She smiled politely in his general direction. He looked so elegant in his tidy dinner attire that she didn't dare meet his eyes. He might detect just how pleased she was to see him.

"No, of course not
," she replied. "We are just waiting for dinner to be announced. It seems we are head of the others."

I see. How fortunate that you've kept yourselves well entertained in everyone's absence."

She did not like what his tone implied. "It's amazing that polite conversation can be so engaging, isn't it? You ought to try it some time, my lord."

"Polite conversation? No, I much prefer actions, Miss Langley."

The knowing smirk he gave her nearly seared a hole in the wallpaper behind her. She was enormously thankful that her mother and sister appeared in the doorway behind him at that point. He was prevented from tormenting her any more
, though her guilty conscience knew she certainly deserved it for that dreadful lapse in judgment just hours ago.

"I see our guest has arrived already," Mamma said, nodding to the earl as she entered the room
but then fixing her smile on the curate. "How nice to have you with us again, Mr. Skrewd."

"I always enjoy my
time with you, Mrs. Renford. Thank you so much for including me. I look forward to meeting the rest of the party. Miss Vandenhoff and her parents will be joining us, I assume?"

"Of course," Mamma replied. "Ah, here they are now."

Everyone shifted as the Vandenhoffs entered the room and made themselves comfortable. Introductions were made and Mr. Vandenhoff asked how the picnic had gone, giving everyone opportunity to rave about the excellent views and even more excellent weather. Thankfully, nothing was said about the fact that Mariah was lured off alone with a certain glowering gentleman.

She would not look at him and give him the satisfaction of knowing that every word spoken about the picnic today served only to make her relive over and over again
those foolish moments in his arms. He would never know how it affected her, and she would certainly never allow it to happen again. No matter how much she might want to.

"But where is Mr. Chadburne?" Ella asked after a few casual minutes.

"I believe he went into the village," the earl replied. "He said something about posting some letters. I expect he'll be back any minute now. I know he would never want to keep any of us waiting."

He turned a generous smile on Miss Vandenhoff and Mariah was most disappointed in herself when she detected the slightest hint of jealously. How aggravating that the heiress should get such a pleasant expression from the man while she herself merited only a lecherous smirk. Not that she wanted anything at all from him, smiling or smirking or otherwise.
No indeed.

All she was after where the earl was concerned was to have him out of her house. She'd do well to keep herself firmly reminded of this. Dinner tonight would provide a well needed opportunity to
progress toward that goal and with Miss Vandenhoff seeming less anxious and ill-tempered than usual, things were looking up.

If Mariah could only stop looking up at the earl. Every time she caught sight of him across the room her heart toppled over sideways inside her chest. The dreadful man had no right to do this to her
. Even though he likely had no idea of it, she vowed hold it against him. Forever.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!"

It was Mr. Chadburne bursting in, hat in hand and a boyish grin on his face. Mamma assured him he was right on time and, sure enough, the housekeeper announced dinner just at that very moment. In the most orderly, genial fashion the earl led them in to dinner and everything seemed—for these few moments, at least—right with the world.

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