Read The Earl and the Governess: An Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Alison Shaw

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #sex, #bisexual, #threesome, #menage, #regency, #historical 1800s, #servant and master

The Earl and the Governess: An Erotic Romance (23 page)

BOOK: The Earl and the Governess: An Erotic Romance
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One December morning, Johnson was in a light
slumber induced by some vigorous sex instigated by a randy Rafe,
when a knocking on the front door wakened him. Puzzled to whom it
could be, he quickly struggled into his clothes and hurried

When Rafe saw Charlotte standing by his bed
he thought he was dreaming, and it was not until he noticed that
she was wearing a thick wool gown he realised she was real. He had
never seen her in winter clothes before. Her lovely auburn hair was
pinned up, her cheeks were red from the cold outside, and she was
staring at him as if he were an apparition too.

Come here Charlotte,”
he said to her, his voice trembling. “Let
me see you.”

She stood by the bed, her hands shaking.

Come closer. Come and sit next to me,” he
said as if she were a timid deer.

She perched on the edge of the bed and he was
suddenly reminded of her occasional coyness, how sometimes she
would act the proper little governess even though he knew too well,
that she was not proper at all. It made his mouth water as he
realised that she was allowing him to seduce her again. He was rock
hard at the thought.

He laughed, despite his sudden ardor. “Oh
Charlotte, why so shy?” then moving near her, he stroked the soft
pale skin at the nape of her neck with his fingertips. Feeling her
tremble under him, he couldn't keep it in any longer, and crying,
“God, I've missed you!” he pushed her down onto the bed and wildly
pulled at her clothes, desperate to have her naked and under him
once again. He was a little too aggressive with her gown, hearing
the sound of ripping seams as he tugged it off her but in no time
at all, there she was, all creamy curves and endless legs and in
his bed. Pushing those endless legs apart he set upon her like a
starving man, feeding on her until she was writhing under him and
crying out his name. Then he held her knees apart and thrust into
her, revelling in how she stared up at him with glazed eyes and
came apart around him with ecstatic little cries as he kept on
pounding and pounding into her.

As they fell asleep in each other's arms,
Rafe realised that this was the first time they had been completely
naked together, flesh against flesh.



He woke later to find Johnson in bed with
them. It did not shock him. In fact, it felt strangely natural and
even when Johnson kissed Charlotte with a surprising passion, all
Rafe felt was arousal; an arousal so powerful he felt it in every
cell of his body, including his bruised heart. The three of them
were meant to be together! This became even more abundantly clear
when Johnson watched Rafe slip inside Charlotte, the expression on
his face so full of wonder that Rafe could feel his cum already
churning, and when Charlotte began to jerk Johnson's cock, Rafe
came so suddenly he almost passed out.



They stayed in bed all day, Johnson
occasionally getting up to build the fire. All three of them felt
as if they had discovered a new world, one in which they could all
be happy beyond their wildest dreams, but as night turned into
morning and they could hear the milkmaids calling down the street
their mood became more sombre.

Charlotte lay between the men, Rafe's head
resting on her breast, Johnson propped up on his elbow watching
them both with a gentle expression.

Stay here with us,”
Rafe said, as her hair tickled his

How can she do that?”
Johnson asked, ever the pragmatic one.
“Society has shunned you, she'll be branded as nothing more than a

I care nothing of society,”
Rafe barked pulling himself up
to glare at Johnson.

You may not. You’re rich enough not to
but are you going
to live locked up in this house forever?”

Rafe glared at him angrily, his hair flopping
over his forehead.

“I cannot live like this,” Johnson said
quietly. “I doubt Charlotte can either.”

I knew it,” Rafe hissed.

I knew you would leave
me, you selfish coward!”

At that, Charlotte pulled herself up to a
sitting position also. “Stop it!” she cried, tears welling up in
her eyes. “Stop it the pair of you!”

Rafe took her in his arms.

I'm sorry, but I have
missed you and I never want to be apart from you again.”

Charlotte pulled herself away from him and
instinctively moving closer to Johnson she said, “You broke my
heart, Rafe.”

Johnson lay a warm hand on her shoulder.

You broke my heart when you almost
married. Who's to say you won't treat me like that

I won't!”
Rafe cried, hearing the desperation in his own
voice. “And especially not when you are having my

Johnson's hand stiffened on Charlotte's
shoulder and she flinched.

It's true isn't it?” Rafe asked quietly.
“You are having a child?”
and his eyes moved to Charlotte's midriff, which she
covered protectively with a hand.

Is it true, Charlotte?”
Johnson whispered behind her and she
turned to find his big brown eyes full of a new kind of

Rafe had been about to say something too
but his words died on his lips as he saw the look pass between
Charlotte and Johnson. “Oh no,” he said, shaking his head. “Oh no,
not that. Please not that!”

I don't know who the father is,”
Charlotte said in a steady
voice relieved to be finally telling the truth. “I don't know which
of you is the father.”

Johnson's dark eyes settled on Rafe who
steadily returned his gaze, a million thoughts racing across his
indigo eyes, and after what seemed like an eternity he gave a sigh
and then much to everyone's amazement smiled wryly.

You are a bastard, Eddie Johnson,” he said
in a tired voice, “A randy bastard who can't keep his prick in his
breeches,” and his hand rested on Johnson's knee. “But I love you,
God help me.” His hand moved to Charlotte's knee, “And I love you
too, Charlotte Kemp, with all my heart.” His hand moved to her
belly and gently stroked her, “And I will love this child, whoever
his father is.”

Oh Rafe,”
Charlotte choked, a tear escaping down her

Johnson gulped and said in a strangled
voice, “But where will we go? We can't stay here?”

Rafe said blessing them both with a radiant smile.
“I've done with all these society hypocrites! Let us all go to
France and do exactly as we please! Let's fuck until we can't fuck
any longer!”

And laughing the two men pushed Charlotte
back into the pillows and kissed her belly until she was squealing
for mercy.




~The End~

BOOK: The Earl and the Governess: An Erotic Romance
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